All exterior facades of an office, retail, restaurant, and commercial building or structure, excluding glass windows and doors, shall be constructed using the permitted buildings materials in article 4, § 4.8.2 (B. & C).
All exterior facades for a main building or structure, excluding glass windows and doors, in the O, DTR, NS, R, DTC, C, and CC Districts shall be constructed of 100 percent masonry as defined in article 3, division 2. The use of stucco and EIFS are only permitted as secondary or accent materials.
The Town Council, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, may grant an exception to the foregoing exterior façade and design requirements, based upon consideration of the criteria listed in subpart 2, below.
In considering an exception to the exterior façade requirements, the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council may consider whether a proposed alternate material:
Is a unique architectural expression;
Includes unique building styles and materials;
Is consistent with high quality development;
Is or would be visually harmonious with existing or proposed nearby buildings;
Has obvious merit based upon the quality and durability of the materials; and
Represents an exterior building material that is in keeping with the intent of this chapter to balance the abovementioned objectives.
Any exterior façade exception shall be considered in conjunction with a preliminary site plan or site plan application.
Permitted primary exterior materials are clay fired brick, natural, precast, and manufactured stone, granite, and marble. Architectural concrete block, split face concrete masonry unit, and architecturally finished concrete tilt wall may be used for big box uses.
Secondary materials used on the façade of a building are those that comprise a total of ten percent or less of an elevation area. Permitted secondary materials are all primary materials, aluminum or other metal, cedar or similar quality decorative wood, stucco, and high impact exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS). Stucco and EIFS are only permitted a minimum of nine feet above grade.
No single material shall exceed 80 percent of an elevation area. A minimum of 20 percent of the front façade and all facades facing public right-of-way shall be natural or manufactured stone. A minimum of ten percent of all other facades shall be natural or manufactured stone.
All buildings with a footprint of less than 10,000 square feet and located 100 feet or less from a residential zoning district shall incorporate a pitched, gabled, mansard, hipped, or otherwise sloped roof. All sloped roofs shall have a six in 12-inch minimum slope. All buildings with a footprint of less than 10,000 square feet and located 100 feet or greater from a residential zoning district shall incorporate a pitched, gabled, mansard, hipped, or otherwise sloped roof, or a flat roof with an articulated parapet wall or cornice. Wood shingles are prohibited. Composition shingles are allowed provided they have architectural detail and a minimum 30 year life.
All buildings with a footprint of 10,000 square feet and greater shall incorporate sloped roof elements including, but not limited to pitched roofs on towers or arcades, sloped awnings, sloped parapets. Flat roofs are permitted with an articulated parapet wall or cornice in place of the required sloped roof elements. The sloped elements shall be provided along a minimum of 60 percent of each wall's length. All sloped roof elements shall have a six in 12-inch minimum slope. Wood shingles are prohibited. Composition shingles are allowed provided they have architectural detail and a minimum 30 year life.
All buildings shall be designed to incorporate a form of architectural articulation every 30 feet, both horizontally along each wall's length and vertically along each wall's height. Acceptable articulation may include the following:
Canopies, awnings, or porticos;
Display windows, including a minimum sill height of 30 inches;
Architectural details (such as tile work and moldings) integrated into the building facade;
Articulated ground floor levels or base;
Articulated cornice line;
Integrated planters or wing walls that incorporate landscape and sitting areas;
Offsets, reveals or projecting rib used to express architectural or structural bays; or
Varied roof heights;
All buildings shall be designed to incorporate a form of window articulation. Acceptable articulation may include the following:
Detailed/patterned mullions
Glass depth from wall min. eight inches
Projected awnings/sunshades
Water table in lieu of floor to ceiling glass
Articulated lintel (i.e. soldier course in brick or material change EIFS or cast stone with min. ½" projection)
Articulated sill (i.e. soldier course in brick or material change EIFS or cast stone with min. ½" projection)
Cast stone surrounds on entire window
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All buildings constructed primarily of brick shall incorporate a form of brick patterning (excluding typical traditional brick patterning, i.e. Running Bond). Acceptable patterning may include those represented below, or similar subject to approval by the Director of Development Services:
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All buildings shall be architecturally finished on all four sides with same materials, detailing, and features except the rear if two rows of trees are planted on the perimeter behind the building. In this case, the architectural finish must match the remainder of the building in color only. A double row of trees on offset 50 foot centers in a 15-foot landscape edge, where 50 percent of the trees are canopy evergreen trees. This is for facades that are not visible from public streets and apply to anchor buildings and attached in line spaces only. This provision does not apply to "out" buildings or pad sites.
Windows shall have a maximum exterior visible reflectivity of ten percent. The intent of this provision is to prevent the safety hazard of light reflecting from the windows on to adjacent roadways.
All retail/commercial buildings with facades greater than 200 feet in length shall incorporate wall plane projections or recesses that are at least six feet deep. Projections/recesses must be at least 25 percent of the length of the facade. No uninterrupted length of facade may exceed 100 feet in length. This requirement does not apply to building developed and occupied entirely for office uses.
All buildings within a common development, as shown on a preliminary site plan, shall have similar architectural styles, materials, and colors.
Conceptual facade plans and sample boards shall be submitted with the preliminary site plan application for all non-residential uses. The purpose of the conceptual facade plan is to ensure consistency and compatibility for all buildings within a single development. Facade plans will be used only to ensure minimum standards are met.
A final facade plan and sample boards shall be submitted with the final site plan application for all non-residential uses. Facade plans will be used only to ensure minimum standards are met. Façade plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee. The applicant may appeal the decision to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council using the appeal procedure in article 4, division 1 of this Ordinance.
All primary and secondary exterior building materials (exclusive of glass) shall be of natural texture and shall be neutrals, creams, or other similar, non-reflective earth tone colors. Bright, reflective, pure tone primary or secondary colors, such as red, orange, yellow, blue, violet, or green are not permitted.
Corporate identities that conflict with the building design criteria shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and approved by the Director of Development Services or his/her designee. The applicant may appeal the decision to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council using the appeal procedure in article 4, division 1 of this Ordinance.
Exposed conduit, ladders, utility boxes, and drain spouts shall be painted to match the color of the building or an accent color. Natural metal finishes (patina) are an acceptable alternative to paint.
Unclassified non-residential uses (i.e. amenity centers) which are permitted in residential districts shall develop in accordance with the office, retail, restaurant, service, automobile, and commercial development standards.
The Town Council may approve materials which are equivalent to, or exceed, the standards set forth in article 4, § 4.9.8 (A & C), above.
Downtown development standards are as follows:
In the DTR and DTC Districts, an articulated parapet wall or cornice may be used in place of the sloped roof as required in § 4.8.2(E) and (F) above.
In the DTR and DTC Districts, all windows shall include a minimum sill height of 18 inches.
In the DTO District, cementatious fiber board may be used on up to 90 percent of a structure.
Roof pitches of a main building or structure in the DTO District shall meet the following:
A minimum of 65 percent of the surface area of composition roofs shall maintain a minimum roof pitch of 8:12.
A minimum of 75 percent of the surface area of clay tile, cement tile, slate or slate products, or metal roofs shall maintain a minimum roof pitch of 3:12.
Wood roof shingles are prohibited.