No mayor or member of the city council or school committee member and no officer or employee of the city shall directly or indirectly make a contract with the city, or receive any commission, discount, bonus, gift, contribution or reward from or any share in the profits of any person making or performing such contract, unless the mayor, such member, officer or employee, immediately upon learning of the existence of such contract, or that such contract is proposed, notifies in writing the mayor, city council or school committee of the nature of his or her interest in such contract, and shall abstain from doing any official act on behalf of the city in reference thereto. In case of such interest on behalf of any officer whose duty it is to sign such contract on behalf of the city, the contract may be signed by any other officer of the city duly authorized thereto by the mayor or, if the mayor has such interest, by the city clerk; provided, that when a contractor with the city is a corporation or a voluntary stock association, the ownership of less than five percent of the stock or shares actually issued shall not be considered as involving an interest in the contract within the meaning of this section, and such ownership shall not affect the validity of the contract unless the owner of such stock or shares is also an officer or agent of the corporation or association, or solicits or takes part in the making of the contract.
A violation of any provision of this section shall render the contract in respect to which such violation occurs voidable at the option of the city.
(Prior revision § 2-1; C.O. 85-4 § 2)
The city council shall be notified by department heads whenever consultants are hired by the city. The department heads shall report within seven days in writing the name, address and capacity of the consultant or consultant company, and also the source of funding for the consultant or consultant company.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any special or general law to the contrary, all moneys received by the city or any officer or department thereof, except fees provided for by statute, shall be paid by officers of the city upon their receipt into the city treasury. All sums so paid into the city treasury shall not later be used by such officers or department without specific appropriation thereof.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any special or general law to the contrary, officers or departments of the city may accept fees, grants or gifts of funds from the federal government and from a charitable foundation, a private corporation, or an individual, or from the commonwealth or an agency thereof, and in the case of a fee, grant or gift given for educational purposes may expend said funds for the purposes of such fee, grant or gift with the approval of the school committee, and in the case of any other grant or gift may expend such funds for the purpose of such grant or gift with the approval of the mayor and city council.
(Prior revision § 2-1.1; C.O. 82-170; C.O. 99-312 § 1)
Except as otherwise provided, all city officials and boards receiving any money or fees on behalf of the city shall pay the same to the city treasurer on or before the tenth day of the following month, and at the same time shall transmit to the auditor a true statement of the amount so paid to the treasurer and stating the purposes for which the moneys or fees were received.
(Prior revision § 2-2)
Every officer or board, including standing committees and special committees, having charge of any department or committee of the city's affairs shall, not later than August 1st after the close of the preceding fiscal year, prepare a report in writing, in such manner as to give the citizens a fair and full understanding of the work of the department or committee during the preceding financial year, including their expenditures and receipts, referring, however, to the report of the treasurer or auditor for specific details and deliver the same to the city clerk, who shall submit it to the mayor and city council for approval. After such reports are approved by the mayor and city council, they shall be prepared for printing by the city clerk at the direction of the mayor and city council; the clerk shall, at the expense of the city, print the annual report for the use of the inhabitants. There shall be included in the annual report the report of the school committee and such other matters of public interest relating to the affairs of the city that the mayor and council deem expedient.
(Prior revision § 2-9; C.O. 83-52 § 8)
All meetings of governmental bodies shall be open to the public and shall be called for and conducted pursuant to the provisions of Section 23A-24 of Chapter 39 of the General Laws and any person shall be permitted to attend any meeting except as otherwise provided for by law. For the purpose of this section, "governmental body" means every board, commission, committee or subcommittee of the city, however elected, appointed or otherwise constituted, and the governing board of the Revere Housing Authority.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 39, Sections 23A through 24 of the General Laws to the contrary, all governmental bodies as previously defined in this section shall give notice of their meetings and establish their agendas at least three days prior to the date of their scheduled meetings. All governmental bodies shall also be required to forward to the city council a notice of meeting and a copy of the meeting agenda which shall also be posted on the bulletin board at City Hall at least three days prior to the date of their scheduled meetings.
All governmental bodies shall maintain accurate records of their meetings and shall forward copies of the records of their meetings to the city council.
Further, any agendas and pertinent information relative to license commission meetings shall be delivered by police officer to the members of the license commission at least forty-eight hours before the meetings. Agendas shall also be posted on the bulletin board in the corridor of the City Hall.
All meetings of governmental bodies shall not commence before the hour of five o'clock p.m. on Monday through Friday or before ten o'clock a.m. on Saturday or Sunday. The following governmental bodies shall be exempt from this subsection: school committee, license commission, and council on elder affairs.
(Prior revision § 2-12.3; C.O. 79-151; C.O. 81-444; C.O. 83-52 § 9; C.O. 20-221, 11/9/2020; C.O. 22-351, § 1, 4/24/2023)