Fences and walls shall not be located in any required sight triangle nor, in any nonresidential district, shall a fence be over 10 feet high in size in size and rear yards and four feet high in front yards and all yards fronting on a public street. This height restriction shall not include decorative fence posts with a maximum height of eight inches above the top of the fence. All fences shall be constructed so that the decorative side of the fence faces the street or adjoining property. Fences and wall construction shall require a building permit from the Building Department.
Entrance and/or driveway gates shall not open towards the street and shall be setback 15 feet from the street line. The total footprint of the entranceway pillars and flanking walls shall not exceed 100 square feet, and the average height of the flanking walls shall not exceed five feet.
Commercial recreation/sport courts may be surrounded by a fence with a maximum height of 15 feet and set back at least 10 feet from any property line.
In any nonresidential district, no accessory structure or use shall be located closer to any lot line than five feet. The requirements shall not apply to retaining and decorative walls and fences, provided same do not exceed six feet in height.
In any nonresidential district, the aggregate area covered by accessory structures shall not exceed 25% of the rear yard.
In any nonresidential districts, all accessory structures shall be located no less then 20 feet from the side or rear of the principal or main building.
In any nonresidential district, no accessory structure shall be located closer to the street right-of-way line than the required front yard setback of the principal structure.
When an accessory structure is attached to the principal building, in all nonresidential districts it shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this chapter applicable to the principal buildings.
No portion of any accessory structure in any nonresidential district shall be used for living quarters.
Such uses, where permitted as an accessory use, shall not abut existing residential development, a residential street, or any R District, and operation thereof shall be governed by the following provisions:
Outdoor storage areas must be accessory to a principal building and shall be located to the rear of the principal building.
Outdoor storage areas shall be paved with a concrete or asphalt surface.
Fencing and setbacks. All outdoor storage facilities shall be enclosed by a fence or wall adequate to conceal such facilities and the contents thereof from adjacent property and from the street and shall be subject to the provisions of § 96-10.1.
No flammable or explosive liquids, solids, or gases shall be stored in bulk above ground.
All impervious areas in connection with outdoor storage shall comply with the requirements for storm water management, Chapter 327 of the Village Ordinances. Outdoor storage areas shall be considered "major developments" as defined in Chapter 327.