The immediate control and management of the public library shall be vested in a board of trustees.
(Prior revision § 2-84)
The board of trustees of the Revere public library shall consist of no less than five trustees and no more than nine trustees, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and subject to confirmation by the city council. Trustees shall serve for a term of three years beginning on the first Monday in February succeeding their appointment. Any vacancy occurring in the board of trustees shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.
(Prior revision § 2-85; C.O. 01-81A § 1, 2001; C.O. 23-057, § IV. 1, 5/8/2023)
The board of trustees shall annually organize by the choice of a chair and secretary from among their own body.
(Prior revision § 2-86; C.O. 23-057, § IV. 2, 5/8/2023)
The board of trustees of the public library shall have the general care and superintendence of the library rooms so far as the same may be used for and occupied by the public library, and shall have the sole custody of the books, periodicals and papers, and management of the library and the reading rooms connected therewith, with power to appoint a director and assistants, and to make such rules and regulations in relation to the use of the books, periodicals and papers, and of the reading rooms, and fix and enforce such penalties for their violation, as it may deem expedient. Such board may make such disposition of old and unused papers and books as it may deem for the best interests of the city.
(Prior revision § 2-87; C.O. 83-52 § 27; C.O. 23-057, § IV. 3, 5/8/2023)
Appropriations for the public library may be expended under the direction of the board of trustees of the public library who shall have full power to expend the same in the purchase of such books, periodicals and papers, and maps and charts as they may judge best calculated to promote the usefulness of the library, and in meeting all such expenses as the convenient and profitable management of the library may demand.
(Prior revision § 2-88; C.O. 23-057, § IV. 4, 5/8/2023)