The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that the design and layout of new commercial, industrial and residential development will not be detrimental to the city of Revere's neighborhoods and environment. Further, the intent of the site plan review process is to regulate rather than prohibit use through reasonable conditions which may be imposed by the site plan review committee concerning the siting of buildings, open space and landscaping, parking areas, access and egress from proposed developments, drainage, sewerage, water supply and fire safety.
(C.O. 90-237 § 1 (part))
The building inspector shall not issue a building permit unless and until a site plan review has been completed by the site plan review committee (SPRC), and no building permit may be issued unless in conformance with an approved site plan, except as provided in subsection B of this section and Section 17.17.040(E).
Site plan review is required for all uses allowed as of right or special permit and listed in Section 17.16.040, Table of Uses, and for all extensions of nonconforming uses. No building permit shall be issued in any case where a building is to be erected or externally enlarged and no area for parking, loading or vehicular service shall be established or substantially changed except in conformity with a site plan bearing an endorsement of approval by the site plan review committee. Site plan approval shall not be required in any case where a building is to be externally changed for the purpose of closing an entrance or creating a new entrance thereto and for other extension(s) to a building which in total shall not exceed one thousand square feet of gross floor area.
(C.O. 90-237 § 1 (part))
The site plan review committee shall consist of voting members and advisory nonvoting members. The voting members shall consist of the following: the city engineer, the city planner, the superintendent of public works, the fire chief or prevention officer, the head of traffic division, Revere police department, the health inspector, the conservation commissioner and the commissioner of handicapped affairs.
The advisory nonvoting members shall consist of the following: the building inspector or representative from the building department, and the administrative assistant to the mayor.
(C.O. 92-5)
With each application there shall be submitted to the site plan review committee (SPRC) the material required under Section 17.17.050, and as may be required under Section 17.17.060. All materials shall be submitted to the building inspector who shall time stamp the application within, then forward the application materials to the SPRC within five days.
For all new residential, commercial and industrial construction which does not exceed ten thousand gross square feet or require more than ten parking spaces or an increase of ten or more parking spaces, the site plan review committee shall review the application and report their recommendations in writing to the building inspector no later than twenty-one days after the building inspector has received the application for a site plan review.
For all new residential, commercial and industrial construction or expansion projects, which exceed ten thousand gross square feet or require more than ten parking spaces or an increase of ten or more parking spaces, the site plan review committee shall schedule a meeting with the applicant, if necessary, within twenty-one days of the submission of the application, and shall report their recommendations in writing to the building inspector no later than forty-five days of the submission of the application.
The site plan review committee shall render a decision to approve or approve with conditions, or disapprove if it finds that the application required for review is incomplete.
The building inspector may reject the recommendations of the site plan review committee by submitting in writing to the site plan review committee such reasons for rejection within seven days of receipt of the site plan review committee's report. Reasons for rejection of a site plan by either the building inspector or site plan review committee must specify the areas of nonconformances with respect to the review standards outlined in Sections 17.17.070.
(C.O. 90-237 § 1 (part))
The applicant shall submit three copies of the following materials as a minimum requirement:
A plot plan stamped by a registered land surveyor or professional engineer shall be provided for all projects;
A site plan, stamped by a registered engineer or architect shall be required for all projects at suitable scale, but not to exceed one inch equals forty feet; one and two family projects shall submit plans drawn to a scale of one inch equals twenty feet. The site plans shall include methods of egress and access, and proposed parking, lot lines, existing and proposed buildings, their foundation, size, total gross floor area, building height, location of solid waste containers, existing and proposed topography (one foot contour intervals), wetlands, areas subject to the one hundred year flood, surface water, drainage provisions and existing and proposed landscape features such as required screening and buffer areas, fences, walls, planting areas and walks, and existing and proposed lighting. The site plan shall also show all contiguous land owned by the applicant or by the owners of the property which is the subject of the application and shall include the location of all easements and right of ways of record both public and private.
In addition to the information required in subsections A1 and 2, the following information must be provided for all new residential, commercial and industrial development projects, which exceed ten thousand gross square feet of total gross floor space or require ten or more parking spaces or an increase of ten or more parking spaces. Residential, commercial and industrial projects under three thousand square feet may be excluded from the following requirements as determined by the site plan review board;
A water and sewer utilities plan stamped by a registered engineer, which may be included on the site plan;
A storm drainage plan, which may be included on the site plan, including design capacity and peak capacity calculations;
A plan stamped by a registered surveyor or engineer showing the location of all required parking spaces, and the proposed method of access to and from the parking area, and the proposed internal circulation plan for the parking areas;
A plan showing the location and number of all proposed uses, residential and commercial.
(C.O. 90-237 § 1 (part))
The applicant shall submit one or more of the following additional materials as may be required by the site plan review committee:
Surface water pollution: a report on the impact of stormwater runoff on adjacent and downstream surface water bodies, subsurface groundwater and the water table.
Soils: the potential dangers of erosion and sedimentation caused by the operation and maintenance of the proposed development.
General environmental impact: a report on the relationship of the proposed development to the major botanical, geological and hydrological resources of the site, and compatibility of the proposed development with adjacent or surrounding land uses and neighborhoods. The applicant shall submit such material as may be required regarding design features intended to integrate the proposed new development into the existing landscape and environment, to enhance aesthetic assets, and to screen objectionable features from neighbors. If applicable, a shadow study and an assessment report pursuant to Chapter 21E of the MGL.
Traffic impact: a report on existing traffic volume, composition, peak hour levels, and existing street capacities, estimated average daily traffic generation, composition peak hour levels, and directional flows resulting from the proposed development, proposed methods to mitigate the estimated traffic impact, and the methodology and sources used to derive existing data and estimations.
A plan for the control of erosion and sedimentation caused by the proposed construction.
Water and sewerage: a report on the impact of the water and sewer system.
(C.O. 90-237 § 1 (part))
The site plan review committee shall submit its findings in writing to the building inspector after considering the following matters:
Protection and enhancement of important existing site features;
Protection of adjoining premises against detrimental uses by provision of surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers and preservation of views, light and air;
Convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site, the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic or to adjacent streets;
Adequacy of the arrangement of parking and loading spaces;
Adequacy of the methods of disposal of refuse and other wastes;
Relationship of structures and open space to the natural landscape and existing buildings;
Prevention of pollution of surface and groundwater, soil erosion, increased runoff and flooding;
Protection of freshwater and saltwater wetlands;
Conformance to city health and fire codes;
Adequacy of project to address sewer and water impacts; K.
Compliance with all provisions of the zoning ordinance as well as compliance with all other local, state and federal permitting requirements, and code requirements.
(C.O. 90-237 § 1 (part))
Upon receiving the SPRC's recommendations, the building inspector shall establish a project file for each project subject to site plan review. Copies of all inspection reports from all pertinent city of Revere agencies, boards or commissions shall be forwarded to the building inspector and placed in said project file along with any pertinent copies of permits, inspections, and certifications made or issued by the building inspector.
(C.O. 90-237 § 1 (part))
Before the issuance of a permanent occupancy permit, the building inspector shall require that the applicant submit two copies of "as-built-plans." One copy of said plans shall be forwarded to the SPRC, as-built plans shall include the following: existing location of foundation with off sets to all front, side and rear yards with a tolerance no less than 1/10th of one foot; as-built grading and drainage plan showing grades to adjacent lots; landscaping plan; foundation elevation and elevation certificate for all properties within the one hundred year floodplain; all utility locations and easements; parking plans and driveways; all decks, porches, accessory structures and retaining walls.
(C.O. 90-237 § 1 (part)
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any structure or parcel subject to a site plan review procedure unless it, and all of its related facilities, substantially conform to the approved final site plan. The applicant shall submit to the building inspector with a copy to the site plan review committee, a written certification from a registered architect, registered civil engineer, or landscape architect, preferably the one who prepared the final site plan, that the work has been completed substantially in accord with the approved final site plan. The building inspector shall deny the issuance of a certificate of occupancy if such certification and as built plans are not provided. When the requirement for plan preparation by a registered architect, registered engineer, or landscape architect has been waived by the building inspector and site plan review committee, a certificate of occupancy shall be issued only if the building inspector determines in writing to the site plan review committee, that work has been completed substantially in conformance with the approved final site plan. As-built plans shall be filed with the SPRC at least seven days prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit by the building department.
(C.O. 90-237 § 1 (part))