The city clerk shall be elected by the city council, and shall hold office as provided by Section 18 of Chapter 43 of the Massachusetts General Laws.
(Prior revision § 2-23)
The city clerk's department shall be under the charge and control of the city clerk.
(Prior revision § 2-24; C.O. 85-4 § 6 (part))
The city clerk shall perform such duties as are prescribed by law or ordinance. The clerk shall have the care and custody of the city records, and of all documents, books, maps, plans and papers of the city which do not pertain solely to any other department of the city or respecting the care and custody of which no other provision is made. The clerk shall keep all such records and documents in his or her sole custody, and shall in no case, except upon summons in due form of law or when the temporary removal of such records is necessary or convenient for the transaction of the business of the courts, the performance of the duties of the clerk's office or the preservation of records, cause or permit any such records or documents to be removed therefrom; except, that the clerk may file such maps or plans as the clerk deems advisable in the office of the city engineer which shall, for the purposes of this section, be considered a part of the city clerk's office.
(Prior revision § 2-25)
The city clerk shall notify the mayor, auditor, assessors and treasurer of all orders passed by the city council authorizing appropriations, assessments, apportionments or abatements, and also all boards and officers of all orders appropriating money to be expended by them, or directing or authorizing the doing of anything, or in any way affecting their powers.
(Prior revision § 2-26)
The city clerk shall receive such salary, for preparing for publication the annual report, as the mayor and council shall provide.
(Prior revision § 2-27; C.O. 78-141; C.O. 85-4 § 7)
There shall be an assistant city clerk for the city. The assistant city clerk shall be appointed by the city clerk and shall hold office during the term of the city clerk, unless sooner removed.
In the absence of the city clerk, the assistant city clerk shall be the clerk of the council and shall have all the powers and authority given by statute or ordinance as the city clerk.
(Prior revision § 2-28; C.O. 85-4 § 6 (part))