No person shall allow any domestic animal in his keeping, custody, control or ownership to bark, howl or cry continuously for any period longer than 1/2 hour between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. or otherwise repeatedly at intervals of more than 1/2 hour at any time of the day or night in such volume or manner as to disturb the comfort, peace and repose of persons in the vicinity.
No person owning, keeping or harboring any domestic animal shall suffer or permit such animal to run at large in, upon, or through any public, quasi-public or private street, public park or recreation area, public building or any other public place or place to which the public is invited, and no person owning, keeping or harboring any domestic animal shall suffer or permit such animal to run at large in, upon or through any private property without the authority of the owners of said private property.
When a domestic animal has been impounded for running at large, the Animal Control Officer may file a complaint of this violation in the Municipal Court.
A domestic animal shall be considered a public nuisance and shall be subject to impound pursuant to § 66-12 for the following reasons:
The animal damages property, or deposits fecal matter on the property of the public or others that the owner fails to remove promptly.
The animal, without provocation, chases, molests or approaches pedestrians or bicyclists in a threatening manner upon the streets, sidewalks, right-of-way, or any public property, or habitually chases automobiles on the public streets or highways.
The animal is kept under unsanitary and/or inhumane conditions such that the maintenance or keeping of any animal creates odors to the annoyance of the public in the vicinity.
The animal kills or attacks another domestic animal without provocation while off the owner's property.
The owning, keeping or harboring of any animal which shall, by any noise, unreasonably and/or excessively disturb the peace and quiet of any person in the vicinity. The phrase "unreasonably and/or excessively disturb the peace and quiet" shall include, but is not limited to, the creation of any noise which can be heard by any person, including an Animal Control Officer or law enforcement officer, from a location off the animal owner's property where the animal is being kept, and which noise occurs repeatedly over at least a thirty-minute period of time with one minute or less lapse of time between each animal noise during the thirty-minute period after 10:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. This provision shall not apply to animals that are responding to trespassers or to animals that are teased or similarly provoked to bark.
Defecation on private property. No person owning or in charge of any domestic animal shall cause or allow such animal to soil, defile, defecate upon or commit any nuisance upon any private property without the permission of the owner of the property. Any person owning or in charge of a domestic animal which soils, defiles, defecates or commits any such nuisance shall immediately remove all feces deposited by such animal in a sanitary manner.
Defecation on public property. No person owning or in charge of any domestic animal shall allow such animal to soil, defile, defecate upon or commit any nuisance on any place where people congregate or walk, or upon any public property. Any person owning or in charge of a domestic animal which soils, defiles, defecates or commits any such nuisance shall immediately remove all feces deposited by such animal in a sanitary manner.
Defecation on owner's property. No person shall permit the accumulation of domestic animal feces or urine upon his/her own property, or property occupied by him/her, to the extent that the odor may be noticeable to any adjoining property owners.
Disposal of defecation. The feces removed from the aforementioned designated areas shall be disposed of by the person owning or in charge of any such domestic animal in a sealed, nonabsorbent, leakproof container.
Exceptions to violation. The provisions of this section shall not apply to dogs used as guides for persons who are blind, commonly known as "Seeing Eye" dogs, dogs used to assist persons with a handicap, commonly known as "service dogs," or dogs used to assist persons who are deaf, commonly known as "hearing ear dogs."
Trapping domestic animals is prohibited within the Borough except by an authorized agent of the Borough who shall only use proper trapping devices which have been inspected and provided by the Borough for such purposes. Personal trapping equipment and other handmade trapping devices are strictly prohibited. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in this chapter, plus mandatory reporting to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.