All public services shall be connected to approved public utilities systems where they exist. The distribution supply lines and service connections shall be installed underground, except that lots which abut streets with existing overhead electric or telephone lines may be supplied from those overhead lines, but the service connections shall be installed underground. Should a road widening or extension of service occur as a result of the development, any replacement, relocation or extension of existing overhead lines shall be underground.
Sight triangles shall be required at each quadrant of an intersection of streets and streets and driveways. The area within sight triangles shall be either dedicated as part of the street right-of-way or kept as part of the lot and identified as a sight triangle easement. No grading, planting or structure shall be erected or maintained more than two feet above the center-line grade of the intersecting street or driveway no lower than eight feet above their center lines, excluding street name signs and official traffic regulation signs. Where any intersection involves earthen berms, banks or vegetation, including trees, the developer shall trim and grade to provide the sight triangle. The sight triangle is that area bounded by the intersecting curblines and a straight line which connects sight points located on each of the two intersecting curblines 25 feet away from the intersecting curblines. Any development requiring site plan approval shall provide sight triangles at each driveway. A sight triangle easement shall be expressed on the plat as follows: "Sight triangle easement subject to grading, planting and construction restrictions as provided for in the Ridgefield Park Development Regulations Ordinance." Portions of a lot set aside for the sight triangle may be calculated in determining the lot area and minimum setback required by the zoning provisions.
Permanent in-ground and aboveground swimming pools accessory to a residential use shall be erected on the same zone lot as the principal structure, building or use.
A permanent swimming pool shall be any device which is capable of maintaining a water depth of 24 inches or greater.
Said pool may be erected in the side or rear year of the zoning lot. The wall of the swimming pool shall be no closer than 10 feet to a side or rear property line. No portion of the walkway or deck surrounding the pool shall be located within six feet of the side or rear property line.
No swimming pool shall be permitted within the front yard area.
All such pools shall be completely and suitably screened with a locked fence no less than four feet in height and no greater than six feet in height.
Said regulations shall not apply to portable swimming pools which are less than 24 inches in height.
Pools which are accessory to apartments, townhouses and motel complexes shall be located within an area of no less than 3,000 square feet, of which no more than 40% shall represent a water surface area.
No edge of any pool shall be closer to any building or property line than 25 feet.
The area devoted to the use of the pool shall be enclosed with a fence no less than five feet or greater than eight feet in height.
The pool may be internally or externally lit, but in no case shall any light be directed in a direct or indirect fashion upon any adjacent property. All lighting shall be in compliance with the applicable national electrical code.
If any portion of the pool or land devoted to the use of the pool or light stanchion is located closer to any residential building or property line than 50 feet, dense buffers of evergreen trees and shrubs shall be provided along the appropriate property line.
The purposes of this section are to implement the land use regulations of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for floodways and flood-fringe areas; to discourage construction and regrading in flood hazard areas; to prevent encroachments into flood hazard areas which would obstruct or constrict the area through which water must pass and to prevent pollution of watercourses during low- or high-water periods by preventing the placing or storing of unsanitary or dangerous substances in flood hazard areas.
The flood hazard design elevation shall be shown on the plat based upon stream encroachment line data from the Division of Land Resource Protection or the flood elevation based on a 100-year storm frequency as directed by the Flood Hazard Area Control Act (N.J.A.C. 7:13). At the expense of the landowner, the precise location of the floodway and flood-fringe area may be determined by field survey and shall be marked on the ground and on the plat. Where state or federal agencies delineate by contours the flood hazard design elevation, said report shall be the delineated flood hazard area as if published in this chapter.
No improvement in a floodway shall be permitted unless it is a permitted use, plat approval has been granted and a floodway permit has been issued by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Land Resource Protection.
No improvement in a flood-fringe portion of the flood hazard area shall be permitted unless it is a permitted use and plat approval has been granted.
Permitted uses in a flood-fringe area shall be as follows, provided that they are permitted uses in the district in which they are located:
Industrial/commercial lawns; loading areas and parking areas.
Golf courses, improved courts and playing fields, swimming areas, boat launching ramps, picnic and camping facilities, and open space uses such as hiking trails.
Residential lawns, gardens, parking areas and play areas and residential buildings in conformity with § 96-11.4G below.
Public lawns, parking areas, play and recreation areas.
The applicant shall submit maps, reports and other appropriate documents permitting the approving authority to evaluate whether the proposal has an inherent low-flood-damage potential, does not obstruct flood flows or increase flood heights and/or velocities, has no floor level less than one foot above the flood hazard design elevation, does not adversely affect the water-carrying capacity of any floodway and/or channel, does not increase local runoff and erosion, does not require channel modification or relocation, does not require fill or the erection of structures, and does not include the storage of equipment and materials.
One- and two-family residential structures may be raised above the flood hazard design elevation. In such cases, the building height shall be measured from one foot above the flood hazard design elevation to the peak of the roof provided the grade level is utilized for nonliving space purposes. The intent is to allow an additional story to be added so that the grade level can be utilized for building access, garage space and storage.