There is created in the City a Veterans Affairs Committee.
(Ord. 2023-1240, 1/17/2024)
The Veterans & Military Affairs Committee shall consist of five members appointed in accordance with Chapter 2.18 of the Imperial Beach Municipal Code. Although there are no specific selection criteria, the Mayor will consider the following in the identification of potential members for consideration:
A cross section of the community should be represented including veterans, active military personnel, and individuals familiar that work or have worked with military and veterans' programs and resources.
Members of the Veterans & Military Affairs Committee may be removed in accordance with Imperial Beach Municipal Code Section 2.18.030.
Vacancies on the Committee shall be filled in accordance with Chapter 2.18 of the Imperial Beach Municipal Code.
The members of the Committee are subject to the provisions of the Brown Act and shall elect a chair and vice chair from the membership of the Committee, by majority vote. In general, parliamentary process will be a guideline for committee deliberations and meeting decorum.
Each Committee member shall have one vote. Three members will constitute a quorum.
Notwithstanding Imperial Beach Municipal Code Section 2.18.040, all members of the Veterans & Military Affairs Committee shall be residents of the City unless the City Council determines by a four-fifths vote that a nonresident shall be appointed due to special expertise that is not available among resident candidates. No more than one nonresident shall serve on the Committee at one time.
(Ord. 2023-1240, 1/17/2024)
Appointments to the Veterans & Military Affairs Committee shall be for four years. The terms of office shall be staggered as follows:
Two terms of office shall expire on December 31, 2027, and each March, four years thereafter.
Three terms of office shall expire on December 31, 2025, and each December, four years thereafter.
(Ord. 2023-1240, 1/17/2024)
The Veterans & Military Affairs Committee shall meet at least on a quarterly basis, or as needed, and will act in a purely advisory capacity to the City Council. The stated and primary function of the Committee is to provide advice and make recommendations to the City Council on issues affecting active duty and veterans and on matters which veterans have special areas of knowledge and expertise and to serve as information resource on issues related to military, veterans, and family members of military and veterans in the City of Imperial Beach. In order to accomplish the identified task, the Chair of the Committee will provide, on at least a quarterly basis or as directed by the City Council, suggestions and recommendations to the City Council in relation to the following:
Provide recommendations to the City Council on matters directly relating to military, veterans, and family members of military and veterans in the City of Imperial Beach.
Serve as an information resource to the City Council on matters directly relating to military, veterans, and family members of military and veterans in the City of Imperial Beach entitlement programs established by Federal, State, or County legislation.
Promote and assist the City on Veteran's Day or Memorial Day observations and other City military recognition events.
Provide advice regarding matters of protocol with which military personnel and veterans are especially familiar, such as flag presentation, color guard procedures and other military and paramilitary procedures; and promote interest in flag etiquette and display and represent the City in providing notices of flag use violations.
Provide a forum to discuss issues relating to military, veterans, and family members of military and veterans in the City of Imperial Beach.
Coordinate individual City recognition programs for active duty military and veteran residents of the City who have achieved significant merit.
Attend meetings of, and report on actions affecting the city in matters related to active military, veterans, and family members of military and veterans.
Assist in the preservation and upkeep of the Veterans Park and other related matters.
Raise awareness for active military, veterans, and family members of military and veterans in our community.
(Ord. 2023-1240, 1/17/2024)
It is anticipated that staff support for the Committee will be minimal and limited to administrative support for scheduled meetings, the preparation of reports and information as directed by the City Council or City Manager, and other nominal staff time as needed to allow the Committee to function properly.
(Ord. 2023-1240, 1/17/2024)