For purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
Plastic or paper sacks designed to store garbage, refuse, rubbish, and/or yard waste with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top.
Bulky waste.
Stoves, refrigerators (free of CFCs), water tanks, washing machines, furniture and other residential waste materials other than construction debris, dead animals, hazardous waste or stable matter. No individual bulky waste item shall exceed one hundred (100) pounds in weight.
Tree, shrub and brush trimmings or newspaper and magazines securely tied together, forming an easily handled package not exceeding four (4) feet in length, three (3) inches in diameter, or thirty-five (35) pounds in weight. Limbs within the bundle must be no more than four (4) inches in diameter.
A portable, watertight container for residential refuse with a capacity of greater than 20 gallons but less than or equal to 95 gallons constructed of plastic, metal or fiberglass, having handles of adequate strength for lifting, and having a tightfitting lid capable of preventing entrance into the container by vectors. The mouth of a container shall have a diameter greater than or equal to that of the base. The weight of a container and its contents shall not exceed 100 pounds.
Commercial and industrial unit.
Any premises, location or entity, public or private, requiring frequent refuse collection within the corporate limits of the city and not a residential unit.
Commercial bin.
A metal receptacle designed to be lifted and emptied mechanically for use only at commercial and industrial units or multifamily complexes.
Commercial hauler.
A person in the business of collecting and transporting solid waste.
Construction debris.
Waste resulting from construction or demolition activities or that is directly or indirectly the byproduct of such activities, including, but not limited to, cartons, concrete, excelsior, gypsum board, metal, paper, plastic, rubber and wood products. Construction debris does not include hazardous waste, residential refuse, or bulky waste.
Dead animals.
Animals or portions thereof equal to or less than ten pounds in weight that have expired from any cause, except those slaughtered or killed for human use.
Any and all dead animals, except those slaughtered for human consumption, and every accumulation of waste (animal, vegetable and/or other matter) that results from the preparation, processing, consumption, dealing in, handling, packing, canning, storage, transportation, decay or decomposition of meats, fish, fowl, birds, fruits, grains or other animal or vegetable matter (including, but not by way of limitation, used tin cans and other food containers, and all putrescible or easily decomposable waste animal or vegetable matter which is likely to attract flies or rodents); except (in all cases) any matter included in the definition of "bulky waste," "construction debris," "dead animals," "hazardous waste," "rubbish," or "stable matter."
Hazardous waste.
Materials, in any amount, which are defined, characterized or designated as hazardous by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or appropriate state agency by or pursuant to federal or state law. For purposes of this article, the term "hazardous waste" shall also include motor oil, gasoline, paint and paint cans.
Any individual, partnership, company, corporation, association, firm, cooperative, resident, or any other entity public or private.
Any apartment, business, industrial or institutional building or residence where persons work or reside, where animal or vegetable food is prepared or served, or solid waste accumulates or occurs.
An occupant of a commercial and industrial unit, institution, construction site, or residential unit who generates refuse.
Recyclable material.
Corrugated cardboard, boxboard containers, food boxes (such as dry food boxes and frozen food containers), soda and beverage boxes and carriers, shoe boxes, newspapers (including slick paper inserts), magazines, catalogs, telephone books., wrapping paper, sticky notes, paperback books, paper bags, Kraft paper, chipboard, junk mail, junk mail inserts, residential mixed paper, high-grade paper, white and colored ledger, copier paper, office paper, laser printer paper, computer paper (including continuous-formed, perforated white bond or green bar paper), book paper, cotton fiber content paper, duplicator paper, form bond, paper envelopes, facsimile paper, manila folders;
Plastic containers: #1-#7 (excluding plastic bags and expanded polystyrene), such as bottles, cups, jugs, bowls, plastic eating utensils, other rigid plastics such as buckets, baskets, carriers, crates, toys (free of metal), laundry baskets, lawn furniture, pots and trays, dish drainers, trash cans, metal beverage containers, food cans, durable baking tins, metal and bi-metal containers with or without paper labels, rings and caps or lids;
Glass (including bottles and jars with paper labels, rings and caps or lids), excludes window glass, Pyrex, porcelain, china, ceramics, and light bulbs;
Other recyclable items of a similar nature.
Recycling cart.
A container designed for the curbside collection of recyclable materials constructed of heavy-duty plastic, with attached lid and wheels.
Residential customer.
A producer who generates residential refuse at a residential unit within the corporate limits of the city.
Residential refuse.
All garbage and rubbish generated by a producer by a residential customer.
Residential unit.
A dwelling occupied by a person or group of persons comprising not more than four families. A residential unit shall be deemed occupied when either water or domestic light and power services are being supplied thereto. A townhouse, fourplex, duplex or condominium dwelling, whether single- or multi-level construction, consisting of four or less contiguous or separate single-family dwelling units, shall be treated as a residential unit, except that each single-family dwelling, within any such residential unit shall be billed separately as a residential unit. Those residential units served by a commercial bin shall not be included in this definition.
All waste wood, wood products, tree trimmings, grass cuttings, dead plants, weeds, leaves, dead trees or branches thereof, sawdust, printed matter, paper, pasteboard, rags, straw, used and discarded mattresses, used and discarded clothing, used and discarded shoes and boots, combustible waste pulp and other products such as are used for packaging, or wrapping crockery and glass, ashes, cinders, floor sweepings, glass, mineral or metallic substances, and any other waste materials not included in the definition of "bulky waste," "construction debris," "dead animals," "garbage," "hazardous waste," or "stable matter."
Solid waste.
Any garbage, refuse, rubbish, bulky waste, yard waste, construction debris, dead animals, hazardous waste or stable matter or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, municipal, commercial, mining, automobile, or agricultural operations.
Stable matter.
All manure and other waste matter normally accumulated in or about a stable, or any animal, livestock or poultry enclosure, and resulting from keeping of animals, poultry or livestock.
Yard waste.
All grass clippings and tree, shrub, or brush trimmings.
(Ordinance 531 adopted 4/9/2024)
When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders wherever the sense requires. The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory and the word "may" is permissive. The use of captions or headings for the various sections of this article is for convenience only.
(Ordinance 531 adopted 4/9/2024)
Any person found to be in violation of any provision of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00). Each day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense. Such penalty shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights or remedies the city may have.
(Ordinance 531 adopted 4/9/2024)
Police and code enforcement personnel of the city are authorized to enforce all nonadministrative sections of this article.
(Ordinance 531 adopted 4/9/2024)
It shall be unlawful for any person in possession or control of any premises located within the city, or any commercial hauler, to cause, allow or permit any person to:
Pour liquid over solid waste or into any refuse cart.
Deposit any dangerous or hazardous substance into any refuse cart not approved for that purpose.
Remove the cover from any refuse cart, except when depositing or removing the contents, or in any manner interfering with the cart or the contents thereof.
Place a dead animal weighing more than ten (10) pounds into any refuse cart.
Throw or scatter solid waste onto any premises, vacant lot, public street, alley, or sidewalk.
Engage in outdoor burning, dumping, accumulating, or burying of any waste, garbage, leaves, paper, lumber, shavings, or domestic, commercial or construction combustible waste materials of any kind, except as may be specifically authorized by the city for emergency training exercises.
Dispose of any solid waste into a trash cart belonging to or under the control of another person, or place any solid waste material on the premises or at the curbside of another person, or remove or carry away any solid waste from premises other than one's own without having first obtained a permission from the city.
Deposit household solid waste in any public commercial bin, such as in a public park or municipal building, or other receptacle located on a sidewalk, or at any other location maintained for disposal of litter by pedestrians.
(Ordinance 531 adopted 4/9/2024)