This chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority of M.G.L. c. 140, §§ 136A to 137A, inclusive, and any other relevant statutes and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. The purpose of this chapter is to establish regulations for the keeping of dogs in the city of Revere. The definitions of all words and terms used herein shall be as set forth in M.G.L. c. 140, §§ 136A to 137A.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The owner, keeper, or person otherwise in control of a dog shall not suffer or allow it to run at large in any of the streets or public places in the city, or upon the premises of any person other than the owner or keeper, unless the owner or occupant of such premises grants permission. Under no circumstances shall a dog, even on a leash, be on private property of another, unless specific permission has been granted. No dog shall be permitted in any public street or place within the city unless it is effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding eight feet in length.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
Included within his/her authority to impound a dog, the animal control officer has the authority to impound a dog found running at large in violation of Section 6.01.020. The animal control officer, upon apprehending any dog, shall make a complete registry, entering the breed, color and sex of such dog, its license number, and the name and address of the owner, if known. If the owner of an impounded dog is known, such owner shall be given notice of the impounding. Such owner may reclaim the dog upon payment of a one hundred-dollar administrative fee to the city of Revere Police Department, together with any unpaid license fees, late fees, and fines, as well as the reasonable costs incurred by the city for impounding and maintaining the dog.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The owner, keeper or person otherwise in control of a dog shall immediately pick up and properly dispose of any feces left by such dog on any street, sidewalk, or other public area, or on any private property that is not owned or occupied by such person. Any person who takes a dog onto a street, sidewalk, or other public place shall carry a container, tool, implement or other device to be used for picking up and containing dog feces and the person shall dispose of said dog feces in a designated receptacle or otherwise properly.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The owner, keeper, or person otherwise in control of a dog shall not cause or permit a dog:
To be unrestrained as required by Section 6.01.020;
To be unlicensed when a license is required by law.
To be without current license and rabies vaccination tags when off the owner's property.
To bite, physically injure, assault or threaten any person, without legally-recognized justification or provocation.
To bite or physically injure any domestic animal, without legally recognized justification or provocation.
To chase any motorist, bicyclist, or pedestrian on any public way, street, or sidewalk or in any public place.
To be off the property where the dog resides, if subject to a confinement order.
To be off the property where the dog resides, unmuzzled, if subject to a muzzle order.
To disturb the peace and quiet enjoyment of any residential neighborhood by continuous or repeated barking, yelping, howling, or whining, without legal justification.
To be present on school or cemetery property.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The chief of police or his designee may order a dog confined to the premises where it resides or to other premises or to be muzzled when off said premises if he finds, after a hearing that the dog has:
Bitten, physically injured or assaulted any person, without legally recognized justification or provocation.
Bitten or physically injured any domestic animal, without legally recognized justification or provocation.
Chased any motorist, bicyclist or pedestrian on any public way, street, or sidewalk or in any public place on at least two occasions.
Said order may be in addition to or in lieu of any fine authorized by Section 6.01.070.
Nothing in this section shall preclude the chief of police from utilizing the procedure contained in M.G.L. c. 140, § 57, as amended by Chapter 193 of the Legislative Acts of 2012, to determine that a dog is a nuisance dog or a dangerous dog and from employing one or another of the remedies specified in that statute.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The owner, keeper and/or person otherwise in control of a dog shall be subject to a fine for each violation of this title as follows:
For a violation of Section 6.01.050(D) or (E):
First offense: one hundred dollars.
Second offense: two hundred dollars.
Third and subsequent offense: three hundred dollars.
For all other violations of Section 6.01.050:
First offense: fifty dollars.
Second offense: one hundred dollars.
Third and subsequent offense: one hundred fifty dollars.
For a violation of Section 6.01.040:
First offense in any calendar year: twenty-five dollars.
Second offense in any calendar year: fifty dollars.
Third and subsequent offense in any calendar year: seventy-five dollars.
In the case of a continuing offense, each day shall constitute a separate violation.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The provisions of this title are intended to be in addition to and not in lieu of those contained in M.G.L. c. 140, §§ 136A, et seq., as amended by Chapter 193 of Legislative Acts of 2012; nothing contained in this title shall deprive the city from employing the remedies provided in those sections, including but not limited to disposition of a dog found to be a dangerous dog or nuisance dog, as provided in § 157 of c. 140, as amended.
To the maximum extent possible, the provisions of this title shall be deemed to be consistent with and/or supplemental to those contained in M.G.L. c. 140, as provided in §§ 173 and 173A, as amended.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
Any person owning, harboring or having custody (keeper) or control of a dog shall license said dog annually for the period beginning January 1 of each year. Renewal of licenses must be obtained by March 15th of the following year. If a dog remains unlicensed after March 15, the owner shall pay the sum of fifteen dollars in addition to the original license fee.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The owner or keeper of a dog six months old or over shall cause it to be registered, numbered, described and licensed with the city clerk. Proof of rabies vaccination shall be shown at the time of issuing the license.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
Fees for licenses shall, except as otherwise provided, be as follows:
Ten dollars for every spayed or neutered dog.
Twenty-five dollars for every intact (unspayed or unneutered) dog.
Twenty-five dollars for every spayed or neutered dog paid after March 15th.
Forty dollars for every intact (unspayed or unneutered) dog paid after March 15th.
There shall be no licensing fee for "service dogs" as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act or regulations promulgated thereunder.
Proof of spaying or neutering shall be shown at the time of licensing.
Five dollars for every spayed or neutered dog licensed, fifteen dollars for every intact (unspayed or unneutered) dog licensed, and all late fees collected after March 15th shall be deposited into a revolving account for the purpose of maintaining the West Revere Dog Park.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The charge for replacing lost dog tags shall be five dollars.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The fee for each kennel license shall be as follows:
Forty dollars for kennels with four dogs or less;
Eighty dollars for kennels with five—ten dogs;
One hundred fifty dollars for kennels with 11 dogs or more, but not more than twenty-five dogs;
Two hundred fifty dollars for kennels with twenty-six dogs or more.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
Regular kennel inspections shall be conducted no less than twice each year by the animal control officer.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The city clerk shall issue dog licenses, collect the appropriate fees and turn all moneys over to the treasurer's office on a regular basis.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
The police chief and his designee, including the animal control officer, and any revere police officer shall have authority to enforce the provisions of this title. Any alleged violation of this title may, in the sole discretion of the enforcing agent, be made the subject matter of noncriminal disposition proceedings commenced by such agent in accordance with M.G.L. c. 40, § 21D.
(C.O. 15-104, § 1, 9/28/2015)
Whereas, the provisions of this section are intended to be rules and regulations for maintaining order at dog parks in the city of Revere, Massachusetts:
Rules and Regulations.
Dogs must be licensed, vaccinated, healthy, and free of any contagious diseases.
Dogs must wear a collar displaying license at all times; no prong, spike or choke collars shall be permitted.
There is a maximum of two dogs per handler allowed in the dog park.
Dogs shall remain on their leash until inside the gated area of the park.
Digging shall not be permitted; handler shall fill in any holes made by dog(s) under their control.
All dogs shall be within sight and voice control of handler at all times.
Aggressive, sick dogs and puppies under four months are prohibited.
If a dog displays any aggressive, rough, or unruly behavior or mounting, the handler shall immediately leash and remove problem dog(s) from the park. Handler(s) shall remove dog(s) at the first sign of aggression.
No food or treats are permitted inside the park.
No person in the park shall behave in any manner that antagonizes a dog or violates animal cruelty laws.
Leaving dogs unattended is prohibited, and unattended dogs shall be impounded.
All handlers are required to immediately pick up after their dog(s) and dispose of waste in appropriate receptacles.
Handlers must be over eighteen years old and are legally responsible their dogs and any injuries or damages caused by dog(s) in the park. The city of Revere shall not be liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog or handler in the park.
Any dog that exhibits a history of aggressive behavior may have park privileges revoked by the police chief or his or her designee, including the animal control officer.
No smoking, food, glass containers or alcoholic beverages shall be permitted in the park.
No rollerblading, skateboarding, or bicycles are permitted in the park.
The gates to the park shall be closed at all times.
Enforcement. The police chief, or his or her designee, including the animal control officer, and any Revere police officer shall have authority to enforce the provisions set forth in Section 6.01.170 of the Ordinances of the city of Revere. Any alleged violation of this title may be made the subject matter of noncriminal disposition proceedings commenced by such agent in accordance with M.G.L. c. 40, § 21D.
First offense in any calendar year: twenty-five dollars.
Second offense in any calendar year: fifty dollars.
Third and subsequent offense in any calendar year: one-hundred dollars.
(C.O. 21-195, § 1, 7/12/2021)