The regulations promulgated in this chapter shall be referred to as the "disclosure regulations."
(C.O. 94-247 (part))
Except as otherwise set forth in Section 1.17.020, the disclosure regulations shall govern all applications for (said applications hereinafter being referred to as "subject applications"), and proceedings with respect to the following (said proceedings hereinafter being referred to as "subject proceedings"): (i) all permits, special permits, licenses, authorizations, variances, orders of conditions and such other approvals, and modifications or amendments thereto, as may be issued from time to time, before the city council; and (ii) all modifications or amendments thereto before the city council. The matters set forth in items (i) and (ii) above shall hereinafter be collectively referred to as the "subject permits and authorizations."
(C.O. 94-247 (part))
These regulations shall not apply to any application for, or proceeding with respect to, accessory signs before the city council.
(C.O. 94-247 (part))
The maker of any subject application shall specify on said application the "constituent information" (as said term is herein defined) and shall at the subject proceeding on such subject application attest under oath and under the pains and penalties of perjury to the truthfulness, completeness and accuracy of such information as of the date and time of the subject proceeding.
(C.O. 94-247 (part))
The term "constituent information" means the following with respect to each party submitting a subject application, each landowner on whose property the subject matter shall be exercised and each party to whom the subject permits and authorizations will be issued (collectively said applying, landowning and issuing parties hereinafter the "subject parties"):
If a trust (regardless of the form of the trust, and including without limitation, nominee trusts and realty trusts), the name and address of each trustee and beneficiary and the name and address of each trustee and beneficiary who has been a party to the trust within sixty days of the date of the subject application;
If a corporation, the name and address of each officer and director, the name and address of each officer and director who has served the corporation within sixty days of the date of the subject application, the name and address of each shareholder holding an interest in the corporation of more than fifty percent, and the name and address of each shareholder who has held within sixty days of the date of the subject application an interest in the corporation of more than fifty percent;
If a general partnership, the name and address of each partner and the name and address of each partner who has been a partner of the partnership within sixty days of the date of the subject application;
If a limited partnership, the name and address of each general partner of the limited partnership, the name and address of each general partner who has served the partnership within sixty days of the date of the subject application; and
Such other information as is required by these disclosure regulations.
(C.O. 94-247 (part))
If any of the partner, shareholder, trustee or beneficiary information provided with respect to any of the subject parties sets forth the name of a trust, corporation, general partnership, limited partnership or any other type of business organization or sets forth the name of any other organization or association (regardless of type) then with respect to each such party (and any party which constitutes a partner, shareholder, trustee or beneficiary thereof), the following information must be provided until such information discloses the names of all natural persons involved therewith:
If a trust (regardless of the form of the trust, and including, without limitation, nominee trusts and realty trustees), the name and address of each trustee and beneficiary who has been a party to the trust within sixty days of the date of the subject application;
If a corporation, the name and address of each officer and director, the name and address of each officer and director who has served the corporation within sixty days of the date of the subject application, the name and address of each shareholder holding an interest in the corporation of more than fifty percent, and the name and address of each shareholder who has held within sixty days of the date of the subject application an interest in the corporation of more than fifty percent;
If a general partnership, the name and address of each partner and the name and address of each partner who has been a partner of the partnership within sixty days of the date of the subject application;
If a limited partnership, the name and address of each general partner of the limited partnership, the name and address of each general partner, who has served the partnership within sixty days of the date of the subject application.
(C.O. 94-247 (part))
The purpose of these disclosure regulations is to provide authorities of the city of Revere appropriate information regarding applicants before them and to facilitate the thoughtful consideration of all subject permits and authorizations by providing detailed information regarding subject parties, thus protecting the public health, safety and well being.
(C.O. 94-247 (part))