No person shall operate or cause any trucks, contractor's equipment of any kind or any other vehicle to operate from any premises adjoining any street, highway or alley within the city so as to enter upon such street, highway or alley from such premises with the wheels, tires, lugs, cleats or other portions of the equipment containing earth, mud or other materials without providing proper means of cleaning up such street, highway or alley and removing all earth, mud, dirt and other materials so deposited thereon.
Any failure to so remove such materials after each day's operations shall be considered a violation of the terms of this section, and each day's violation shall be considered a separate offense. The penalty for violations of this section shall be as provided in Section 21(17) of Chapter 40 of the General Laws.
(Prior revision § 17-1)
The several streets and squares in the city shall retain the names by which they are known, and all streets, ways or squares hereafter to be laid out shall be named by the city council. The city council may change the name of any street, square or way in the city; provided, that before such change, the city council shall appoint a time and place for hearing all persons interested therein, and give notice of such hearing and of its intention to change such name, by publication of the same in at least one newspaper published in the city. It shall cause signposts to be erected designating the names of streets and private ways leading from accepted streets.
(Prior revision § 17-2)
No person shall place or cause to be placed in any public way or upon any sidewalk of the city any lumber, coal, iron, trunk, bale, box, crate, cask, package, article, political sign or advertisement of any kind or anything whatsoever so as to obstruct a free passage for travelers, nor allow any of the same to remain more than one hour after being notified by a police officer to remove it; except, that nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent the use of streets and sidewalks for building purposes upon obtaining a permit as provided in Section 12.04.050.
(Prior revision § 17-3; C.O. 86-70 § 4)
No person or entity, other than the valid holder of a transient vendor license as set forth in Chapter 5.12, shall place or cause to be placed in any outdoor area not regularly and consistently used for retail sales (whether said area is covered or uncovered) any package, article, box crate, plant, tree, wreath or other article for sale or purchase without first obtaining the consent of the building inspector in writing (such consent hereinafter "outdoor sale consent"). The building inspector shall require of any applicant that the following be submitted before a determination regarding the application is rendered: a building and plot plan showing the proposed location of the proposed sales, the location of all parking spaces situated on the parcel to be used for the sales (said parcel, the "sale parcel"), the location of any structures on the sales parcel, the location of buildings and parking spaces on abutting parcels of land for which the sales parcel provides accessory parking, and the current zoning designation of the parcel. Notwithstanding any term or condition set forth in Title 17, and in addition to the off-street parking requirements specified in the Title 17, the applicant for outdoor sale consent must indicate on the building and plot plans submitted: (i) the location and designation of at least three off-street parking spaces on the sales parcel; and (ii) if the sales parcel is greater than two hundred ninety-nine square feet, in addition to the three off-street parking spaces already required, the location and designation of at least one off-street parking space for each three hundred square feet of outdoor sales space. Outdoor sale consent may not be granted if the above off-street parking requirements are not satisfied or if, in the satisfaction of the off-street parking requirements, the sales parcel or any abutting parcel of property lacks sufficient off-street parking required by any decision of the zoning board of appeals, any condition of a special permit issued by the city council or any term or condition of Title 17.
As used in this section, the term "regularly and consistently used for retail sales" means and refers to those situations in which a sales parcel is utilized for outdoor retail sales for at least one hundred eighty days during the calendar year preceding the application for consent.
Any member of the Revere police department or the sealer of weights and measures or the building inspector may issue a citation to any person who violates this section. Violators may be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars. Furthermore, any one violating this section is subject to the immediate confiscation of those wares being illegally displayed for sale.
(C.O. 94-194 § 1)
No person shall transfer merchandise from or to trucks or other vehicles over the sidewalk by the use of planks or skids, except when such transfer is reasonably necessary, and provided that the sidewalk is not unreasonably obstructed, and then only for such period of time as is necessary. Any police officer may order such skids or planks removed and if not removed, he or she may remove or cause the same to be removed.
(Prior revision § 17-4)
No person, other than one employed directly or indirectly by this city, or by the commonwealth, and while in the performance of necessary public duties, shall at any time place or leave in any sidewalk, street or highway any article, material or merchandise, unless a permit issued by the chief of police in the case of city ways or by the department of public works of the commonwealth in the case of state highways, authorizing the use of the sidewalk, street or highway, has been granted and is in effect, except as may be necessary for the reasonable and expeditious loading or unloading of any such article, material, merchandise, cart or vehicle; provided, however, that such property shall never be left so as to obstruct the free passage of pedestrian or vehicular travel. This section shall not apply to persons who have permits issued by the city public works department or its agents.
(Prior revision § 17-5; C.O. 83-52 § 51)
No person or business entity shall at any time place or leave in any dumpster type container on any sidewalk, street, highway or other public way without first obtaining a permit from the city public works department. A street and sidewalk bond in a form acceptable to the superintendent of public works shall be required in the amount of ten thousand dollars to apply for such dumpster permit. The cost of such permit shall be an initial cost of fifty dollars for processing of such permit and an additional five dollars for each day the dumpster is to remain in place. Violation for noncompliance of this revision shall be one hundred dollars per day.
(C.O. 90-81)
The board or officers issuing permits for use of sidewalks, streets or highways as described in Section 12.04.050 may, in the board's or officer's discretion, when occasion justifies, demand a suitable cash deposit, surety bond or insurance indemnity policy to save the city or the commonwealth harmless from all liability of any nature whatsoever caused directly or indirectly by such use of the sidewalk, street or highway.
(Prior revision § 17-6)
Any property as referred to in Sections 12.04.050 and 12.04.060 which has been erected, placed or left illegally in any street, highway or sidewalk may be moved by or under the direction of an officer and at the owner's expense.
(Prior revision § 17-7)
A nonrefundable application fee of two hundred dollars is required.
A refundable deposit in the amount of five hundred dollars is required and will be held until the municipal contractor completes all repairs authorized by the city of Revere and payment is received. Interest on retained money is considered to be the property of the city of Revere. Trenches not inspected due to the failure of the permittee to properly notify the department of public works, shall be subject to loss of deposit, and/or repeat of reconstruction procedures.
A performance and payment bond in the amount of five thousand dollars is required for each street opening permit granted. The city of Revere may allow a blanket bond commensurate with anticipated permit activity for routine excavators. Under no circumstances will this blanket bond be less than fifty thousand dollars. This bond will be released upon expiration of the guarantee period as outlined in subsection (C)(10) of this section.
The contractor must furnish the city of Revere with a certificate of insurance for general liability in the amount of one million dollars.
The superintendent of public works shall not issue any street or sidewalk opening permits to any permittee or excavator within five years of the final approval of any newly paved street or sidewalk by the superintendent of public works and the city planner unless the reason for doing so is a justified emergency. A justifiable emergency shall be defined as gas leaks, water breaks, water leaks, sewer breaks or sewer blockages. New installations for gas, water lines, sewer lines or connections shall not be permitted during this moratorium.
The designated department of public works coordinator of the city of Revere shall be notified twenty-four hours before the commencement of any work.
Dig safe must be notified.
Construction procedures.
The pavement shall be pre-cut and may only be disturbed within the area requiring excavation for repair, replacement or new installation. When the opening occurs within two feet of the curb and/or edge of hardened surface, the paved area between the excavation and the curb and/or edge must also be removed.
In the backfill process, the backfill shall be comprised of suitable material (subject to approval of the director of public works or his authorized representative). Concrete should be used around all electric and telephone conduit in trenches. Controlled density fill (CDF) may be required. Compaction, (when CDF is not in use) will be executed in six inch layers. Each layer shall be ninety-five percent compacted by mechanical means. When the total surface area of an individual opening in bituminous concrete is less than nine square feet, all backfill material(s) will be placed to within a minimum of six inches of the pavement surface, or the thickness of the original pavement structure, whichever is greater. For individual openings with surface areas of nine square feet and larger, the backfill material(s) will be installed to within four inches of the pavement surface or the thickness of the existing structure, whichever is greater. "Pavement structure" will incorporate all previous paving materials used above the gravel sub-base, including but not limited to bituminous concrete, cement concrete, cobblestone, macadam, etc.
The hardened pavement shall then be cut back and removed six to twelve inches from all sides of the initial excavation to the depth of the original pavement structure, exposing the undisturbed gravel sub-base. Edges will be cut perpendicular to the surrounding surface and have a clean vertical face, particularly in the corners. All utility structures shall be leveled to the adjacent surfaces. The cut back shall be in straight lines with ninety degree angles at the point(s) of intersection.
All surplus and/or unacceptable excavated materials shall be removed from the job site immediately. The excavation site shall be maintained in a clean and safe condition at all times. Sidewalks and street shall be cleaned and opened to traffic at the end of each working day, unless otherwise authorized by the city of Revere. Access to properties are to be maintained. The removal and disposal of materials, including pavement, is the responsibility of the permittee. This shall be achieved in such a manner to minimize interference with pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
The permittee shall be liable for the condition of the street and sidewalk openings and protection thereof prior to the temporary repair, and will be held responsible for all damage due to any failure of barricades, barriers, warning signs, lights or steel plates to properly protect the work from traffic, pedestrians or other causes. Other than while work is actually being performed, all open ditches shall be protected by uniform traffic control devices in conformance with the Massachusetts Highway Department Manual. All excavations must be properly secured to insure the safety of the traveling public and immediately reported to the designated department of public works coordinator.
Temporary patching shall be performed by a contract representative in accordance with the technical specifications of the city of Revere and shall be the financial responsibility of the permittee. The city of Revere reserves the right to determine and select the lowest responsible bidder to perform all contract services required. Current contact prices will be made available with completed permit applications. All barricades and/or safety devices shall be immediately removed from the vicinity upon completion of the temporary bituminous patching application.
Any improperly prepared excavations, including those left with unacceptable backfill material or insufficient pavement depth, shall be temporarily paved by the municipal contract representative and charged to the refundable deposit of the permittee. The deposit shall immediately be replenished to the original amount. At a later date, the trench shall be re-excavated and prepared correctly by the permittee. Under these conditions the permittee may also be subject to permit cancellation, inspection fees, fines and loss of deposit and bond.
All excavations will be required to settle and/or consolidate for a period of time before the contract representative of the city of Revere is directed to perform a permanent repair. This term will be defined as a minimum of thirty days when controlled density fill was used as a backfill material. Compacted gravel sub-base must experience at least one seasonal freeze/thaw cycle. The department of public works reserves the right to address any sub-base deficiency within, or adjacent to, the original excavated area with whatever measure deemed effective, during this period. These corrective procedures will be the financial responsibility of the permittee.
Immediately after the specified settling and/or consolidation period, all excavations shall be permanently restored by the municipal contract representative in accordance with the technical specifications of the department of public works. The following procedures shall be strictly adhered to:
The infrared process shall be utilized as the primary method of permanent restoration in bituminous concrete surfaces.
Temporary asphalt patches installed in cement concrete surfaces shall be re-excavated to the extremities of the square(s) in which the excavation is contained. The finished concrete contour of the original structure. Any concrete surface damaged during construction shall also be replaced in a like manner.
All other surfaces, including but not limited to asphalt, brick, glass and wood shall be replaced consistent with the original and in strict accordance with department of public works specifications.
The permittee shall also be responsible for any and all necessary appurtenant measures including, but not limited to, complete surface reconstruction, curbing, resetting utility structures "bar holes," compatible crackfilling, tack coating and infrared thermal integration of the pavement. All processes required shall be determined by a site inspection with an authorized representative of the department of public works. All restoration procedures shall be the financial obligation of the permittee.
The permittee shall be responsible for any settlement, sub-base failure and pavement cracks that develop in, or adjacent to, the original excavated area for a period of three years from the date of the final accepted permanent repair or, if controlled density fill is used, for a period of one year from the date of the final accepted permanent repair. Any surface disorder caused by settlement and/or sub-base movement within the general area containing a street or sidewalk opening, shall be addressed by the city of Revere contract representative, at the direction of the department of public works. All related corrective measures will be charged to the permittee, and the term of obligation will begin again.
Excavations opened without the permit will be dealt with directly and may be subject to cancellation and refusal of existing and future permits, and associated fines.
Police protection, if required, shall be paid by the permittee either directly or billed by the city of Revere contract representative at cost plus fifteen percent handling charges.
All surface restorations, bituminous concrete replacement, and permanent repairs will be done by a contract representative in accordance with technical specifications of the city of Revere and billed directly to the permittee.
Billing and collections.
The contract representative of the city of Revere shall bill the permittee for the above mentioned services. All invoices must be paid within thirty days. On past due invoices a service charge of one and one-half percent per month will be allowed on accounts thirty days past due provided that rate does not exceed that which is permitted by law, in which case the highest allowable legal rate will apply. Outstanding invoices exceeding ninety days shall be paid by the city of Revere. The refundable deposit will be forfeited and applied to payment for services rendered by the city of Revere contract representative. All bonds will be attached and the city of Revere will initiate fines in the amount of one hundred dollars per day and continue to accrue service charges on uncollected monies together with all costs of collection including reasonable attorney's fees.
On ninety days past due invoices, the city will revoke existing and future permits until payment of such invoices, including all service charges and fines.
If the account is found to be uncollectible the city shall institute a lien upon such real estate owned by the permittee and/or the excavator, in the manner provided in M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 42A to 42F.
The city reserves the right to assume the billing function, including assessment and conveyance of reasonable handling charges, as provided by Massachusetts General Laws.
The permittee and excavator are both, individually and severally, responsible for all actions taken under the above regulation and associated permit system. If the permit application is signed by only one of these parties, that party accepts full responsibility and liability for both parties but in no way limits the right of the city to enter into litigation enjoining both parties.
The city reserves the right to make changes or exceptions to this regulation, and retains sole jurisdiction in its interpretation and administration.
This proposal shall take effect as of December 1, 1994.
(C.O. 94-331; C.O. 17-051, 5/22/2017)
Any person, company, state agency, their agents or servants, receiving a permit to open, occupy, obstruct, use, dig into or break up any public street of the city, or portion thereof, in accordance with this provision, shall maintain at his or its expense such police officer of the city of Revere, or a designee of the city of Revere police department, but in no event less than one police officer at each street location designated in each permit required to be issued, as the chief of police may deem necessary, to avoid, so far as reasonably possible, danger to the safety of persons and interference with the free circulation of vehicular traffic and pedestrian movement. For the purposes of this section, no emergency or like permits shall be issued granting blanket or similar permission to open, occupy, obstruct, use dig into or break up more than one particular or separate street location per permit.
Opening manholes. A person receiving a permit to open a manhole in any public street of the city shall maintain at his or its expense such police officers of the city as the chief of police may deem necessary, to avoid, so far as reasonably possible, danger to the safety of persons and interference with vehicular traffic.
Failure to comply. Failure on the part of any such person to maintain such detail shall be cause for revocation of such permit, or the closing down of the opening, obstructing, using, digging into or breaking up of any public street of the city by police officers of the city until such detail is maintained.
Emergency construction. In the event of an emergency which requires the opening, obstructing, using, digging into, or breaking up of any public street of or private way in the city by a person not able to obtain a permit because of the hour, such person shall immediately notify the officer in charge of Revere police headquarters in order that the necessary police officers, but in no event less than one police officer, as designated by said officer, at each separate street location or place of such opening, obstructing, using, digging into, or breaking up of such street shall be assigned at the expense of such person.
All of these foregoing sections are also applicable to work performed upon, in or above the streets and/or sidewalks the city in which a permit is not required. Furthermore, it shall be decided by the superintendent of the department of public works whether a police officer is required on all work performed for or by the department of public works in the city.
(C.O. 08-364, § 1, 9/22/2008)
No person shall place or maintain any post in any street except by the permission of the city council, which permit may be revoked at any time.
(Prior revision § 17-9)
In the event of physical damage or destruction to a utility pole licensed pursuant to the provisions of Section 22 of Chapter 166 of the M.G.L. the first responding public safety officials to the site of said damage or destruction shall notify the chief of police, the chief of the fire department, the wire inspector or their designees of said damage and the owner of such pole informing all officials of the date, time, location and type of damages to said pole.
(C.O. 03-311 § 1 (part))
The wire inspector, designated pursuant to the provisions of Section 32 of Chapter 166 M.G.L., shall evaluate any damage and destruction to utility poles and establish a reasonable time schedule for the setting of a replacement pole and recommend to the department of telecommunications and energy the suggested date for the repair or replacement of said damaged poles and the wires thereon.
The wire inspector shall also notify the chief of the Revere fire department, the telephone company, the electric company, the community antenna television company and any other telecommunications company, that may have wires or fixtures attached to said pole, of the time schedule established by the wire inspector for the relocation of wires from said damaged pole and for the suggested date for the removal of the damaged pole.
(C.O. 03-311 § 1 (part))
In the event that the owner of a damaged utility pole, or the owners of the wires and fixtures attached thereto, fail to remove and replace said damaged poles and relocate said attached wires in accordance with the time schedule established by the wire inspector, said wire inspector shall request the department of telecommunications and energy, in accordance with the provisions of Section 34B of Chapter 164 of the M.G.L. to order the removal of the damaged utility pole.
(C.O. 03-311 § 1 (part))
No person shall place or maintain any grating, or make any permanent excavation under the surface of any street for the purpose of constructing a coal hole, or for light and air, or for an entrance, or for any other purpose without permission from the city council. No person shall leave such coal hole or other aperture open or unfastened between sunset and sunrise in any case, nor in the daytime unless actually in use and properly guarded. No grating shall project more than two feet into the street.
(Prior revision § 17-10)
No person shall place or maintain any awning, marquee, shade or frame for the same, or any sign or signboard so as to project into or overhang any street or sidewalk without written permission from the city council, which may be revoked at any time, nor unless the same is so located and constructed as not to interfere with travelers, and so that the lowest part of such fixed awning, marquee, shade or frame shall in no case be less than nine feet above the sidewalk, and the lowest part of any fixed sign or signboard not less than nine feet above the sidewalk.
(Prior revision § 17-11(a))
No permit, required by Section 12.04.250, shall be granted or issued unless and until the applicant has filed a bond or public liability insurance policy in the sum of not less than ten thousand dollars, conditioned to hold the city harmless from all damages occasioned by the existence of any such signs, awnings, marquees or signboards.
(Prior revision § 17-12; C.O. 81-293(b) § 10)
Movable awnings of combustible materials supported throughout on metal frames, may extend over the sidewalk portion of a public street to within one foot of curbs or sidewalks that are ten feet and under in width. In sidewalks over ten feet in width, the awning may project eighty percent of the width of the sidewalk; provided, that every such awning shall be not less than seven feet six inches above the sidewalk, immediately below. Any fringe attached to such awning shall not be less than seven feet from the sidewalk level immediately below.
(Prior revision § 17-11(b))
In the event any street is to be closed due to repairs, opening of trenches in or any temporary occupation of any street, way or traveled place in the city by any public service corporation or by a private contractor or corporation, notice of the same shall be given by such corporation or contractor to the chief of the fire department of the city. Such notice shall set forth in general the extent and duration of the work contemplated.
(Prior revision § 17-13)
Every person who maintains an entrance on the level with or below, or a flight of steps descending immediately from or near the line of a street, which is not otherwise safely or securely guarded to the satisfaction of the city engineer shall enclose such entrance or steps with a permanent iron railing on each side, at least three feet from the top of the sidewalk or pavement and shall provide the same with a gate opening inwardly and shall keep such gate closed during the night, unless the entrance or steps are sufficiently lighted to prevent accident.
(Prior revision § 17-14)
No person shall hold or assist in holding gatherings or meetings in any public street within the city or occupy or use any portion of the same with temporary stands for the purpose of selling or attempting to sell any goods, wares or commodities of any description without first securing a permit from the chief of police, which permit shall state the place, day and hour or period for which such meeting, gatherings or occupancy is to be held or made, nor without exhibiting such permit to any police officer when requested by such officer to do so.
(Prior revision § 17-15)
No person shall, except in accordance with a permit from the city engineer, sprinkle, scatter, put or place salt or other articles of a decomposing nature in or upon a street.
(Prior revision § 17-16)
No person shall allow any sink water or other impure water, or any wastewater, to run from any building or lot occupied by him, or under his legal control, into any street or sidewalk, without permission from the health department.
(Prior revision § 17-17)
No water shall be discharged from the roof of any building so as to flow along or across any sidewalk upon any street in which a public drain has been laid. The conductors for such water shall be made by the owner of such building to connect with such drain under the direction of the superintendent of public works.
(Prior revision § 17-18)
The city tree warden shall have the care of the shade trees in the public streets, and shall cause all provisions of the General Laws, this revision and other ordinances, made for the protection of trees on the public streets, to be strictly enforced and shall institute legal proceedings against all persons violating such General Laws, provisions of this revision or other ordinances.
(Prior revision § 17-19; C.O. 17-389, § 1, 12/11/2017)
Summary. Sections 12.04.35012.04.354 of Chapter 12.04 of Title 8 comprise the City of Revere ordinances with respect to the removal of the natural accumulation of snow, ice, and slush on public sidewalks and to reducing or alleviating the public safety hazard caused by the unnatural discharge or runoff of water onto the public sidewalk or public way.
The city of Revere.
"Natural accumulation, snow":
An accumulation of snow occurring as a result of an act of nature and remains in its natural state.
"Natural formation, ice":
Ice that has formed from water existing as pool or puddle or otherwise collected as a result of an act of nature. Water that pools, puddles, or accumulates on the sidewalk or public way as a result of its discharge from a sump pump or from the runoff of a yard, roof, downspout, gutter, or other structure and then freezes upon said public way or sidewalk shall not constitute a natural formation of ice.
A person or persons or other legal entity owning the title to any building or parcel of land, vacant or not. An owner shall include: the trustee or guardian of the estate of the holder of legal title; a mortgagee in possession or control of any property; the lawful appointee of a court of the commonwealth vested with possession and control of a property; the officer, trustee or board representing the association of unit owners of a condominium existing under Massachusetts General Laws chapter 183A.
"Public way":
Publicly-owned land that comprises a passageway, however designated or named, designed for travel by any vehicle or pedestrian.
For the purposes of this chapter, runoff shall refer to water or other liquid that flows, drips, drains, spills, or otherwise is directed from a source on private property (such as a yard, roof, downspout, gutter, or other structure) to a place on the sidewalk or public way where it pools, puddles, or otherwise accumulates.
Any paved area adjacent to a public or private way which is devoted to pedestrian travel, including any accessory ramping and curb cuts connecting the sidewalk to the traveled portion of an adjacent street, and regardless whether such sidewalk is bordered with a curbstone.
"Sump pump":
Any pump used to remove water or other liquid accumulated in a basin, floor, or yard of a privately owned property.
(Prior revision § 17-20; C.O. 85-4 § 32; C.O. 05-342 §§ 1, 2, 4; C.O. 18-037, § 1, 12/3/2018)
No more than twenty-four hours after a snowfall has ended, the owner of any real estate abutting any sidewalk or public way within the city shall remove or cause to be removed any snow or slush which has accumulated upon such sidewalk or public way.
Removal of such snow or slush shall be sufficient to clear a path that permits the orderly flow of pedestrian traffic upon such sidewalk and in no case less than thirty-six inches wide.
No person, other than a municipal employee or contractor performing snow removal service for the city, shall place or cause to be placed any snow or ice onto a sidewalk or public way.
(C.O. 18-037, § 1, 12/3/2018)
No more than twenty-four hours after ice has formed upon a sidewalk or public way, whether by natural formation or otherwise, the owner of any real estate abutting any sidewalk or public way within the city shall remove or cause to be removed any such ice, and where the ice cannot be removed completely, any remaining ice shall be covered with sand, salt, or other suitable substance to prevent slipping.
(C.O. 18-037, § 1, 12/3/2018)
The owner of property from which is discharged water or other liquid, unnaturally, by sump pump, or by runoff, onto the public sidewalk or street that causes a hazardous condition, or that results in a hazardous condition, for pedestrians or vehicles, shall cease said discharge, and/or take reasonable steps to prevent the hazardous condition by redirecting said discharge away from the public sidewalk or street, and where such redirection is neither practical or feasible the owner shall otherwise neutralize or make safe the hazardous condition.
Ice resulting from any such discharge as described in Subsection (A) is subject to the provisions of 12.04.352.
(C.O. 18-037, § 1, 12/3/2018)
Sections 12.04.35012.04.354 of Chapter 12.04 of Title 8 shall be enforced by the department of inspectional services.
The owner of any dwelling property in the city shall be responsible to assure compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and such legal responsibility under Sections 12.04.35012.04.354 is non-delegable by lease or other arrangement.
The owner of any property in violation of the provisions of 12.04.350 through 12.04.354 shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Article III of Title 1, Chapter 1.12.100 through 1.12.190. of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Revere (Noncriminal Dispositions of Violations—Mass. G.L. ch. 40U s. 1 et seq.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, an owner of owner-occupied residential property who is age sixty-five years or older, or is disabled, shall be exempt from the enforcement and penalty provisions of this chapter.
(C.O. 19-037, § 1, 3/11/2019; C.O. 18-037, § 1, 12/3/2018)
Editor's note: Former §§ 12.04.360 and 12.04.370, which pertained to snow and ice removal and derived from the prior revision, §§ 17-21 and 17-22 and C.O. 05-342, were repealed 12/3/2018 by C.O. 18-037.
No person shall cross with a horse-drawn or commercial motor vehicle any sidewalk in the city, except over regularly recognized driveways, without first obtaining from the city engineer a written permit stating the place to be crossed, and filing with the city engineer a written agreement under seal, with sureties if required, approved by such engineer, to indemnify the city from all loss, cost or expense that it may suffer by reason of such crossing.
(Prior revision § 17-25)
Every license issued under this title shall be in writing and shall specify the day and hour of the permit, the location in which the permit shall be valid, and the manner of such parade, procession or open-air public meeting.
(C.O. 83-52 § 85)