The purpose of this chapter is to regulate signs to promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare. More specifically, the purposes of this chapter are:
To enhance the aesthetic environment.
To encourage the effective utilization of signage as a means of identifying locations or residential and nonresidential establishments.
To encourage an attractive and viable business climate.
To maintain the character and quality of the Village.
To minimize adverse effects on neighboring properties.
To improve both pedestrian and vehicular safety by reducing distractions, obstructions and hazards caused by the indiscriminate use or placement of signage.
To promote a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques and good civic design arrangements.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any sign lawfully existing on the effective date of this chapter or an amendment thereto which renders such sign nonconforming because it does not conform to all the standards and regulations of the adopted or amended ordinance.
Any device for visual communications that is used for the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of the public.
A freestanding sign shall be measured from the ground surface beneath the sign to the highest point of the sign.
An advertising sign is a sign which directs attention to an individual, business, product or service conducted, sold, leased or offered elsewhere than on the premises where the sign is located. For the purposes of this chapter, a billboard shall be considered an advertising sign.
A sign used to identify a common area containing a group of structures or a single structure on a minimum site of one acre, such as residential subdivisions, apartment complexes, industrial parks, shopping centers, and industrial or office parks, located at the entrance or entrances of the area and including but not limited to a fence, wall, archway, post or column, with the letters or symbols affixed thereto.
The area of a sign is the area included within the frame or edge of the sign. Where the side has no such frame or edge, the area shall be the minimum area which can be defined by an enclosed four-sided (straight sides) geometric shape which most clearly outlines the said sign.
A sign intended to be hung with or without a frame, possessing characters, letters, illustrations or ornamentation applied to paper, plastic fabric or other similar materials of any kind.
A sign used to identify either the trade, business, industry or profession being conducted on the premises. Logo identification which is intended to advertise a product, such as but not limited to "Coca Cola" or We Sell Kodak Film," shall not be deemed to be a permitted business sign, except that personal logos not to be used to advertise a product shall be permitted.
A directional or informational sign is a nonadverting sign which directs attention to vehicular or pedestrian entrances or exits, parking areas, reserved parking spaces or similar site elements and is intended only for the safety and convenience of the employees, patrons or visitors. No directional or informational sign shall exceed four square feet.
An illuminated sign in which artificial or reflected light is not maintained stationary and constant in intensity, color or hue at all times when in use.
A sign having not more than two display sides which is attached to or part of a completely self-supporting structure. The supporting structure shall be set firmly on or below the ground surface and shall not be attached to any building structure whether portable or stationary. A freestanding sign shall be measured from the ground surface beneath the sign to the highest point of the sign.
A sign having not more than two displays sides set firmly on or below the ground surface.
A sign that rotates or shifts or appears to rotate or shift in position.
A sign containing a statement about or endorsement of any public issue or candidate(s) for public office.
An advertising device which is ordinarily in the shape of an "A" or some variation thereof, located on the ground, easily movable and not permanently attached thereto, and which is usually two-sided.
Any sign that is affixed at an angle or perpendicular to the wall or facade upon which it is mounted, which projects more than 12 inches from the wall or facade upon which it is mounted or projects above the top or beyond either side of the wall or facade upon which it is mounted.
A pylon sign having not more than two display sides which is attached to or part of a completely self-supportive structure. The supporting structure shall be set firmly on or below the ground surface and shall not be attached to any building whether portable or stationary.
A sign placed upon the property for the purpose of advertising to the public the sale or lease of the property placed thereon.
Any sign erected, constructed or maintained on the roof or parapet of a structure.
A nonpermanent nonilluminated wall or freestanding sign.
A sign affixed to or painted on and parallel with the surface of a wall or facade. A sign affixed to or painted on any awning, marquee or canopy shall be considered a wall sign.
All signs erected within the Village shall conform to this section and the Uniform Construction Code.
No sign shall be erected or altered within the Village without first obtaining a permit from the Construction Code Official of the Village. A sign permit application shall include structural drawings of how the sign is to be erected and electrical drawings of how the sign is to comply with the appropriate electrical codes. Applications to re-face a sign must be approved by the Zoning Officer and Construction Code Official of the Village.
Removal of certain signs. In the event that a business ceases to operate for a period of time in excess of 90 days, the sign owner, lessee, or the property owner shall immediately remove any sign identifying or advertising the business or any product sold thereby; provided, however, the requirement shall not apply where, under the provisions of this chapter, an existing conforming sign may remain when evidence is presented to the Zoning Officer that a new business will be in operation on the premises within 90 days. Upon failure to comply with this section, the appropriate Village official shall take the legal steps outlined in the enforcement sections of this chapter. For the purposes of this chapter, "removal" shall mean the dismantling and relocation from the site in question of the sign face, posts, supports, sign box, and all other structural members and electrical elements, if any, of the sign.
Sign illumination. Direct illumination or backlighting shall not exceed 25 watts of incandescent power or 75 footcandles when measured with a standard light meter perpendicular to the face of the sign from a distance equal to the narrowest dimension for any sign.
Glare. All signs shall be so designed, located, shielded and directed so as to prevent the casting of glare or direct light from artificial illumination upon streets, driveways and surrounding property.
Exempt signs. Exempt signs, as provided herein, shall be permitted within all zoning districts of the Village of Ridgefield Park.
Any display or official notice of and by a governmental agency of the United States, the state, the county, the Village or any of their political subdivisions.
Any official traffic control device.
Any flag, emblem or insignia of a governmental agency of the United States, State of New Jersey, County of Bergen or Village of Ridgefield Park. Any sign attached to the street facade of a public or volunteer ambulance corps or firehouse building, provided only one sign is permitted per building and provided each sign does not exceed 100 square feet in area and is located at least eight feet above grade.
Any sign located completely within an enclosed structure, provided that the sign is not visible or directed to be seen from the outside of the structure.
Any sign not exceeding two square feet in area indicating the private nature of a driveway, limited to one sign per driveway entrance, and any "no trespassing" signs not exceeding two square feet each.
Temporary signs.
The following temporary signs are permitted within any district.
Real estate "for sale" signs.
One sign per lot is permitted to advertise the sale or rental of the premises upon which it is located by the owner or by a real estate agent or broker. For a corner property, two signs per lot, one for each street, shall be permitted.
The sign shall not exceed an area of four square feet and shall be removed seven days after the execution of a contract or the expiration of the listing agreement. In the event the contract is voided or canceled within 60 days, the sign may be placed back on the property without an additional fee.
All "for sale" signs shall be set back at least 15 feet from the curbline and shall not, under any circumstances, block the vision of the driver of an automobile at the intersection of a street and driveway or two or more streets.
Real estate "open house" signs.
The owner or agent representing the owner of a single- or two-family residential home which is being offered for sale or rent may erect in addition to a "for sale" or "for rent" sign, an "open house" sign.
Only one "open house" sign will be permitted on the property and shall be placed no sooner than one day before the scheduled "open house" and removed one day after its conclusion.
"Open house" signs shall not be permitted on county roads, state highways or other major arterial roadways.
Major subdivision signs.
Signs advertising a major subdivision that has received preliminary approval by the Planning Board shall not exceed two in number.
No sign is to exceed 12 square feet in area and shall be removed within 60 days after the completion of construction work within the subdivision or within 10 days after the issuance of the last certificate of occupancy, whichever occurs sooner.
Building under construction.
One sign per lot is permitted to identify the work of a builder or all subcontractors on new construction.
Said sign shall not exceed six square feet in area and shall be removed within seven days after the completion of construction.
Announcement of future events.
One sign per lot is permitted to announce any educational, charitable or civic event, and such sign may be displayed for a consecutive period not to exceed 60 days in one calendar year. All such signs shall be removed by the person constructing the sign within 14 days after the sixty-day period ends. No such sign shall exceed 12 square feet in total area.
Political signs.
Political signs may be erected, provided that they advance noncommercial, social and political messages. Such signs shall conform with the requirements of the zoning district in which they are constructed.
Restrictions applicable to all temporary signs.
The signs may be freestanding or attached to buildings.
The signs shall not be illuminated and shall not violate any of the limitations or prohibitions set forth in Subsection D(1)(g) herein.
Permits for the erection and maintenance of signs described herein shall be obtained from the Construction Code Official.
Signs shall not be permitted on telephone poles, electric poles or trees.
Any temporary sign or banner to announce the opening or anniversary of a business or special sale event for a period not to exceed 30 days once in any year, as specifically shall be approved by the Construction Code Official. This procedure shall not permit signs advertising garage or similar sales.
Temporary signs fees and fines. There shall be a $20 fee for a permit to erect a temporary sign. Temporary signs fees and fines. There shall be a $20 fee for a permit to erect a temporary sign.
There shall be a fine of not more than $100 imposed upon the property owner or the owner's agent or applicant for any violation of the regulations which apply to temporary signs. A $50 fine may be imposed for each and every day the violation continues to exist. Permits issued for temporary signs shall be issued for a period not to exceed six months or when the reason for the issuance of the permit no longer exists or as otherwise described herein, whichever is shorter.
For fire, rescue and other emergency services, all principal buildings in all districts shall be clearly identified as to house or street number by means of an unobstructed sign clearly visible and legible from the abutting street.
The following signs are specifically prohibited within all zones in the Village of Ridgefield Park:
Signs which resemble, simulate or may be mistaken for traffic, directional or other public signs.
Signs which obstruct doors, windows, stairways, sidewalks, driveways or streets.
Signs placed on trees, rocks, utility poles, bridges, bridge supports or abutments, retaining walls, cell towers and water towers.
Searchlights or beacons.
Banners, pennants, streamers, bunting, balloons, gas-filled figures or similar devices, except as specifically approved by the Board of Commissioners, as provided herein.
Portable or "A" frame signs.
Billboards, except as a permitted conditional use pursuant to § 96-7.8 under the conditions expressed therein.
Signs which employ or are lighted by means of flashing lights or which have animated or moving parts, neon or gas-filled lights, or have reflector-type materials which may impair the vision of drivers.
Signs affixed to parked motor vehicles, the primary purpose of which are to direct the attention of the public to any business or activity conducted on the premises upon which the vehicle is parked.
Signs which by reasons of the size and location pose a threat to the safety and welfare of the public or which obstruct driving vision along any street, right-of-way or traffic sign or signal.
Rooftop signs.
Within the R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Zones, any single-family or two-family use shall be permitted to maintain one unlighted real estate sign, not to exceed two square feet in area on each side, advertising the sale, lease or rental of a building or lot upon which said sign is located.
Within the R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Zones, any single-family or two-family use shall be permitted to maintain a professional occupation sign which may have one lighted or unlighted sign not to exceed 1.5 square feet per occupation in the building or a total of three square feet, whichever is less. Schools and other public buildings within the R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Zones may have signs or announcement boards not exceeding 12 square feet in area.
Additional sign regulations within the R-3 and R-4 Zones.
Within the R-3 and R-4 Zones only, one sign displaying the name of an apartment building only shall be permitted. Said sign shall be no larger than 16 square feet for the first 50 housing units nor larger than 16 square feet plus 0.5 square feet for each additional 10 units over 50 units, except that in no case shall any permitted sign exceed 25 square feet.
All signs, canopies and awnings in the C-1(H) Zone shall be referred to the Village Historic Commission for review and approval. All signs requiring variance relief shall be submitted to the Village Planning Board with the advice of the Historic Commission.
Projecting (perpendicular) signs are permitted upon approval of the Planning Board with the advice of the Historic Commission. Projecting signs may be acceptable based on street sight lines, obstructions at the building facade such as trees or poles or where the storefront panel, lintel and upper facade do not permit a flat wall sign. Any projecting sign shall not extend beyond six feet from the building facade and is limited in size to 16 square feet. Projecting signs not be less than eight feet above the sidewalk shall be a minimum of eight feet to the underside of such signs.
Each building shall be permitted one exterior sign. Both wall and projecting signs on any building are not permitted. Both projecting signs and awnings/canopies are not permitted.
Wall sign areas shall be limited to 10% of the total area of the facade of the building measured as the shortest perpendicular measurement from the top of the second floor to the bottom of the first floor but in no case shall exceed 30 square feet.
Where a building contains multiple uses, the wall sign area for all uses shall not exceed 10% of the total area of the facade of the building or 50 square feet, whichever is less.
All signs shall be attached to the building facade.
No freestanding, pedestal or roof signs shall be permitted.
Temporary window signs shall not exceed 20% of the total area of all windows on the facade of the building.
Awnings and canopies are permitted and may have the name of the business and street address on the awning or canopy. Such devices may not extend out from the building further than four feet.
For retail uses permitted in the C-2 District, the same regulations shall apply as designated in the C-1(H) District.
Office and professional buildings may have one lighted or unlighted sign on the building, which shall not exceed 40 square feet in area.
Ground signs are permitted as prescribed in § 96-12A(4).
All other uses may have one unlighted sign not to exceed 20 square feet in area for each use.
Warehouse and industrial buildings shall comply with the following sign requirements:
Two wall signs shall be permitted on separate walls of the proposed building.
Each wall sign shall not exceed 1.0 square feet of sign area per lineal foot of building frontage but no larger than 200 square feet.
Wall signs shall not extend beyond the roof line of the facade.
One ground sign shall also be permitted with the following:
Ground signs shall not exceed an area of 50 square feet in size on each side of the proposed sign.
Ground signs shall not be higher than six feet from the ground elevation.
Ground signs shall be setback from the front property line a minimum of five feet from any proposed roadway right-of-way/easement.
Prohibited signs include those listed in section § 96-13.1H of the Village of Ridgefield Park Zoning Ordinance.
Office and administrative uses shall comply with the sign provisions in § 96-12.8.
Office buildings, hotels, convention centers and theatres shall be permitted one exterior sign.
Signs are permitted, subject to § 96-13 of the Zoning Ordinance with the following limitations:
All proposed building signs shall be reviewed and approved by the Village Planning Board. Variances from this section shall be submitted to the Village Planning Board.
Each building shall be permitted one exterior sign fronting on each public street/public right of way.
The total sign area for each facade shall not exceed 10% of the first-floor facade area for each facade facing a street/public right of way.
The exterior signs may be attached to the building not higher than the building bulkhead parapet or the building bulkhead roofline of the building. However, the Board may allow wall signs above the roofline providing the building facade can be extended such that the sign appears to be on the wall extension and not as a roof sign. Such signs must blend into the architectural motif of the building.
One ground sign, which sign may be two-sided, shall not exceed five feet in height, nor shall its width exceed 12 linear feet. The maximum area of any such sign shall not exceed 60 square feet.
Ground signs shall be located in the front yard area but in no case less than 15 feet from the curb line of any abutting street nor less than 10 feet to the street right-of-way, whichever is greater. No internal illumination shall be permitted.
Direct illumination or backlighting shall not exceed 25 watts of incandescent power or 75 footcandles when measured with a standard light meter perpendicular to the face of the sign from a distance equal to the narrowest dimension for any sign. Any illuminated shall not be illuminated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Such signs shall not have white illuminated backgrounds and shall be screened from residential uses if deemed necessary by the Planning Board.
All signs shall be so designed, located, shielded and directed so as to prevent the casting of glare or direct light from artificial illumination upon streets, driveways and surrounding property.
An integrated sign plan shall be submitted to the Planning Board for sign approval for each building. Such sign plan shall include the dimensions, locations, heights, and details of all signs, including lettering style, lighting, color, and materials, and dimensions of all building facades.
Each of the above sign elements shall be consistent with the architecture and materials of buildings and site. Where there is existing signage on the property, the sign plan shall include details for both existing and proposed signs. Signs shall be installed in accordance with the approved sign plan and building code requirements.
Sign shall be attached to the facade of the building only.
Sign area may not exceed 100 square feet or 10% of the area of the facade of the building, measured as the shortest perpendicular measurement from the top of the second floor to the bottom of the first floor, whichever is less.
Gasoline stations may have one ground, pylon or freestanding sign not to exceed a maximum area of 50 square feet.
Said signage shall be limited to identifying the business name and logo and gasoline prices and may be a composite structurally of one or more signs, which alone or in combination shall not exceed the maximum square footage as provided herein.
Additionally, the business name or logo, not to exceed four square feet in area, may be identified on two sides of a canopy.
Except as provided in this chapter, no other signage shall be permitted.