It is the policy of the city of Revere to advance the human rights of all people and to promote understanding among individuals and groups through the methods and mechanisms provided in this chapter.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as supporting or advocating any particular religion, political view, or lifestyle.
(C.O. 23-057, § VI. 1, 5/8/2023)
As used in this chapter, the following words shall mean:
means the length of time that a person has lived, measured from the date of birth.
means one's family or ethnic descent.
means a condition which causes a physical or mental impairment which limits, or is regarded as limiting, one or more major life activity.
means the social group a person belongs to, and either identifies with or is identified with by others, as a result of a mix of cultural and other factors including language, diet, religion, and ancestry.
means one's actual or perceived identity in relation to one's concept of self as male, female, a blend of both, or neither. One's gender identity may be different from their sex assigned at birth.
"Marital status"
means actual or supposed condition of being or having been married, separated, or divorced, or the condition of being single.
"Military status"
means the condition of being or having been in the service of the military.
"National origin"
means a person or their ancestor's country of birth, tribe, or other identifiable group of people from which a person descends.
means a categorization of a person into groups based on shared physical or social qualities generally viewed as distinct within a given society.
means a particular system of faith and worship.
"Sexual orientation"
means the culturally defined set of meanings through which people describe their sexual attractions. Sexual orientation is not static and may change over time. Sexual orientation includes but is not limited to attraction, behavior, and sexual identity.
"Source of income"
means the manner or means by which an individual supports oneself and one's dependents, except in this chapter it shall not include any criminal activity from which a source of income is derived.
(C.O. 23-057, § VI. 1, 5/8/2023)
Establishment. There shall be in the city a commission known as the Revere human rights commission, hereinafter referred to as the commission.
Appointment and terms of office of commission members.
The commission shall be composed of no less than five members and no more than nine members, each to be known as commissioner, and appointed by the mayor subject to confirmation by the city council. No less than half of the commissioners shall be residents of the city of Revere, and at all times shall strive to be representative of the diversity of the city.
The commissioners shall each serve a term of three years; provided, however, that of the members first appointed to the commission, the terms are staggered. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the mayor subject to confirmation by the city council for the expired term.
Removal of commissioners. A commissioner's position may be vacated at the discretion of the commission following improper conduct, repeated absences, or upon recommendation of the remaining commissioners.
Officers, quorum, budget, and adoption of rules and regulations.
The members of the commission shall annually elect a chair from among its members. The commission may elect additional officers as it deems necessary.
No less than half of the active commission members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business, notwithstanding a minimum of three votes required to pass a decision.
The commission may adopt rules and regulations which it deems necessary for its function.
The commissioners shall be classified as special municipal employees for the purposes of chapter 268A of the Massachusetts General Laws.
Subject to appropriation, a budget shall be provided to the Commission for the reasonable expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of the commission's duties.
Executive director. There shall be an executive director who shall be appointed by the mayor and subject to city council confirmation. The executive director shall be responsible for carrying out the policies and decisions of the commission.
(C.O. 23-057, § VI. 1, 5/8/2023)
The commission is charged to cultivate understanding among residents about the effects of prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry. Towards this end, the commission may hold and advocate activities, meetings, programs, and discussion forums and/or workshops as the commission shall determine, that:
Study the problems of discrimination, receive and consider input from community members who raise discrimination concerns, and make recommendations in accordance with Section 9.28.050 of this chapter to promote good will and minimize prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, discrimination, and disorder occasioned thereby;
Improve the life of the city by working with community-oriented groups on cultural programs and campaigns to increase mutual self-respect, harmonious inter-group relations, and the peaceful enjoyment of life for all;
Work with municipal government agencies to foster compliance with local, state, and federal laws, and to raise the level of awareness and sensitivity to human and civil rights;
Speak out against all forms of discrimination, hate-motivated violence, or civil rights violations.
The executive director may consult with the commission as a resource for municipal departments and agencies needing advisory input on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Raise funds for the use of the commission and accept money, gifts, and services for its exclusive use and expend the same.
(C.O. 23-057, § VI. 1, 5/8/2023)
Members of the community seeking assistance from the commission regarding an alleged denial of equal access in housing, employment, education, contracts, purchasing, public services, or public accommodation where such denial or discrimination against an individual is based on age, ancestry, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender, military status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or source of income, may contact the commission or executive director. The executive director or their designee shall consider the communication and act in accordance with the responsibilities of the executive director.
Such communications may be referred to the appropriate governmental and administrative bodies having jurisdiction of such action.
The commission is not a branch of law enforcement and maintains no such authority. Neither notice to the commission or executive director nor action taken by the commission or executive director shall toll any legal or applicable statute of limitations for a claim of discrimination or violation of civil rights.
(C.O. 23-057, § VI. 1, 5/8/2023)
The provisions of this chapter shall be construed liberally for the accomplishment of the purposes hereof. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the civil rights granted by the laws of the United States or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
(C.O. 23-057, § VI. 1, 5/8/2023)
So far as practicable and subject to the approval of the mayor, the services of any city department, agencies, and commissions shall be made available to the commission for the purpose of effectuating the policy of this chapter.
The city solicitor shall represent and advise the commission upon the commission's request.
(C.O. 23-057, § VI. 1, 5/8/2023)
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to exempt or relieve any individual for any liability, duty, penalty, or punishment provided by any present or future law of the United States or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, other than any such law that purports to require or permit the doing of any act which would be unlawful under this chapter.
(C.O. 23-057, § VI. 1, 5/8/2023)