The following chapter is intended for the city of Revere as a management, conservation and law enforcement cooperative measure. This chapter is intended to ensure an adequate control of the moderately contaminated shellfish harvest, under the authority of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 130, Sections 52, 74, 74A, 75, 80 and 98, and 322 C.M.R. 10.00 et seq. For the purpose of this management plan, shellfish shall be defined as soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria).
(C.O. 07-77A § 1)
Every digger, master and subordinate, shall purchase a moderately contaminated shellfish license from the city of Revere to harvest in DMF designated shellfish areas in the Pines River in either the city of Revere or the town of Saugus. Moderately contaminated shellfish licenses shall be valid for one year, and shall expire at the end of the day on December 31st unless otherwise noted on the license. Applicants for a Revere moderately contaminated shellfish license must possess a valid master or subordinate digger permit issued by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. License applicants must sign a copy of the management plan codified in this chapter in the presence of the proper authority of the city of Revere acknowledging that the applicant has read, is familiar with, and agrees to fully comply with provisions of this chapter.
(C.O. 07-77A § 2)
License fees and rack fees shall be established by the city of Revere board of health in cooperation with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. The annual license fee shall be one hundred fifty dollars for residents and three hundred dollars for nonresidents; the rack fee shall be two dollars per rack. The city of Revere shall allow Saugus residents to purchase a nonresident license but will waive the nonresident fee, charging the resident fee in its place.
(C.O. 07-77A § 3)
The shellfish constable or his/her approved designee(s) may accept and hold master digger permits, subordinate digger permits, and supervisor and transportation agent authorization forms while the permit and/or authorization form holder is engaged in "clean" shellfish activities. Conversely, the shellfish constable or his/her approved designee(s) may accept and hold shellfish permits, commercial fisherman permits endorsed for shellfish, and shellfish transaction cards while the permit holder is engaged in moderately contaminated shellfish activities.
(C.O. 07-77A § 4)
The health agent of the board of health shall be the shellfish constable for the city of Revere, and all code enforcement officers of the board of health shall be deputy shellfish constables per provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 130 s. 98. The shellfish constable and deputy shellfish constables shall enforce the provisions of this chapter and the provisions of M.G.L. c. 130. Officers of the Massachusetts Office of Environmental Law Enforcement shall also have the authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(C.O. 07-77A § 5)
The city of Revere and Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries will sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) whereby the city of Revere agrees to notify the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries in the event of a discharge from a sanitary sewer that impacts or has reasonable potential to impact receiving waters in the city of Revere. Marine Fisheries will be notified by phone at (978) 282-0308 ext. 160 immediately following detection of a problem or potential problem. That memorandum of understanding shall be an addendum to this chapter.
(C.O. 07-77A § 6)
The shellfish constables shall maintain a daily record with the number of racks harvested by each master digger. Such records shall contain, but not be limited to, the following information:
The date and proper designation of the shellfish area harvested;
The name of the master digger or supervisor and the permit number of the master digger;
The number of racks collected by the master digger or his/her supervisor; and
The true names and permit numbers of the subordinate diggers harvesting that day and numbers of racks each subordinate dug.
(C.O. 07-77A § 7)
A daily rack limit may be imposed upon each digger when the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and the city of Revere agree a limit is necessary. Any rack limit will be based upon the capacity of the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries' shellfish purification plant. No master digger or subordinate will exceed the rack limit. The city of Revere and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries may agree to set rack limits in shellfishing areas for conservation purposes. Notification of a rack limit will be in the form of a letter from the Director of Marine Fisheries to the mayor of Revere with copies to the appropriate entities.
(C.O. 07-77A § 8)
Shellfish shall be thoroughly washed with water from the harvest area and dead or broken shellfish or foreign matter removed from the catch prior to loading onto the transport vehicle in accordance with provisions of 322 C.M.R. 10.04 (3,4).
(C.O. 07-77A § 9)
The shellfish constable and deputy shellfish constables will review daily the master digger's report for completeness and sign and retain the canary-colored copy prior to transport. The shellfish constables will inspect racks of shellfish harvested with respect to M.G.L. c. 130, Sections 52, 69 and 322 C.M.R. 10.04. The shellfish constable and/or a deputy shellfish constable will be present at the debarkation/landing site and within the boundaries of the moderately contaminated areas being harvested under this chapter, for the portion of the day that the flats are open. In addition, the city of Revere shall adequately patrol or monitor shellfish areas and landing sites during closures.
(C.O. 07-77A § 10)
The following practices are prohibited in the city of Revere:
No master or subordinate digger shall contribute to the catch of another digger;
No master or subordinate digger shall exceed a daily limit imposed by the city of Revere and/or the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries;
No master or subordinate digger shall be in the possession of more than five percent seed clams; and
No master or subordinate digger may embark to the flats to conduct his/her moderately contaminated shellfish activities without first checking with a shellfish constable or deputy shellfish constable.
(C.O. 07-77A § 11)
The city of Revere shall install and maintain red/orange markers clearly delineating the boundaries between classification areas. The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries will provide the city of Revere with a list and description of the classification areas in the city of Revere including information on the classification and locations for installing red/orange markers. In addition, signs will be used to notify the public that the area is contaminated and shellfishing is not permitted. Signs shall be posted by the city of Revere at commonly used and/or public access points. The city of Revere shall provide posting locations to the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries.
(C.O. 07-77A § 12)
No more than one conditionally restricted area may be harvested per day in either the city of Revere or the town of Saugus. The conditionally restricted areas' status shall be "open" to shellfishing by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and the city of Revere prior to harvest. The city of Revere and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries may wish to partition the available flats into harvest areas. It is at the discretion of the shellfish constable to assign the digging area. The shellfish constable will notify the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries' shellfish purification plant each Friday with the proposed digging schedule for the following week. Changes to the digging schedule may be made with the prior approval of the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. The shellfish constable must notify the Massachusetts Office of Environmental Law Enforcement and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries' shellfish purification plant of a schedule change, due to weather or unpredictable circumstances.
(C.O. 07-77A § 13)
Shellfish from conditionally restricted areas, open to harvest, shall be transported to the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries' shellfish purification plant via prescribed routes designated by the division. In a qualified emergency, the shellfish constables may make a temporary route change, within the city, with the approval of the Massachusetts Office of Environmental Law Enforcement. The division of Marine Fisheries' shellfish purification plant will be notified immediately upon the temporary change.
(C.O. 07-77A § 14)
All shellfish harvested on any "digging day" shall be transported immediately to the shellfish purification plant. Shellfish may be held overnight in an emergency. "Hold over" shellfish will only be allowed with the agreement of the Massachusetts Office of Environmental Law Enforcement. The shellfish purification plant will be immediately notified and all conditions of 322 C.M.R. 10.06 shall be met. The Massachusetts Office of Environmental Law Enforcement will designate a secure location for "hold over" shellfish. The shellfish will be transported to the shellfish purification plant the next morning. No other shellfish will be transported with "hold over" shellfish.
(C.O. 07-77A § 15)
The initial landing site for Revere shall be the public boat launch adjacent to the Wharf Restaurant on North Shore Road (Route 1A). The shellfish constable, at his/her discretion, may assign another landing site. No more than one landing site shall be assigned on any one day when any conditionally restricted area is open to harvest within the city of Revere or the town of Saugus. The shellfish constables shall notify the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries' shellfish purification plant each Friday with the proposed landing site schedule for the following week. Changes in the landing site schedule by the shellfish constable may be made with the approval of the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. The shellfish constable will notify the Massachusetts Office of Environmental Law Enforcement on changes in the landing site schedule. It is the responsibility of the city of Revere to arrange the use of designated landing sites not under the city's control.
(C.O. 07-77A § 16)
The city of Revere may assess shellfish areas to determine the extent of the shellfish resource. The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries may, as necessary, assist in the resource assessment. The results will be used as a recommendation to the Revere board of health, and based upon such recommendations, the Revere board of health, with the approval of the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, may institute a management closure of a shellfish area, or portion therefor, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 130, Sections 52, 54. The Massachusetts: Division of Marine Fisheries reserves the right to institute public health closures in accordance with M.G.L. c. 130, Sections 74, 74A.
(C.O. 07-77A § 17)
This chapter shall be reviewed annually by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and the shellfish constables. Changes may be made at any time upon written request and mutual concurrence of the board of health and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries.
(C.O. 07-77A § 18)
Whoever violates any provision made under the authority of this chapter shall be subject to noncriminal disposition penalties set forth in the revised ordinances of the city of Revere, Title 1, Chapters 1.12 and 1.16 as well as all other penalties set forth in M.G.L. c. 130.
(C.O. 07-77A § 19)