False alarm service fees.
The holder of an alarm permit shall pay a service fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) if the permitted alarm site has had in excess of five but fewer than eight false alarms within the preceding 12-month period or one hundred dollars ($100.00) if the site has had in excess of seven (7) false alarms within the preceding 12-month period.
For any alarm notification for which a service fee is assessed, the chief of police has the authority to investigate the circumstances of the alarm and may waive the payment of the fee. Police responses to alarm calls for service in excess of thirty (30) minutes response time shall not result in a false alarm incident for the purposes of assessing service fees.
Permit fees.
Permit application.
An application for a permit shall be made by a person who owns, leases, resides at, or manages the alarm site.
The application and the required fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be submitted to the police department on a form provided by the department. Any false statement made by an applicant shall be investigated as a violation of V.T.C.A., Penal Code § 37.10, "tampering with governmental record," a third-degree felony.
An alarm permit is issued to an individual or corporate entity and is nontransferable and nonrefundable.
The date of issuance will be the date the application is processed.
A permit shall be issued for a one-year period.
Permit renewal and term; late fee.
An application to renew a permit must be submitted one month prior to the end of the term of the permit. The application must include the completed application for renewal and appropriate fees as described in the original application process in subsection (a)(2) above except that the renewal fee shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) per year after the year of the initial application. A late fee of five dollars ($5.00) will be assessed for untimely renewal applications. Permit holders not applying for renewal will be provided thirty (30) days' notice of nonrenewal of such permit prior to termination of the permit. The term of the renewal is one year.
(Ordinance 2024-O-012 adopted 4/24/2024)