No person shall fire or discharge a cannon, gun or other firearm within the limits of the city except at a historical occasion or military exercise or review authorized by the military authority of the commonwealth or by the city council or mayor of the city or in lawful defense of a person, family or property of any citizen or any law enforcement officer acting in the discharge of his or her duties; provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply to persons engaged in trap or target shooting on the grounds of a gun club licensed to be used for such purposes by the licensing authorities of the city, nor to persons licensed for hunting under the laws of the commonwealth while hunting game with a shotgun.
(C.O. 88-154 § 1)
No person, except as provided by law, shall carry on his or her person, or carry under his or her control, in a vehicle, including those weapons and instruments mentioned in Chapter 269 of the General Laws, Section 10, Paragraph (b) and Section 12, any weapon or object commonly called "nunchucks," of any substance or material, a shotgun having a barrel less than eighteen inches in length, any sabre, sword or weapon of like or similar nature; any knife having any type of blade in excess of two and one-half inches (except when actually engaged in hunting or fishing or in going directly to and/or returning directly from such activities, or in any employment which requires the use of any type of knife), or other object or tool so redesigned, fashioned, prepared or treated that the same may be used to inflict bodily harm or injury to another.
Violation of any provisions of this section shall be subject to arrest and a fine of not more than three hundred dollars for each offense.
(Prior revision § 13-2.1; C.O. 79-124; C.O. 83-52 § 47)