The following fees shall be charged by the Borough in its enforcement of the provisions of this chapter:
Issuance of a dog or cat license and any renewal thereof shall be $15 for a dog that is spayed or neutered and $15 for a dog that is not spayed or neutered. It shall be the obligation of the applicant for a dog license or renewal of a dog license to provide proof to the Borough (e.g., original certificate from a veterinarian) that the dog has been spayed or neutered. One dollar of such fee shall be forwarded to the New Jersey Department of Health as required by state law. If the New Jersey Department of Health increases its charge, then the foregoing fees shall be deemed automatically increased with the increase in such state charge. No fee shall be required for Seeing Eye dogs. All applications made after January 31 for a license renewal will be subject to a late penalty fee of $5 per month.
A pickup fee of $50, plus all other applicable fees, for each single pickup on regularly scheduled workdays (Mondays through Fridays) during normal business hours (9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). A pickup fee of $100, plus all other applicable fees, for each single pickup on nonscheduled workdays (Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) and during nonbusiness hours (4:31 p.m. to 8:59 a.m.).
A boarding fee for any animal picked up pursuant to this chapter.
Boarding fee per calendar day:
Boarding of cat: $25.
Boarding of dog: $35.
Quarantine of cat: $50.
Quarantine of dog: $50.
The Borough shall not dispose of any owned animals. Disposal for such animals shall be the responsibility of the pet's owner and veterinarian. The disposal fee for cats will be $50 and for dogs it will be $100.
An impound fee for animals that are quarantined or animals that are found to be vicious or potentially dangerous, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 4:19-19 and § 66-5 of this Code. The fee shall be $20 per animal per calendar day or any part of a calendar day, plus boarding fees and any other applicable fees provided for in this Code.
Hopatcong pound fees.
Adoption of cat: $200 (less than one year old); $100 (10+ years old); $175 (all others).
Adoption of dog: $375 (less than one year old); $200 (8+ years old); $300 (all others).
Adoption of all other small animals: $50.
Adoption fees shall be waived for any Borough resident honorably discharged from active wartime service in the United States Armed Forces upon proof of veteran status.