The developer shall, at the time of filing a submission, pay the following nonrefundable fees to the Village by certified check or bank money order. Proposals involving more than one use shall pay a fee equaling the sum of the fees for the component elements of the plat. Proposals requiring a combination of approvals, such as subdivision, site plan and/or a variance, shall pay a fee totaling the full fee of the approval with the highest fee, plus 1/2 the fee of the next-highest approval required and nothing for additional approvals. In the event the costs for reviewing major subdivisions and site plans exceed the following fees, the Village may require additional deposits in the amounts not to exceed 50% of the initial deposit for each additional deposit. In a development application which involves a substantial amount of review by the Village Engineer and other officials of the municipality, the developer and the approving authority may agree to some alternate fee and method of payment in addition to the minimum fee set forth below, provided said total fees are sufficient to cover municipal costs.
Subdivision, including clustered single-family dwelling proposal.
Informal plat: $35.
Preliminary plat: $200 for R-1 and R-2 Zones; $500 for all other zones plus $100 per acre or portion thereof.
Final plat: $100 for R-1 and R-2 Zones; $500 for all other zones plus $50 per acre or portion thereof.
Site plan.
Informal plat: $200.
Planned development: $1,000.
Preliminary site plan.
Residential single-family and two-family units: $200.
Residential multifamily units (three or more): $100 per unit; minimum fee: $2,000.
Commercial/industrial and other: $500 per acre; minimum fee: $2,000.
Freestanding or lighted signs not included in site plans: $300.
Planned development: $5,000.
Final site plan: 1/2 the preliminary site plan fee.
Planned development: $3,000 per phase.
Variances and other appeals.
Hear and decide appeals:
One and two-family homes: $100.
All others: $500.
Conditional uses: $750.
Interpretation of Zoning Map or Ordinance:
Residential: $100.
Nonresidential: $250.
C variance.
Single-family and two-family dwellings (any and all): $100.
Nonresidential units and buildings consisting of three or more dwelling units (any and all): $500.
Use variance.
Single- and two-family residential: $350, plus $50 per each additional dwelling unit after one unit.
Other uses: $1,000, plus $100 per acre.
Building permit in conflict with Official Map or building permit for lot not related to a street: $100.
Zoning certificate application: $50.
When an application requires more than one of the above items, the applicant shall pay a separate fee for each item required.
Additional fees shall be imposed to cover the cost of preparing a developer's agreement, if required, and all other fees charged by the Board's engineers, attorneys, planners and/or consultants which are necessary in reviewing the application. The Board may require that a sum of money be deposited in an escrow account to cover the anticipated cost of its professionals, with any remaining amounts to be refunded to the applicant at the conclusion of the matter. The amount to be deposited shall be determined by the Board, in its sole discretion and shall be paid prior to the public hearing on the application.
If the cost of such review services exceeds the amount of the deposit, sufficient additional funds shall be deposited before any approved site plan is returned to the applicant or advertised.
Where consultation with experts outside the disciplines in § 96A-6C(8) is required due to the specific application involved, the applicant shall deposit additional escrow fees based on cost estimates or fee schedules provided by such outside experts.
Preparation by the building officials of the list of property owners to be served with notices: $0.25 per name or $10, whichever is greater, for each list.
Affidavit from Village Clerk as to current status of taxes owed to the Village: $10 each.