Whenever a dwelling unit, apartment or tenement, other than those in a hotel or motel, is to be occupied or vacated by an occupant the owner of the owner's agent of such real property shall be responsible for notifying the board of health of such proposed occupancy or vacancy and for requesting by certified mail or appropriate board of health forms an inspection, as required by this chapter.
(C.O. 90-280 § 1)
The unit described in Section 8.08.010 must be certified by the board of health or its agents as meeting the standards set forth in the Sanitary Codes, Article II, "Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation," as promulgated and from time to time amended by the State Department of Public Health, prior to being occupied by an occupant or reoccupied by a new occupant.
(C.O. 90-280 § 2)
If after any inspection by the board of health or its agents, pursuant to this chapter, an inspector refuses to issue a certificate of fitness, such inspector shall issue a written order or a copy of the inspection form setting forth the violations of Article II of the State Sanitary Codes existing in the unit which must be corrected before a certificate of fitness may be issued. It shall be the responsibility of any owner or lessor receiving such order to notify the board of health when such violations have been corrected.
(Prior revision § 9A-3)
The board of health shall make the inspection provided for in this chapter within five working days of notification. If such inspection has not been made within five working days, the landlord may rent the apartment.
(Prior revision § 9A-4)
The procedure for appealing any decisions of the board of health shall be the same as that set forth in Article II of the State Sanitary Code.
(Prior revision § 9A-5)
Whether or not a certificate of fitness has been issued by the board of health for a particular unit shall be a matter of public record.
(Prior revision § 9A-6)
Upon issuance of a certificate of fitness, it shall be posted in a conspicuous place in a common area of the building in which the unit is located or a copy of it shall be given to any person occupying such unit.
(Prior revision § 9A-7)
Any owner or lessor of property used for dwelling purposes failing to comply with this chapter shall pay a fine not to exceed twenty dollars each and every day that the owner or lessor allows any person to live, occupy or inhabit such premises without having received a certificate of fitness from the board of health for a particular unit. Such failure shall be a matter of public record.
(Prior revision § 9A-8)