No building, structure or land shall be used, constructed, erected, placed, altered or converted, in whole or in part, for any purpose or in any manner other than for one or more of the uses set forth in Section
17.16.040 et seq. as permitted by right, indicated by the word "yes," or as permitted by special permit, indicated by the letters "SP." The word "no" indicates the use is prohibited.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(A))
The use regulations of this title shall not prohibit the use of land, buildings or structures for religious purposes or for educational purposes on land owned or leased by a religious sect or denomination or by a nonprofit educational corporation, nor shall this title prohibit such use for educational purposes, historical purposes, public safety purposes, purposes arising from the general conduct of government, or for parks and recreational purposes on land owned or leased by the city, the commonwealth or any of its agencies, subdivisions or bodies politic. Nor shall this title prohibit the use of land, buildings or structures owned or leased and regularly occupied as its principal location by a religious sect or denomination, or by a nonprofit educational corporation, for a "flea market" as defined in Section
17.08.285 or bazaar where the profits of such flea market or bazaar shall be retained by said sect, denomination or corporation for its financial support and in furtherance of its religious or educational purposes, provided however, that said flea market or bazaar is conducted no more than once per week and no later than five p.m., on any day, and that parking is provided upon the land owned or leased by said sect, denomination or corporation. Nothing herein shall exempt said sect, denomination or corporation from licensing regulations pertaining to or arising from said use.
(C.O. 03-75A § 3; C.O. 04-633A § 1)
Uses not specifically permitted, or permitted by special permit,
are prohibited.
(C.O. 96-17 § 26)
(C.O. 83-3 §§ 17-5(C)(part),
(1)—(6); C.O. 83-3 (part); C.O. 83-508A §§ 2 (part),
9; C.O. 85-4A §§ 16(D)(part),
(F), 36 (part); C.O. 87-661 § 2; C.O. 88-20 § 3; C.O. 88-49 §§ 3, 7 (part), 20; C.O. 90-37D (part); C.O. 90-237 §§ 2, 5; C.O. 91-23 § 1; C.O.
91-62 § 2 (part); C.O.
91-253 § 4; C.O. 93-30 § 1; C.O. 93-504 § 1; C.O. 94-335 § 1; C.O. 96-17§§ 7—25, 27 and 28; C.O. 97-105 § 3; C.O. 97-467 § 2; C.O. 99-92 § 2; C.O.
01-76 §§ 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 33, 34,
35, 39, 40 and 42; C.O. 01-93 § 1; C.O. 01-489 §§ 1, 3 and
7; C.O. 01-261 §§ 1,
3; C.O. 01-259 § 2; C.O. 02-569 § 1; C.O. 03-75A § 7; C.O. 03-298 § 2; C.O.
04-14 §§ 1, 3; C.O.
04-499 §§ 1, 2; C.O.
05-58 §§ 2, 3; C.O.
06-41 § 1; C.O. 07-79, § 1, 3/12/2007; C.O. 07-442, 10/1/2007; C.O. 09-139, § 3, 9/21/2009; C.O. 10-37, § 2, 3/22/2010; C.O. 11-425, §§ 12, 13, 12/5/2011; C.O. 11-426, §§ 2, 3,12-5-11; C.O. 12-138/CZ-12-01, §§ 3,
4, 5/21/2012; C.O. 13-107/CZ13-01, § 1, 5/13/2013; C.O. 13-131A/CZ13-04, §§ 2, 3, 10/28/2013; C.O. 13-279/CZ-13-06, § 3, 12/9/2013; C.O. 17-070, § 2, 3/13/2017; C.O. 17-365/CZ-17-06, § 2, 12/18/2017; C.O. 18-075, §§ 4,
5, 5/7/2018; C.O. 18-140, §§ 2, 3, 6/18/2018; C.O. 18-249/CZ-18-07,§§ 1—4, 9/17/2018; C.O. 20-067/CD-20-02, §§ 2, 3, 5/18/2020; C.O. 21-140, §§ 2, 3, 6/21/2021; C.O. 22-062/CZ-22-01, §§ 1,
2, 5/9/2022; C.O. 22-158, §§ 4, 5, 8/22/2022; C.O. 23-164, §§ 2, 3, 10/16/2023; C.O. 23-219, §§ 3—5, 11/13/2023; C.O.
24-022, 4/8/2024)
There is created in the city an overlay district of single-family
homes within the RB and RB1 districts. Any lot within the RB and RB1
districts which has less than six thousand square feet and is located
within the boundaries of the one hundred year flood plain as delineated
on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood insurance
rate map (FIRM) for the city revised August 20, 2002 shall be limited
to a single-family dwelling.
(C.O. 06-41 § 2)
A. Adult
entertainment establishment and businesses promoting adult uses within
the city of revere. Based upon the experience of other communities,
particularly the evident problems which existed in those portions
of the city of Boston bordering and included within the so-called
"Combat Zone," the city council of the city of Revere finds that the
proliferation of "adult entertainment establishments" (as said term
is herein defined) will have an adverse on the community by, among
other impacts, limiting economic development and reducing residential
property values. Furthermore, the city council finds that adult entertainment
establishments, if situated near school, parks, houses of worship,
nursery schools, day care centers, kindergartens or playgrounds would
have an adverse impact on the youth of this city.
B. General
limitation. Notwithstanding any term or condition within the Table
of Uses within this revision, or any other provision of this revision,
no adult entertainment establishments, adult bookstore, adult video
store, adult motion picture theater and advertising signs or devices
may be: (1) erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise
changed in any district other than the TED district; or (2) erected,
constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed without
the issuance of a special permit issued by the city council; or (3)
erected, constructed, placed, altered or converted if it is within
three hundred feet of the line of any lot which itself contains either
an adult entertainment establishment, adult bookstore, adult video
store, adult motion picture theater or adult advertising signs or
C. Special
permit considerations for adult entertainment establishments and adult
motion picture theaters. A special permit may be granted for any adult
entertainment establishment or adult motion picture theater if the
following conditions are fully satisfied:
1. Adult
entertainment establishments and adult motion picture theaters may
not be located less than one thousand feet from the nearest lot line
of: each other; public or private nursery schools; public or private
day care centers; public or private kindergartens; public or private
elementary schools; public or private secondary schools; playgrounds
and houses of worship.
2. A
ten-foot wide landscaped strip shall be provided along the property
line fronting a public or private way.
3. A
material condition to every special permit issued with respect to
any adult entertainment establishment and adult movie theater shall
that such establishment or theater must cease its business operations
between the hours of one a.m. and ten a.m. each day.
4. No
adult entertainment establishment or adult motion picture theater
may have visible from outside the establishment or theater any flashing
5. No
adult entertainment establishment or adult motion picture theater
shall be eligible to apply for a special permit requesting a freestanding
accessory sign.
6. Each
applicant for a special permit to operate an adult entertainment establishment
of adult motion picture must provide on a plan submitted with its
application adequate parking on the same lot said establishment or
theater in the following ratio: one parking space for every 1.25 person
allowed for the establishment's seating capacity.
D. Special
permit consideration for adult bookstores and adult video stores.
A special permit may be granted for any adult bookstores or adult
video stores (collectively said bookstores and video stores hereinafter
referred to as "adult merchandise establishments") if each of the
following conditions are fully satisfied:
1. Adult
merchandise establishments may not be located less than one thousand
feet from the nearest lot line of: each other; public or private nursery
schools; public or private elementary schools; public or private secondary
schools; playgrounds and houses of worship.
2. A
ten-foot wide landscaped strip shall be provided along the property
line fronting a public or private way.
3. A
material condition to every special permit issued with respect to
any adult merchandise establishment shall that such establishment
or theater must cease its business operations between the hours of
eleven p.m. and nine a.m. each day.
4. No
adult merchandise establishment may have visible from outside the
establishment or theater any flashing flights.
5. No
adult merchandise establishment shall be eligible to apply for a special
permit requesting a freestanding accessory sign.
E. Special
permit consideration for adult use advertisement signs. A special
permit may be granted for any adult use advertisement signs if each
of the following conditions are fully satisfied:
1. Adult
use advertisement signs may not be located less than one thousand
feet from the nearest lot line of: each other; public or private nursery
schools; public or private-day care centers; public or private secondary
schools; playgrounds and houses of worship.
2. Adult
use advertisement signs may only be located on a building in which
there is operating either an adult merchandise establishment, adult
entertainment establishment or adult movie theater pursuant to a special
permit issued by the city council.
3. The
highest point on any adult use advertisement sign may be no higher
than twenty-four feet above ground level.
4. No
adult use advertisement sign may contain any moving, flashing or animated
lights, or visible moving or movable parts.
F. Construction—Conflicts. In the event that the applicable provision of the zoning ordinances set forth in this revision imposes greater dimensional or setback requirements than do the provisions of Sections
17.16.045 et seq., the greater requirements of the zoning ordinances shall apply. No structure shall contain both an adult merchandise establishment and either an adult entertainment establishment or adult movie theater.
(C.O. 95-122 § 2; C.O. 97-105 § 4; C.O. 06-248A §§ 1—15)
A. Preamble.
Whereas, the city council finds it necessary to regulate body art
establishments by allowing such establishments by special permit within
the TED district, in order to ensure that such establishments are
located in a readily identifiable area away from residential properties,
and by doing so, thereby aid both in the enforcement of health and
safety codes and in the protection of the health, safety, and welfare
of the public from the dangers of blood-borne pathogens present in
the practices and procedures of body art.
Now therefore, the city council hereby determines the following:
B. Body
art establishment, erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted
or otherwise changed may be allowed only by special permit in the
TED district by the city council, in compliance with the dimensional
and parking control requirements of this title, except as specifically
changed by this section:
1. Body
art establishments may not be located less than five hundred feet
from the nearest lot line of: each other; public or private schools;
playgrounds, parks; conservation areas; houses of worship; residential
uses; and residential areas.
2. A
material condition to every special permit issued with respect to
any body art establishment shall require that such establishment must
cease its business operations between the hours of eleven p.m. and
nine a.m. each day.
3. No
body art establishment shall have an illuminated standing accessory
sign or attached sign that contains any moving, flashing or animated
lights, or moving or movable parts.
(C.O. 01-76A § 5)
A. Preamble.
Whereas, the city council finds it necessary to regulate the location
of sexual offender residential treatment facilities by allowing such
facilities by special permit within certain location within the TED
district, in order to ensure that such facilities are located in readily
identifiable areas away from public or private schools, parks and
playgrounds, and by doing so, thereby aiding in the enforcement of
public safety and protection of school age children from being endangered
by coming into contact with level 3 sex offenders.
Now therefore, the city council determines the following:
B. Sexual
Offender Residential Facilities, clinics, service centers and/or any
similar type of programs (hereinafter sexual offender residential
treatment facility), that provides live-in counseling, treatment classes
or guidance, erected, constructed placed, altered, converted or otherwise
changed may be allowed only by special permit in the TED district
by the city council, in compliance with the dimensional and parking
control requirements of this title, except as specifically changed
by this section:
1. Sexual
offender residential treatment facilities may not be located or operated
within two thousand feet of a public school, private school, parochial
school, city or Commonwealth of Massachusetts approved charter school,
a public or private accredited preschool, an accredited head start
facility, elementary, vocational or secondary school and city and/or
state public park or playground which is located within the boundaries
of the city. The distance between the sexual offender residential
treatment facility shall be determined by a straight line from the
boundary of the school and/or playground and the boundary to the sexual
offender treatment facility.
2. No
permit or license, including but not limited to, an occupancy permit,
shall be issued by the city and/or any city department, for any location
and/or building for the purpose of the operation of a sexual offender
residential treatment facility in the city, within the geographic
restrictions and limitations as described in this section.
(C.O. 05-58 § 1)
Townhouse dwellings erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted
or otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the RC, RC1, RC2,
RC3, NB and GB districts and only by special permit in RB, RB1, CB
and LI districts by the city council in conformance with the dimensional
and parking control requirements of this title, except as specifically
changed by this section:
A. The
minimum lot size shall be ten thousand square feet with a minimum
of three thousand square feet of lot area required for each unit.
B. The
minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty feet.
C. The
maximum number of connected units in a row shall be eight.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(E); C.O. 83-508A § 6; C.O. 85-4A § 36 (part); C.O. 90-37B, 1990; C.O.
97-105 § 5; C.O. 03-75A § 11)
A lodging house or rooming house erected, constructed, placed,
altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed only by special
permit in the HB district by the city council in conformance with
the dimensional and parking requirements of this title, except as
specifically changed by this section:
A. The
minimum lot size shall be eight thousand square feet.
B. There
shall be sufficient off-street parking for 1.25 vehicles for every
room rented.
C. The
number of units provided shall not exceed twelve.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(F); C.O. 87-661 § 3; C.O. 97-105 § 6; C.O. 23-164, § 1, 10/16/2023)
A child care center may be allowed in the RA, RA1, RB, RB1,
RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, NB, GB, GB1, HB, TED, CB, LI, IP, PDD1 and PDD2
districts in conformance with the following criteria:
A. A child care center shall comply in all respects with the standards
for licensure and approval in accordance with Regulation 102 CMF 7.00
of the Office for Children.
B. A child care center located in a residential district shall have
outdoor play areas which are fenced on all sides and include screening
where such areas about a residential use. Minimum screening for outdoor
play areas which abut a residential use shall include an appropriate
landscaping screen and/or stockade fencing.
C. A child care center located in a commercial or industrial district
which has outdoor play areas shall provide fencing and screening on
all sides. Screening areas shall include a five-foot landscaped buffer
zone where such play areas abut a commercial or industrial district
or use.
D. If the child care center is located within a residential district,
there shall be no parking allowed within the front yard. If the day
nursery is located in a residential structure and/or district, the
facility must provide one off-street parking space per 200 gross square
feet of nursery space in addition to the residential requirements.
E. If the child care center is located in a commercial structure and/or
district, the facility will be required to provide one off-street
parking space per 200 gross square feet of nursery space in addition
to the commercial parking requirements.
F. Swimming pools are prohibited on the premises of a child care center.
(C.O. 93-30 § 3; C.O. 97-105 § 7; C.O. 03-298 § 1; C.O. 24-022, 4/8/2024)
A family child care home may be allowed in the RA, RA1, RB,
RB1, RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, NB, GB, GB1, CB, PDD1 and PDD2 districts in
conformance with the following minimum criteria:
A. Separation Between Family Child Care Homes. Within a residential
district, no other large family child care home shall be located and
operating within the same building of an existing large family child
care home or child care center.
B. Swimming pools are prohibited on the premises of a family child care
(C.O. 03-298 § 4; C.O. 24-022, 4/8/2024)
Nursing or convalescent homes erected, constructed, placed,
altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed only by special
permit in RA, RA1, RB, RB1 or LI districts by the city council in
conformance with the dimensional and parking control requirements
of this title and the following minimum criteria:
A. The
minimum lot size shall be ten thousand square feet.
B. Parking
requirements shall be one space for every 2.5 beds, and shall be located
in the rear of the proposed structure, or in any portion of the lot
that the city council deems least offensive to surrounding residences.
Parking may also be provided on a separate parcel, in the same ownership
as the lot used for the principal use, provided that it is within
one hundred feet of the principal entrance to the building that the
parking lot will serve.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(H); C.O. 85-4A § 36 (part); C.O. 90-234 § 1; C.O. 97-105 § 8)
A telephone exchange, transformer station, substation or gas
regulator station erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted
or otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the PDD2, NB, GB,
CB, HB, TED, LI and IP districts, and in RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC1,
RC2, RC3, GB1 or PDD1 districts only by special permit by the city
council in conformance with this title and the following minimum criteria:
A. A metal
fence or other such device, as required by the city council, shall
be provided so as to prevent ready access by the public. The height
and color of the fence or device required by the city council shall
be decided by the council on a case-by-case basis, with the objective
being adequate public safety precautions.
B. The
uses enumerated in this section shall be clearly marked on all sides
as to their use and the danger they may pose to the public.
C. Any
of the uses enumerated in this section must be at least fifty feet
from the nearest residential structure.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(I); C.O. 85-4A § 36 (part); C.O. 90-237 § 8; C.O. 97-105 § 9)
A. Definitions.
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this section,
shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where
the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
"Antenna support structure"
means any building or structure other than a tower which
can be used for location of telecommunications facilities.
means any exterior apparatus designed for the sending and/or
receiving of electromagnetic waves for telephonic, radio, television
or personal wireless services. For the purpose of this ordinance the
term "antenna" does not include any tower and antenna under seventy
feet in total height which is owned and operated by amateur radio
operator licensed by the Federal Communications Commission, any device
designed for over-the-air reception of radio or television broadcast
signals, multichannel multipoint distribution service or direct broadcast
satellite service or any cable television headend or hub towers and
antennae used solely for cable television services.
means any person that applies for a tower or telecommunications
facilities development permit.
means the process by which the owner of a parcel of land
within the city submits a request to develop, construct, build, modify
or erect a tower or telecommunications facility upon such parcel of
land. Application includes all written documentation, verbal statements,
and representations, in whatever form or forum, made by an applicant
to the city concerning such a request.
means any engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
means the building inspector for the city of Revere.
"Macro telecommunications facilities"
are those which are located on existing buildings, poles
or other existing support structures and which project more than three
feet above the top of the structure but no more than ten feet above
the roof line, parapet or top of the structure.
"Micro telecommunications facilities"
are those located on existing buildings, poles or other support
structures where antennae do not project more than three feet above
the top of the structure and there are no more than six antennae per
"Monopole tower"
means any telecommunications tower consisting of a single
pole, constructed with guy wires or ground anchors.
means any person with fee title or a long-term (exceeding
ten years) leasehold to any parcel of land within the city who desires
to develop or construct, build, modify or erect a tower or telecommunications
facility upon such parcel of land.
means any natural person, firm, partnership, association,
corporation, company, other legal entity, private or public, whether
for profit or not for profit.
means a structure, such as a lattice tower, guy tower or
monopole towers, constructed as a free-standing structure or in association
with a building, other permanent structure or equipment, on which
is located one or more antennae intended for transmitting or receiving
analog, digital, microwave, cellular, telephone, personal wireless
service or similar forms of electronic communication. The term includes
microwave towers, common carrier towers, and cellular telephone towers.
B. Exclusions.
The following shall be exempt from this section:
1. Any
tower and antenna under seventy feet in total height which is owned
and operated by an amateur radio operator licensed by the Federal
Communications Commission;
2. Any
device designed for over-the-air reception of television broadcast
signals, multichannel, multipoint distribution service or direct broadcast
satellite service;
3. Any
telecommunication facilities located on property owned, leased or
otherwise controlled by the city of Revere provided a license or lease
authorizing the telecommunications facilities has been approved by
the city of Revere; and
4. Any
cable television headend or hub towers and antennae used solely for
cable television services.
C. Development
of towers or telecommunications facilities.
1. A tower or telecommunications facility shall be allowed by special permit authorized by the Revere city council in zoning districts designated in Section
17.12.010 of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere as HB, TED, LI and IP. Towers and telecommunications facilities designed and intended to accommodate at least one user are allowed by special permit authorized by the Revere city council up to a height of fifty feet following design review approval. Towers and telecommunications facilities designed and intended to accommodate at least two users are allowed by special permit authorized by the Revere city council up to a height of seventy feet in zoning districts designated TED, LI and IP following design review approval. Towers and telecommunications facilities designed and intended to accommodate at least three users are allowed by special permit authorized by the Revere city council up to a height of ninety feet in zoning districts designed TED and LI following design review approval.
2. In
the CB, NB, GB business districts, micro and macro telecommunications
facilities shall be allowed by special permit authorized by the Revere
city council following design review approval. Monopole towers up
to a height of forty feet are permitted by special permit authorized
by the Revere city council following design review approval. Monopole
towers up to a height of seventy feet designed and intended to accommodate
at least two users are permitted by special permit authorized by the
Revere city council following design review approval.
3. In
RC, RC1, RC2 and RC3 zoning districts micro and macro telecommunications
facilities shall be allowed by special permit authorized by the Revere
city council following design review approval.
4. In
RA, RA1, RB, and RB1 zoning districts, micro telecommunications facilities
shall be allowed by special permit authorized by the Revere city council
on nonresidential structures following design review approval.
5. Telecommunication
facilities outside the foregoing guidelines may only be built after
approval of a variance by the city of Revere zoning board of appeals.
D. Preferred,
disfavored, and prohibited location sites.
1. Preferred
location sites.
a. Co-location sites. Any existing telecommunications towers legally
approved by the city of Revere city council currently being used for
transmitting or receiving analog, digital, microwave, cellular, telephone,
personal wireless service or similar forms of electronic communication
shall be a preferred location site regardless of the underlying zoning
designation of the site, provided, however, that locations which meet
this criteria shall be subject to the design and siting components
of this ordinance and co-location sites shall not become an "antenna
farm" or otherwise deemed by the Revere city council to be visually
b. Publicly used structures. Publicly used structures are preferred
locations throughout the city because they appear in virtually all
neighborhoods, are dispersed throughout the city, and due to their
institutional or infrastructure uses are generally similar in appearance
to or readily adaptable for telecommunications facilities. Therefore,
telecommunications facilities should be less noticeable when placed
on publicly used structures than when placed on commercial or residential
structures. Publicly used structures include, but are not limited
to, facilities such as utility structures, elevated roadways, bridges,
hospitals, light poles and churches.
c. Industrial and commercial structures. Wholly industrial and commercial
structures such as warehouses, factories, retail outlets, supermarkets,
banks, garages or service stations shall be preferred locations particularly
where existing visual obstructions or clutter on the roof or along
a roofline can and will be removed as part of the installation of
the telecommunication facility.
d. Mixed use buildings in high density districts. Mixed use buildings
(housing above commercial or other non-residential space) are also
preferred location sites.
2. Disfavored
location sites. Any single-family residential structure or site or
multi-family duplex shall be a disfavored site for the location of
telecommunications facilities.
3. Prohibited
location sites. Any municipal building including, but not limited
to, City Hall and its annex office locations, police and fire stations,
libraries, schools, civic centers, and community centers.
E. Requirements
for telecommunications facilities.
1. General
requirements for all telecommunications facilities. The requirements
set forth in this section shall govern the locations and construction
of all telecommunications faculties governed by this section.
a. Building code and safety standards. To ensure the structural integrity
of telecommunications facilities, the owner of a telecommunications
facility shall ensure that it is maintained in compliance with standards
contained in applicable local and state building codes and applicable
standards for such telecommunications facilities, as amended from
time to time. Owners of telecommunications facilities shall conduct
periodic inspections of such facilities at least once every year to
ensure structural integrity. Inspections shall be conducted by a qualified,
independent engineer licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The results of such inspection shall be provided to the inspector.
b. Regulatory compliance.
i. All telecommunications facilities must meet or exceed current standards
and regulations of the FAA, the FCC and any other agency of the state
or federal government with the authority to regulate telecommunications
facilities. If such standards and regulations are changed, the owners
of the telecommunications facilities governed by this section shall
bring such telecommunications facilities into compliance with such
revised standards and regulations within the date established by the
agency promulgating the standards or regulations.
ii. Owners of telecommunications facilities shall provide documentation
showing that each telecommunication facility is in compliance with
all applicable federal and state requirements. Evidence of compliance
must be submitted every twelve months.
c. Security. All telecommunication facilities shall be equipped with
an appropriate anti-climbing device or similar protective device to
prevent unauthorized access to the telecommunications facility.
d. Lighting. No illumination is permitted on telecommunication facilities
unless required by the FCC, FAA or other state or federal agency of
competent jurisdiction or unless necessary for air traffic safety.
If lighting is required or necessary, the inspector may review the
available lighting alternatives and approve the design that would
cause the least disturbance to the surrounding uses and views.
e. Advertising. No advertising is permitted on telecommunication facilities.
However, a whip antenna may be allowed on any legally permitted permanent
billboard or outdoor advertising sign so long as the other requirements
of this ordinance are met.
f. Visual impact.
i. Telecommunication facilities shall either maintain a galvanized steel
finish or, subject to any applicable standards of the FAA or other
applicable federal or state agency, may be painted a neutral color
or painted and/or textured to match the existing structure so as to
reduce visual obtrusiveness.
ii. If an antenna is installed on a structure other than a tower, the
antenna and associated electrical and mechanical equipment must be
of a neutral color that is identical to, or closely compatible with,
the color of the supporting structure so as to make the antenna and
related equipment as visually unobtrusive as possible. Roof-mounted
antennas shall be made visually unobtrusive by screening to match
existing air conditioning units, stairs, elevator towers or other
Where feasible, telecommunications facilities should be placed
directly above, below or incorporated with vertical design elements
of a building to help in camouflaging.
iv. Telecommunications facilities shall not be placed in a direct line
of sight with historic or scenic view corridors as designated by the
Revere city council or by any state or federal law or agency.
v. Any equipment shelter or cabinet that supports telecommunications
facilities must be concealed from public view or made compatible with
the architecture of the surrounding structures or placed underground.
Equipment shelters or cabinets shall be screened from public view
by using landscaping or materials and colors consistent with the surrounding
backdrop. The shelter or cabinet must be regularly maintained.
g. Landscaping.
i. Landscaping shall be used to effectively screen the view of the telecommunications
facility from adjacent public ways, public property and residential
ii. Native vegetation on the site shall be preserved to the greatest
practical extent. The applicant shall provide a site plan showing
existing significant vegetation to be removed, and vegetation to be
replanted to replace that lost.
The inspector may waive or modify the landscaping requirement
where lesser requirements are desirable for adequate visibility for
security purposes, for continued operation of existing bona fide agricultural
or forest uses such as farms, nurseries, and tree farms or where an
antenna is placed on an existing structure. In certain locations where
the visual impact of the tower would be minimal, such as remote agricultural
or rural locations or developed heavy industrial areas, the landscaping
requirement may be modified or waived by the inspector.
h. Maintenance impacts. Equipment such as a transmission facility shall
be automated to the greatest extent possible to reduce traffic and
congestion. Where the site abuts or has access to a local street,
access for maintenance vehicles shall be exclusively by means of the
local street.
i. Principal, accessory and joint uses.
i. Accessory structures used in a direct support of a telecommunications
facility shall be allowed but not be used for offices, vehicle storage
or other outdoor storage. Mobile or immobile equipment not used in
direct support of a telecommunications facility shall not be stored
or parked on the site of the telecommunications facility.
ii. Telecommunications facilities may be located on sites containing
another principal use in the same buildable area.
j. Lot size and setbacks.
i. The following setback requirements shall apply to all telecommunication
facilities, provided however, that the city council may reduce the
standard setback requirements of this section if the goals of this
section would be better served thereby.
Telecommunications towers must be set back a distance equal
to the height of the tower from any off-site residential structure.
Towers, guy wires and accessory facilities must satisfy the
minimum zoning district setback requirements.
Telecommunications facilities must be setback from any property line a sufficient distance to protect adjoining property from the potential impact of telecommunications facility failure by being large enough to accommodate such failure on site, based on the engineer's analysis required in subsections
(E) and
(F) of this section.
ii. For antennas attached to the roof or a supporting structure on a
rooftop, a 1:1 setback (example ten foot high antenna and supporting
structure requires ten foot setback from edge of roof) shall be maintained
unless an alternative placement is shown to reduce visual impact.
2. Additional
requirements for towers.
a. Site location and development shall preserve the pre-existing character
of the surrounding buildings and land uses and the zoning district
as much as possible. Personal wireless telecommunication towers shall
be integrated through location and design to blend in with existing
characteristics of the site to the extent practical.
b. Existing onsite vegetation shall be preserved or improved, and the
disturbance of the existing topography shall be minimized, unless
such disturbance would result in less visual impact of the site to
the extent practical.
c. At a tower site the design of the buildings and related structures
shall, to the extent possible, use materials, colors, textures, screening
and landscaping that will blend the tower and related facilities to
the natural setting and building environment.
d. Towers shall not be located any closer than one thousand five hundred
feet from an existing tower unless technologically requires or visually
e. When a tower is adjacent to a residential use, unit must be set back
from the nearest residential lot line at least equal to its total
f. In no case shall a tower be located in the required front yard, back
yard or side yard in a residential district.
g. Towers shall not be sited where they will negatively affect the historic
or scenic view corridors as designated by the Revere city council,
or any state or federal agency or where they will create visual clutter.
h. Towers shall be enclosed by decay-resistant security fencing not
less than six feet in height and shall be equipped with appropriate
anti-climbing device or other similar protective device designed to
prevent tower access.
i. Placement of more than one tower on a lot shall be permitted, provided
all setback, design and landscaping requirements are met as to each
tower. Structures may be located as close to each other as technically
feasible, provided tower failure characteristics of the towers on
the site will not lead to multiple failures in the event that one
F. Application
1. General
application requirements for all building and special use permits.
Application for a building permit shall be made to the inspector and
special use permits for any telecommunication facility shall be made
to the city council via the city clerk by the person, company or organization
that will own and operate the telecommunications facility. An application
will not be considered until it is complete. The following information
shall be submitted when applying for any building permit, special
use permit or other permit or variance included in this ordinance
and must be submitted for an application to be complete.
a. Basic information.
i. Site plan or plans to scale specifying the location of the telecommunications
facilities, transmission building and/or accessory uses, access, parking,
fences, landscaped areas and adjacent land uses;
ii. Landscape plan to scale indicating size, spacing, and type of plantings
required under subsection (E)(1)(g) of this section;
A full description of the environment surrounding the proposed
telecommunications facility, including any adjacent residential structures
and sites of historic significance, streetscapes or scenic view corridors;
iv. A description of anticipated maintenance needs for telecommunications
facility, including frequency of service, personnel needs, equipment
needs, and traffic, noise or safety impacts of such maintenance;
v. Reports from a qualified, independent engineer licensed in the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts:
Telecommunications facility height and design, including technical,
engineering, economic and other pertinent factors governing selection
of the proposed design;
Total anticipated capacity of the telecommunications facility,
including number and types of antennae which can be accommodated;
Evidence of structural integrity of the tower structure;
Written, technical evidence that the proposed tower or telecommunications
facilities cannot be installed or collocated on another tower and/or
antenna located within one-half mile radius of the proposed telecommunication
site because of the coverage requirements of the applicant's wireless
communications system;
A written statement that the construction and placement of the
telecommunication facility will not interfere with public safety communications
and the usual and customary transmission or reception of radio, television
or other communications services enjoyed by adjacent residential and
nonresidential properties;
Written, technical evidence acceptable to the fire chief and
the inspector that the proposed site does not pose a risk of explosion,
fire or other danger to life or property due to its proximity to volatile,
flammable, explosive or hazardous materials such as LP gas, propane,
gasoline, natural gas or corrosive or other dangerous chemicals;
Structural failure characteristics of the telecommunications
facility and demonstration that size and setbacks are of adequate
size to contain debris.
vi. A definition of the area of service to be served by the antenna or
tower and whether such antenna or tower is needed for coverage or
Information showing the proposed facility would provide the
needed coverage or capacity;
The identity of the community liaison officer appointed by the
applicant to resolve issues of concern to neighbors and residents
relating to the construction and operation of the facility. Include
name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and electronic mail
address, if applicable;
ix. Identification of the geographic service area for the subject installation,
including a map showing the site and the nearest or associated telecommunications
facility sites within the network. Describe the distance between the
telecommunications facility sites. Describe how this service area
fits into and is necessary for the service network;
x. Designation of which location preference, identified in subsection
(D) of this section, above, the proposed facility is meeting. If the proposed location is not a preferred location (a) through (d) or is a disfavored site, describe: (a) what publicly-used building, colocation site or other preferred location sites are located within the geographic service area. Provide a list (by address with lot and block number noted) and a map at 1:200 scale of all buildings within the service area; (b) what good faith efforts and measures were taken to secure each of these preferred location sites; (c) why each such site was not technologically, legally or economically feasible and why such efforts were unsuccessful; and (d) how and why the proposed site is essential to meet service demands for the geographic service area and citywide network;
xi. Color photo simulations showing the proposed site with a photo-realistic
representation of the proposed tower and/or antenna viewed from the
nearest residential property and from adjacent roadways.
b. Five year plan and site inventory. Each application shall include
a five-year facilities plan and site inventory including the following:
i. A list of all existing, to be upgraded or replaced, and proposed
telecommunications facility sites within the city limits and within
one mile of the city limits and a map showing these sites. The list
must include the following information for each site:
Assessors block and lot or other applicable ad valorem tax identification
Type of building (commercial, residential, mixed use) and number
of stories;
The number of antennas and base transceiver stations per site
and the location and type of antenna installations (stand alone, rooftop,
building façade etc.) and location of the base transceiver
station installation(s);
The height from grade to the top of the antenna installation;
The radio frequency range in megahertz, the wattage output of
the equipment and the effective radiated power.
ii. If the applicant does not know specific future tower and antenna
site locations but does know of areas where telecommunications facilities
will be needed within the next five years to provide service, the
applicant shall list the assessor's blocks contained within the anticipated
geographic service area and identify each geographic service area
with a number that will correspond to the future telecommunication
facility site.
c. Additional information requirements for towers.
i. If the proposed site is zoned RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC1, RC2 or RC3
and there are alternative sites in zoning districts NB, GB, GB1, CB,
HB, TED, LI, IP or PDD1 or PDD2, the applicants must justify why those
alternative sites have not been proposed. The city council will review
with special care justifications that appeal only to undue expense
and/or to undue difficulties in entering into a lease agreement. The
city council shall carefully weigh such claims, and the evidence presented
in favor of them, against a project's negative impacts at the proposed
ii. Applicants must identify all existing towers and all towers for which
there are applications currently on file with the city council and
the inspector. Applicants must provide evidence of the lack of space
of all suitable existing towers to locate the proposed antenna and
the lack of space on existing tower sites to construct a tower for
the proposed antenna. If colocation on any such towers would result
in less visual impact than the visual impact of the proposed tower,
applicants must justify why such colocation is not being proposed.
If colocation on any tower would increase negative visual impact,
then the applicant must so state and demonstrate. The city council
will review with special care justifications that appeal only to undue
expense and/or undue expense and/or undue difficulties in entering
into a lease agreement. The city council shall carefully weigh such
claims, and the evidence presented in favor of them, against a project's
negative impacts at the proposed site.
In all zones, applicants must demonstrate that they cannot provide
personal wireless communication service without the use of a telecommunication
iv. The applicant shall quantify the additional tower capacity anticipated,
including the approximate number and types of antennae. The applicant
shall provide a drawing for each tower showing existing and proposed
antennae locations. The applicant shall also describe any limitations
on the ability of the tower to accommodate other uses, e.g., radio
frequency interference, mass height, frequency or other characteristics.
The applicant shall describe the technical options available to overcome
those limitations and reasons why the technical options considered
were not chosen to be incorporated. The city council shall approve
those limitations if they cannot be overcome by reasonable technical
v. The applicant must provide a utilities inventory showing the locations
of all water, sewage, drainage and power lines impacting the proposed
tower site.
d. The applicant must provide any information which may be requested
by the city council to fully evaluate and review the application and
the potential impact of a proposed telecommunication facility.
2. Special
use permits.
a. A request for a special use permit shall be initiated by application to the city clerk and handled in accordance with Section
17.48.070 of the city of Revere revised ordinance. The Revere city council may issue a special use permit under this section provided it shall have determined that all of the requirements of subsections
(E) and
(F) of this section have been satisfied and, further, that the benefits of and need for the proposed tower are greater than any possible depreciating effects and damage to the neighboring properties.
b. In granting a special use permit, the Revere city council may impose
additional zoning conditions to the extent determined necessary to
buffer or otherwise minimize adverse effects of the proposed tower
or antenna on the surrounding properties.
G. Co-location.
Applicant and owner shall allow other future wireless service companies,
including public and quasi-public agencies, using functionally equivalent
personal wireless technology to colocate antennae, equipment and facilities
on a telecommunications facility unless specific technical constraints
prohibit said co-location. Applicant and other personal wireless carriers
shall provide a mechanism for the construction and maintenance of
shared facilities and infrastructure and shall provide for equitable
sharing of cost in accordance with industry standards.
H. Nuisances.
Telecommunications facilities, including, without limitation, power
source, ventilations and cooling, shall be operated at all times within
the city of Revere noise ordinance, shall not be operated so as to
cause the generation of heat that adversely affects a building occupant
and shall not be maintained or operated in such a manner as to be
a nuisance.
I. Removal
of antennae and towers. All telecommunications facilities shall be
maintained in compliance with standards contained in applicable building
and technical codes so as to ensure the structural integrity of such
facilities. If upon inspection by the inspector any such telecommunication
facility is determined not to comply with the code standards or to
constitute a danger to persons or property, the building commissioner
may utilize the remedies available under Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 143, §§6-14. Moreover, the Revere city council may
utilize the remedies available under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter
139, §§ 1-3B should it determine that a tower constitutes
a "burnt, dilapidated or dangerous ... structure." Delay by the city
council or the Inspector in taking such action shall not in any way
waive the city's right to take action. The city may also pursue all
legal remedies available to it to insure that telecommunications facilities
not in compliance with the code standards or which constitute a danger
to persons or property are brought into compliance or removed.
J. Abandoned
1. Any
telecommunications facility that is not operated for a continuous
period of twelve months shall be considered abandoned, whether or
not the owner of operator intends to make use of it or any part of
it. The owner of a telecommunications facility and the owner or the
property where the facility is located shall be under a duty to remove
the abandoned telecommunications facility. If such antenna and/or
tower is not removed within sixty days of receipt of notice from the
city notifying the owner(s) of such abandonment, the city may remove
such tower and/or antenna and place a lien upon the property for the
costs of removal. The city may pursue all legal remedies available
to insure that the abandoned telecommunications facilities are removed.
Delay by the city in taking action shall not in any way waive the
city's right to take action. The city may seek to have the telecommunications
removed regardless of the owner's or operator's intent to operate
the tower or antenna and regardless of any permits, federal, state
or otherwise, which may have been granted.
2. If
the owner of an abandoned tower or antenna wishes to use such abandoned
tower or antenna, the owner first must apply for and receive all applicable
permits and meet all of the conditions of this ordinance as if such
tower or antenna were a new tower or antenna.
K. Pre-existing
towers/nonconforming uses.
1. All telecommunications facilities operative on the effective date of this ordinance which were legally permitted by the Revere city council shall be allowed to continue their present usage as a non-conforming use and shall be allowed to continue their present usage in accordance with Section
17.40.010 of the city of Revere revised ordinance. Routine maintenance, including placement with a new tower or antenna of like construction and height, shall be permitted on such existing facilities. New construction other than routine maintenance shall comply with the requirements of this section.
2. A
telecommunications facility that has received city approval as of
the effective date of this ordinance in the form of either a building
permit or special use exception, but has not yet been constructed
or placed in operation shall be considered an existing telecommunications
facility so long as such approval is current and not expired.
3. Placement
of an antenna on a nonconforming structure shall not be considered
an expansion of the nonconforming structure.
L. Coordination
with federal law. Whenever the Revere city council finds that the
application of this ordinance would unreasonably discriminate among
providers of functionally equivalent personal wireless services or
prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal
wireless services, a conditional use permit waiving any or all of
the provisions of this ordinance may be granted.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(J); C.O. 85-4A § 36 (part); C.O. 89-33A; C.O. 97-105 § 10; C.O.
00-165 § 3A; C.O. 19-063/CZ-19-02, §§ 1—3, 5/20/2019; C.O. 20-110/CZ-20-03, § 1, 6/8/2020)
A. Purpose.
It is the purpose of this chapter to establish specific standards
and procedures to authorize the installation of small cell wireless
facilities on utility poles located in the public way. In addition
to providing for reasonable regulation and orderly deployment of small
cell wireless facilities, this chapter seeks to ensure the safety,
non-interference, and visual quality of the public right-of-way and
the city generally, while also providing the benefits of improved
cell service. Notwithstanding any provision in the Revere Revised
Ordinances to the contrary, this chapter shall govern such installations.
B. Authority.
Consistent with Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 166, by amending the Revere Revised
Ordinances to include this chapter, the city council has voted to
authorize the director of municipal inspections to issue permits for
small cell facilities that satisfy the criteria identified in this
C. Definitions.
means any person, corporation, business, company or other
entity or organization submitting an application to install a small
cell facility.
means a formal request submitted to the department of municipal
inspections for a permit to install small cell facilities in the public
means the area on, below, or above a public roadway, highway,
street, sidewalk, alley, park, or similar public property within the
city of Revere.
"Small cell facility"
means facilities defined by the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) in 47 C.F.R. 1.6002(1) for the provision of personal wireless
services, including, but not limited to, commercial mobile services,
unlicensed wireless services, and common carrier wireless exchange
access services, and its equipment, which shall include, but not be
limited to, antenna, radio, power source and meter, disconnect switch,
fiber optic cable, required signage, and supporting equipment associated
with wireless communications, if any, installed on a utility pole.
"Utility pole"
means either a privately owned or city-owned utility pole,
or similar structure, located in the public right-of-way, used to
support lighting, electric cables, telephone cables, telecommunication
cables, or a similar function.
D. Application.
1. No
applicant shall install a small cell facility without first obtaining
a permit as provided in this chapter.
2. As part of the application process, an applicant shall first present the proposed small cell facility installation to the city of Revere site plan review committee for review in accordance with Revere Revised Ordinance chapter
17.17, where applicable.
3. All
applications submitted pursuant to this section shall include the
below described information. An applicant may seek permits for small
cell facilities for multiple locations, and if so, shall include the
following information for each such location under separate permits:
a. The application shall state: (i) name and address of the applicant;
(ii) name and address of the owner(s) of the utility pole; (iii) utility
pole number; (iv) name, address, telephone number, and email address
of petitioner's attorney or agent; (v) name, address, telephone number,
and email address of small cell facility owner(s)/wireless provider
and (vi) address of nearest habitable structure or building including
residential, municipal, schools, and/or business.
b. Plan, stamped and signed by a professional engineer, with a general
description of the proposed work and showing the subject utility pole
and the proposed small cell facility equipment from the power utility
connection forward. Drawings shall be provided to scale with dimensions
to show the pole length, and mounting configuration and heights of
the small cell facility equipment. The electric meter socket shall
be immediately followed by an emergency power disconnect, said disconnect
to be immediately accessible to the fire department. Should an electric
meter socket not be required by the power company, the emergency power
kill shall be provided at the minimum equipment elevation provided
in section 17.16.115(E)(7). The engineer shall also comment on the
poles ability to support the equipment in consideration of severe
weather conditions per the Massachusetts State Building Code for the
coastal community of Revere.
c. Letter or license from the owner(s) of the utility pole, authorizing
the installation of the small cell facility. Such a letter or license
shall be deemed to constitute a structural certification by the owner(s)
of the utility pole attesting to the integrity of the utility pole
to support the small cell facility.
d. Evidence sufficient to reasonably satisfy the director of municipal
inspections that the privately owned utility pole has an existing
grant of location. Utility poles that support existing wires and cables
shall be deemed to have an existing grant of location for purposes
of this chapter.
e. License(s) from the Federal Communications Commission evidencing
applicant's authority to transmit and receive wireless telecommunications,
unless such license is already on file with the city. Or if not a
wireless telecommunications provider, an affidavit evidencing that
you are an unlicensed wireless service and that you do not have or
are not required to be licensed by the FCC to transmit and receive
wireless telecommunications.
f. Proof of liability insurance including "completed operation" coverage
or its substantial equivalent.
g. Radio frequency ("RF") affidavit, signed by a professional radio
frequency engineer, which includes a brief explanation of why the
proposed small cell facility is needed to provide wireless service.
h. Radio frequency exposure (RFE) affidavit signed by a professional
Radio Frequency engineer demonstrating that the proposed small cell
facility complies with the maximum permissible exposures adopted by
the Federal Communications Commission.
i. The owner/wireless provider shall submit installation summary as-built
plans to the director of municipal inspections and the fire department's
fire prevention officer, which shall include a plan showing installation
locations of small cell facilities located within city of Revere boundaries.
This plan shall include the network operation center (NOC) emergency
contact information ("NOC numbers") for the applicant/provider. The
submission shall also include a summary table of installation locations,
which shall include but not be limited to, the small cell facility
antenna information (site name), pole number, nearest street address,
antenna description, operating frequency, FCC exposure limits at the
antenna radome elevation, and height above grade. This information
shall be submitted with each application or group of applications
or upon request from the fire department as a permit condition to
install small cell facilities in the city of Revere.
j. A fee equal to five hundred dollars for a single application including
up to five locations and a fee of one hundred dollars for each additional
location, with a check payable to the city of Revere.
4. An
additional permit, which shall be subject to the provisions of this
chapter, shall be required for the replacement of a small cell facility
with another small cell facility at a currently approved location.
The fee for a replacement permit application is one hundred dollars,
with a check payable to the city of Revere. Additional permits shall
not be required for general maintenance, repair, or modification of
a previously permitted small cell facility.
E. Standard
of review. The director of municipal inspections shall issue a permit
to an applicant for the installation of a small cell facility within
sixty days of the submission of an application submitted pursuant
to this chapter, said submission shall include review by the site
plan review committee as required in section 17.16.115(D)(2), if such
applicant demonstrates the following:
1. The
documents required in section 17.16.115(D)(3) have been completed
and submitted, and the applicant has appeared before and presented
the proposed small cell facility installation to the city of Revere
site plan review committee as required in section 17.16.115(D)(2).
2. The
small cell facility does not interfere with the safety and convenience
of ordinary travel over the public right-of-way.
3. The
small cell facility antenna shall be no lower than twenty-six feet
or exceed sixty feet in height above the ground surface. The small
cell facility antenna shall not extend the height of the pole by more
than six feet.
4. The
appearance of the small cell facility is similar to (a) the existing
equipment on the utility pole or on other nearby utility poles, or
(b) the color of the utility pole, or (c) another color reasonably
requested by the director of municipal inspections or his/her designee.
5. The
total volume of the antenna installed on the pole shall not exceed
three cubic feet.
6. No
part of the small cell facility equipment shall project sideways from
the utility pole further than three feet if installed twenty-six feet
or higher above the ground or further than two feet if installed below
twenty-six feet above the ground.
7. No
part of the small cell facility shall extend below eight feet above
the ground if equipped with an electric meter socket, or ten feet
above the ground without an electric meter socket.
8. A
small cell facility has not already been installed on, or approved
for installation on, the subject utility pole and no other small cell
facility is installed on a utility pole within one hundred eighty
feet of the subject utility pole.
9. The
subject utility pole is installed plumb and true. The ground conditions
around the pole do not indicate any movement of the pole and the area
around the base of the pole is ADA compliant. The applicant may consider
improving the conditions at the base of the pole and should provide
such details as part of the professional engineer submission. Submissions
for the installation on a double pole will not be considered unless
the submission also addresses correction to the double poles including
removing the compromised pole.
10. The proposed small cell facility complies with the maximum permissible
exposures adopted by the FCC.
11. The proposed small cell facility shall not be installed at any location
that is within ten feet of any habitable structure or building including
residential, municipal, schools and/or businesses, provided it meets
FCC regulations.
12. The location of the disconnect/power kill switch to be used in case
of emergency by the Revere Fire Department shall be located in accordance
with section 17.16.115(D)(3)(b) and in section 17.16.115(E)(7). As
part of the permit, training shall be provided to the fire department,
including review of the operations manual, posted signage, and safety
operations for the disconnect/power kill after completion of the installation
and before final powering of the small cell facility.
13. No city tree(s) shall be pruned or removed to accommodate the installation
of a small cell wireless facility in the public way.
14. Any requirement of this section may be reduced or waived by the director
of municipal inspections where the goals of this chapter or the interests
of the city are better served thereby.
F. Effect
of permit. Upon issuance of a permit to install a small cell facility,
or after the passage of sixty days from filing/review by the site
plan review committee with no action on the petition, a petitioner
shall be authorized to commence installation subject to the requirements
of this chapter after written notice to the director of municipal
inspections by the applicant.
Any proposed changes to the dimensions or specification detailed
in the application shall require a new application.
G. Effect
of denial; appeal. In the event the director of municipal inspections
denies a petition to install a small cell facility, he/she shall provide
a written explanation for the denial to the applicant within sixty
days following receipt of the application. Following issuance of such
denial and explanation, the applicant may:
1. Submit
a new application that satisfactorily addresses the reasons for denial,
at which time the director of municipal inspections shall consider
the new petition pursuant to this section; or
2. Within thirty days of issuance of such denial, the applicant may appeal the denial to the city council. Upon receipt of an appeal under this section, the city council shall consider the matter as a new application (i.e., de novo) at a publicly noticed hearing and allow the applicant to appear before the city council to support the appeal, submit further evidence to rebut the written explanation provided by the director of municipal inspections, and demonstrate that it has (a) satisfied the standard of review established in section
17.16.115(D); and (b) demonstrated that the relevant criteria contained in section
17.16.115(E) have been met. The city council shall reach a final decision and act on any appeal within sixty days. The applicant has the right of further appeal available under law.
H. Removal
of small cell facilities.
1. Any
small cell facility approved pursuant to this chapter shall be removed
within ninety days and the relevant permit terminated if the city
requires the removal of the utility pole for a public purpose where
the small cell facility is located.
2. The
permit holder shall notify the city if the small cell facility ceases
to be used for its intended purpose, and shall remove all the permitted
equipment no later than thirty days following cessation of use.
3. The director of municipal inspections, or his/her designee, is authorized under this section to order the removal of any small cell facility installed on a utility pole that has not been authorized pursuant to this chapter. Any party installing any such small cell facility shall be subject to penalties consistent with any and all applicable Federal and Massachusetts State Laws and Codes, and city of Revere Ordinances, including Title
8 and Title
17, which includes the State Sanitary Code (105 CMR 410), State Fire Code (527 CMR 1.00), and State Building Code (780 CMR 100), said Building Code which incorporates therein the International Property Maintenance Code, any violations of which will be subject to the penalties set forth in chapters
1.12 and
1.16, and/or suspension or revocation of any city-issued permit or license.
I. Other
1. The
rate for the installation of a small cell facility on a city-owned
pole shall be two hundred seventy dollars per pole per year.
2. Non-emergency
repairs shall be performed as follows: (a) at least forty-eight hours
advance notice shall be provided to the superintendent of public works
and the police department; (b) a police detail may be required; and
(c) work shall be performed weekdays during hours designated by the
superintendent of public works.
3. Annually,
before the end of February of each year, each permit holder shall
submit to the director of municipal inspections and the fire department
the requirements outlined in section 17.16.115(D)(3)(i) if such documents
haven't been submitted within the past year as part of a proposed
installation application. These documents are used for emergency response
information only and to limit exposure to responders and the general
public should an issue arise with or near a small cell facility installation.
(C.O. 20-110/CZ-20-03, § 1, 6/8/2020)
A post office erected, constructed, placed, altered or otherwise
changed may be allowed by right in the PDD1, PDD2, NB, GB, GB1, CB,
HB, TED, LI and IP districts, and only by special permit in RA, RA1,
RB, RB1, RC, RC1, RC2 or RC3 districts by the city council in conformance
with the dimensional and parking control requirements of this title
and the following minimum criteria:
A. One
off-street parking space shall be provided for every two hundred square
feet of space used for postal purposes that is available to the public.
B. The
building used for post office purposes shall meet the following minimum
setback requirements, and no auxiliary structures or parking facilities
shall be allowed on the required setbacks:
1. Twenty
feet, front and side yards;
2. Forty
feet, rear yard, and that no auxiliary structures or parking facilities
be allowed on the required setbacks.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(K); C.O. 85-4A § 36 (part); C.O. 90-237 § 10; C.O. 97-105 § 11)
Laboratories and/or research facilities erected, constructed,
placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed only
by special permit in GB, CB, HB, TED, LI, IP, PDD1 and PDD2 zones
by the city council in conformance with the dimensional and parking-control
requirements of this title and the following minimum criteria:
A. The
user shall file a statement with the city council concerning the uses
and their public safety hazards (if any).
B. The
council may impose conditions to safeguard public health in addition
to state and federal regulations. The intent of any additional operational
conditions must be to ameliorate possible public health safety problems,
and not for punitive or arbitrary reasons.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(L); C.O. 87-661 § 5; C.O. 97-105 § 12)
Funeral homes erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted
or otherwise changed may be allowed only by special permit in RB,
RB1, RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, NB, GB, GB1, CB, HB and PDD2 and all commercial
categories and the industrial district by the city council in conformance
with the dimensional and parking-control requirements of this title
and the following minimum criteria:
A. One
off-street parking space shall be provided for every two hundred fifty
gross square feet of funeral home space.
B. All
structures shall have two driveways, and one clearly defined loading
C. The
parcel size shall be at least ten thousand square feet.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(M); C.O. 85-4A § 36 (part); C.O. 87-661 § 6; C.O. 97-105 § 13)
A special garage erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted
or otherwise changed may be allowed only by special permit in the
HB and TED districts by the city council in conformance with the dimensional
and parking controls of this title and the following minimum criteria:
A. The
building housing the special garage shall be constructed of masonry
or similar fire-resistant material.
B. No
other business or residential uses shall be allowed in the structure
that is housing a special garage.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(N); C.O. 96-17 § 28))
A medical or dental office erected, constructed, placed, altered,
converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the RC,
RC1, RC2, RC3, PDD1, PDD2, GB, GB1, CB, HB, TED, LI and IP districts,
and only by special permit in the NB, RB and RB1 districts by the
city council in conformance with the dimensional and parking-control
requirements of this title, except as specifically changed by this
A. One
parking space per one hundred fifty square feet of office space is
B. The
facility shall be for outpatient services.
C. Minimum
parcel size shall be five thousand square feet.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(O); C.O. 83-3 (part); C.O. 85-4A § 36 (part); C.O. 88-21 § 1)
A professional office erected, constructed, placed, altered,
converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the RC,
RC1, RC2, RC3, PDD1, PDD2, NB, GB, GB1, CB, HB, TED, LI and IP districts
and only by special permit in the RA, RA1, RB and RB1 districts by
the city council in conformance with the dimensional and parking-control
requirements of this title, except as specifically changed by this
A. The
professional office use shall not exceed twenty percent of the gross
square footage of the residential structure, excluding basements.
B. One
additional off-street space is required in addition to the residential
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(P); C.O. 85-4A § 36 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 14)
A professional office park erected, constructed, placed, altered,
converted or otherwise changed, may be allowed by right in the PDD2
and TED districts and only by special permit in the RB, RC, RC1, RC2,
RC3, PDD1, NB, GB, GB1, CB, HB, LI and IP districts by the city council
in conformance with the dimensional and parking control requirements
of this title, except as specifically changed by this section.
A. There
shall be no public restaurants, however, eating facilities and other
amenities for office park occupants and guests is permitted.
B. One
parking space per three hundred square feet of general business and
professional office space; and, one parking space per two hundred
square feet of medical and dental office space is required.
C. Minimal
parcel size shall be five acres.
D. No
retail businesses shall be allowed except for sales and services reasonably
incidental to an office park complex.
E. The
structure shall meet the following setback requirements:
2. Fifty
feet side and rear yard.
F. Maximum
height of any new structure shall not exceed two and one-half stories
or thirty-five feet. However, if any preexisting structure is altered
or reconstructed, its height shall not exceed its existing number
of stories.
G. Genetic
engineering and the handling of volatile or hazardous substances that
endangers the public health, safety and welfare is forbidden.
H. The
lot coverage, excluding accessory structures and parking facilities,
shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the land area.
I. Fifteen
percent of the land shall be designated "open space."
(C.O. 88-20 § 2; C.O. 97-105 § 15)
A recreational use (gainful business) erected, constructed,
placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed only
by special permit in the RC2, GB, CB, HB, TED, IP, PDD1 and PDD2 districts
by the city council in conformance with the dimensional and parking
control requirements of this title, except as specifically changed
by this section:
A. One
off-street parking space shall be provided for every one hundred fifty
gross square feet of building space.
B. The
minimum lot size shall be ten thousand square feet.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(Q); C.O. 87-661 § 11; C.O. 90-237 § 11; C.O. 97-105 § 16)
A fast-food/take-out/drive-in restaurant erected, constructed,
placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by
right in the HB district and only by special permit in the GB and
the CB, PDD1, TED and PDD2 districts by the city council in conformance
with the dimensional and parking-control requirements of this title,
except as specifically changed by this section:
A. A fast-food/take-out/drive-in
restaurant must occur as a freestanding use, or in conjunction with
other commercial activities.
B. The
minimum parcel size shall be ten thousand square feet.
C. One
off-street parking space shall be provided for every one hundred fifty
square feet of building space.
D. Any
drive-up windows associated with the fast-food/take-out/drive-in restaurant
shall be so designed as to have a stacking capacity of at least ten
cars (two hundred feet), without intruding onto the onsite parking
circulation lanes.
E. Landscape
and screening plans shall be proposed by a landscape architect.
F. Lights
shall be provided and all lights shall be shielded from streets and
adjoining properties.
G. Tenants
or users of the spaces shall be limited to residences abutting or
within two hundred feet of the lot.
H. The
above criteria shall not be required for the sale of ice cream and
frozen desserts wherein the sale of ice cream and frozen desserts
are not the primary use of the building.
I. In
the PDD1 district, a fast-food/take-out/drive-in restaurant shall
be allowed by right where the use is incident or accessory to a principal
commercial use.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(R); C.O. 83-508A § 12; C.O. 85-250 § 1; C.O. 87-661 § 7; C.O.
90-237 § 12; C.O. 97-105 § 17; C.O. 01-489 § 4; C.O. 01-489 § 4 (part); C.O. 03-75A § P)
A theater erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or
otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the PDD1, PDD2, GB, CB,
HB and IP districts and only by special permit in the RC, RC1, RC2
and RC3 districts by the city council in conformance with the dimensional
and parking-control requirements of this title, except as specifically
changed by this section:
A. The
theater shall provide one off-street parking space for every four
seats in addition to those required for residential purposes.
B. The
access to the theater shall be so provided as not to interfere with
residential access of the structures.
C. The
theater shall be constructed so that no sounds emanating from its
use can be heard in any residential portion (including hallways) of
the building.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(S); C.O. 97-105 § 18)
A kennel as defined in Section
17.08.390 of this chapter erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted, or otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the PDD1 and PDD2 districts, and by special permit in the HB and TED Districts by the city council in conformance with the dimensional and parking control requirements of this title, except as specifically changed by this section.
A. No
kennel shall be placed or used within two hundred fifty feet of a
residential use or residential district, except when a kennel and
residential use or residential district is separated by a highway.
B. The
user shall file a statement with the city council concerning the safeguards
and protections it has put into place to insure compliance with state
and local health and safety mandates.
C. The
council may impose such reasonable conditions to safeguard the health
and safety of the general public.
(C.O. 20-358, 12/7/2020; C.O. 02-569 § 2)
A building construction and/or contracting storage yard or facility
erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed
may be allowed only by special permit in the HB, PDD2, LI, TED and
IP districts by the city council in conformance with the dimensional
and parking-control requirements of this title, except as specifically
changed by this section:
A. The
primary building shall be constructed in such a manner as to be consistent
with the building line of the surrounding commercial uses.
B. All
storage of vehicles, machines or material shall be behind the principal
building, and that no storage of vehicles, machines or material be
located in front of the principal building.
C. The
area behind the principal building shall be surrounded by a fence
of at least six feet high, which prevents a direct view from the surrounding
commercial areas into the rear of the primary building.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(T); C.O. 87-661 § 8; C.O. 91-23 § 6 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 19)
A marina erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or
otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the HB, TED and LI districts
and only by special permit in apartment districts (RC, RC1, RC2) by
the city council in conformance with the dimensional and parking-control
requirements of this title, except as specifically changed by this
A. The
marina facilities shall be restricted to the related project.
B. The
marina/apartment project shall provide 1.75 off-street parking spaces
per residential unit.
C. The
minimum parcel size shall be twenty thousand square feet.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(U))
A warehouse erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted
or otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the TED districts
and only by special permit in the GB, CB, HB, LI, IP, PDD1 and PDD2
districts by the city council in conformance with the dimensional
and parking regulations of this title, except as specifically changed
by this section:
A. The
warehouse use shall be confined to the rear fifty percent of the structure,
and that the forward fifty percent of the structure be utilized for
the general retail, service or office activities, allowed in the GB
and CB districts.
B. All
delivery and loading zones be located at the rear of the warehouse.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(V); C.O. 87-661 § 9; C.O. 97-105 § 20)
Warehouse facilities, as defined in Section
17.08.901 of this title, shall be constructed of masonry or similar fire resistant material. No flammable, toxic or hazardous materials, as determined by the chief of the fire department, shall be stored in any warehouse facility.
(C.O. 88-530 § 5)
Fill or excavation operations shall be conducted only by special
permit in the RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, PDD2, NB, CB, GB,
HB, TED, LI and IP districts granted by the city council, provided
the following are in compliance:
A. Drawings
to a scale not greater than one hundred feet to an inch, with contours
shown at least at two-foot intervals, indicating the elevations before
and after the proposed filing or excavation, and the location of the
area to be worked are to be submitted to the building inspector, planning
board, city engineer, health agent and superintendent of public works.
A concept plan for future use of the land must also be submitted.
B. Permits
issued under this section by the building inspector shall be valid
for six months from the date of issue and may be renewed by the building
inspector upon reapplication.
C. The
fill or excavation ordinance shall not apply to buildable lots, where
such removal is incidental to and in connection with operations by
the city, with the construction of a building on the premises for
which a building permit has been issued in accordance with the building
code, and with the development of an approved subdivision. This subdivision
exception shall not exceed a period of one year from the date of the
planning board's endorsement on the final approved subdivision plan
and upon expiration of this one-year period, this title shall be in
full effect.
D. Permits
issued under this section shall not be for sludge, ash residue or
any end product of incineration, composting or any process associated
with the processing and disposal of refuse or solid waste, or treated
or untreated toxic, or hazardous wastes or sewerage or effluent of
any kind.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(W); C.O. 88-18 § 1; C.O. 97-105 § 21)
A. Standing signs that are strictly accessory signs erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the PDD1, PDD2, GB, GB1, CB, HB, TED, LI and IP districts and only by special permit in the residential RC, RC1, RC2 and NB districts by the city council in conformance with the regulations set forth in Section
17.36.042 of this title, except as specifically changed by this section:
1. The
topmost height of any standing accessory sign in the RC, RC1, RC2
and NB districts shall not exceed fifteen feet.
2. No
portion of the standing accessory sign shall be within five feet of
a public walkway, ten feet of a public roadway or twenty feet of a
residential structure.
3. The
standing accessory sign shall be constructed to shield all residential
units, contained within the lot upon which the sign is affixed, from
light emitting directly from the sign. The building inspector shall
be required to inspect the sign in question and to certify in writing
to the city council that the proper shielding from direct lighting
has been constructed, before a special permit can be issued.
4. No
standing accessory sign in a residential RC, RC1, RC2 or NB district
will be illuminated between the hours of two a.m. and seven a.m.
5. No
standing accessory sign in the residential RC, RC1 and RC2 districts
shall contain any moving, flashing or animated lights or visible moving
or movable parts.
B. Further, standing accessory signs within the GB, CB, PDD2, TED, LI, IP, HB, and PDD1 districts which exceed a height of twenty feet and a sign area of forty square feet may only be allowed by special permit in conformance with the regulation set forth in Section
17.36.042 and the following minimum criteria:
1. The
standing accessory sign shall not be illuminated beyond eleven p.m.
where such sign abuts a residential area;
2. There
shall be appropriate landscaping around the base of the sign;
3. A
standing accessory sign shall not be fixed to the roof;
4. A
standing accessory sign shall be located at the furthest point away
from abutting residential property.
C. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, for a development within
the PDD1 district, standing accessory signs and standing accessory
multi-use signs at each vehicular entrance to such development shall
be permitted as of right, provided that no sign shall be larger than
five hundred square feet in area and provided further that all such
signs shall be subject to approval of the site plan review committee.
(C.O. 83-508A § 3; C.O. 91-62 § 2 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 23; C.O. 13-279/CZ-13-06, § 10, 12/9/2013)
Standing signs, which are accessory and allow for other nonaccessory signage, may be erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise structurally changed only by special permit in the HB, TED, LI and IP districts by the city council in conformance with the regulations set forth in Section
17.36.043 of this title, except as specifically changed by this section as follows:
A. At
the time of the public hearing the applicant shall provide written
information to the council indicating that the city building inspector
has reviewed the construction drawings and has, in writing, approved
the drawings as to their conformance with all construction and safety
standards as may be required by the city and the commonwealth.
B. The
accessory sign area must not exceed ninety square feet; each nonaccessory
sign must not have a sign area which exceeds forty square feet. In
no instance shall the area of a nonaccessory sign exceed the area
of the accessory sign.
C. The
nonaccessory sign must be advertising signs for businesses within
the adjacent HB, TED, LI or IP district, which are within a radius
of six hundred and fifty feet from the lot in which the sign is to
be placed. The location of the multiuse standing accessory sign shall
only be allowed on a lot adjacent to the common roadway servicing
such businesses to be advertised. Also, no more than one nonaccessory
sign shall be permitted per business location.
D. The
maximum height of any standing multiuse sign shall not exceed thirty-five
feet; and have clearance from the ground of ten feet.
E. No
portion of the standing multiuse sign shall be within five feet of
a public walkway, ten feet of a public way or twenty feet of any residential
F. No
sign, whether accessory or nonaccessory shall be illuminated beyond
eleven p.m. where such sign abuts a residential area.
G. No
sign, whether accessory or nonaccessory, shall contain any moving,
flashing or animated lights or visible moving or movable parts.
H. There
shall be appropriate landscaping provided at the base of the sign.
I. That
the installation of such signs adjacent to state highways comply with
state and federal regulations.
(C.O. 91-253 § 1; C.O. 97-105 § 24)
In all districts, accessory buildings or uses, as defined in Chapter
17.08 of this title, shall be permitted in any district when incidental to conforming principal building use, subject to the following provisions:
A. No
accessory structure shall be used as a dwelling, except in an industrial
district for the accommodation of a watchman. For purposes of interpretation,
any addition to any residential structure attached to the principal
structure by a breezeway, arbor way or similar structure and/or an
unheated structure with or without a foundation shall be considered
an extension of the principal building. Further, if the extension
is to be used as a dwelling unit, as defined in this title, it must
conform to all special permit and dimensional regulations set forth
in this chapter. Accessory uses normally incidental to a permitted
use within the IP district shall include that accessory to scientific
B. In
residential districts RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC1 and RC2 all accessory
buildings will be clearly used for purposes incidental to residential
use, or maintenance of residential properties.
1. In
residential districts RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC1, RC2 and RC3 and neighborhood
business district NB, and commercial districts GB and CB, no accessory
structure shall be used for the commercial storage of hazardous materials,
as defined by the building inspector, or flammable and/or toxic materials.
2. In
all instances, in all zoning districts, accessory structures shall
have one-hour fire-rated walls with openings.
D. No
accessory structure shall be higher than one story or fifteen feet.
In industrial districts, no accessory structure shall exceed fifty
feet in height.
E. Accessory structures attached to principal structures shall be included in the dimensional calculations specified in Chapter
1. Detached
accessory structures may be erected on a rear yard, provided that
no more than ten percent of the rear yard is occupied by such structures
and no accessory structure is located within the required side yards,
and within two feet of the rear lot line.
2. No
wall of a swimming pool, hot tub or spa whether in ground or above
ground shall be located less than six feet from any rear or side property
line or ten feet from any street property line.
G. The
building inspector may grant a permit for a temporary building or
use incidental to a building development, such as but not restricted
to a construction or sales office, which does not comply with the
provisions of this title, where reasonably required by such development.
Permits may be issued for an initial period of six months. Provided
that construction has commenced, and that construction is continuous
and ongoing, permits may be renewed not to exceed a period of two
years in increments of six months.
H. Accessory
parking may be allowed in association with a hotel use for guests
staying overnight at the hotel and leaving their vehicles in the hotel
parking lot for the purpose of enabling said overnight guests to fly
out of Logan Airport, provided that:
1. No
separate fee is paid for parking; and
2. The
accessory parking spaces do not include or infringe upon the parking
spaces required for the hotel use.
(C.O. 85-4A §§ 16,
36 (part); C.O. 98-293A §§ 6,
8, 9; C.O. 01-489 § 6,
2001; C.O. 17-284/CZ-17-04, § 22, 9/11/2017)
No outdoor storage of material, equipment or vehicles shall
be established or maintained in any district, except the TED, LI and
IP districts, and then only when incidental to the operation of a
business or industry and only in compliance with the following regulations:
A. No storage material shall be placed within thirty feet of the lot line where the use abuts a residential area; further provided that no outdoor storage of personal property, material or equipment shall be allowed associated with warehouses as defined in Section
17.08.901 as amended.
B. The
storage area shall be enclosed by a fence or wall not less than six
feet high; additional fence height may be required by the building
C. No
materials which may cause dust or fumes may be stored outside without
proper coverage. The building inspector shall determine the type of
cover required.
D. The
requirements of this section are in addition to any outdoor storage
requirements adopted or which may be adopted by the city.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(8); C.O. 88-530 § 2; C.O. 97-105 § 25)
Please refer to the Massachusetts Code of Regulations relative
to retaining walls.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-9(H); C.O. 18-330/CZ-18-18-09, § 1, 12/17/2018)
Tanks for the storage of flammable fluids shall be located within
structures designed to store flammable fluids or located underground.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-9(I))
General retail sales and service establishments erected, constructed,
placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by
right in the RC2, RC3, PDD1, PDD2, GB, CB, HB and TED districts and
by a special permit in the RC1, GB1 and IP districts granted by the
city council in conformance with the dimensional and parking control
requirements of this title except as specifically changed by this
A. The
use in question shall be located and principally accessed from the
frontage (street address) portion of the lot in question.
B. The
minimum frontage utilized by the use in question shall be at least
sixty feet.
C. General
retail sales and services shall not exceed twenty-five percent of
the first floor gross square footage of the building (building footprint)
in which it is located.
D. The
above criteria shall pertain to general retail sales and services
on the first three stories of a building in the RC1 district and shall
not apply for retail sales and service establishments above the fourth
(C.O. 85-4A § 16(D)(part); C.O. 97-105 § 26)
A. Restaurant
(non-fast food) establishments are allowed by right in the RC2, PDD1,
PDD2, GB, CB, HB, TED, and IP districts. In the RC, RC2, NB, and GB1
districts restaurants (non-fast food) may be erected, constructed,
placed, altered, converted, or otherwise changed only by special permit
granted by the city council in conformance with the dimensional and
parking control requirements of this title, and the following minimum
1. The
use in question shall be located and principally assessed from the
frontage (street address) portion of the lot in question.
2. The
minimum frontage utilized by the use in question shall be at least
sixty feet.
3. Restaurant
(non-fast food) establishments must utilize a space equivalent to
fifty percent of the first-floor gross square footage of the building
(building footprint) in which it's located.
4. Parking requirements set forth in Section
17.28.020 pertaining to restaurants (non-fast food) i.e., one space per four seats, shall be provided on-site and in addition to any other parking spaces required for commercial or residential uses. In no instance shall any other commercial or residential parking spaces be counted or shared by the restaurant (non-fast food) establishment.
5. The above criteria, subsections
3, shall pertain to restaurant (non-fast food) establishments on the first three stories of buildings in the RC1 district and shall not apply to restaurant (non-fast food) establishments above the fourth floor.
B. Outdoor
dining in the public way. Food and/or alcoholic beverages shall not
be served outside of the licensed premises without written approval
of the License Commission expanding the license's premises. All outdoor
dining areas in the public way shall comply with all applicable state
and municipal codes, and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
1. In
the RC, RC1, NB, and GB1 districts, outdoor dining in the public way
shall be an allowable use in conformance with the conditions set by
the city council in the establishment's special permit.
2. Site
plan review committee shall review applications for outdoor dining
and make recommendations for conformance prior to approval from the
license commission expanding the license's premises.
C. Every
license and permit issued shall contain a condition that the person
accepting the same shall conform to the laws of the commonwealth,
the provisions of this revision, and all other ordinances of the city
of Revere and the specifications in the license or permit; that the
license or permit may be revoked at any time by the authority issuing
it unless otherwise provided by law; that the licensee will indemnify
and hold harmless the city from any damages it may sustain or be required
to pay by reason of performing the work licensed or permitted, or
by reason of any act or neglect by the licensee or permittee, or by
any of the licensee's or permittee's employees relating to such work,
or by reason of the violation of any specification contained in the
license or permit; provided, that nothing contained in this section
shall be construed to prevent the insertion of any other specification
deemed advisable by the authority issuing the license or permit.
(C.O. 85-4A § 16(F); C.O. 97-105 § 27; C.O. 23-219, § 6, 11/13/2023)
Private parking lots, structures associated with commercial,
industrial, or multifamily residential uses may be allowed by right
in the RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, PDD1, PDD2, NB, GB, GB1, CB, HB, TED, LI
and IP districts and only by special permit in the RB and RA1 districts
by the city council in conformance with the dimensional and parking
control requirements of this title and the following minimum criteria:
A. Screening
areas between parking lots, structures and residential or educational
uses shall be at least six feet in width and shall be screened by
landscaping and stockade fencing.
B. Parking
lots, structures shall be appropriately lighted at all entrances and
C. Parking
structures shall not exceed twenty-five feet in height and shall be
set back at least twenty feet from the rear property line.
(C.O. 88-49 § 7 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 28; C.O. 03-75A § 4)
General manufacture and repair facilities may be allowed by
right in the TED district and within the PDD-1 district by a special
permit granted by the city council in conformance with the following
A. The
use in question shall be located and principally accessed from Route
1A (Lee Burbank Highway);
B. The
use in question shall not be located within two hundred feet of any
residential use or district.
(C.O. 90-237 § 14)
A warehouse may be allowed in the PDD-1 district by a special
permit granted by the city council in conformance with the following
minimum criteria:
A. The
use in question shall be located and principally accessed from Route
1A (Lee Burbank Highway);
B. The
use in question shall not be located within two hundred feet of any
residential use or district.
(C.O. 90-237 § 15)
Wholesale and product distribution activities may be allowed
in the PDD-1 or TED district by a special permit granted by the city
council in conformance with the following minimum criteria:
A. The
use in question shall be located and principally accessed from Route
1A (Lee Burbank Highway);
B. The
use in question shall not be located within two hundred feet of any
residential use or district.
(C.O. 90-237 § 16; C.O. 01-489 § 2, 2001)
Commercial automotive storage/parking within the PDD2 district
may only be allowed by special permit in conformance with the following
minimum criteria:
A. The
use in question shall be for the storage of automobiles only. For
the purpose of this section the storage of buses and trucks is prohibited.
B. No
access or egress shall be permitted on Kimball Avenue.
C. The
use in question shall be principally accessed by Route 1A (VFW Parkway).
D. The
use in question shall not occupy more than six acres.
E. A fifty-foot-deep
landscaped buffer zone must be provided between the use in question
and all abutting residential uses and along all property lines where
such property lines front on a public way.
(C.O. 91-23 § 6 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 29))
Independent elderly housing erected, constructed, placed, altered,
converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by a special permit
in the RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, LI, NB, GB, CB, HB, PDD1 and PDD2 districts
in conformance with the dimensional and parking control requirements
of this title except as specifically changed by this section.
A. Minimum
parcel size shall be ten thousand square feet in the NB, GB, CB, HB,
RC and RC3 districts.
B. Minimum
set backs in the NB, HB, GB, CB, HB, LI and PDD2 districts shall be
of at least twenty feet in the front, rear and each side.
C. At
least one parking space shall be provided for each bedroom.
(C.O. 91-23 § 6 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 30)
Elderly housing congregate care erected, constructed, placed,
altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by special
permit in the RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, PDD2, HB, LI, NB, GB and CB districts
in conformance with the dimensional and parking control requirements
of this title except as specifically changed by this section.
A. Minimum
parcel size shall be ten thousand square feet in the RC, NB, GB, CB
and HB districts.
B. Minimum
setbacks in the RC, NB, GB, CB and HB districts shall be of at least
twenty feet in the front, rear and each side.
C. At
least one parking space shall be provided for each bedroom.
(C.O. 91-23 § 6 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 31)
A motel erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or
otherwise changed may be allowed by special permit in the PDD1, HB,
LI and IP districts in conformance with the following minimum criteria:
A fifty-foot-wide landscape buffer must be provided along the front
of such use.
(C.O. 91-62 § 2 (part); C.O. 91-23 § 6 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 32)
A training school for profit erected, constructed, placed, altered,
converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by special permit in
the PDD1, RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, TED, LI, IP, NB, GB, GB1, CB, HB and
PDD2 districts in conformance with the following criteria:
For the purpose of this section, tractor trailer schools and
automotive repair schools are prohibited.
(C.O. 91-62 § 2 (part); C.O. 91-23 § 6 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 33)
A car wash (automatic or self-service) erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by special permit in the GB, HB and TED districts in conformance with Section
17.48.080 of this title and the following minimum criteria:
A. The
minimum parcel size shall be twenty thousand square feet.
B. One
off-street parking space shall be provided for every one hundred fifty
gross square feet of office and storage space.
C. The
queuing area for each bay of an automatic car wash shall be designed
to handle a minimum stacking capacity of eight vehicles and be a minimum
of one hundred sixty feet. The minimum queuing area for each bay of
a manual car wash shall be designed to handle a minimum stacking capacity
of five vehicles and be a minimum of one hundred feet. The stacking
lanes shall not intrude onto the on-site parking circulation lanes
and driveway entrances. All queuing is prohibited on adjoining public
or private ways.
D. Drainage
designs shall be provided to establish that driveway exits shall not
allow any water from the car wash facility to collect within adjoining
public or private ways.
E. An
automatic car wash shall be equipped with a mechanical dryer operation
at the end of each wash cycle; a drip time in the wash cycle between
the last application of water and the blower; water reclamation facilities;
and at least one attendant assigned exclusively to the car wash during
all hours of operation.
F. The
following additional provisions shall be applicable to self-service
car wash facilities: an on-site defined paved area for drying and
interior cleaning of vehicles which shall be separate from other areas
described herein for parking, stacking and circulation aisles.
(C.O. 99-92 § 3)
Commercial parking lot/structure may be allowed in the PDD1,
PDD2 and CB district by a special permit granted by the city council
in conformance with the following minimum criteria: The parking lot/structure
shall only serve municipal parking needs associated with parking demands
of the CB district.
(C.O. 91-62 § 2 (part))
General manufacturing and repair facilities may only be allowed
by right in the technology enterprise district and by a special permit
in the PDD1, LI and IP districts granted by the city council in conformance
with the following minimum criteria:
A. No
trucks, materials or equipment associated with the use and operation
of such a facility shall be stored within the front yard and shall
not be stored within fifty feet of a residential use or district.
B. A thirty-foot-wide
landscaped strip shall be provided along the property line fronting
a public way.
(C.O. 91-62 § 2 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 35)
A warehouse within the TED district is allowed by right but
may only be allowed by a special permit in the PDD1, PDD2, GB, CB,
HB, LI and IP districts granted by the city council in conformance
with the following minimum criteria:
A. No
trucks, materials or equipment associated with the use and operation
of the warehouse shall be stored within the front yard and shall not
be stored within fifty feet of a residential use or district.
B. A thirty-foot-wide
landscaped strip shall be provided along the property line fronting
on a public way.
(C.O. 91-62 § 2 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 36)
Wholesale and product distribution activities may be allowed
only by special permit in the TED, PDD1, PDD2, HB, LI and IP districts
granted by the city council in conformance with the following minimum
A. No
trucks, materials or equipment associated with the use and operation
of the warehouse shall be stored within the front yard and shall not
be stored within fifty feet of a residential use or district.
B. A thirty-foot-wide
landscaped strip shall be provided along the property line fronting
on a public way.
(C.O. 91-62 § 2 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 37)
A. A self-service
station erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise
changed may be allowed by right in the GB district with the following
minimum criteria:
1. The
minimum parcel size shall be twenty-five thousand square feet and
shall have a minimum frontage of one hundred fifty feet directly on
thoroughfare within the GB district.
2. One
off-street parking space shall be provided for every five hundred
square feet of office/storage space.
3. One
off-street parking space shall be provided for every two hundred and
fifty square feet of retail sales/service space.
B. A self-service station erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed that fails to meet the above minimum criteria may be allowed in the GB district by special permit in accordance with Section
17.48.080 Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere.
(C.O. 12-138/CZ-12-01, § 2, 5/21/2012)
A. Definitions:
means the cultivation of aquatic animals in a recirculating
environment to produce whole fish that are distributed to retailers,
restaurants, and consumers.
The cultivation of fish and plants together in a constructed,
re-circulating ecosystem utilizing natural bacterial cycles to convert
fish waste to plant nutrients.
An accessory structure consisting of an open frame, freestanding
or attached to another structure, with horizontal and/or vertical
lattice work often used as a support for climbing food or ornamental
means a person or persons managing and maintaining honeybees
in a hive or hives.
"Cold frame."
An unheated outdoor structure built close to the ground,
no higher than thirty-six inches, typically consisting of, but not
limited to, a wooden or concrete frame and a top of grass or clear
plastic, used for protecting seedlings and plants from cold weather.
means a natural group of honeybees having a queen or queens.
"Community garden."
Land that is gardened by a group of individuals sharing responsibility
for the site either independently or under the auspices of the city
of Revere or Nonprofit organization with a primary purpose of providing
space for members of the community to grow plants for beautification,
education, and recreation for personal use. Sales, processing and
storage of plants or plant products are prohibited on-site, except
at farmers markets. In all zones, community gardens on all public
and private lands are subject to compliance with all applicable provisions
of the garden rules set forth by the city of Revere and adapted by
each community garden space and its leadership team.
means a process of accelerated biodegradation and stabilization
of organic material under controlled conditions yielding a product
which can be safely used as fertilization.
"Comprehensive farm review"
means an evaluation by the food justice staff of Revere on
the move for the overall design and siting of an urban farm and farm
structures. Activities defined as Urban Agriculture must conform to
the zoning code, specifically this ordinance, in all respects, and
must be processed and approved by the inspectional services department
for the city of Revere.
An enclosed shelter in which a chicken inhabits.
"Farm stand."
A temporary structure such as a table, stall or tent, for
the display and sale of clean, whole, unprocessed produce, eggs, or
honey grown on-site.
"Farm structures."
Structures that may include but are not limited to sheds
(tool and packing), compost bins, rain buckets, shade pavilions, farm
stands, trellises or other vertical supports for growing crops, and
structures used to extend the growing season such as greenhouses,
hoop houses, cold frames, freight containers, and similar structures.
The area of a residential or commercial lot designated for
activities and uses defined as Urban Agriculture. The cultivation
and tillage of the soil, the production, planting, caring for, treating,
growing, and harvesting of any agricultural, aquaculture, floricultural
or horticultural commodities, the keeping and raising of hens and/or
honeybees, sales subject to compliance of local, state, and federal
regulations. Farming shall include aquaculture, aquaponic, hydroponic,
rooftop farms on residential property.
"Farmers market."
A public market administered by a market manager and held
multiple times per year to connect and mutually benefit local farmers,
communities, and shoppers. Vendors may include local farmers, farmers'
cooperatives and producers selling any of the following: whole produce;
value-added agricultural products that fall under Massachusetts Cottage
Law such as jams, jellies, and pickles; prepared food; all agricultural,
horticultural and aquacultural products including but not limited
to whole produce; plants flowers; meats; dairy products; shellfish
and finfish; and other food related products.
"Freight container"
means a standardized reusable steel box previously used for
the storage and movement of materials and products within an intermodal
freight transport system and repurposed for a controlled environment
agriculture (CEA) use, such as hydroponics and/or aquaponics.
"Garden, home/yard."
An accessory use on a residential lot to grow plants for
consumption, beautification, or recreation for personal use. The garden
may be outdoors, in an accessory greenhouse or on the roof of a structure.
The ownership, care and control is the responsibility of a resident
of the dwelling on the lot. Sales are prohibited except at farmers
A planned space, set aside for the display, cultivation,
and enjoyment of plants including vegetables, flowers, and fruits
for private/personal use.
A structure, primarily of transparent material, in which
temperature and humidity can be controlled for the cultivation or
protection of plants or other agricultural products. All greenhouse
structures are subject to setback and dimensional requirements of
this title for accessory structures and building code requirements.
"Ground level urban farm"
means the use of a lot on the ground plane for urban agriculture
for commercial or residential purposes, whether for profit or nonprofit.
Mature egg-laying female chickens.
means a manufactured receptacle or container prepared for
the use of honeybees that includes movable frames, combs and substances
deposited into the hive by honeybees intended for the housing of one
bee colony.
A common domestic honeybee, Apis mellifera species.
"Hoop house."
A temporary accessory structure typically made of, but not
limited to, piping or other material covered with translucent material
for the purposes of growing food or ornamental crops.
The cultivation of plants in nutrient solution of minerals
in water rather than soil, for distribution to retailers, restaurants
and consumers.
means from Massachusetts, New England States and New York
"Open air rooftop farm"
means an unenclosed area of a rooftop that is used for urban
agriculture for commercial purposes, whether for profit or nonprofit.
"Raised bed"
means a method of cultivation in which soil is placed over
a geotextile barrier, and raised and formed into three to four-foot
wide mounds. The soil may be enclosed by a frame generally made of
untreated wood. Raised beds are not considered a structure.
"Roof level urban farm"
means the use of a roof for urban agriculture for residential
or commercial purposes, whether for profit or nonprofit.
"Rooftop greenhouse"
means a structure located on a roof, primarily of transparent
material, in which temperature and humidity can be controlled for
the cultivation or protection of plants or other agricultural products
in which plants are cultivated year-round.
"Urban agriculture"
means the use of a lot for the cultivation of food and/or
horticultural crops, composting, aquaponics, aquaculture, and/or hydroponics
on city, commercial, or residential property. Such use may include
the accessory keeping of animals or bees where allowed by underlying
"Urban farm, ground level, large"
means ground level urban farm with a farm area greater than
one acre that is used for urban agriculture for commercial purposes,
whether for profit or nonprofit.
"Urban farm, ground level, medium"
means a ground level urban farm with a farm area greater
than or equal to ten thousand square feet but no greater than one
acre that is used for urban agriculture for commercial purposes, whether
for profit or nonprofit.
"Urban farm, ground level, small"
means a ground level urban farm with a farm area less than
ten thousand square feet that is used for urban agriculture for commercial
or residential purposes, whether for profit or nonprofit.
"Urban farm, roof level, large"
means a roof level urban farm with a farm area greater than
one acre that is used for urban agriculture for commercial purposes,
whether for profit or nonprofit.
"Urban farm, roof level, medium"
means a roof level urban farm with a farm area greater than
or equal to five thousand square feet but no greater than one acre
that is used for urban agriculture for commercial purposes, whether
for profit or nonprofit.
"Urban farm, roof level, small"
means a roof level urban farm with a farm area less than
five thousand square feet that is used for urban agriculture for commercial
or residential purposes, whether for profit or nonprofit.
"Vertical agriculture"
means an exterior building wall or other vertical structure
designed to support the growing of agricultural or horticultural crops.
(C.O. 21-140, 6/21/2021)