[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Dallas 5-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-2. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose and intent of this chapter is to ensure that when fire breaks out or any other emergency situation exists within a structure, firefighters are not blocked or delayed from combating the fire or addressing the emergency by locked doors or gates. To help reduce these types of delays, the Township has adopted this chapter establishing a key lock box system for certain structures or properties within the Township to provide firefighters access for these structures while still ensuring the privacy and security of the owners and occupants of such a structure.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The BMR Chief and/or the KFA Chief. The BMR Chief shall exercise authority and discretion under this chapter where appropriate, in its designated coverage area within the Township and the KFA Chief shall exercise authority and discretion under this chapter where appropriate, in its designated coverage area within the Township.
Any person or entity which owns, leases, manages, and/or is in control of a structure, building, facility, or property, which shall include the agent of such person or entity designated, in writing, and delivered to the Fire Chief and the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
Any building, facility, or man-made object.
The Dallas Township Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The following structures shall be equipped with a key lock box at or near the main entrance or such other location as may be jointly required by the Fire Chief and the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer:
Commercial or industrial structures.
Multifamily residential structures that have restricted access through locked doors but have a common corridor for access to the living units.
Schools, colleges, and universities, whether public or private.
Commercial, industrial, and governmental structures and/or properties where access to or within a structure or area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for lifesaving or firefighting purposes.
Such other structure as the Township may determine to be necessary and advisable in connection with a subdivision or land development plan.
Owners of existing structures or properties which are subject to the requirements of this chapter shall have one year from the effective date hereof to comply with the requirements. Persons or entities who construct structures and/or develop properties which would be subject to the requirements of this chapter shall comply with the requirements at the time of construction and/or development.
Owners of structures or properties required to install a key lock box under this chapter shall install such key lock box in accordance with the following:
The lock box shall be a Knox-Box® brand system (the "Knox-Box®") that meets or exceeds the specifications jointly approved by the Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The owner is responsible for ordering and installing the Knox-Box® and associated signage as deemed necessary by the Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
Unless otherwise jointly determined by the Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer, the Knox-Box® shall be installed on the front of the structure near the main entry door, on the right-hand side, five feet above the ground within 10 feet of entrance, unless jointly approved at a higher or lower level by the Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer. The Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer may jointly require the Knox-Box® to be installed in a different location in some cases. The owner shall contact the Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer prior to mounting the Knox-Box® for approval of the proposed location of the Knox-Box® and shall allow the Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer to observe the installation of the Knox-Box® to ensure proper location and installation. The approved location for the installation of the Knox-Box® shall be in the complete joint discretion of the Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The Knox-Box® shall contain the key(s) for all exterior doors and gates, the keys for all interior doors and gates within the building, and the keys to all doors or panels which control access to shared systems (i.e., HVAC, alarm panels, sprinkler controls and electrical panels). Each key shall be clearly labeled and easily identifiable.
The owner of any structure or property required to have a Knox-Box® shall ensure that the fire department has completely unobstructed access to the Knox-Box® at all times.
The owner of any structure or property required to have a fire department rapid entry key lock box or his/her/its agent shall be present whenever the fire department(s) accesses the lock box of the owner's structure or property except when the fire department(s) has responded to an emergency at the structure or property.
The BMR Chief and the KFA Chief shall maintain a written record of when a Knox-Box® key is accessed, removed, or used for entry, including the name of the individual removing the key, the time and date of the access and the reason for such removal.
All access keys to a Knox-Box® shall be stored by the Fire Chief and the Township in a Knox-Box® brand key secure system installed in a fire department vehicle and/or a Township vehicle.
The Township may establish uniform rules and regulations governing all structures required to install a Knox-Box® system with regards to the type, location, installation, use, maintenance, and replacement of Knox-Boxes® within the Township, including, but not limited to, the specification of approved types of Knox-Box® (the "Knox-Box® Rules and Regulations"). The Township may modify the Knox-Box® Rules and Regulations from time to time, upon the recommendations of the BMR Chief, the KFA Chief and the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer.
The owner of any structure of property required to have a Knox-Box® shall ensure that the keys contained within the lock box are up-to-date and provide access to all required areas within the structure or property. Whenever a lock is changed or new doors, gates, or panels are installed within a structure or property, the owner shall immediately notify the Township's Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer to coordinate the placement of items within the Knox-Box®.
The owner of any structure or property required to have a Knox-Box® shall provide the Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer with up-to-date contact information that includes the owner's name; addresses; email; and facsimile, telephone, mobile phone, and pager numbers. Any change in this information must be provided in writing to the Fire Chief and Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer at least 48 hours in advance of the change occurring, along with the date such change will take place.
Any person violating any provision of this chapter, upon conviction in a summary proceeding before a Magisterial District Judge, shall be sentenced to pay a fine to the Township of $500 per day in violation together with all court costs actually incurred by the Township as provided for in the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code, Act 45 of 1999.[1]
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 7210.101 et seq.