This article may be known and cited as the right-of-way management ordinance for the city.
The purposes and findings of this article are as follows: To protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public during the installation, operation, and maintenance of facilities by public service providers (defined in section 18.03.004);
To govern and monitor the orderly use of the public right-of-way;
To provide for enforcement;
To provide a penalty for violation of any provisions of this article;
To provide for the registration of public service providers with facilities in the public right-of-way;
To provide insurance requirements for construction in the public right-of-way;
To provide permit requirements and procedures for construction in the public right-of-way;
To provide for maintenance and repair of the public right-of-way and of facilities located in the public right-of-way;
To provide for emergency activities in the public right-of-way;
To provide for coordination with public improvements;
To regulate the installation of utility structures; and
To provide an effective date.
(Ordinance O-2023-075 adopted 12/14/2023)
This article shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the state and the city charter and city code to the extent that such charter and codes are not in conflict with or in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States or the state.
All provisions of this article shall apply to all persons involved with the public right-of-way, all work performed therein, any facilities maintained therein or any other matter as applicable.
(Ordinance O-2023-075 adopted 12/14/2023)
This article shall be effective within the geographical limits of the city, including any areas subsequently annexed by the city.
(Ordinance O-2023-075 adopted 12/14/2023)
The definitions in this section apply to all of this article 18.03.
Abandon and its derivatives.
The facilities installed in the public right-of-way (including by way of example but not limited to: poles, wires, conduit, manholes, handholes, cuts, network nodes and node support poles, or portion thereof or raceways, cables, fiber, hand holes (vaults), pedestals, cabinets, and any and all other appurtenances which make up a fiberoptic communication systems which are or will be installed at locations specified in a permit application within the public right-of-way that have been left by provider in an unused or nonfunctioning condition for more than one hundred twenty (120) consecutive calendar days unless, after notice to provider, provider has established to the reasonable satisfaction of the city that the applicable facilities, or portion thereof, is still in active use.
Access line.
Unless the commission adopts a different definition under section 283.003, a unit of measurement representing:
Each switched transmission path of the transmission media that is physically within a public right-of-way extended to the end-use customer's premises within the municipality, that allows the delivery of local exchange telephone services within a municipality, and that is provided by means of owned facilities, unbundled network elements or leased facilities, or resale;
Each termination point or points of a nonswitched telephone or other circuit consisting of transmission media located within a public right-of-way connecting specific locations identified by, and provided to, the end-use customer for delivery of nonswitched telecommunications services within the municipality; or
Each switched transmission path within a public right-of-way used to provide central office-based PBX-type services for systems of any number of stations within the municipality, and in that instance, one (1) path shall be counted for every ten (10) stations served; and
May not be construed to include interoffice transport or other transmission media that do not terminate at an end-use customer's premises or to permit duplicate or multiple assessment of access line rates on the provision of a single service.
Secondary, supporting, or subordinate.
Communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio frequency signals used in the provision of wireless services.
Applicable codes.
Uniform building, fire, electrical, plumbing, or mechanical codes adopted by a recognized national code organization as adopted by the city; and
Local amendments to those codes as adopted by the city to the extent not inconsistent with this article.
A person submitting an application or proposal to the city for a license, franchise, permit or notice to install facilities or equipment or work in the public right-of-way.
Application or proposal are synonymous for the purposes of this article.
An "application" or "proposal." The process by which the applicant submits a request and indicates a desire to be granted a license, permit or franchise for all, or a part, of the city. An "application" or "proposal" includes all written documentation, and official statements and representations, in whatever form, made by an applicant to the city.
Assignment of an authorization or transfer of an authorization.
Any transaction or action which effectively or actually transfers the authorization or franchise or changes operational or managerial control from one (1) person or entity to another.
Authorization or license agreement to use the right-of-way.
A negotiated privilege pursuant to license agreement between the city in its discretion and a person, allowing a person to occupy any portion of a street, public right-of-way, or easement owned or controlled by the city, and may be for a limited period of time or for a specific purpose.
Certificated telecommunications provider.
A person who has been issued a certificate of convenience and necessity, certificate of operating authority, or service provider certificate of operating authority by the commission to offer local exchange telephone service or a person who provides voice service.
The City of Hutto, Texas or its lawful successor, and includes the Hutto city council.
City council or council/franchising authority.
The city council for the [City of] Hutto, Texas or its lawful successor, which is the governing body for the city.
City manager.
The Hutto city manager, or designee.
Collocate and collocation.
The installation, mounting, maintenance, modification, operation, or replacement of network nodes in a public right-of-way on or adjacent to a pole.
The installation, mounting, maintenance, modification, operation, or replacement of network nodes in a public right-of-way on or adjacent to a pre-existing pole or structure; and
Modifying a structure for the purpose of mounting or installing an antenna facility on that structure.
The Public Utility Commission of Texas.
Communications network.
A component or facility that is, wholly or partly, physically located within a public right-of-way and that is used to provide video programming, cable, voice, or data services.
Concealment or camouflaged.
Any wireless facility or pole that is covered, painted, disguised, or blended into its environment or otherwise hidden or kept from sight such that the wireless facility blends into the surrounding environment and is visually unobtrusive. A concealed or camouflaged wireless facility or pole also includes any wireless facility or pole conforming to the surrounding area in which the wireless facility or pole is located and may include, but is not limited to hidden beneath a facade, blended with surrounding area design, painted to match the supporting area, or disguised with artificial tree branches.
To remove, alter, change, relocate, or adapt the underground or overhead facilities of a public service provider in the public right-of-way in advance of proposed public improvements financed by the city.
Any of the following activities performed by any person within a public right-of-way:
Installation, excavation, laying, placement, repair, upgrade, maintenance, or relocation of facilities or other improvements, whether temporary or permanent.
Modification or alteration to any surface, subsurface, or aerial space within the public right-of-way.
Performance, restoration, or repair of pavement cuts or excavations. Other construction work approved in the permit for construction in the public right-of-way.
Consumer price index.
The annual revised consumer price index for all urban consumers for the state, as published by the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Williamson County, Texas.
DAS or distributed antenna system.
Shall be included as a type of network node and have the same meaning as "network node."
Decorative pole.
A streetlight pole specially designed and placed for aesthetic purposes and on which no appurtenances or attachments, other than specially designed informational or directional signage or temporary holiday or special event attachments, have been placed or are permitted to be placed according to nondiscriminatory municipal codes.
Design district.
An area that is zoned, or otherwise designated by municipal code, and for which the city maintains and enforces unique design and aesthetic standards on a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis.
Disaster emergency or disaster or emergency.
An imminent, impending, or actual natural or humanly induced situation wherein the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the city is threatened, and includes, but is not limited to any declaration of emergency by city, state or federal governmental authorities.
Refers to or shall include any public easement or other compatible use, whether created by dedication or by the other means, for uses which include public utility purposes or any other purpose whatsoever. "Easement" may include a private easement used for the provision of utilities, depending upon usage.
Emergency activity.
Circumstances requiring immediate construction or operations by a public service provider to:
Prevent imminent damage or injury to the health or safety of any person or to the public right-of-way;
Restore service; or
Prevent the immediate loss of service.
The removal of dirt, fill, or other material in the public right-of-way including, but not limited to, the methods of open trenching, boring, tunneling, vacuuming, or jacking.
Includes, but is not limited to, the plant, equipment, buildings, structures, poles, wires, cables, lines, conduit, mains, pipes, vaults, and appurtenances of a public service provider located within the public right-of-way and includes property owned, operated, leased, licensed, used, controlled, or supplied for, by, or in connection with the business of the public service provider.
FCC or Federal Communications Commission.
The Federal Administrative Agency, or lawful successor, authorized to oversee cable television and other multi-channel regulation on a national level.
Fiber cable or fiber optic cable.
A form of communication transmission that uses light to send data, high quality video and sound.
Franchise expiration.
The date of expiration, or the end of the term of a franchise, permit or license agreement.
Franchise fee.
The user fee or charge that the city requires as payment for using the streets, public rights-of-way, public ways, and easements of the city.
Franchise or franchise agreement.
The initial authorization, or subsequent renewal granted by the city in order for a person to construct, operate, and maintain a system in all, or part, of the city public right-of-way.
Gross receipts.
Any and all compensation which is derived from the operation of the system, and which is attributable to the systems operations within the city as allowed by law.
Highway right-of-way.
Right-of-way adjacent to a state or federal highway.
Historic district.
An area that is zoned or otherwise designated as a historic district under municipal, state, or federal law.
Common law or a federal, state, or local law, statute, code, rule, regulation, order, or ordinance.
Within the geographical boundaries of the City of Hutto, Texas.
Local exchange telephone service.
Has the meaning assigned by section 51.002, Utilities Code.
Macro tower.
A guyed or self-supported pole or monopole greater than the height parameters prescribed by section 284.103 and that supports or is capable of supporting antennas; and
A facility requiring antenna structure registration under FCC regulations.
The mayor for the City of Hutto, Texas.
Micro network node.
A network node that is not larger in dimension than twenty-four (24) inches in length, fifteen (15) inches in width, and twelve (12) inches in height, and that has an exterior antenna, if any, not longer than eleven (11) inches.
Municipal park.
An area that is zoned or otherwise designated by municipal code as a public park for the purpose of recreational activity, and includes the various properties under the direction, control and supervision of the city's director of parks and recreation department pursuant to the authority granted by city council and the city code.
Municipally owned utility pole.
A utility pole owned or operated by a municipally owned utility, as defined by section 11.003, Utilities Code, and located in a public right-of-way.
Manual of Uniform Traffic-Control Devices.
Network node.
Equipment at a fixed location that enables wireless communications between user equipment and a communications network. The term:
Equipment associated with wireless communications;
A radio transceiver, an antenna, a battery-only backup power supply, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration;
Coaxial or fiber-optic cable that is immediately adjacent to and directly associated with a particular collocation; and
Small wireless facilities as defined in 47 CFR section 1.6002(1); and
Does not include:
An electric generator;
A pole; or
A macro tower.
Network provider.
A wireless service provider; or
A person that does not provide wireless services and that is not an electric utility but builds or installs on behalf of a wireless service provider:
Network nodes; or
Node support poles or any other structure that supports or is capable of supporting a network node.
Node support pole.
A pole as defined by article 284 of the Texas Local Government Code.
Has the same meaning as "municipal park."
Pavement cut.
A cut made into the paved surface of the public right-of-way.
Permit, includes right-of-way permit.
A document issued by the city authorizing installation, removal, modification and other work for equipment or facilities in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.
The person applying for or receiving a permit to perform construction within the city's public right-of-way under the terms and conditions of this article. The term includes any officer, director, partner, manager, superintendent, or other authorized person exercising control over or on behalf of the public service provider.
Any individual, corporation, business, trust, estate, trust, partnership, association of two (2) or more persons having a joint common interest, governmental agency, or other legal entity, including the city.
A service pole, municipally owned pole, node support pole, or other utility pole, and shall include network node support pole.
Has the same meaning as "network provider."
Public right-of-way accessibility guidelines.
Public right-of-way management ordinance.
This article 18.03 of the City of Hutto Code of Ordinances.
Public right-of-way permitting and construction manual.
The manual adopted by the City of Hutto that contains engineering, technical, and other special criteria and standards for permitting and construction within the public right-of-way.
Public service provider.
Any energy delivery or transport company, telecommunications company, cable company, water utility, stormwater utility, or wastewater utility, including any entity engaging in construction pursuant to a franchise agreement or license agreement with the city. Network providers are included in this definition for all purposes except for provisions outlined in section 18.03.101(f). The city, or any person working on behalf of the city under contract, is not included in this definition.
Right-of-way, public way or public right-of-way or public rights-of-way or rights-of-way.
The surface of, and the space above and below a public street, road, highway, freeway, land, path, public way or place, alley, court, boulevard, parkway, drive, or other easement now or hereafter held by the city (including any street, as defined, which is acquired by eminent domain) for the purpose of public travel and shall include other easements or public rights-of-way now or hereafter held by the city (including any easements or rights-of-way acquired by eminent domain) which shall, with their proper use and meaning, entitle the city or utility provider, with proper authorization, to use thereof for the purpose of installing or transmitting utilities over poles, wires, cable, conductors, ducts, conduits, viaducts, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, attachments, and other property as may ordinarily be necessary. The term does not include a private easement or the airwaves above a public right-of-way with regard to wireless telecommunications.
Service pole.
A pole, other than a municipally owned utility pole, owned or operated by a municipality and located in a public right-of-way, including:
A pole that supports traffic-control functions;
A structure for signage;
A pole that supports lighting, other than a decorative pole; and
A pole or similar structure owned or operated by a municipality and supporting only network nodes.
Small cell.
Shall be included as a type of network node and have the same meaning as "network node."
Spoils or excavated material.
Construction waste, construction supplies, or excavated dirt, fill, or other similar material that is stored or placed upon the surface of a public right-of-way.
The State of Texas.
Only the portion of the public right-of-way with a specially prepared surface used for vehicular travel, which surface may be concrete, blacktop or other material commonly used to prepare a surface for vehicular travel, and is limited to the area between the inside of the curb (when there is a curb) to the inside of the opposite curb, and does not include the curb area or the area between the two (2) parallel edges of the surface used for vehicular travel where there is no curb. A street is generally part of, but less than, or smaller in width than, the size or width of the public right-of-way. Public right-of-way includes the sidewalks and utility easements and street does not include a sidewalk or utility easement. A street does not include the curb, sidewalk or ditch, if any or present either at time of permitting or if added later.
Stormwater pollution prevention plan.
Texas Accessibility Standards.
Shall have the same meaning as "street."
Traffic signal.
Any device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed.
Transport facility.
Each transmission path physically within public right-of-way, extending with a physical line from a network node directly to the network, for the purpose of providing backhaul for network nodes.
United States Code.
Underground district or underground requirement area or underground area.
An area where poles, overhead wires, and associated overhead or aboveground structures have been removed and buried or have been approved for burial underground pursuant to municipal ordinances, zoning regulations, state law, private deed restrictions, or other public or private restrictions, that prohibit installing aboveground structures in a public right-of-way.
A person or organization that owns, places or uses facilities occupying the whole or a part of a public street or right-of-way, depending on the context.
Utility pole or structure.
A pole that provides:
Electric distribution with a voltage rating of not more than 34.5 kilovolts;
Services of a telecommunications provider, as defined by section 51.002 of the Texas Utilities Code; or
Any above or below ground manhole, hand hole, vault, cabinet, or any other appurtenance other than a pole or device attached to a pole which is owned or used by a public service provider. The phrase does not include devices or structures used to control or direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic on an adjacent roadway.
Visibility triangle.
A triangle sight area at an intersection of two streets or driveways as shown in the city's design criteria manual, as amended.
Voice service.
Voice communications services provided through wireline facilities located at least in part in the public right-of-way, without regard to the delivery technology, including internet protocol technology. The term does not include voice service provided by a commercial mobile service provider as defined by 47 U.S.C. section 332(d).
Wireless facilities.
"Micro network nodes," "network nodes," and "node support poles" as defined in Texas Local Government Code article 284, and "small wireless facilities" as defined in 47 CFR section 1.6002(1).
Wireless service.
Any service, using licensed or unlicensed wireless spectrum, including the use of wi-fi, whether at a fixed location or mobile, provided to the public using a network node.
Wireless service provider.
A person that provides wireless service to the public.
(Ordinance O-2023-075 adopted 12/14/2023)
The city manager is authorized to administer and enforce the provisions of this article, and the public right-of-way permitting and construction manual approved by the city.
The city manager is authorized to enter a construction site for which a permit is granted under this article for purposes of inspection to determine compliance with the permit and this article.
The city manager is authorized to request from the public service provider plans of record that show its facilities existing in the public right-of-way as of the date of the request. The public service provider shall provide the requested plans of record within 90 days of the request, or alternate schedule as agreed to by both parties, to the extent such records are available. Public release of such records shall be in accordance with the Public Information Act as found in V.T.C.A., Government Code, article 552.
If the release of the location of any utility, including water and sewer, or of plans of record submitted under this subsection would jeopardize public safety, the information shall be considered confidential. In addition, if plans of record submitted under this subsection include information expressly designated by the public service provider as a trade secret or other confidential information protected from disclosure by state law, the city shall not disclose that information to the public without the consent of the public service provider, unless otherwise compelled by an opinion of the attorney general pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, as amended, or by a court having jurisdiction of the matter pursuant to applicable law. This subsection may not be construed to authorize a public service provider to designate all matters in its plans of record as confidential or as trade secrets.
A person commits an offense if they:
Perform, authorize, direct, or supervise construction without a valid permit issued under this article;
Fail to comply with restrictions or requirements of a permit issued under this article;
Fail to comply with a lawful order or regulation issued pursuant to this article; or violate any other provision of this article.
A person commits an offense if, in connection with the performance of construction in the public right-of-way, they:
Damage the public right-of-way beyond what is incidental or necessary to the performance of the construction;
Damage public or private facilities within the public right-of-way;
Fail to immediately clear debris associated with the construction from a public right-of-way after construction is completed; or
Fail to stabilize any disturbed area from erosion within 14 days after construction is completed, unless an alternative timeframe is approved by the city.
(Ordinance O-2023-075 adopted 12/14/2023)
Any violation of this article is an offense that is considered a class C misdemeanor and each day the violation continues shall be a separate offense.
An offense under this article shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00).
If the definition of an offense under this article does not prescribe a culpable mental state, then a culpable mental state is not required. Although not required, if a culpable mental state is in fact alleged in the charge of an offense under subsection (b)(3), such offense shall be punishable by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00).
The city may institute all appropriate legal action to prohibit any person from knowingly using the public rights-of-way unless the person has complied with the terms of this article.
This article may be enforced by a civil court action in accordance with state or federal law, in addition to any other remedies, civil or criminal, the city has for a violation of this article.
If a permittee has been convicted of an offense under this article in municipal court, additional permits from the public service provider may be denied until the offense has been corrected and any direct or indirect costs incurred by the city have been reimbursed. The permittee shall not be granted any additional permits until the offense has been corrected and any direct or indirect costs incurred by the city have been reimbursed unless an exception has been granted by the city due to special circumstances.
This article shall not be construed as imposing upon the city or any official or employee any liability or responsibility for damages to any person injured by the performance of any work for which a permit is issued hereunder, nor shall the city or any official or employee thereof be deemed to have assumed any such liability or responsibility by reason of inspections authorized hereunder, the issuance of any permit or the approval of any work.
(Ordinance O-2023-075 adopted 12/14/2023)