This article applies to the city regarding any and all outdoor burning bans established for Burnet County by the county commissioners.
This article enables the board of aldermen to establish a burn ban for the city independently of the county commissioners court.
The alderman assigned oversight of safety, health, and welfare matters may order enactment of a burn ban or cancellation of same if such action corresponds with Burnet County dates.
Dates other than county dates require the concurrence of two additional aldermen. No meeting is required or shall be held to enact or cancel a burn ban.
The ignition, detonation or setting of fireworks within the city limits is prohibited at all times.
No material may be brought into the city for the purpose of burning at any time.
(Ordinance 027 Rev. 3, sec. 2, adopted 6/15/2021; Ordinance adopting Code)
Rules for a controlled burn:
The fire must be manned all the time the fire is burning.
The fire cannot be started before sunrise and must be out by sundown.
Water must be readily available on the site in order to control the fire.
Rubber or plastic goods cannot be burned.
No controlled burns on Sunday.
Fire is to be no closer than 50 feet from any combustible materials, [including but] not limited to any structures, or the front property line.
(Ordinance 027 Rev. 3, sec. 2, adopted 6/15/2021)
Outdoor burning means any open fire utilized to consume grass cuttings, leaves, weeds, flowers, and tree limbs.
Exception: Outdoor cooking using appliances designed for such purpose at an occupied single-family residence in the city limits is not a violation of this article.
(Ordinance 027 Rev. 3, sec. 3, adopted 6/15/2021)
Any person violating any provision of this article, or failing to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof, will be charged with a misdemeanor, and will be punishable as provided in article 1.03, and each day such violations continue will constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 027 Rev. 3, sec. 4, adopted 6/15/2021; Ordinance adopting Code)