No person shall expose any table or device for the playing of any game of chance or skill, and no person shall play at the same, or at any unlawful game, in any street or public place.
(Prior revision § 13-8)
No masseur nor masseuse employed by an establishment licensed under Chapter 140, Section 51 of the General Laws shall practice massage upon or give or assist in the giving of any type of baths to the opposite sex.
(Prior revision § 13-29; C.O. 78-692 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 45)
The doors of each room and enclosure of an establishment licensed pursuant to Chapter 140, Section 51 of the General Laws and used for massage purposes shall have an unobstructed window, one foot by two feet in size, which permits visual observation of the entire room or enclosure. The doors shall be free of obstruction and remain unlocked during the hours of operation, along with all entrances to the establishment.
(Prior revision § 13-30; C.O. 78-692 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 46)
No person shall drink any alcoholic beverages, as defined in Chapter 138, Section 1 of the General Laws, while on, in or upon any public way, or upon any way to which the public has a right of access as invitees or licensees, park or playground, or private land or place, without the consent of the owner or person in control thereof.
All alcoholic beverages being used in violation of this section shall be seized and safely held until final adjudication of the charge against the person arrested or summoned before the court, at which time such alcoholic beverages shall be returned to the person entitled to lawful possession.
Upon conviction of violation of the provisions of this section, the penalty shall be not less than two hundred dollars, and not to exceed three hundred dollars.
(Prior revision §§ 13-3.1, 13-3.2; C.O. 83-339; C.O. 88-272A § 1)
Any person who engages, agrees to engage or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee, or any person who pays, agrees to pay or offers to pay another person to engage in sexual conduct, or to agree to engage in sexual conduct with another natural person may be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars.
(C.O. 92-324 § 1)
"Antibacterial solution"
means any solution used to retard the growth of bacteria approved for application to human skin and includes all products so labeled.
"Board of health permit for body piercing"
means written board of health permit to engage in the work of body piercing.
"Body piercing"
means any method of inserting a needle into the body, other than in the earlobe, to place jewelry in the perforation produced by the needle. Establishments and/or individuals involved in the piercing of earlobes (only) must comply with relevant OSHA requirements.
Body Piercer.
Only a qualified physician under Section 2 of Chapter 112 of the General Laws or corresponding provisions of earlier laws.
means the board of health.
"Germicidal solution"
means any solution which destroys germs, and is not labeled.
means any person under the age of eighteen.
Only a qualified physician under Section 2 of Chapter 112 of the General Laws or corresponding provisions of earlier laws, who owns, controls, operates, conducts or manages any piercing establishment, whether actually performing the work of piercing or not.
"Piercing establishment"
means any room or space where piercing is practiced or where the business of piercing is conducted.
means being clean and free of infection or disease.
means the cleaning process that provides sufficient concentration of chemicals to reduce the bacteria count, including pathogens, to a safe level on equipment.
means the holding in an autoclave for thirty minutes, at twenty pounds pressure, at a temperature of two hundred seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
No minors shall receive body piercing, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who has signed a consent form.
No piercing of animals shall be allowed in piercing establishment.
Pre-procedural consultation to discuss body piercing and the health risks associated with it shall be required with each client. An informed consent form shall be signed by each client. Clients shall be given a copy of the consent form and a copy shall be kept on file by the establishment. Clients with medical conditions such as hemophilia, which may be exacerbated by piercing procedures, shall be advised to first consult with their private physicians.
Clients who are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs shall not receive a body piercing.
Piercing of genitalia is not allowed.
Oral piercing is limited to the tongue, lips and facial areas. Internal piercings, such as on the uvula are not allowed.
Clients must receive verbal and written instructions on post-procedure care and on the signs and symptoms of infection.
Infections and adverse reactions of any kind shall be reported to the Revere board of health within twenty-four hours and the client referred to a physician for an examination.
EPA-approved disinfectants must be used to disinfect the surface of the skin in the area to be pierced, prior to piercing.
Qualified body piercers who receive needle stick injuries and/or any potential exposure to blood-borne pathogens on the job shall follow OSHA laws on the reporting and follow-up on needle stick injuries. OSHA guidelines shall be posted in employee area (Code of Federal Regulations 29 CFR 1910 1030-f).
All piercing studios shall offer free Hepatitis vaccination series to their employees as required by OSHA regulations.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
No person shall perform body piercing, display a sign or in any way advertise or claim to be a body piercer unless that person holds a valid BOH permit.
An applicant for permit shall pay a forty dollar fee established by the city of Revere with an annual renewal fee of forty dollars and shall show to the satisfaction of the BOH that the applicant:
Has complied with the BOH requirements for body piercers, set out in Section 9.04.090 of this chapter;
Has provided evidence in the form of a physician's license;
Has signed a written agreement to adhere to all regulations regarding body piercing practice;
Shall notify the BOH in writing of the piercing establishment address. At said address, the permit must be conspicuously posted at all times;
Shall submit their policy on infection control to the BOH.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
Body piercers and their employees must show evidence of the following:
Qualified body piercers must present evidence of a qualified physicians license under Section 2 of Chapter 112 of the General Laws or earlier corresponding provisions.
Completion of an OSHA course on prevention of disease transmission and blood-borne pathogens.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
No person shall operate a body piercing establishment unless the BOH issues a permit to that person to operate the establishment.
In addition to the body piercer's fee, each establishment shall pay a forty dollar fee, with an annual renewal fee of forty dollars to operate the establishment.
Facilities shall be located in accordance with zoning and a certificate of occupancy must be issued by the building inspector prior to operation of body piercing establishment in compliance with the following:
Lighting, plumbing, water and sewerage must be in accordance with local ordinances.
With the exception of service animals (i.e., guide dogs) no animals shall be allowed on the premises.
The floors, walls, ceilings, light fixtures, decorative materials, and similar equipment attached to the walls or ceilings shall be kept clean and in good repair.
Adequate ventilation (such as air condition, etc.) shall be used to keep the air dry and circulating.
All walls and ceilings shall be in a light color.
Convenient, clean and sanitary toilet and hand-washing facilities shall be made accessible to customers. A hand-washing sign shall be posted in the bathroom, next to the sink. The plumbing fixtures and toilet room shall be in good repair. Single-use hand towels shall be provided. Mechanical air dryers are not recommended.
Piercing establishment shall be equipped with appropriate sterilizing equipment (i.e., working steam autoclave), Autoclaves must be spore tested twice a month by independent laboratories to ensure they are working adequately.
Piercing establishment shall be equipped with appropriate cleansing equipment (i.e., a working ultrasonic clear).
Piercing establishments shall submit an extermination certificate to BOH prior to opening establishment.
Work Area.
Each body piercing establishment shall have a separate work area not used for any other purpose.
No client shall be pierced at any other location in the establishment than the work area.
No client shall be allowed to perform their own piercing/insertions.
Work areas shall not be used as a corridor for access to other rooms.
The floors chairs and table tops where body piercing equipment and body piercing work is done shall be nonporous. Carpet is not permitted in the work area.
The work area should be well-lit with at least fifty foot candles of light measures at the height of the work table.
Facilities shall be equipped with sinks and basins with hot and cold running water.
A covered waste receptacle with disposable liner bags shall be located in the work area.
No person shall smoke, or consume any food or drink in the work area.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
Sanitary Procedures.
Before procedure, qualified body piercers shall complete all business transactions.
Before procedure, qualified body piercers shall obtain consent forms and provide a copy to the client.
Regarding Piercer's Jewelry.
Before procedure, both client and piercer shall select appropriate size and quality of jewelry.
Appropriate jewelry is made of implant grade, high quality surgical stainless steel (3161.vm series) solid 14k niobium, titanium, platinum. Appropriate jewelry has no nicks, scratches, or irregular surfaces which may endanger the body tissue.
Ear studs or earring wire are not appropriate jewelry for other body parts and must not be used by piercers.
Hand Washing Procedures. Before working on each patron, the body piercer shall:
Inspect hands for small cuts and abrasions;
Refrain from body piercing or handling equipment if they have open sores, weeping dermatitis or lesions on hands or arms until the condition has cleared;
Refrain from body piercing until the condition has cleared, if they have a cold, flu or other communicable disease;
Wash hands, wrists and up to elbows with antibacterial solution;
Dry hands thoroughly with single use disposable towel, such as a paper towel;
Put on medical grade latex, vinyl, or hypoallergenic gloves.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
Body piercers shall:
Set up equipment in front of client;
Packages containing sterile equipment will be opened in front of client;
Jewelry contaminated with only airborne pathogens (not previously worn or contaminated) shall be disinfected with a nonhazardous hard-surface disinfectant approved by the E.P.A.;
All jewelry must be for single-use on only one person, and shall not be reused on another client;
All needles used in piercing must be presterilized, used on only one person, in one sitting, for single piercing and immediately disposed of in a medical sharps container;
Piercers shall use pre-sterilized disposable equipment when possible. For equipment that is not disposable, such as surgical steel forceps, autoclaving and ultrasonic cleaning is required.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
Body piercers shall:
Put on fresh gloves for disinfection routine;
Move in such a manner to avoid recontamination of surfaces;
Discard disposable items and remove from work area;
Remove plastic barrier film (if used) and disinfect surface areas, drawer pulls, cabinetry, telephones, lamps, chairs, sinks, tables, chairs, floor area, and any other surfaces that may have become contaminated;
Dispose of single-use lap cloths after each use;
Remove gloves, discard gloves and wash hands;
Discard materials in biohazardous waste bags after each client;
All reusable equipment, such as a marking pen, shall be nonporous and disinfected after each use. Non-spray wipes for surfaces and liquids for soaking jewelry are preferred over spray disinfectants, which may disperse pathogens into the air;
Iodine, bacitracin, and other antiseptics shall be applied with single use applicators. Applicators shall have touched a client once may not be used to retrieve antiseptics, iodine, etc. from containers;
For removal of bacitracin or other antibiotic solutions, blood, and other particles from a used, contaminated instrument (i.e., jewelry, forceps, pliers), cleansing with an ultrasonic cleaner, followed by a steam autoclave is required;
Steam autoclave must be used on all equipment that may come in contact with the client or the jewelry (i.e., receiving tubes, rubber bands, insertion tapers, forceps, files, gauge wheels, pliers, etc.). Equipment shall be bagged, dated and sealed and then store in a nonporous dark, dry, cool place, such as a medical credenza. Instruments shall be autoclaved at a temperature of two hundred seventy-three degrees F, Autoclaves shall be spore tested by independent laboratories at least twice a month.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
Proper disposal of hazardous and biological waste is mandatory. All needles must be disposed to in medical grade sharps containers and disposed of by a professional environmental company licensed by the state.
Any other supplies or material that is contaminated with blood or other body fluids shall be double-bagged in red, hazardous waste bags and also removed by an environmental company licensed by the state to remove biological waste.
Uncontaminated disposable waste shall be placed in easily cleanable, sealed containers, with tight lids, to prevent leakage.
Waste containers shall be kept closed when not in use.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
Mobile piercing establishments shall not be allowed to operate in Revere.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
An annual permit fee of forty dollars will be submitted by check to the city of Revere board of health for each establishment.
An annual permit fee of forty dollars will be submitted by check to the city of Revere board of health for each body piercer applicant.
Each permit shall expire on December 31st.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
The piercer's permit shall be suspended immediately upon notice to the holder (without a hearing) when BOH has reason to believe that an imminent health hazard exists.
In all other instances of violation, the BOH shall serve the registrant a written notice specifying the violations and allow the establishment the opportunity to correct the problems.
If a registrant fails to comply with the BOH body piercing regulations, the BOH shall suspend the body piercing permit.
The establishment shall be notified in writing that the permit shall be suspended at the end of ten days following the citing of the violations unless a request for a hearing is made to the BOH within the ten-day period.
Any person whose permit has been suspended may make a request in writing for reinstatement of the permit.
For serious or repeated violations or for interference with the BOH, in the performance of its duties, or for persons found guilty of any crime related to body piercing, the body piercer's permit may be permanently revoked after an opportunity for a hearing has been provided.
Any person who performs piercing without a permit will be penalized by a fine of three hundred dollars per violation or be brought before the district court.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
The board of health may vary the application of any provision of any of these regulations with respect to any particular case when the board of health finds the enforcement thereof would do manifest injustice.
Every request for a variance shall be in writing with a copy available to the public at all reasonable hours in the office of the city clerk and in the office of the board of health. Any variance granted must be posted on the premises in a prominent location for the duration that the variance is in effect.
(C.O. 98-140 § 1 (part))
means city of Revere.
"Health care facility"
means any hospital, nursing home, extended care facility, long-term facility, clinic or medical laboratory, state or private health or mental institution, clinic, physician's office or health maintenance organization.
means any person, firm, association, partnership, corporation, governmental entity, organization, combination or joint venture that produces a mercury fever thermometer. If the mercury thermometer is produced in a foreign country, the manufacturer is the importer or domestic distributor.
"Mercury thermometer"
means a mercury-containing product that is used to measure body temperature. A mercury-containing product is a product, device, instrument or equipment into which elemental mercury or mercury compounds are intentionally added during its formulation or manufacture and in which the continued presence of mercury is desired to provide a specific characteristic or to permit a specific function.
Retail sale prohibited: A person shall not sell or supply (including online retail) mercury fever thermometers to consumers and patients, except by prescription. The manufacturers of mercury fever thermometers shall supply clear instructions on the careful handling of the thermometer to avoid breakage and proper cleanup should a breakage occur with all mercury fever thermometers sold through prescriptions.
Manufacturing prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture a mercury thermometer in the city.
Importation prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any facility to import, purchase or distribute a mercury thermometer in the city except in the case of medical necessity as determined by a licensed physician.
Restriction on the sale of mercury thermometers: Six months after the adoption of the ordinance codified in this section, a person may not sell or supply mercury fever thermometers to consumers and patients.
Penalty: Any person who violates the ordinance codified in this section shall be subject to a fine of not more than three dollars per unit sold. The health department shall enforce the provisions of this section.
(C.O. 01-43 § 1 (part))