The Wonderland Transit-Oriented Development Overlay District ("WTODOD") is herein established as an overlay district. The purpose of the WTODOD is to foster commercial and residential development, enhance the existing transportation system, and improve the general and public welfare of the area.
(C.O. 10-263/CZ-10-03, § 1, 7/12/2010)
The WTODOD is within the RC2 district. The boundary of the WTODOD is set forth on the attached Exhibit A, of which the city clerk and the city engineer shall each maintain a copy.
(C.O. 10-263/CZ-10-03, § 1, 7/12/2010)
"Developer" shall mean any person or entity that proposes to develop or re-develop land within the WTODOD.
As to land within the WTODOD that is described by 1975 Mass. Acts c. 841 (the "RBDRB Act"), which area is shown on the Exhibit A plan, the provisions of this chapter shall be effective immediately after:
The developer submits the Site Plan Review application required by Section 17.17,060 of the Revere Zoning Ordinance to the site plan review committee, which application shall be supplemented with information sufficient to demonstrate that the proposed development is consistent with the "Revere Beach Design Review Board Submission and Design Guidelines" prepared on behalf of the city of Revere for the WTODOD issued in July of 2009 (the "WTODOD Design Guidelines");
The site plan review committee approves the Site Plan submitted by the Developer under the standards established by Section 17.17.070 of the Revere Zoning Ordinance and, in addition thereto, specifically finds that the Developer's proposal is consistent with the WTODOD Design Guidelines;
The developer submits preliminary site development plans to the Revere Beach Design Review Board as described in the RBDRB Act; and
The Revere Beach Design Review Board approves those plans as described in RBDRB Act. If the Revere Beach Design Review Board fails to approve or to deny the preliminary site development plans, in writing and within sixty days of their submission, then as to this section, those plans shall be deemed approved.
As to land that is not described by 1975 Mass. Acts c. 841, the provisions of this chapter shall be effective immediately after:
The developer submits the site plan review application required by Section 17.17.060 of the Revere Zoning Ordinance to the site plan review committee, which application shall be supplemented with information sufficient to demonstrate that the proposed development is consistent with the WTODOD Design Guidelines; and
The site plan review committee approves the site plan submitted by the Developer under the standards established by Section 17.17.070 of the Revere Zoning Ordinance and, in addition thereto, specifically finds that the developer's proposal is consistent with the WTODOD Design Guidelines.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply only to land in which the developer holds a legal interest.
Where the provisions of this chapter do not differ from those governing the RC2 district, the provisions governing the RC2 district shall apply to land within the WTODOD, except that the following uses shall be permitted by right within the WTODOD: laboratory and/or research facilities, neighborhood retail sales and service, commercial parking lot/structure, and commercial auto storage/parking. Additionally, any uses, other than those specifically enumerated in the preceding sentence, that are prohibited within the RC2 district shall be permitted by special permit within the WTODOD.
(C.O. 10-263/CZ-10-03, § 1, 7/12/2010)
Minimum Lot Area Square Feet: Twenty-five thousand square feet.
Minimum Lot Frontage: One hundred feet.
Minimum Front Yard Setback: None.
Minimum Side Yard Setback: None or the minimum amount necessary to satisfy the Massachusetts Building Code, provided that: (1) any section of a building constructed within the WTODOD that exceeds three stories in height shall be at least fifty feet apart from other building sections exceeding three stories in height within the WTODOD (there shall not be any setback restrictions or spacing requirements at and below three stories in height except as otherwise provided herein); (2) there shall be a twenty ft. minimum side yard setback above the plaza level for such portions of the WTODOD that abut Chester Street; and (3) there shall be a twenty-foot minimum side yard setback for such portions of the WTODOD that abut Revere Street. As to the minimum side yard setback, the entire area of the WTODOD is considered one lot, irrespective of the individual lots or parcels comprising that area.
Minimum Rear Yard Setback: None.
Maximum Height: One hundred sixty ft., provided that the sum total of all building floor areas between one hundred forty feet and one hundred sixty feet shall not exceed twenty percent of the site area of the WTODOD. For purposes of calculating the height of a building in the WTODOD, height shall be defined as the vertical dimension of a building measured from the mean level of the finished grade at the building, or from the plaza level at the building, whichever is higher, to the mean height of the roof structure. Also, height shall not include: parapets less than five feet high, chimneys, flag poles, ventilators, water tanks, antennas, and other projections used for, or intended to be used exclusively for, utility services or access to the roof may exceed the height limitations of this chapter by not more than twenty feet.
Maximum Stories: Sixteen. For purposes of calculating the number of stories of a building in the WTODOD, the number of stories shall be measured from the mean level of the finished grade at the building, or from the plaza level at the building, whichever is higher. The plaza level at the building shall not exceed two stories above the mean level of the finished grade at the building.
Maximum Fence Height: Ten ft. No barbed wire or fences with pointed ends shall be allowed.
Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 3.6.
(C.O. 10-263/CZ-10-03, § 1, 7/12/2010)
Off-street parking requirements shall be 1.25 spaces per one bedroom unit, 1.5 spaces per two bedroom unit, and two spaces per unit for three or more bedrooms.
Tandem parking is not prohibited.
Any and all requirements regarding visitor parking, including without limitation, Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere, Section 17.28.020, shall be deemed satisfied by any available parking spaces, whether paid or unpaid, on any land within one hundred yards of the WTODOD, whether privately or publicly owned.
(C.O. 10-263/CZ-10-03, § 1, 7/12/2010)
As to dimensional regulations and parking requirements, the entire area of the WTODOD is considered one lot, irrespective of the individual lots or parcels comprising that area, except with respect to maximum floor area ratio and maximum height, which shall be calculated on each individual zoning lot proposed for development.
Multiple buildings, with all principal uses permitted within the RC2 District, may be erected on a single lot.
These provisions replace any Ordinance regarding the Wonderland Transit-Oriented Development District. The above provisions regarding parking requirements shall apply without a special permit.
(C.O. 10-263/CZ-10-03, § 1, 7/12/2010)