[Amended 4-16-1975 by Ord. No. 75-1; 6-6-1990 by Ord. No. 90-2; 10-7-1992 by Ord. No. 92-9; 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5; 2-3-1999 by Ord. No. 99-4; 6-7-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-4; 6-4-2008by Ord. No. 2008-02]
Any sign erected or maintained after the effective date of this article shall conform to the following regulations.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A name, identification, description, emblem, display or device which is affixed to, printed on, or represented directly or indirectly upon a building, structure, or parcel of land; which is illuminated or nonilluminated; visible or intended to be visible from any public place; and, which directs or calls attention to a person, place, product, institution, business, organization, activity or service. Signs shall also include any temporarily or permanently installed or situated merchandise, including any banner, pennant, placard, statue, vehicle or temporary sign.
SIGN AREAThe total dimensions of a sign surface used to display information, messages, advertising, logos, or symbols. The sign area shall be calculated by drawing the smallest possible square or rectangle around the message, logo, and/or symbol. This does not include the supporting structure. On double-faced signs, only one of the surfaces is counted towards the sign face, unless the two surfaces are parallel and more than two feet apart; or form an angle greater than 45°.
SIGN FACEThe part of the sign that is or can be used for the sign area (the sign area could be smaller than the sign face).
SIGN HEIGHTThe vertical distance from the highest portion of the sign, including all structural elements, to mean grade.
Sign types are as follows:
A sign with action or motion, flashing, color changes and/or copy changes at intervals of less than 10 seconds requiring electrical energy, but not including wind-activated elements such as flags, banners or specialty items.
Any sign giving the name or names of principal contractors, architects, and lending institutions responsible for painting or construction on the site where the sign is placed.
Fabric, plastic, metal, or other roof-like covering that projects from a wall for the purpose of shielding a doorway or window from the elements. Awnings are either permanently attached to a building, or can be raised or retracted to a position against the building when not in use.
A sign that is mounted or painted on, or attached to, an awning with no internal or background illumination. Such sign shall not be backlit in any way.
Any temporary sign intended to be hung either with or without frames, possessing characters, letters, illustration or ornamentations applied to fabric or similar material that is applied to a pole or building in a temporary manner. National flags, state or municipal flags, or those containing decorative illustrations shall not be considered a banner for the purposes of this article unless its use or purpose is that of advertising the location of a business at which it is flown.
A sign that contains or consists of beacon lights, spotlights, and/or searchlights used primarily or incidentally to cast a beam or beams of light generally skyward to attract attention to its location rather than, or in addition to, using the light to illuminate a sign attached to a structure.
A sign located on any part of the surface of a bench or seat placed on or adjacent to a public right-of-way.[1]
A sign fastened to a wall, constructed as a box with enough internal depth to accommodate internal lighting.
An on-premises sign which advertises or otherwise directs attention to a business, commodity, service, industry or other activity which is sold, offered or conducted, other than incidentally, on the premises upon which the sign is located, or to which it is affixed.
A structure other than an awning made of fabric, metal, or other material with frames affixed to a building and carried by a frame that is supported by columns or posts affixed to the ground.
A sign with text, numbers, or graphics, which is designed to be easily and periodically changed. These can take one of two forms, outlined below:
ELECTRONIC CHANGEABLE COPY SIGNA changeable copy sign whose messages can be electronically programmed without altering the physical surface of the sign. All copy that changes shall be displayed at intervals of not less than 10 seconds. Animation or any other significant distracting movement of the changeable copy as determined by the Township is prohibited.
MANUAL CHANGEABLE COPY SIGNA changeable sign whose message copy or intent can be changed manually.
A sign consisting of three-dimensional letters, individually applied to a wall.
A temporary, noncommercial sign that promotes and/or advertises an activity sponsored by the municipality, school district, public agency, civic or charitable association, religious institution, or other similar noncommercial organization. The sign is posted on the site of the event.
Any temporary sign giving the name or names of principal contractors, architects, and lending institutions responsible for construction on the site where the sign is placed together with other information included thereon with such sign to be limited to the duration of construction.
A temporary on-premises sign which announces the property is in the process of subdivision or land development.
An on-premises, incidental sign designed to guide or direct pedestrians or vehicular traffic. Such signs shall not include logos, insignia, commercial symbols, etc.
A sign designating businesses or offices, and their locations on a multi-tenanted lot.
A freestanding sign with two identical faces of the same size which are parallel to each other and not more than two feet apart or two identical faces which form an angle not in excess of 45°.
The overhanging lower edge of the roof.
To build, construct, attach, place, suspend, or affix, which shall also include the painting of wall signs or other graphics.
A piece of fabric or other material of distinctive design that is used as a symbol of a nation, state, municipality, agency, civic organization, or corporation and which is usually displayed hanging free from a staff or halyard.
A self-supporting sign resting on or supported by means of poles or standards which are secured in the ground, and which is not dependent of structural support from any building, fence, or other support.
Any sign for the control of traffic or for identification purposes, street signs, warning signs, railroad crossing signs and signs of public service companies indicating danger or construction, which are erected by or at the order of a public officer, employee or agent thereof, in the discharge of official duties.
A freestanding business sign which identifies more than one tenant or use on a single sign.
A sign in which a source of light is used in order to make the message readable. This shall include internally and externally lighted signs as defined below:
EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATEDArtificial light, located outside and away from the sign, that lights the sign, but which is itself not visible to persons viewing the sign from any street, sidewalk or adjacent property. This includes festoon lighting, which is comprised of either:
A group of incandescent light bulbs hung or strung overhead or on a building or other structure(s); or
Light bulbs not shaded or hooded or otherwise screened to prevent direct rays of light from shining on adjacent properties or rights-of-way.
INTERNALLY ILLUMINATEDA light source that is concealed or contained within the sign and becomes visible in darkness through a translucent surface.
A directional sign of a public service nature such as signs identifying parking lots, telephones, restrooms, loading docks, and similar services. These signs contain no advertising.
An older sign of artistic or historic merit, uniqueness or extraordinary significance to the municipality as identified by the governing body.
A nonpermanent sign that is displayed on private property for more than 30 days, but not intended to be displayed for an indefinite period. Limited duration signs require a sign permit, which is valid for up to one year, and can be renewed annually. A limited duration sign is separate and distinct from a temporary sign.
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
Any sign attached to a marquee for the purpose of identifying a use. If attached to a theater, it may also advertise films or productions.
Signs that incorporate a listing of products and prices offered by the business.
A sign affixed to a vehicle or pulled by a vehicle, the primary purpose of which is for advertising while the vehicle is moving or in traffic.
A sign supported by a brick, stone, or masonry wall or structure which forms a supporting base for the sign display. The wall area is not counted in the sign display area.
Artwork applied to the wall of a building, wall, or other structure. A mural covers all of the surface and depicts a scene or event of natural, social, cultural, or historic significance.
A nonbusiness sign which announces only the name and/or address of the occupants of a residence.
A sign with glass tubing containing a large proportion of neon gas. The tubing is typically bent to form words, numbers, logos, symbols, etc.
A sign which has a valid permit and was erected prior to the effective date of this or any subsequent amendment hereto to the provisions of which such sign does not conform.
A sign which, by means of some mechanical device, changes its position constantly or at regular intervals by rotating around an axis, or shifting in horizontal or vertical alignment.[2]
A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, entertainment or facility not located, conducted, sold or offered upon the premises where such sign is located.
[Added 6-6-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-1]
A sign whose message and design relate to an individual business, profession, product, service, event, point of view, or other commercial or noncommercial activity sold, offered, or conducted on the same property where the sign is located.
[Amended 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
A sign painted or mounted parallel to a wall or other vertical building surface. A parallel sign shall not extend beyond the edge of any wall, roof line or other surface to which it is mounted and shall not project more than 12 inches from its mounting surface.
Any lightweight plastic, fabric, or other material, whether or not containing a message of any kind, suspended from a rope, wire, or string, usually in a series, designed to move in the wind.[3]
An on-premises sign that expresses an opinion, interest, position, or other noncommercial message.
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
A sign posted at a site to promote and advertise a service sponsored by the municipality, public agency, school district, religious institution, civic association, or other nonprofit public agency.
Any sign mounted on a building wall, but not at the same plane as the building wall. The sign extends more than 12 inches from the building wall.
Any temporary sign which is used to offer for sale, lease or rent the property upon which the sign is placed.
A sign which revolves in a circular motion rather than remaining stationary on its supporting structure.
A sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet wall of a building, and which is wholly or partly supported by said building.
A portable advertising sign consisting of two faces, taken down at the end of the day. Sandwich board signs are typically used to advertise dining, entertainment, or sales; and are located along the street or sidewalk in front of the business it advertises.
Poles, posts, walls, frames, brackets, or other supports holding a sign in place. The structure is not counted towards the area of the sign.
Sign of any material whatsoever that is attached in any way to a utility pole, tree, fence, guiderail, rock, traffic control device or sign, or any similar object located or situated on public or private property.
On-premises signs announcing special events including, but not limited to, auctions, grand openings, new management, going-out-of-business sales and events by religious, charitable or public service groups.
Any off-premises temporary banner sign which is stretched across and hung over a public right-of-way.
A type of nonpermanent sign that is located on private property that can be displayed for no more than 30 consecutive days at one time. Temporary signs do not require a permit. A temporary sign is separate and distinct from a limited-duration sign.
[Amended 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
A display containing numbers flashing alternatively at intervals of not less than five seconds to show time and temperature.
Any sign which is erected upon a structure having wheels, rollers, or similar devices facilitating movement and is capable of being moved from one location to another.
A lighted, or unlighted, display attached to the underside of a marquee protruding over a public or private sidewalk or right-of-way.
Any vehicle to which a sign is affixed in such a manner that the carrying of such sign, or signs, no longer is incidental to the vehicle's primary purpose, but becomes a primary purpose in itself, shall be considered a freestanding sign, and as such, shall be subject to the provisions regarding freestanding signs in the district in which the vehicle is located.
A building-mounted sign which is either attached to, displayed on, or painted on an exterior wall in a manner parallel with the wall surface. A sign installed on a false or mansard roof is also considered a wall sign.
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
A sign which is fastened, painted, or placed on the inside area of a window or a door window. This excludes window displays. Such signs must be included in total sign face calculations.
A directed and controlled light specifically intended to illuminate a sign.
Editor's Note: The former definition of "billboard sign," which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 6-6-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-1. See now the definition of "off-premises advertising sign or billboard."
Editor's Note: The former definition of "off-premises sign," which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 6-6-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-1. See now the definition of "off-premises advertising sign or billboard."
Editor's Note: The former definitions of "political sign" and "portable (moveable) sign," which immediately followed this definition, were repealed 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02.
In all residential districts, the following signs shall be permitted, and no other:
Official street and traffic signs, and any signs required by law.
Professional, accessory use, excluding home occupations on the same lot with and indicating the name, profession or activity of the occupant of a dwelling, provided that the area of any one side of any sign shall not exceed 240 square inches and five feet of sign height, and provided that not more than one such sign shall be erected for each dwelling.
Sign for a school, church, hospital, sanitarium, club or other institution of a similar nature on the same lot therewith or on a lot owned by the same person or entity which is separated from the lot on which the institutional use exists only by a legal right-of-way, for the purpose of displaying the name of the institution and its activities or services, provided that the area on any one side of such sign shall not exceed 15 square feet and 10 feet of sign height and provided that not more than one such sign shall be erected on any one street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership.
Notwithstanding the language of this subsection, for churches having street frontage on a semi-controlled access highway (as defined in § 142-22 of this Code), the signage permitted on such frontage by this section may be increased to 35 square feet per side, provided that any such sign is not internally illuminated.
Trespassing signs and signs indicating private ownership of roadways or other property on the same premises therewith, provided that the total area on any one side of such sign shall not exceed 1 1/2 square feet and shall be spaced at intervals of not less than 100 feet.
Real estate signs as follows:
For advertising the sale or rental of the premises upon which the sign is erected, provided that the total area on any one side of such sign on any one street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership shall not exceed eight square feet for residential properties carried by a single broker or 20 square feet for residential properties carried by one or more cooperating brokers and five feet of sign height.
For advertising on the premises the sale or development of homes within a subdivision, provided that the area of any one side of such sign shall not exceed 40 square feet and 10 feet of sign height and provided that not more than two such signs shall be erected within any such subdivision.
Signs in connection with the identification, operation or protection of any public utility or municipal activity on the same lot therewith, provided that the total sign area on any one street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership shall not exceed eight square feet and five feet of sign height.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection G, regarding temporary and freestanding signs associated with roadside stands, was repealed 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02.
Directional signs, when authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board as a special exception, provided that the area of any one side of any such sign shall not exceed four square feet and provided that such signs shall be spaced at intervals of not less than 500 feet of street frontage.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection I, regarding temporary signs of contractors, mechanics, painters and artisans, was repealed 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02.
Signs that identify the name of a single-family residential subdivision or development located at any street entrance to the subdivision shall be erected as follows:
Signs shall be limited to two signed entrances and shall be a minimum of 500 feet apart per subdivision, unless there are multiple entrances which require such signs, in which case all entrances are permitted to be signed.
Sign(s) shall be a monument-type or pole-type sign.
Monument sign(s) shall be a maximum of 20 square feet in area and five feet in height, while pole signs shall be a maximum of 16 square feet in area and 12 feet in height.
Sign(s) shall be set back 10 feet from any property line and outside all clear sight triangles. Sign(s) shall not be lighted in any manner.
The developer shall record an easement for these signs, acceptable to the Township Solicitor, and the continuing maintenance and upkeep of such signs and any associated landscaping will be the responsibility of the Homeowners' Association of the relevant subdivision. In the event that such signs fall into severe disrepair, the Homeowners' Association will be notified in writing and given 90 days to rectify the problem, or else the sign will be considered in violation of this article.
In commercial districts, the following signs shall be permitted, and no other:
Any sign permitted in a residential district, provided that the use to which it refers is permitted in a commercial district.
Signs in connection with tourist homes or rooming houses on the same lot therewith, provided that the area of any one side of such sign shall not exceed six square feet and five feet of sign height and provided that not more than one such sign shall be erected on any one street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership.
A business or commercial sign or a series of signs on the same lot as the use to which it refers, or upon a different lot owned by the user in the case of a directional sign, provided that the total sign area on any one street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership conforms to the following area requirements which are based upon building frontage limitations:
Thirty square feet for those establishments where the building frontage along any one principal road is 40 feet or less.
The allowable area of a sign may be increased by a maximum of one square foot for every three additional feet of building frontage in excess of 40 feet.
In order to encourage users to provide the community with an attractive, unified outdoor advertising scheme, it is further provided that, if the user chooses to mount a sign or series of signs flat against the building facade (a sign may not extend more than six inches outward from the facade), the allowable area of the sign may be increased by 15%.
Under no circumstances shall the total maximum sign area exceed 80 square feet.
Maximum sign height shall be 12 feet for freestanding signs and 18 feet for signs attached to building walls.
A business or commercial sign for an establishment not situated on a primary highway may, with the consent of the owner of the affected property and as a special exception granted by the Zoning Hearing Board, be located at the nearest primary highway intersection to that establishment, provided that the combined area of this sign and the primary sign located at the place of business do not exceed the area specified in § 164-107C of this article. Maximum sign height shall be 12 feet.
Business and commercial signs on multiple-occupancy lots when erected in accordance with one of the following prescribed options:
A sign or a series of signs may be mounted flat against the facade of each establishment located within a multiple-occupancy property, provided that the total area and sign height of all signs or series of signs shall conform to the requirements specified for business and commercial signs in § 164-107C of this article; or
Signs may be attached to the facade of each establishment and a freestanding multiple directory sign may be erected, provided that the following conditions are met:
The total area of signs attached to the facade of each establishment may not exceed 20 square feet.
With respect to a multiple directory sign, the amount of space allowed for the purpose of advertising the name of an individual establishment shall not exceed four square feet. In addition, the multiple directory sign is permitted an additional 20% of the total area of the sign to identify the name of the complex or site.
The multiple directory sign shall only be used for the purpose of identifying the names and/or addresses of the establishments within individual buildings and shall preclude the use of any other freestanding signs for the said property on the same street frontage.
Maximum sign height shall be 12 feet for freestanding signs and 18 feet for signs attached to building walls.
For shopping center uses, signs may be mounted flat against the facade of each establishment and a freestanding sign indicating the name of the shopping center may be erected, provided that the following conditions are met:
A sign or series of signs may be mounted flat against the facade of each establishment, provided that the total area of all signs or series of signs shall conform to the requirements for business and commercial signs set forth in § 164-107C of this article.
A freestanding sign identifying the name of the shopping center, provided that the area of any one side shall not exceed 100 square feet or a total area on all eligible sides of 200 square feet, with a maximum sign height of 18 feet, and provided further that the location shall be approved by the Township Supervisors in connection with the required development plan.
A garden apartment sign on the same lot as the use to which it refers or upon a different lot owned by the user in the case of a directional sign, provided that the total sign area on any one street frontage conforms to the following limitations:
Twenty square feet for those garden apartment complexes where the street frontage along any one principal road is 200 feet or less.
The allowable area of a garden apartment sign may be increased if authorized as a special exception by the Board of Supervisors by a maximum of one square foot for every 10 feet of street frontage in excess of 200 feet.
Under no circumstances shall a garden apartment sign with an area in excess of 40 square feet be permitted.
Maximum sign height shall be 12 feet.
Real estate signs for sale or rental of commercial properties, said signs not to exceed 40 square feet and sign height of 12 feet. Residential sale or rental signs in a commercial district shall comply with § 164-106E.
For commercial premises located in the C Commercial District, one electronic changeable copy sign attached to a permitted on-premises freestanding sign shall be allowed per premises, providing it meets the following regulations:
Each message displayed on the electronic changeable copy sign must be static or, if it is a scrolling or flashing message, must be depicted for a minimum of 10 seconds before moving to the next part of the text.
Signs which depict time and temperature are permitted to allow for a minimum of five seconds of depiction of the time and temperature before moving on to the next part of the message.
Where text is displayed on a background, the text shall be brighter than the background (i.e., dark text shall not be displayed on a bright background).
The letter height in electronic changeable copy must be at least 12 inches if all caps, or 11 inches if the message contains lower- and uppercase letters.
No freestanding electronic changeable copy sign shall exceed 40% of the total allowable sign face area for any on-premises freestanding sign. In addition, the maximum height of an electronic changeable copy sign shall conform to the standards as specified in § 164-107C.
On-premises freestanding electronic changeable copy signs shall not be illuminated more than one-half hour before the time at which the premises is open to the public or more than one-half hour after the time at which the premises is closed to the public, or 10:00 p.m., whichever is later, except in the case of twenty-four-hour businesses, where the illumination must be dimmed or turned off between the hours of midnight and 4:00 a.m.
The display may only be used to advertise goods and services sold on-premises, time and temperature, and public service announcements.
The addition of any electronic changeable copy sign to any nonconforming freestanding sign is prohibited.
Electronic changeable copy signs shall also be subject to the following regulations:
They shall not be permitted on any residential land use.
They shall not be permitted to be located within 75 feet of any traffic signal or flashing light installation authorized by a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation permit.
Any premises with an electronic changeable copy sign shall not be permitted to have any other freestanding or monument sign on the property, with the exception of shopping centers or plazas with multiple businesses, where multiple signs to identify each business are otherwise permitted.
Animation and streaming video is prohibited.
Electronic changeable copy signs shall not be permitted in any zoning district except C Commercial.
[Amended 12-2-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-04]
In OLC, RO and MU Districts, the following signs shall be permitted:
Residential uses, other than apartments, may have any sign permitted by § 164-106 of this chapter.
Nonresidential and apartment uses may have signs in accordance with the following requirements:
"Sign face area" is the entire surface area, including background, of any one side of a sign necessary to convey the information contained on the sign.
For individual mixed-use, nonresidential and apartment lots, the following requirements apply:
Each lot is entitled to a maximum total sign face area of 80 square feet.
No individual sign face may exceed 30 square feet in area.
The area of all sides of signs used to convey information shall be counted toward the total permitted sign face area of 80 square feet per lot.
Signs may only be lit with direct external lighting, such as floodlights or spotlights. Internal lighting that shines through a plastic or other translucent covering is not permitted.
Freestanding signs shall not exceed 10 feet in height.
For individual mixed-use and nonresidential lots that are: 1) located within the MU Mixed-Use District and have a minimum of 200 feet of street frontage along a primary arterial roadway; or 2) located within the RO Residential-Office District, have a minimum of 200 feet of street frontage along a primary arterial roadway and contain a Class 3 conditional use, may have signs in accordance with the following requirements:
Signs may be externally or internally lit.
Each lot is entitled to one freestanding sign of no more than 80 square feet in sign area and no more than 15 feet in height, measured from the mean grade at the position of the base of the sign, or from the elevation of the center of the primary arterial roadway at a point nearest to the position of the base of the sign, whichever elevation is lower.
Up to three freestanding signs shall be permitted on a single tract of at least 20 acres within the Mixed-Use District. One freestanding sign shall be permitted on all other tracts.
For lots with more than one street frontage, a freestanding sign must be positioned along the primary arterial roadway.
Each single-occupancy lot is entitled to one or more building-mounted signs of no more than 70 square feet in sign area for each sign and no more than 100 square feet in total sign area for all building-mounted signs on the lot. The maximum height shall not exceed 25 feet and shall not extend beyond the edge of any wall, roof line or other surface to which it is mounted.
Each multiple-use lot is entitled to one or more building-mounted signs provided the following conditions are met:
For each single-occupancy building on a multiple-use lot, no more than 80 square feet of total building-mounted sign area.
For each multiple-occupancy building on a multiple-use lot, one building-mounted sign, no more than 30 square feet of sign area per establishment, where the building frontage along the primary arterial roadway is 40 feet or less. The allowable sign area per establishment may be increased by a maximum of one square foot for every two additional feet of building frontage in excess of 40 feet.
The maximum height shall not exceed 15 feet and shall not extend beyond the edge of any wall, roof line or other surface to which it is mounted.
Each lot containing a gasoline fueling facility, one changeable copy sign attached to a permitted freestanding sign shall be allowed, providing it meets the following regulations:
The electronic changeable copy sign may only depict fuel prices dispensed at the facility.
The text of the electronic changeable copy sign must be brighter than the background, i.e., dark text shall not be displayed on a bright background.
The letter height of the changeable copy sign must be at least 12 inches.
For mixed-use developments as a whole, a ground sign identifying the name of the development may be erected at each public street providing ingress and egress to the development, provided that the mixed-use development is built in accordance with the MU District standards. The maximum sign face area for such signs along primary arterial roadways shall be 200 square feet and for such signs along other streets shall be 100 square feet. The maximum height shall be eight feet.
[Amended 6-6-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-1]
In I Industrial Districts, the following signs shall be permitted, and no others:
Any sign except electronic changeable copy signs permitted in any other district, provided that the use to which it refers is permitted in I Industrial Districts.
For any industrial use, a sign to display the name of the owner or occupant of the premises and the activity conducted thereon, on the same lot therewith, provided that the total sign area on any one street frontage of any property in single and separate ownership conforms to the following area requirements based upon building frontage limitations:
Forty square feet for those establishments where the building frontage along any one principal street is 60 feet or less.
The allowable area of a sign may be increased, if authorized as a special exception by the Board of Supervisors, by a maximum of one square foot for every three additional feet of building frontage in excess of 60 feet.
In order to encourage users to provide the community with an attractive, unified outdoor advertising scheme, it is further provided that, if the user chooses to mount a sign flat against the building facade, the allowable area of the sign may be increased by 15%.
Under no circumstances shall the total maximum sign area exceed 100 square feet.
For those industrial uses having a road frontage in excess of 500 feet and which necessarily has more than one entrance point along that road frontage, an individual sign may be erected at each entrance, provided that the total area of all signs does not exceed the limits, based on building frontage, established in § 164-108B.
Industrial signs on multiple-occupancy lots when erected in accordance with the following limitations:
A sign may be mounted against the facade of each establishment located upon a multi-occupancy lot, provided that the total area of any sign shall conform to the requirements specified for industrial signs in § 164-108B.
For industrial parks, a multiple directory sign may be erected for each point of ingress and egress to the area from a primary access highway. Such signs must be ground signs and must not exceed 12 feet in height nor 200 square feet in area.
Real estate signs for sale or rental of industrial properties, said signs not to exceed 40 square feet. Residential sale or rental signs in an industrial district shall comply with § 164-106E.
Maximum sign height shall be 12 feet for freestanding signs and 18 feet for signs attached to building walls.
In all districts, the following general sign regulations shall apply:
No sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger traffic on a street by obscuring a clear view or by confusion with official street signs or signals, by virtue of position or color.
Rotating or moving signs are prohibited.
No sign, other than official street signs, shall be erected or maintained within the street right-of-way.
No sign shall project more than 24 inches over a public walkway, and the lower edge of such projecting sign shall be not less than 10 feet above the walk level.
Every sign permitted in this article shall be constructed of durable materials and shall be maintained in good condition and repair at all times.
Real estate signs shall be removed:
Within 10 days of the date of settlement with regard to the sale of real estate; or
Within 10 days of the taking of possession with regard to a lease.
The area of an irregularly shaped sign shall be deemed to be the total square footage of the smallest square or rectangle into which the irregular shape would fit.
Projecting signs shall not project more than four feet from the surface to which they are attached and the height of the top of the sign shall not exceed the height of the wall from which it projects if attached to a single-story building, or the top of the sill of the second-story windows if attached to a multistory building. In addition, the sign board shall not exceed an area (one side) of six square feet. Lettering, numbering, or graphics should not be greater than eight inches, and the distance from the wall to the sign board shall not exceed six inches. Where permitted, projecting signs are limited to first floor businesses only and are not permitted in conjunction with awning or parallel signs for the same business.
All signs erected within the Township shall conform to the applicable building codes.
All signs shall be constructed of durable materials, designed to withstand expected wind pressures and erected so as not to sustain damage and deterioration from the elements. No sign shall contain iridescent or "day-glow" paint.
Every sign, including those specifically exempt from permit and permit fees, shall be maintained in good repair and in a safe, clean and attractive condition.
All freestanding signs or displays shall be erected at least 10 feet from any property line or right-of-way, and shall be located outside all clear site triangles or a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of the travel-way, whichever is the greater distance.
The following types of signs, illumination of signs and lights shall be expressly prohibited in all districts in the Township:
Animated/video signs.
Beacon signs and/or lights.
Bench signs.
Festoon lighting.
Marquee signs.
Nonstationary signs.
Projecting signs that do not meet the requirements outlined in § 164-109H.
Revolving signs.
Roof signs.
Snipe signs.
Trailer signs, including such signs with electronic changeable copy.
Under-marquee signs.
Vehicular signs.
Abandoned signs.
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
Signs that exhibit statements, words, or pictures of obscene or pornographic subjects as determined by the Lower Salford Township Board of Supervisors.
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
Any sign that promotes illegal activity.
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
Manual changeable copy signs are permitted in C-Commercial and I-Industrial Districts, provided that they meet the standards outlined in this article. Manual changeable copy signs are also permitted in R-Residential Districts for institutional purposes only.
Limited duration signs.
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
A permit is required for each limited duration sign. The permit is effective for one year and may be renewed annually.
Limited duration signs shall not be included in the determination of the type, number, or area of signs allowed on a property.
Illumination of any limited duration sign is prohibited.
Lower Salford Township may confiscate signs installed in violation of this section. Lower Salford Township is not responsible for notifying sign owners of confiscation of an illegal sign.
One limited duration sign is permitted on a property. If a property is greater than five acres in size and has at least 400 feet of street frontage, one additional limited duration sign may be permitted so long as there is a minimum spacing of 200 feet between the two limited duration signs.
Each limited duration sign shall have a maximum area of 32 square feet.
Each limited duration sign shall have a maximum height of eight feet.
Freestanding sign.
Window sign.
Wall sign.
Temporary signs.
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
Temporary signs are exempt from standard permit requirements.
Temporary signs may be displayed up to a maximum of 30 consecutive days, three times per year, with the date of display written on the face of the sign.
Temporary signs shall not be included in the determination of the type, number, or area of signs allowed on a property.
Illumination of any temporary sign is prohibited.
Lower Salford Township may confiscate signs installed in violation of this section. Lower Salford Township is not responsible for notifying sign owners of confiscation of an illegal sign.
One or more temporary signs are permitted on a property so long as the total of all signs do not exceed 24 square feet.
If a property is greater than five acres in size and has at least 400 feet of street frontage, one or more additional temporary signs may be permitted so long as the total of all additional signs do not exceed 24 square feet.
Each temporary sign shall have a maximum height of eight feet.
Freestanding sign.
Window sign.
Wall sign.
Banner sign.
Personal expression signs of any sign type, including flags, are exempt from permit requirements, provided that they do not exceed three square feet in area, and are not illuminated.
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
Signs exempt from permit requirements:
[Added 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
Holiday and seasonal decorations.
Personal expression signs of any sign type, including flags, provided that they do not exceed three square feet in area per side, are noncommercial in nature, and not illuminated.
Signs or emblems of a religious, civil, philanthropic, historical or educational organization that do not exceed four square feet in area.
Incidental signs, including incidental window signs.
Directional signs, provided they do not contain any commercial messaging.
Area. No single directional sign shall exceed four square feet in area.
Height. Directional signs shall have a maximum height of five feet.
Illumination. Directional signs shall be nonilluminated.
Temporary signs in accordance with the temporary signs regulations in this chapter.
In all residential districts, the following permitted signs may be illuminated, and no other:
Professional sign of a physician, dentist, justice of the peace and such other person whose services in an emergency are customarily considered essential to the public health, safety and welfare, provided that the illumination is white light only, properly shaded, and provided further that the total illumination for any such sign shall not exceed the equivalent of that given by a sixty-watt incandescent light source.
Sign of a school, church, hospital, sanitarium, club or other institution of similar nature, laboratory or municipal building, provided that the illumination is white light only and provided further that the total illumination for any such sign shall not exceed the equivalent of that given by a two-hundred-watt incandescent light source.
Signs for regulation of traffic, marking of hazards and the like.
In commercial and industrial districts any permitted sign, building or structure may be illuminated.
Any permitted illumination of signs, buildings or structures in any district shall be subject to the following regulations:
No signs shall be illuminated with or contain flashing, rotating, moving or intermittent lighting devices, whether created by lighting effect or by rotation of the sign itself.
Floodlighting shall be shielded so that only the sign, building, structure or open area on said lot is directly illuminated.
Where permitted by this article, all illuminated signs must comply with the requirements of § 164-25.2D, E, F, G and H and the requirements of this section.
[Amended 6-7-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-03]
Sign lettering may be backlit, halo-lit illumination, or reverse channel letters with halo illumination.
Illumination shall be permitted only to the extent necessary to allow signs to be seen and read at night at a distance not to exceed 500 feet.
Neon lighting is not permitted in residential districts.
Editor's Note: Former § 164-111, Temporary signs, was repealed 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02. See now § 164-109P.
No signs, except public directional and public road signs, shall be erected within the lines of any street or road, except that the Board of Supervisors may grant, as a special exception, a permit for the erection of temporary directional and advertising signs for any convention, fair or other public event.
A permit shall be obtained from the office of the Zoning Officer as required in this article, and for each of the following types of signs:
[Amended 3-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
All business, commercial and industrial signs.
All development signs.
No permit shall be required for real estate signs, temporary signs of contractors, mechanics, painters and artisans which are otherwise in conformity with and permissible under this article, or nonconforming signs, except as provided in § 164-114.
Applications for sign permits shall be submitted on forms provided by the Township, completed as required; at a minimum, they shall have attached the following information, in either written or graphic form:
Location of the sign on the premises in relation to lot lines, buildings, sidewalks, streets, public rights-of-way and street intersections within 300 feet of the proposed sign.
Type of sign (as outlined in § 164-105.1) and general description of structural design and construction materials.
Drawing(s) of the proposed sign containing specifications indicating height, perimeter, area, dimensions, type of lettering proposed, means of support, method of illumination, and any other significant characteristics.
Any other information requested by the Zoning Officer in order to carry out the purpose and intent of this article.
The required sign permit fee as established by resolution of the governing body. Permit fees will cover the cost for administering this article for compliance with its purpose.
The Zoning Officer shall review the sign permit application and issue or deny the permit, in conformance with the following standards:
The official date of submission shall be the day the Zoning Officer determines that the completed application, with all required or necessary data, has been properly prepared and submitted.
The Zoning Officer shall determine whether the proposed sign will or will not be in compliance with the requirements of this article, and shall, within 30 business days of the official date of submission, issue or deny the sign permit.
When the sign has been completed, the applicant shall photograph the completed sign and forward the photograph to the Zoning Officer. The Zoning Officer shall then inspect the sign.
The Zoning Officer, or a designee, shall perform a final inspection after installation of any approved sign. The Zoning Officer will then complete the Township portion of the sign application and forward the completed application form to the applicant. The final dimensions of the sign will be noted by the Zoning Office, either on the back of the photograph of the sign or at any other appropriate place, which information shall be filed at the Township offices along with the completed application.
Any discrepancies between any sign as approved and the sign as constructed shall be identified in writing by the Zoning Officer and may result in the halt of construction and correction of the discrepancy. If the discrepancy is not corrected within 20 days after written notice, the sign may be ordered removed by the Zoning Officer.
The Zoning Officer shall investigate any complaints of violations of these regulations and may revoke any permit if there is any violation of these regulations or if there was any misrepresentation of any material fact, in either the sign permit application or the plans.
All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this article are mere licenses and, as such, are revocable for cause by the Township. All permits issued pursuant to this article are hereby subject to this provision. See § 164-105.
[Amended 9-3-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-4]
Any sign, signboard, billboard or advertising device existing at the time of the passing of this article that does not conform in use, location, height, illumination or size with the regulations of the district in which it is located shall be considered a nonconforming use and may continue in such use in its present location.
Nonconforming signs shall not be enlarged, extended, structurally reconstructed or altered in any manner, except that the sign face (gross surface area portion of the sign) may be changed as long as the new sign face is equal to or reduced in height, sign area and/or projection. A sign permit is not needed for a new sign face or a change in the advertising content appearing on the sign face.
A nonconforming sign or the structure supporting the sign which is damaged or destroyed must be under repair within 60 days, and all repairs must be completed within six months. The sign shall not be enlarged in any manner.
Any owner, tenant or other person who shall erect or install or cause to be erected or installed any sign without the permit required by this article first having been attained or who shall fail to comply with any of the requirements of the permit or this article or who shall in any way violate any of the provisions of this article shall be liable, upon conviction thereof, to a fine or penalty not exceeding $300 for each and every offense. And whenever such person shall have been notified by the Zoning Officer or by service of summons in a prosecution, or in any other way, that he is committing such violation of this article, each day in which he shall continue such violation after such notification shall constitute a separate offense, punishable by a like fine or penalty. Such fines or penalties shall be collected as like fines or penalties are now by law collected.