It shall be the duty of the chief of police, all police officers, the health department official and dog or cat control officers of the city to enforce the provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)
It shall be unlawful for any keeper or owner of any dog or cat to permit such dog to run at-large within the city. As used in this section, the term "to run at-large" means to be free of restraint beyond the boundaries of the premises of the keeper. Any, such dog or cat when not upon the premises of its owner and which is controlled by a leash held by a competent person shall not be deemed running at-large.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)
It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse permission to, or refuse to permit any police officer, health department officer and dog or cat control officer to go in or upon any premises occupied or used by such person, when such officer is engaged in the discharge of his duties under this article.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)
It shall be unlawful to keep any dog in the city which by loud, frequent or habitual barking or howling shall cause annoyance and disturb the peace and quiet of any person. Video recorded barking continuously for at least fifteen (15) minutes constitutes as a public nuisance. Any such person who believes that there has been a violation of this section may file a compliant against the owner or keeper of such dog with the dog or cat control officer or police department.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)
It is illegal and prohibited by the state to sell or giveaway animals from the side of the road, at garage sales, flea markets, or festivals. Texas Penal Code chapter 42, section 6-118.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)
That all leashed or unleashed domestic animals are prohibited from the water parks, fenced playground areas, basketball pavilion and from all baseball and football fields or stadiums in the city. For the purpose of this chapter, baseball, softball, t-ball, and football field or stadium shall be defined by the fence surrounding such field.
That the owner or party responsible for any dog being allowed or caused to enter into the city shall, prior to allowing or causing the dog to be muzzled in such a manner and by such a device as to prevent the dog from being able to bite a person and to remain so muzzled for so long as the dog remains in the city.
That the city shall post signs in each such area notifying the public of the prohibition of leashed or unleashed animals.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)
It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to promptly remove and dispose of, in a sanitary manner, feces left by a dog or cat being handled by that person on property, public or private other than the premises of the owner or handler of such dog or cat.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)
A dog posing a threat to the safety of pedestrians, and others acts declared to be a nuisance.
Any dog in the city which poses a threat to the safety of pedestrians and/or vehicles on public roadways, or on public or private property or attacks other dog or cats, shall be deemed a nuisance;
Each owner shall exercise proper care and control of his dog or cat to prevent it from becoming a public nuisance.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)
Providing for abandonment, nonfeeding, torture, mistreatment, poisoning and striking of dog or cat with vehicle.
Any person who shall intentionally or knowingly abandons a dog or cat or dogs or cats in his custody within the corporate limits of the city shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any owner who shall fail to provide his dog or cat with sufficient good and wholesome food and water, proper shelter and protection from the weather, veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering, and with humane care and treatment shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
It shall be unlawful for any person to torture, torment, cruelly beat, mutilate or poison any dog or cat, or cause or procure any dog or cat to be treated as such, or for any person having charge or custody of any dog or cat, either as owner or otherwise, to inflict unnecessary cruelty upon it any person violating the provision hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any person who, as the operator of a motor vehicle, strikes dog or cat shall stop at once and render such assistance as may be possible and shall immediately report such injury or death, to law enforcement. Any person violating provision hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
No person shall expose any known poisonous matter, whether mixed with food or not, so that the same shall be liable to be eaten by any dog or cat, provided that it shall not be unlawful for a person to expose on his own property common rat poison mixed only with vegetable substance. Any person violating the provision hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)
No dog of dangerous, vicious or fierce propensities or tendencies may be at-large at any time within the limits of the city, and it shall be unlawful for the owner or other person having any such dog in possession or under control, or in any manner keeping or harboring any such dog within the limits of the city to cause or permit any such dog to be at-large in the city.
Any dangerous or vicious dog having dangerous or vicious propensities and tendencies found at-large after its owner has previous knowledge or notice that such dog is dangerous or vicious or has dangerous or vicious propensities and tendencies, may be killed by any police officer of the city without such officer having to catch or impound such dog.
(Ordinance 394 adopted 2/11/2020; Ordinance 441 adopted 7/11/2023; Ordinance 451 adopted 4/9/2024)