All junk heaps, dumps or automobile graveyards, so-called, where old, discarded, worn-out or junked automobiles, or parts thereof, or appliances, used lumber, scrap metal or similar debris are gathered together, kept, deposited or allowed to accumulate, in such location or situation, either within or without the limits of any highway, so as to be unsightly, detracting from the natural scenery and injurious to the comfort and happiness of individuals and the public, and injurious to property rights, are declared to be public nuisances.
(Prior revision § 13-5)
No person, corporation, business, commercial establishment, public or private entity or residence shall within the city place or maintain on any real property exposed to public access or view a receptacle container or compactor, commonly referred to as a dumpster or compactor, for the storage, collection and disposal of refuse, rubbish, litter, trash or solid waste, which is not enclosed on four vertical sides by a perimeter enclosure, fence, facade or screen which restricts physical and visual access to the dumpster or compactor. Dumpsters and compactors located within the confines of buildings which restrict physical and visual access shall be exempt from the enclosure provisions of this section.
Containers, compactors, or dumpsters used by any person, corporation, business, commercial establishments, public or private entity or residence used for the storage of waste, refuse, solid waste, garbage, litter, junk or other forms of rubbish shall be watertight and rodent-proof with tight-fitting covers. Said containers and container covers shall be made of metal or other durable, rodent-proof material. Tight-fitting covers for containers, compactors, or dumpsters shall be made of metal or other durable, rodent-proof material and shall be tightly secured at all times while awaiting final collection.
Any owner of any property for which a corporation, business, commercial establishment, public or private entity, or residence where said containers, compactors, or dumpsters are located, that is in violation of the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Chapters 1.12 and 1.16 of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere.
(C.O. 88-220A2 § 1; C.O. 11-088, § 1, 5/23/2011)
Whoever, being the owner or in control of any lot or premises in the city, permits the disposal or accumulation of refuse, rubbish, junk, garbage or other litter thereon so as to thereby commit or maintain a nuisance is liable to the penalties provided in Section 1.16.010 of this revision.
(Prior revision § 13-16)
Any landowner who maintains the exterior of its real property in an unclean and unsanitary condition, including a condition in which grass and/or weeds are overgrown, shall be in violation of this health code and subject to the penalties set forth in Chapters 1.12 and 1.16.
(C.O. 00-544 § 4, 2000)
The provisions of the sanitary code are hereby incorporated and adopted by reference in this health code. Therefore, any person or entities who violate a provision of such sanitary code shall be in violation of this health code and subject to the penalties set forth in Chapters 1.12 and 1.16.
(C.O. 00-544 § 5, 2000)
The provisions of the State Fire Code and State Building Code are incorporated and adopted by reference in this health code. Therefore, any person or entity who violates a provision of the State Fire Code or State Building Code shall be in violation of this health code and subject to the penalties set forth in Chapters 1.12 and 1.16.
(C.O. 06-39 § 3)
The provisions of the animal control laws set forth in Title 6, Chapter 6.04 are hereby incorporated and adopted by reference in this health code. Therefore, any person or entity who violates a provision of Title 6, Chapter 6.04 of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere shall also be in violation of this health code and subject to the penalties set forth in Chapters 1.12 and 1.16.
(C.O. 00-544 § 6, 2000)
The provisions of the wetlands protection laws set forth in Title 16, Chapter 16.04 are hereby incorporated and adopted by reference in this health code. Therefore, any person or entity who violates a provision of Title 16, Chapter 16.04 of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere shall also be in violation of this health code and subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 1.12 and 1.16.
(C.O. 00-544 § 7, 2000)
The provisions of the property laws set forth in Title 9, Chapter 9.12 are incorporated and adopted by reference in this health code. Therefore, any person or entity who violates a provision of Title 9, Chapter 9.12 of the revised ordinances of the city of Revere shall also be in violation of this health code and subject to the penalties set forth in Chapters 1.12 and 1.16.
(C.O. 04-260 § 2)
Editor’s note: Former §§ 8.04.024 through 8.04.027, which dealt with storage and separation of wastes and waste disposal, were repealed 6/17/2019 by C.O. 19-087.
No person shall throw or place, or cause to be thrown or placed, in or upon any street or public place, or into any catchbasin of any sewer or drain, or into any drainage ditch in the city, any dirt, filth, garbage, rubbish, shavings, refuse or waste matter of any kind.
(Prior revision § 13-17)
Litter. Shopping carts left unattended and abandoned on public property or rights-of-way shall, for the purpose of this section be deemed litter.
Removal and Redemption. The superintendent of the department of public works may cause shopping carts left unattended and abandoned on public areas to be removed to a designated location. Owners may redeem said shopping carts upon proof of ownership and payment of all city costs which shall not exceed twenty-five dollars for each shopping cart removed and stored by the city.
Disposal. Carts not redeemed within thirty days of notification by the city shall be sold at auction or disposed of if not saleable.
Notice. When possible, the superintendent of the department of public works, shall give notice to the owners of shopping carts, if known, that the city has removed said unattended and abandoned carts from the public way to a designated area along with the procedure and time schedule for reclamation of said carts prior to disposal.
Identification. All businesses located within the city that use shopping carts shall place a distinguishing mark on their shopping carts to identify the cart as belonging to the particular business.
(C.O. 97-544 § 1)
No person shall place in any drinking fountain established in any public place any dirt, stone, ashes, rubbish, filth or foreign matter of any kind.
(Prior revision § 13-4)
Every owner of land which has been excavated shall erect barriers around such land or take other suitable measures to protect the safety of the public within five days after such owners have been notified, in writing, by the mayor or the city council that, in their opinion, such excavation constitutes a hazard to public safety. The penalty for violation of this section shall be a fine; for the first offense fifty dollars, for the second offense one hundred dollars, and for each subsequent offense two hundred dollars.
(Prior revision § 13-6)
No trailer shall be used for human habitation in the city, whether for temporary or permanent use, and whether or not placed on a foundation, except in trailer camps duly established by law under the regulations of the board of health.
"Trailer" means any vehicle or object on wheels and having no motive power of its own, but which is drawn by or used in combination with a motor vehicle.
(Prior revision § 13-20; C.O. 83-52 § 84)
Except as provided for in subsection C of this section, the city of Revere shall provide the following services to residential condominiums organized under M.G.L. c. 183A, whether owner occupied or rental, and regardless of the number of units in the building, or buildings, comprising the condominium in the same fashion as the city of Revere provides those services to single-family residences:
Collection of recyclable materials and garbage.
Condominiums shall be required to pay to the city of Revere the cost of any insurance riders required by the city of Revere.
In lieu of providing some or all of the services set forth in subsection (A)(1) of this section, a municipality shall reimburse the condominium an amount equal to the costs incurred by the condominium for providing those services, but not more than the costs that would be incurred by the city of Revere in providing those services directly. Any costs in excess of the amount which would have been incurred by the city of Revere shall be the responsibility of the condominium:
Where the city of Revere elects to reimburse as here provided for, the city of Revere shall reimburse quarterly upon submission to the city of Revere by the condominium of an accounting of its costs incurred for those services for the preceding quarter; and
Wherever the term "municipality" is used hereunder, the term shall mean the city of Revere, its subdivisions, agents, servants and/or employees.
(C.O. 96-344 § 1)
No permit shall be issued for any street opening work, and no building permit shall issue for any new construction, or for any work in which the displacement of earth requires a building permit, until the applicant provides evidence that the construction site area, including buildings or premises thereon, have been treated for, or are free from, insect and rodents in accordance with State Sanitary Code, 105 CMR, Section 410.550; except at the discretion of the health agent. The department of public works shall be responsible for enforcing baiting procedures relative to street opening permits. The applicant shall be held responsible for corrective measure should his/her digging, construction, renovations, or conversions, ten days after the completion of, or at the discretion of the health agent any construction in accordance with this section. Failure to comply with this provision may subject the applicant to fines of up to three hundred dollars per day, per violation.
No building permit shall be issued for any renovation of a building that has been vacant for three or more months in accordance with subsection A of this section.
All dumpsters shall be permitted through a fifty dollar annual fee through the department of inspectional services. Any persons or entity that stores refuse in such containers shall be required to clean and disinfect said containers three times a year on April 30th, July 30th, and October 30th. The owner of the business must submit a maintenance plan, provided to said owner by the city, for said dumpsters to the health department with said permit. Business owners must also keep maintenance records on hand for inspectors to review. Failure to do so will be punishable by a fifty dollar fine, per day, per container. All such fees will go into a separate account to be used for rodent control measures. Dumpsters that are not in compliance could result in closure of the business. This subsection shall take effect on April 1, 2013.
Maintenance shall involve the following tasks:
Cleaning and disinfecting per maintenance schedule stated above.
Covers and gates shall operate properly if applicable.
Baiting around the perimeter of dumpster as needed.
Any agreement made between the city of Revere and any contractor shall include provisions for baiting under the following schedule:
Eighteen days before the start of, through the duration of, and eighteen days after the completion of, or at the discretion of the health agent, any construction, renovation, development, demolition or conversion projects of buildings. Failure to do so will be punishable by a fine of two hundred fifty dollars per day, per contractor.
Eighteen days before the start of, through the duration of, and eighteen days after the completion of, or at the discretion of the health agent, any project which requires the opening of public roadways by the city of Revere or its agents, including, but not limited to, public works projects, infrastructure projects and utility projects. Failure to do so will be punishable by a fine of two hundred fifty dollars per day, per contractor.
Bait traps shall be placed and spaced at an appropriate distance according to industry standards for all projects requiring them in accordance with this section.
All fines and penalties associated with this section shall be subject to the provisions set forth in Chapters 1.12 and 1.16 of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere.
(C.O. 21-060, § 1, 6/21/2021; C.O. 12-225, § 1, 10/15/2012)
Purpose. The reduction in the use of disposable plastic shopping bags by retail establishments in the city is a public purpose that protects the marine environment, advances sold waste reduction, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and protects waterways. This section seeks to reduce the number of plastic bags that are being used, discarded and littered, and to promote the use of reusable checkout bags and recyclable paper bags by retail establishments located in the city.
Definitions. The following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:
"Checkout bag"
means a carry-out bag provided by a retail establishment to a customer at the point of sale. Checkout bags shall not include:
Bags, whether plastic or not, in which loose produce or bulk products are placed by the consumer to deliver such items to the point of sale or check out area of the retail establishment;
Laundry or dry cleaner bags;
Newspaper bags; or
Bags used to contain or wrap frozen foods, meat or fish, whether prepackaged or not, to prevent or contain moisture and/or prevent contamination.
"Disposable plastic shopping bag"
means any checkout bag made predominately of plastic derived from either petroleum, natural gas, or a biologically based source, such as corn or other plant sources, which is provided to a customer at the point of sale.
The term, "disposable plastic shopping bag" includes:
Degradable plastic bags; and
Biodegradable plastic bags that are not commercially compostable as well as commercially compostable plastic bags.
The term "disposable plastic shopping bag" shall not include:
Reusable bags;
Produce bags; or
Product bags.
As used in this definition, the term "produce bag" or "product bag" means any bag without handles used exclusively to carry produce, meats or other food items to the point of sale inside a store or to prevent such food items from coming into direct contact with other purchased items.
"Recyclable paper"
bag means a paper bag that is one hundred percent recyclable and contains at least forty percent post-consumer recycled content, and displays the words "Recyclable" and "made from 40% post-consumer recyclable content" in a visible manner on the outside of the bag.
"Retail establishment"
means any commercial enterprise, defined as the following: whether for or not for profit, including, but not limited to, restaurants, pharmacies, convenience and grocery stores, liquor stores, seasonal and temporary businesses, jewelry stores, and household goods stores.
"Reusable bag"
means a bag that is specifically designed and manufactured for multiple reuse and is either polyester, polypropylene, cotton or other durable material, and meets the following requirements:
Has a minimum lifetime capability of one hundred twenty-five or more uses carrying twenty-two or more pounds; and
Is machine washable or is made of a material that can be cleaned or disinfected one hundred twenty-five times.
Has a thickness of greater than four mil.
Prohibition of Disposable Plastic Shopping Bags. No retail establishment shall provide a disposable plastic shopping bag to any customer for the purpose of enabling the customer to carry away goods from the point of sale. Nothing in this section shall be read to preclude any establishment from making reusable bags available for sale to customers or utilizing recyclable paper bags at checkout.
Penalties and Enforcement.
Each Retail Establishment shall comply with Section 8.04.090 of the Revere Revised Ordinances.
If it is determined that a violation has occurred, inspectional services shall issue a warning notice to the retail establishment for the initial violation.
If an additional violation of this ordinance has occurred within one year after a warning notice has been issued for an initial violation, inspectional services shall issue a notice of violation and shall impose a penalty against the retail establishment.
The penalty for each violation that occurs after the issuance of the warning notice shall be no more than:
Fifty dollars for the first offense.
Not less than one hundred dollars or more than four hundred ninety dollars for the second offense and all subsequent offenses.
Effective Date. Stores that are twenty thousand square feet or larger are required to adhere to the ordinance by July 1, 2019, Stores that are at least ten thousand square feet are required to adhere to the this section by September 1, 2019. Stores less than ten thousand square feet are required to adhere to this section by December 31, 2019.
(C.O. 18-036, § 1, 4/22/2019)
Definitions. The following words and phrases shall, unless context clearly indicates otherwise, have the following meanings:
Entirely made of organic materials such as wood, paper, bagasse or cellulose; or bioplastics that meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D7081 standard for Biodegradable Plastics in the Marine Environment or any other standard that may be developed specifically for an aquatic environment and are clearly labeled with the applicable standard.
Refers to bioplastic materials certified to meet the American Society for Testing and Materials International Standards D6400 or D6868, as those standards may be amended. ASTM D6400 is the specification for plastics designed for compostability in municipal or industrial aerobic composting facilities. D6868 is the specification for aerobic compostability of plastics used as coatings on a compostable substrate. Compostable materials shall also include products that conform to ASTM or other third-party standards (such as Vinçotte) for home composting. Any compostable product must be clearly labeled with the applicable standard on the product.
refers to the director of municipal inspections or the director's designee.
"Disposable food service ware."
All food and beverage containers, bowls, plates, trays, cartons, cups, lids, stirrers, forks, spoons, knives, film wrap, and other items designed for one-time or non-durable uses on or in which any food vendor directly places or packages prepared foods or which are used to consume foods. This includes, but is not limited to, service ware for takeout foods and leftover food from partially consumed meals prepared at food establishments.
"Food establishment."
An operation that stores, prepares, packages, serves, vends, or otherwise provides food for human consumption. This includes, without limitation, restaurants and food trucks.
"Packing material."
Polystyrene foam used to hold, cushion, or protect items packed in a container for shipping, transport, or storage. This includes, without limitation, packing "peanuts"; and shipping boxes, coolers, ice chests, or similar containers made, in whole or in part, from polystyrene foam that is not wholly encapsulated or encased within a more durable material.
There are two basic forms, foam and rigid polystyrene. Foam includes without limitation blown, expanded (EPS), and extruded foams such as "Styrofoam," a Dow Chemical Co. trademarked form of insulation. Foam polystyrene is generally used to make opaque cups, bowls, plates, trays, clamshell containers, meat trays and egg cartons. Rigid oriented polystyrene is generally used to make clear clamshell containers, cups, plates, lids, and utensils.
"Prepared food."
Food or beverages, which are served, packaged, cooked, chopped, sliced, mixed, bottled, frozen, squeezed or otherwise prepared on the food establishment's premises within the city, regardless of whether it is consumed on or off the premises.
Material that can be sorted, cleansed, and reconstituted using the city's curbside municipal collection programs for the purpose of using the altered form in the manufacture of a new product. "Recycling" does not include burning, incinerating, converting, or otherwise thermally destroying solid waste.
"Retail establishment."
Any commercial business facility that sells goods directly to the consumer including but not limited to grocery stores, pharmacies, liquor stores, convenience stores, restaurants, retail stores and vendors selling clothing, food, and personal items, and dry-cleaning services.
Products that will be used more than once in its same form by a food establishment. Reusable also includes cleanable durable containers, packages, or trays used on-premises or returnable containers such as soft drink bottles and milk containers that are designed to be returned to the distributor and supplier for reuse as the same food or beverage container.
Prohibited use and distribution of food ware and packaging.
Food establishments are prohibited from providing prepared food to customers using polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene terephthalate food service ware.
Food establishments using any disposable food service ware shall use biodegradable, compostable, reusable or recyclable food service ware. All food establishments are strongly encouraged to use reusable food service ware in place of using disposable food service ware for all food served on premises.
Retail establishments are prohibited from selling or distributing polystyrene food service ware to customers.
Retail establishments are prohibited from selling or distributing polystyrene foam packing material to customers.
Foods prepared or packaged outside the city are exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
Food establishments and retail establishments will be exempted from the provisions of this article for specific items or types of disposable food service ware if the director or designee finds that a suitable biodegradable, compostable, reusable, or recyclable alternative does not exist for a specific application and/or that imposing the requirements of this chapter on that item or type of disposable food service ware would cause undue hardship to the establishment.
Any establishment may seek an exemption from the requirements of this chapter by filing a request in writing with the director or designee. The director or designee may waive any specific requirement of this chapter for a period of not more than one year if the establishment seeking the exemption has demonstrated that strict application of the specific requirement would cause undue hardship. For purposes of this chapter, an "undue hardship" is a situation unique to the food establishment where there are no reasonable alternatives to the use of disposable food service ware and compliance with this provision would cause significant economic hardship to that food establishment. An establishment granted an exemption must re-apply prior to the end of the one-year exemption period and demonstrate continued undue hardship if the establishment wishes to have the exemption extended. The director's decision to grant or deny an exemption or to grant or deny an extension of a previously issued exemption shall be in writing and shall be final.
Straws are expressly allowed under this section and shall be exempt from the regulations contained herein.
Penalties and enforcement.
Each food or retail establishment as defined above, operating in the city of Revere shall comply with this law.
If it is determined that a violation has occurred, the director shall issue a warning notice to the food or retail establishment for the initial violation.
If an additional violation of this law has occurred within one year after a warning notice has been issued for an initial violation, the director shall issue a notice of violation and shall impose a penalty against the food or retail establishment.
The penalty for each violation that occurs after the issuance of the warning notice shall be no more than:
Fifty dollars for the first offense.
One hundred dollars for the second offense and all subsequent offenses.
Payment of such fines may be enforced through civil action in Chelsea District Court or Suffolk Superior Court.
No more than one penalty shall be imposed upon a food or retail establishment within a seven calendar day period.
A food or retail establishment shall have fifteen calendar days after the date that a notice of violation is issued to pay the penalty.
Severability. If any provision or section of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid, then such provision or section shall be considered separately and apart from the remaining provisions or sections of this law, which shall remain in full force and effect.
Effective date. The provisions of this ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 2022.
(C.O. 21-368, § 1, 11/15/2021)