No child under sixteen years of age shall be upon any street, highway, park or other public way or place in the city after the hour of nine-thirty p.m. of any day unless:
Accompanied by a parent, guardian or other responsible adult person; or B.
Performing or returning with reasonable speed from employment, from the performance of some duty, or from a supervised group event conducted by a church or by a social agency, with, in either case, permission from the child's parent or guardian.
(Prior revision § 13-1)
No child under the age of seventeen who is the subject of a court order or condition of probation imposing a curfew shall be upon any street, highway, park or other public way or place in the city beyond the time set forth in such court order or probation condition. Any child violating this chapter shall be subject to arrest by the Revere police department.
(C.O. 04-170 § 1)
Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
A person who, under court order, is the guardian of the person of a qualified student; or
A public or private agency with whom a qualified student has been placed by a court.
means a person who is:
A natural parent, adoptive parent, or step-parent of a qualified student.
At least eighteen years of age and authorized by a parent or guardian to have the care and custody of a qualified student.
"Regular school hours"
means the hours for the full-time school which the minor would attend in the school district in which the minor resides, on any day for which school is in session, or, if such school in the school district of residence is unknown, "regular school hours" means the school hours of the Revere public schools on any day for which school is in session.
(C.O. 05-07 § 1 (part))
Any minor who is at least seven years of age and under eighteen years of age and who has not completed the twelfth grade of school may not be upon public streets, public places, places of amusement and eating places, vacant lots or any unsupervised place, including a private residence, or other public property during regular school hours except while attending school as required, unless such minor is:
Absent from the school with the school's permission, but not including students who have been suspended, expelled, or dropped out; or
Engaged in a lawful pursuit or activity that requires the minor's presence somewhere other than school during regular school hours which is authorized by the parent, guardian, or other person having legal care and custody of such minor; or
Lawfully emancipated pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws or court order; or
Exempt from compulsory school attendance pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 76, Section 1; or
The person has graduated from a high school.
Any minor, as defined in this section, who is not exempt from any of its provisions, who is found to be truant in the specific locations defined herein, during regular school hours, may be detained by a police officer and with the approval of an official of the Revere school department, may be transported and returned to attendance at his or her school.
(C.O. 05-07 § 1 (part))
This chapter shall not apply to qualified students who are in public places in conjunction with a field trip or program conducted by the student's school or who have been excused pursuant to their school's policies or regulations.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to apply to home schools established as specified in Massachusetts General Laws.
(C.O. 05-07 § 1 (part))
Any minor who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon detention or conviction, be subject to participation in a community service program to be administered by the Revere school department.
Each separate violation shall constitute a separate offense.
If a police officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that a minor is in violation of this section, the officer is authorized to stop and detain the minor and make reasonable inquiry regarding a potential violation of Section 9.16.030 of this chapter.
(C.O. 05-07 § 1 (part))