Minimum Sq. Ft.
Lot Area Frontage
Yard Setbacks g
Usable Open Space (% of total area)
Maximum Principal Building Coverage (percent)
Max. Hgt.
Max. Stories
Max. Fence Height
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
20 a
30 a
30 aa
2 ½ aa
6 i
35 y, 1
6 i
20 a
30 a
35 y, 1, aa
2 ½ aa
6 i
20 a
30 a
35 y, 1
2 ½
6 i
15 b
5 c
6 i
20 f, g
20 g
30 w each side
10 i
setback j
20 g
20 g
30 w each side
10 i
20 a
30 a
6 i
60 z
PDD1 t
50 u
30 u
50 u
15% u
180 u
3 acres m
200 n
200 n
15 a
2 ½
6 i
20 q, v
20 q, v
10 i
20 x
20 x
q, w
20 q, v
20 q, v
60 h
10 i
20 d
50 y, 2
A minimum of 10 feet must be provided for each side yard and a minimum rear yard of 20 feet must be provided for all decks. All pre-existing lots pursuant to Section 17.24.030 which contain less than 6,000 square feet and less than 60 feet frontage shall be subject to the following yard dimension: 15 feet front yard, 15 feet, side yard (minimum 10 feet 1 side), and 20 feet, year yard.
For each side yard, 5 feet for the first story, plus 3 feet for each additional story.
Apartments in a PUD may exceed this limit.
Twenty-foot minimum side yard each side.
Development is allowed in 70 percent of the required front yard (exclusive of all areas used for side yard setbacks) in apartment and residential condominium developments; provided that the building inspector determines that adequate side lines are maintained for entering and exiting the building. The height of development in the front yard shall be limited to 20 feet, and the area shall be restricted to common uses such as recreational or leisure activities. At least 65 percent of the structure in the required front yard setback shall be constructed of glass, lexan or similar rigid and transparent material.
For structures greater than 60 feet or 6 stories, in the RC1 and RC2 districts, at a height not less than 30 feet from the front sidewalk finished grade, balconies may be extended out over the required side yard setback. For structures greater than 60 feet or 6 stories in the RC1 and RC2 districts at a height no less than 20 feet from the front sidewalk, finished-grade balconies may be extended out over the required front yard setback. For structures 60 feet or 6 stories or less, in the RC1 and RC2 districts, balconies may be extended out over the required front, rear and side yard setback subject to the approval of the site plan review committee. In all instances, balconies shall be unenclosed and extend no more than 4 feet from the wall of the principal building.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 17.08.120 of this title, the building height of structures in the CB district shall be measured from the vertical dimension of the Broadway grade of the lot to the highest point of the roof.
No barbed wire or fences with pointed ends shall be allowed in the RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, NB, GB and CB districts.
Subject to the review and approval of the superintendent of public works of the city, in the required rear-yard setback in the RC1 district, no use shall be allowed except for a parking garage associated with the principal building and use, which may cover all portions of the required rear yard except areas used for screening required by Chapter 17.32, and which shall not be subject to the fire wall requirement of Section 17.16.260(C)(2), except as otherwise required by law or the height limitation of Section 17.16.260(D).
For the purpose of determining the number of stories, basements and cellars shall be excluded.
Principal building coverage shall be determined at ground level.
In determining lot area and yard setback requirements in the PDD2 district, no setbacks or yards are required from property owned by a public utility; public utility property shall also be deemed to be included in the determination of lot size where such public utility property otherwise bisects property which is under common ownership.
Where the PDD2 district adjoins or abuts residential uses, residential neighborhoods, or educational uses, which uses or neighborhoods are located in an RB, RC or HB district, the maximum height shall not exceed 50 feet or 4 stories on all PDD2 property located within 100 feet (screening area included) or such adjoining RB, RC or HB district and shall not exceed 80 feet or 9 stories on all property located more than 100 feet and within 150 feet (screening area).
Floor Area Ratio in PDD2 District. The total floor area ratio of the principal building(s) on the site, not including structured parking, shall not exceed 1.6.
No warehouse, as defined in Section 17.08.901 of this title, whether for private or commercial use shall be located within forty feet of any residential use.
For all residential uses in the GB and CB districts the yard dimensions shall be as follows: front, 20 feet; side, 15 feet; rear, 20 feet.
Where any use in the TED and HB districts abuts a residential use or wetland, a minimum landscaping buffer zone of 20 feet must be provided within the minimum setback requirements. A minimum landscaping buffer zone of 10 feet must be provided within the minimum setback requirement where any use in the TED and HB districts abuts a nonresidential use and along the frontage of the property.
Lots in existence prior to May 7, 1990, located in the RC2 district shall not be subject to the minimum lot area yard dimension or floor area ratio regulations of 17.24.010, Table of Dimensional Regulations, if said lots meet the following requirements:
The pre-existing lot has frontage on 2 or more public right-of-ways;
The average depth of the pre-existing lot is less than 90 feet measured along the side lot lines, and 2 parallel lines equidistant from the side lot lines and the lot center line.
The dimensional criteria for PDD1 may be exceeded by the granting of a special permit. See Chapter 17.22 of this revision.
Where the PDD1 district abuts Winthrop Avenue and Revere Beach Parkway, there shall be provided a 50 feet wide landscaped buffer zone and minimum setback for all buildings. Where the PDD1 district abuts Washburn Avenue, there shall be provided a 50 feet wide landscaped buffer zone and a minimum setback of 100 feet for all buildings (buffer zone included). The maximum height of all buildings shall not exceed 70 feet or 7 stories within 150 feet of Washburn Avenue, and the maximum height for all buildings not attached to a stadium or arena shall not exceed 100 feet or 10 stories within 200 feet of Washburn Avenue. A maximum height allowance for a combination hotel, resort, gaming facility shall not exceed 180 feet or 18 stories within 250 feet (minimum setback) of Washburn Avenue. A maximum height allowance of 250 feet with a minimum setback of 500 feet from Washburn Avenue, Winthrop Avenue and Revere Beach Parkway may be allowed for a stadium or arena with a height allowance of 180 feet or 18 stories for structures which are attached to a stadium or arena. Where a multi-use development facility such as a hotel, resort, gaming facility, convention center, arena, stadium or any combination thereof, is attached, there shall be an exemption from the side and rear yard requirements along the line of attachment for those uses noted above. For the purposes of the PDD1 district, floor area ratio (FAR) for stadiums or arenas shall be computed as the total square footage of the footprint of such structures. Where the PDD1 district abuts the oil farms, there shall be provided a minimum setback of 100 feet. Within the PDD1 district, Usable Open Space may include all pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths associated with a development. Where a lot within the PDD1 district abuts another lot within the PDD1 district, there shall be no setback required along such lot line for either lot.
Where abutting a residential district and/or use.
For any structure 60 feet or 6 stories or less in height in the RC1 and RC2 districts the rear yard requirement for the zoning district shall not be less than 20 feet.
Sideyards abutting public ways shall be not less than 10 feet wide.
A 30 foot height requirement shall be applied to all structures within the RA1, RB and RB1 districts that are built on lots less than 5,000 square feet.
Except that the maximum height allowed in the HB district shall be 70 feet on parcels that are part of a contiguous development containing at least 10 acres.
Structures erected on a building within the IP District and not used for human occupancy, such as but not limited to, air and exhaust equipment, chimneys, heating-ventilating or air conditioning equipment, solar or photovoltaic panels, elevator housings, skylights, cupolas, spires, mechanical and acoustical screening and the like ("rooftop structures") may exceed the maximum height of a building in feet provided no part of the rooftop structure(s) is more than 2) feet higher than the maximum permitted height of the building and the total horizontal coverage of such rooftop structures on the building does not exceed 60 percent, with the exception of an aggregate area not to exceed 3 percent of the total roof area which shall be allowed to have rooftop structures which extend more than 35 feet above the roof line. Also, wireless communication links, commercial radio or television antenna(e) and telecommunication facilities shall be allowed on buildings within the IP district as long as the height of any such equipment is less than 20 feet above the roof line and only if such equipment is solely associated with the business occupying the building.
All dwellings within the RA and RB districts which are located within the FEMA 100-year floodplain will be allowed three stories and thirty-five feet in height only if the 1st story is a garage.
(C.O. 18-140, §§ 1, 5, 6/18/2018; C.O. 17-284/CZ-17-04, § 21, 9/11/2017; C.O. 13-279/CZ-13-06, §§ 4—8, 12/9/2013; C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(A); C.O. 83-508 § 5; C.O. 84-136 § 1; C.O. 84-365 §§ 1, 2; C.O. 85-4A §§ 16(J), (O), 36 (part); C.O. 85-656§§ 3, 7, 8; C.O. 87-661 § 13; C.O. 88-530 CD § 4; C.O. 90-37C; C.O. 90-37E; C.O. 90-37F; C.O. 90-37H; C.O. 90-237 §§ 3, 17; C.O. 91-23 § 7; C.O. 91-62 § 1; C.O. 93-30 § 7; C.O. 96-17 §§ 29—37; C.O. 97-105 § 40; C.O. 97-467 § 3; C.O. 98-293 § 3; C.O. 98-293 § 7; C.O. 01-76 §§ 3, 4, 32, 41; C.O. 01-261 § 5; C.O. 02-147 §§ 1—3)
For the purpose of interpreting the intensity regulations with regard to multiple use buildings, the most stringent controls of the uses of the lot shall prevail.
All principal uses shall be conducted within a single building per zoning lot unless multiple buildings are authorized pursuant to Section 17.24.025.[1] Separate principal uses may be allowed in separate principal buildings on parcels of land that are owned in common only after a subdivision plan is approved and recorded or a Form A Plan is endorsed and recorded. Where there exists more than one principal building on a zoning lot, as of the date of this amendment, then that land may be subdivided, not in conformity with this title, but to the least degree of nonconformity, in the opinion of the planning board, and with an absolute minimum frontage of ten feet for one or two family homes and twenty-five feet for all other uses. Except as authorized by G.L. c. 41, § 81L, no land in common ownership with existing buildings may be subdivided with no frontage and access only by a right-of-way.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(1); C.O. 93-30 § 4; C.O. 96-17 § 45; C.O. 01-261 § 2, 2001)
Note: Except that more than one principal building may be allowed in the HB district on parcels containing at least five acres. All dimensional requirements of the HB district shall otherwise apply.
More than one principal nonresidential structure may be erected on a single lot, where authorized by a special permit issued by the city council in accordance with Section 17.48.080 and subject to the following conditions:
No principal building shall be located in relation to another principal building on the same lot, or on an adjacent lot, so as to cause danger from fire.
All principal buildings on the lot shall be served by access ways suitable for fire, police and emergency vehicles;
All of the multiple principal buildings on the same lot shall be accessible via pedestrian walkways, connected to the required parking for the premises and to each principal building.
(C.O. 96-17 § 46)
Preamble and definitions.
Preamble. The city council has found that many landowners have faced an undue hardship paying property taxes for vacant land which is assessed as buildable lots, when, because these vacant lots have been held in common ownership with other lots, the lots could not be built upon without permission of the zoning board of appeals. To remedy this hardship while providing for the preservation of Revere's diverse residential neighborhoods, the city council has approved this revised Section 17.24.030; in recognizing the diversity of building styles, open space and population densities among the city's neighborhoods, the city council has fashioned this section to provide for regulations which vary by geographic region within the city.
HD Zone.[1] As used in this section, the term "HD Zone" means and refers to that section of the city which is east of Broadway and shall include each and every lot along Broadway which is east of the midpoint of Broadway.
Note: The term "HD zone" is used to designate the described portion of the city which when compared to the other areas of the city, is of a higher density.
LD Zone.[2] As used in this section, the term "LD Zone" means and refers to that section of the city which is west of Broadway and shall include each and every lot along Broadway which is west of the midpoint of Broadway, except those lots within any other zone as classified within this section.
Note: The term "LD zone" is used to designate the described portion of the city when compared to the other areas of the city is of a lower density.
LL Zone.[3] As used in this section, the term "LL Zone" means and refers to that portion of the city bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Haskell Avenue and Washington Avenue at point along the midway of said Washington Avenue, continuing north along said midway of Washington Avenue until the intersection of Washington Avenue and Mountain Avenue, then east along the midway of Mountain Avenue until the intersection of Amasa Street, then proceeding north along the midway of Amasa Street until the intersection of Lincoln Street, proceeding then along the midway of Lincoln Street until the intersection of Lincoln Street and Burbank Street, then following along the midway of Burbank Street until the intersection of Burbank and Oakwood Avenue, then following along the midway of Oakwood Avenue until the intersection of Oakwood Avenue and Tedford Avenue, then proceeding from said intersection along the midway of Tedford Avenue until the intersection of Tedford Avenue and Sargent Street, then following the midway of Sargent Street until the intersection of Sargent Street and Newhall Street, then following along the midway of Newhall Street, until Malden Street, then following the midway of Malden Street until the intersection of Malden Street and Washington Avenue, and then following the midway of Washington Avenue until Washington Avenue meets the border between the City of Malden and City of Revere, continuing southwest along the border of Revere and the City of Malden until the border between the City of Malden and the City of Everett, continuing further southwest along the border of Revere and the City of Everett until Haskell Avenue, then following Haskell Avenue until the point or place of the beginning.
Note: The term "LL zone" is used to designate the described portion of the city when, when compared to the other areas of the city, contains on average, larger lots.
Minimum qualifying area. As used in this section, the term "minimum qualifying area" means and refers to the smallest size of the lot on which construction will be allowed under this section; minimum qualifying area may vary depending upon the zone in which the lot exists as set forth below:
Within the LL zone, minimum qualifying area shall equal five thousand four hundred square feet;
Within the LD zone, minimum qualifying area shall equal four thousand square feet; and
Within the HD zone, minimum qualifying area shall equal three thousand square feet.
Minimum qualifying frontage. As used in this section, the term "minimum qualifying frontage" means and refers to the shortest distance along a public way by which a lot abuts in order for construction to be allowed under this section; minimum qualifying frontage may vary depending upon the zone in which the lot exists as set forth below:
Within the LL zone, minimum qualifying frontage shall equal sixty feet;
Within the LD zone, minimum qualifying frontage shall equal forty feet; and
Within the HD zone, minimum qualifying frontage shall equal forty feet.
Modified parking spaces. As used in this section, the term "modified parking spaces" means and refers to either: (i) off-street parking spaces of at least eight feet in width and sixteen feet in length, which may be utilized "in-line" to create two off-street parking spaces; or (ii) off-street parking spaces which are accessible by means of a driveway of at least eight feet in width.
North revere overlay zone. As used in this section, the term "North Revere Overlay zone" means and refers that portion of the city of Revere all as more particularly described and defined in subsection (C)(4) of this section.
Zone. As used in this section, the term "zone" means and refers to that portion of the city (whether LL zone, LD zone, HD zone or North Revere Overlay zone) a subject lot is situated whether in whole or in part. If any subject lot is situated in North Revere Overlay and one or more other zones, it shall be deemed to be situated in the North Revere Overlay zone. If any subject lot is situated in the LL zone and one or more other zones (other than the North Revere Overlay zone), it shall be deemed to be situated in the LL zone. If any subject lot is situated in the LD zone and the HD zone, it shall be deemed to be situated in the LD zone.
Existing lots.
Any structures built on any land in the city of Revere pursuant to this section must comply with the respective set back requirements, all as more particularly set forth in the Table of Dimensional Controls, Section 17.24.010, and the respective off-street parking requirements.
Any structures built on any land in the city of Revere pursuant to this section must comply with the applicable height restrictions in effect at the time of the construction of the structures.
All qualified lots (as said term is herein defined), which having been created before the adoption of the ordinance from which this title derives, regardless of common ownership with abutting land, and containing at least the minimum qualifying area and having frontage of at least the minimum qualifying frontage, shall be exempt from the lot frontage and area requirements provided in this title but shall be subject to each of the provisions of this section depending upon the zone in which the lot is situated, including (but not limited to) the relevant conditions set forth in subsection C of this section, all as more particularly set forth in this section.
Conditions for lots within the LD zone. The primary intent and purpose of the following conditions is to make certain that, with respect to all qualified lots within the LD zone, all existing structures conform to the parking requirements standards and set back requirements standards before any remaining qualified lots held in common ownership is deemed buildable. A further intent of the following conditions is to make certain that all remaining vacant land within the LD zone, which is held in common ownership and which does not meet the minimum area and frontage requirements of this title, is deemed to be a single lot.
If at the time of the adoption of this amendment, a vacant lot or lots within the LD zone, owned in common with a lot on which a dwelling exists and the transfer of ownership of the vacant lot directly abutting the developed lot or lots results in nonconformity of either the side yard requirements of a minimum five feet on one side yard and fifteen cumulative total or the current parking requirement for the existing developed lot, then the lot directly abutting the existing developed lot must be utilized to meet the side yard set back and/or the parking requirement prior to the issuance of any building permit on the remaining vacant lot or lots. If there are no off-street parking spaces or less that the current required number of off-street parking spaces for the existing developed lot and space is available to provide the requisite spaces, then the spaces must be actually provided on the developed lot prior to the issuance of any building permit on the vacant lot or lots. Further, the lot area of the existing developed lot may not be reduced to below the minimum qualifying area and the frontage reduced to less than the minimum qualifying frontage by the transfer of an existing abutting vacant lot held in common ownership by use of any of the above provisions for existing lots. Further, the remaining vacant lots which are owned in common and are abutting on their sides must meet the square footage and frontage requirements stipulated in this subsection.
If at the time of the adoption of this amendment, two vacant lots, situated within the LD zone, are owned in common and are abutting each other along their sides and either lot contains less than four thousand square feet, said lots are to be considered combined with each other and then the minimum qualifying area and minimum qualifying frontage stipulated in this subsection are to be applied to the resulting lot.
If at the time of adoption of this amendment, three or more vacant lots, situated within the LD zone are owned in common, abut on their sides, and do not individually conform to the existing minimum area and frontage requirements of this title, the lots are then considered one lot for zoning purposes. Any redivision of the lot after the date of adoption of this amendment, for the purpose of obtaining a building permit must be by one of the following methods:
Subdivision approval;
Subdivision approval not required;
Variance by the zoning board of appeals, for lot size and frontage granted in total compliance with the variance criteria of M.G.L. Ch. 40A, Section 10.
Notwithstanding the foregoing conditions, within the LD zone, lots shall be deemed to be owned in common if the lots were simultaneously owned by the same entity or person for any period of time since January 1, 1994.
Limited side yard exception. Notwithstanding the foregoing conditions set forth in subsection (C)(1)(a) of this section regarding side yard dimensional requirements, if at the time of the adoption of this amendment, a vacant lot of lots within the LD zone, owned in common with a lot on which a dwelling exists and the transfer of ownership of the vacant lot directly abutting the developed lot or lots results in nonconformity of the side yard requirements of fifteen feet cumulative total, then the lot directly abutting the existing developed lot will not need to be utilized to meet the side yard set back requirements prior to the issuance of any building permit on the remaining vacant lot or lots; provided, that the lot was a legal conforming lot at the time of its creation, the structure thereon was a legal conforming structure at the time of its construction and any structure to be built upon the vacant lot abutting the developed lot utilizes a side yard of at least ten feet on that side of the vacant lot directly abutting the developed lot.
Limited parking exception. Notwithstanding the foregoing conditions set forth in subsection (C)(1)(a) of this section regarding off-street parking requirements, if at the time of the adoption of this amendment, a vacant lot or lots within the LD zone, owned in common with a lot on which a dwelling exists and there is insufficient off-street parking spaces upon the developed lot, then the vacant lot directly abutting the existing developed lot will not need to be utilized to meet the off-street parking requirement prior to the issuance of any building permit on the remaining vacant lot or lots; provided, that the lot was legal conforming lot at the time of its creation, the structure thereon was a legal conforming structure at the time of its construction and there exists at least two modified parking spaces on the developed lot.
Conditions for lots within the LL zone. The primary intent and purpose of the following conditions is to make certain that, with respect to all qualified lots within the LL Zone, all existing structures conform to the parking requirements standards and set back requirements standards before remaining qualified lots held in common ownership is deemed buildable. A further intent of the following conditions is to make certain that all remaining vacant land within the LL zone, which is held in common ownership and which does not meet the minimum area and frontage requirements of this title, is deemed to be a single lot.
If at the time of the adoption of this amendment, a vacant lot or lots within the LL zone, owned in common with a lot on which a dwelling exists and the transfer of ownership of the vacant lot directly abutting the developed lot or lots results in nonconformity of the side yard requirements of a minimum five feet on one side yard and fifteen feet cumulative total, then the lot directly abutting the existing developed lot must be utilized to meet the side yard setback requirement prior to the issuance of any building permit on the remaining vacant lot or lots. If at the time of the adoption of this amendment, a vacant lot or lots, situated within either the LL zone, owned in common with a lot on which a dwelling exists and the transfer of ownership of the vacant lot directly abutting the developed lot or lots results in nonconformity of the current parking requirements for the existing developed lot, then the lot directly abutting the existing developed lot must be utilized, in whole or in part (whether by subdivision, grant in fee or grant of an easement) to meet the parking requirement; notwithstanding any off-street parking requirements set forth in these revised ordinances, in no event will there exist an obligation for more than two off-street parking spaces to be created for the benefit of the lot on which the dwelling exists. If there are no off-street parking spaces or less than the current required number of off-street parking spaces for the existing developed lot and space is available to provide the requisite spaces, then the spaces must be actually provided in the developed lot prior to the issuance of any building permit on the vacant lot or lots.
If at the time of the adoption of this amendment, two vacant lots, situated within the LL zone, are owned in common and are abutting each other along their sides and either lot contains less than five thousand four hundred square feet, the lots are to be considered combined with each other and then the minimum qualifying area and minimum qualifying frontage stipulated in this subsection are to be applied to the resulting lot.
If at the time of adoption of this amendment, three or more vacant lots, situated within the LL zone are owned in common, abut on three sides, and do not individually conform to the existing minimum area and frontage requirements of this title, the lots are then considered one lot for zoning purposes. Any redivision of the lot after the date of adoption of this amendment, for the purpose of obtaining a building permit must be by one of the following methods:
Subdivision approval;
Subdivision approval not required;
Variance by the zoning board of appeals, for lot size and frontage granted in total compliance with the variance criteria of M.G.L. Ch. 40A, Section 10.
Notwithstanding the foregoing conditions, within the LL zone, lots shall be deemed to be owned in common if the lots were simultaneously owned by the same entity or person for any period of time since January 1, 1994.
Conditions for lots within the HD zone. The primary intent and purpose of the following conditions is to make certain that, within the HD zone, all existing structures conform to the parking requirement standards before any qualified lots held in common ownership is deemed buildable; provided, however, all as more particularly set forth herein, that no existing structure which complied with all parking requirements when it was constructed and which is either a legal conforming structure or a legal nonconforming structure shall be required to maintain more than two off-street parking spaces. A further intent of the following conditions is to make certain that all remaining vacant land, which is held in common ownership and which does not meet the minimum area and frontage requirements of this title, is deemed to be a single lot.
If at the time of the adoption of this amendment, a vacant lot or lots, situated within the HD zone, owned in common with a lot on which a dwelling exists and the transfer of ownership of the vacant lot directly abutting the developed lot or lots resulted in nonconformity of the side yard requirements of a minimum five feet on one side yard and fifteen feet cumulative total, then the vacant lot directly abutting the nonconforming side (or sides) of the existing developed lot must maintain along the border between the existing developed lot an unbuilt upon buffer strip sufficient to provide a minimum of ten feet of open space between any buildings or any extensions, porches or other appurtenances thereof on the two lots.
If at the time of the adoption of this amendment, a vacant lot or lots, situated within the HD zone, are owned in common with a lot on which a dwelling exists and the transfer of ownership of, or the plan to build upon, the vacant lot or lots directly abutting the developed lot results in nonconformity of the current parking requirements for the existing developed lot, then the following two sentences apply:
If there are no off-street parking spaces or less than the current required number of off-street parking spaces for the existing developed lot and space is available to provide the requisite spaces, then the spaces must actually be provided in the developed lot prior to the issuance of any building permit on the vacant lot or lots.
But, if the current developed lot cannot accommodate the current parking requirements on the developed lot, then the vacant lot shall be considered necessary for the parking for the developed lot and shall be deemed nonbuildable, unless the vacant lot can be subdivided to accommodate the additional necessary parking for the developed lot and the remaining portion of the vacant lot: (A) meets all of the qualifying area and qualifying footage requirements of this HD zone without variance; and (B) can accommodate without variance the current parking requirements of any new development on the vacant lot. The above-described subdivision shall be allowed by right notwithstanding any contrary provisions elsewhere in this zoning title.
Further, the lot area of the existing developed lot may not be reduced to below the minimum qualifying area and the frontage reduced to less than the minimum qualifying frontage by the transfer of an existing abutting vacant lot held in common ownership by use of any of the above provisions for existing lots. Further, the remaining vacant lots which are owned in common and are abutting on their sides must meet or exceed the minimum qualifying area and minimum qualifying frontage for the zone in which said lots exist.
If at the time of the adoption of this amendment, two, three or four vacant lots, situated within the HD zone are owned in common and are abutting each other along their sides and either lot contains less than three thousand square feet, the lots are to be considered combined with each other and then the minimum qualifying area and minimum qualifying frontage required for lots in the HD zone are to be applied to the resulting lot.
If at the time of adoption of this amendment, five or more vacant lots, situated within the HD zone, are owned in common, abut on three sides, and do not individually conform to the existing minimum area and frontage requirements of this title, the lots are then considered one lot for zoning purposes. Any redivision of the lot after the date of adoption of this amendment, for the purpose of obtaining a building permit must be by one of the following methods:
Subdivision approval;
Subdivision approval not required.
Notwithstanding the foregoing conditions, within the HD zone, lots shall be deemed to be owned in common if said lots were simultaneously owned by the same entity or person for any period of time since January 1, 1994.
Conditions for lots within the north revere overlay zone. Any lot which is to be built upon with the North Revere Overlay zone must comply with the current dimensional requirements in effect at the time of applying for permission to build; no lot shall be exempt from the lot frontage and other dimensional requirements provided in this title. The North Revere Overlay zone shall mean and include all area situated within the city of Revere bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Washington Avenue and the border between the City of Revere and the City of Malden,
Then following said border in a Northeasterly and then Northwesterly direction until the intersection between the Town of Saugus and the Cities of Revere, Malden and Melrose,
Then following Northwesterly, Southerly and Easterly along the border between the City of Revere and Town of Saugus,
Then following along the most southerly and easterly border of that certain lot known as Lot 435B as shown on Plate 31 of the official map of the City of Revere, Then following said most southerly and easterly border of said Lot 435B until the intersection of said border and Samuel R. Cutler Highway,
Then following Samuel R. Cutler Highway until the intersection between said Highway and Squire Road, Then following Squire Road until the intersection of Squire Road and Washington Avenue,
Then following Washington Avenue until the point or place of the beginning.
Additional considerations.
As used in this section, the term "qualified lot" means any lot situated in any RB district or NB district, provided the lot is situated along a constructed public way (which public way was constructed prior to January 1, 1994) and further provided that the lot is served by public water and sewer service. Further, the term "qualified lot" means only a lot that was vacant as of January 1, 1994. The term "vacant" means that no structure existed on the lot, including but not limited to a garage, shed (larger than two hundred square feet), deck, cabana, inground swimming pool or any other accessory structure. For the purpose of this section, an above ground swimming pool shall not be considered a permanent structure. The provisions of this section shall take effect on January 1, 2007. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the term "qualified lot" shall not mean and include those lots:
Through which flow, or upon which exist, "waters of the U.S.", as said term is defined at 40 C.F.R. § 232.2(g) and 33 C.F.R. § 328.3(a); or
Which abut or which are classified, in whole or in part, as "wetlands" pursuant to either the Massachusetts General Laws (including Mass. Gen. L. Ch. 131, § 40, Mass. Gen. L. Ch. 131, § 40A, Mass. Gen. L. Ch. 130 § 105) or any federal law, rule or regulation (including, but not limited to 40 C.F.R. § 232.2(r) and 33 C.F.R. § 328.3(b); or
Which are situated in any district other than an RB district or an NB district; or
Which are situated within or abutting any area designated as a so-called area of environmental concern.
Within the HD zone, qualified lots shall be deemed to exist within an area of environmental concern if the lots abut along a public way on at least two of its sides.
Rule of construction. In the event that any qualified lot can be classified as being subject to two or more different regulations, the more stringent and restrictive regulation shall apply.
Only those lots which are deemed "qualified lots" may be built upon pursuant to this section.
The building inspector may require from an applicant for a building permit or certificate of occupancy any information which he or she, in his or her discretion, deems reasonable to evidence the satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this section.
All pre-existing lots pursuant to this section, which comprise less than six thousand square feet in area, and are located within the boundaries of the one hundred-year flood plain as delineated on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood insurance rate map (FIRM) for the city of Revere revised August 20, 2002, shall be limited to a single-family dwelling. Further, development on pre-existing vacant lots which are not located within the boundaries of the one hundred-year flood plain within the HD zone and which contain at least three thousand square feet and less than four thousand square feet and have at least a forty-foot frontage pursuant to this section shall be limited to a single-family use.
(C.O. 23-246, § 1, 11/13/2023; C.O. 94-347; C.O. 03-75A § 2; C.O. 04-339A § 1; C.O. 06-41 § 3; C.O. 07-52 § 1; C.O. 07-52A § 10; C.O. 07-52A-1 § 1; C.O. 07-52A-2 § 6; C.O. 07-52A-3 § 8)
The zoning board of appeals shall not grant relief, by variance or otherwise, from any of the provisions of Section 17.24.030, nor shall the zoning board of appeals be authorized to allow construction on any undersized residentially zoned parcel that does not at least meet the minimum lot area requirements of Section 17.24.010, the minimum qualifying area of Section 17.24.030(A)(2)(d) or the minimum qualifying frontage of Section 17.24.030(A)(2)(e). See "Mitchell v. Board of Appeals of Revere," 27 Mass. App. Ct. 1119 (1987). The construction of any structure on vacant land which does not meet the minimum lot area set forth in Section 17.24.010, the minimum qualifying area in Section 17.24.030(A)(2)(d) or the minimum qualifying frontage of Section 17.24.030(A)(2)(e) shall only be allowed by means of a special permit approved by the zoning board of appeals in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.24.032.
(C.O. 04-339A § 2)
The zoning board of appeals may grant a special permit to allow the building and use of a single-family dwelling only on an undersized lot within a residentially zoned area which does not at least meet the minimum lot area requirements of Section 17.24.010, the minimum qualifying area of Section 17.24.030(A)(2)(d) or the minimum qualifying frontage of Section 17.24.030(A)(2)(e), but only if the petitioner for such special permit is able to establish the following conditions precedent to submission of the special permit application:
That, if the vacant lot is located in the HD zone, it shall have at least three thousand five hundred square feet and forty-foot frontage. The zoning board of appeals shall have no authority to grant a special permit for development on any lot in the HD zone which fails to meet these requirements;
That, if the vacant lot is located in the LD zone, it shall have at least three thousand six hundred square feet and a forty-foot frontage. The zoning board of appeals shall have no authority to grant a special permit for development on any lot in the LD zone which fails to meet these requirements;
That, if the vacant lot is located in the LL zone, it shall have at least five thousand five hundred square feet and fifty-foot frontage. The zoning board of appeals shall have no authority to grant a special permit for development on any lot in the LL zone which fails to meet these requirements;
That, if the vacant lot does not meet the area requirements set forth in Section 17.24.010 or the minimum qualifying area of Section 17.24.030(A) (2)(d), then more than fifty percent of the parcels with residential buildings thereon within the same assessor's block as the vacant lot at issue have the same or lesser area size than the vacant lot proposed for development, and more than fifty percent of the parcels with residential buildings thereon which are owned by "parties in interest" to the special permit application as defined by M.G.L. c. 40A, Section 11 shall also have the same or lesser area size than the vacant lot proposed for development. The special permit granting authority shall set the terms for certifying that this requirement is met, and the petitioner shall be responsible for any certification fee;
That, if the vacant lot is located within the LD zone and does not meet the area requirements set forth in Section 17.24.010 or the minimum qualifying area of Section 17.24.030.A.2.d, then the area of the vacant lot at issue must be equal to or greater than forty percent of the parcels with residential buildings thereon within the same assessor' block as the vacant lot at issue equal to or greater than forty percent of the parcels with residential buildings thereon which are owned by "parties in interest" to the special permit application by MGL c. 40A, Section II. The zoning board of appeals shall set the terms for certifying that this requirement is met, and the petitioner shall be responsible for any certification fees.
That, if the vacant lot is located within the LD zone and does not meet the minimum frontage requirements set forth in Section 17.24.010 or the minimum qualifying area of Section 17.24.030.A.2.e, then the frontage of the vacant lot at issue must be equal to or greater than forty percent of the parcels with residential buildings thereon within the same assessor' block as the vacant lot at issue, equal to or greater than forty percent of the parcels with residential buildings thereon which are owned by "parties of interest" to be special permit application by MGL c. 40A, Section II. The zoning board of appeals shall set the terms for certifying that this requirement is met, and the petitioner shall be responsible for any certification fees.
That, if the vacant lot does not meet the frontage requirements set forth in Section 17.24.010 or the minimum qualifying frontage of Section 17.24.030(A)(2)(e), then more than fifty percent of the parcels with residential buildings thereon within the same assessor's block as the vacant lot at issue have the same or lesser frontage than the vacant lot proposed for development and more than fifty percent of the parcels with residential buildings thereon which are owned by "parties in interest" to the special permit application as defined by M.G.L. c. 40A, Section 11 shall also have the same or lesser frontage than the vacant lot proposed for development. The special permit granting authority shall set the terms for certifying that this requirement is met, and the petitioner shall be responsible for any certification fee;
That, with the proposed single-family structure in place, the lot meets all other set back, usable open space, maximum principal building coverage and parking requirements set forth in the zoning ordinance.
In the event the above-described conditions precedent are met and the zoning board of appeals considers the special permit request, the height of the proposed single-family dwelling shall be no higher than the tallest residential building within the land area owned by "parties in interest" to the special permit application as defined by M.G.L. c. 40A, Section 11, but in no event shall such dwelling have a height greater than thirty feet.
(C.O. 04-339A § 3; C.O. 07-388, § 1, 9/24/2007; C.O. 08-46, § 1, 2/11/2008)
The minimum lot frontage for duplex dwellings shall be sixty feet. Further, the principal entrance to duplex dwellings shall be facing the street.
(C.O. 90-37A; C.O. 18-075, § 4, 5/7/2018)
No lot upon which any building or structure stands in conformance with this title shall be changed for any reason in size or shape so as to violate any of the provisions of this title except through an exercise of eminent domain.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(2)(c))
Parking within the front yard in the RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC3, NB and GB districts for single-family, two-family, duplex, and townhouse uses shall conform to the following requirements:
Where a garage under the principal structure exists, one parking space shall be allowed within the garage driveway in front of each garage. No other part of the front yard located directly within the front of the structure shall be utilized for parking under this situation for single-family, two-family, and duplex uses.
No more than two parking spaces shall be allowed in tandem for single-family, two-family, duplex, and townhouse uses.
There shall be no parking allowed within the rear yard for single-family, two-family, and duplex uses.
At least forty percent of the front yard shall be landscaped. The front yard for the purpose of complying with the forty percent landscaping requirement shall be the area along the full frontage of the property including the side yards to a point even with the front of the house as shown on the diagram below.
This subsection should only apply to front yard improvements made as of the date of this revision change or thereafter.
017 Dwelling, Front Yard Diagram.tiff
There shall be no parking within the front yard in the RC, RC3, NB, and GB districts for apartment uses.
Tandem parking is prohibited for apartment uses in all districts.
A maximum of six spaces shall be allowed for drop off only in the front yard within the RC1 district. A stone or decorative wall not to exceed four and one-half feet in height may be constructed within the front yard in the RC1 district and a six-foot wide landscaped area must be maintained between any such wall and property line.
There shall be no driveways allowed within twenty feet of the point of curvature of an intersection within any district.
Required off-street parking spaces for single-family, two-family, duplex and townhouse uses shall be provided on the actual developed lot and there shall be no easements provided on other lots to meet the parking requirement.
Driveways shall be permitted within the front, side and rear yards of the RC1 and RC2 districts. Permitted driveways shall include driveways elevated to maintain level grade (at lot entry) and supported by columns, walls, or other structural members. Parking in garages below grade under the front yards, below grade under the side and rear yards, and partially below grade under the side and rear yards shall be permitted within the RC1 and RC2 districts.
(C.O. 06-40 § 1)
No front yard shall be used for the open storage of boats, vehicles, trailers or any other equipment. Parking of vehicles is permitted in front yards in accordance with standards developed by the project review committee, and on file at the city building department.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(3)(c))
Business structures or uses shall not display goods for sale purposes or display coin-operated vending machines of any type in any location which would infringe upon the required yard areas specified in this title.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(3)(d))
No yard or other open space provided about any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this title shall be considered to provide a yard or open space for any other building.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(3)(e))
An accessory building or structure shall comply in all respects with the yard requirements of this title for the principal building, except swimming pools.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(3)(f))
Usable open space shall consist of areas for active or passive recreational use and shall not be used, or considered, for off-street parking or vehicular access or egress.
Areas for usable open space may include tennis courts, basketball courts, swimming pools, lawns, walks, benches or other active or passive recreation facilities, such as patios.
A maximum of twenty-five percent of the required open space for multifamily dwellings in an RC and PDD2 district may be provided through indoor recreational facilities, such as but not limited to sauna and whirlpool baths, physical exercise rooms, handball courts, paddleball courts, squash courts or other associated recreational uses and facilities.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(4); C.O. 87-661 § 15; C.O. 97-105 § 41)
Parapets less than five feet high, chimneys, flag poles, ventilators, water tanks, antennas, and other projections used for, or intended to be used exclusively for, utility services or access to the roof may exceed the height limitations of this title by not more than twenty feet. In all districts except RA, RB and RB1, all of the items mentioned in this section shall be screened from view by a facade consistent with the building material contained in the primary building.
The height limitation of this title shall not apply to churches.
In the RC1 and RC2 districts, the height of a building located on Revere Beach Boulevard shall be the vertical dimension measured from the average elevation of Revere Beach Boulevard at the site of the highest point of the roof line, not including structural appurtenances allowed by this title.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(5); C.O. 85-4A § 36 (part); C.O. 85-656 § 5)
In all residential districts at the intersection of two or more streets, no hedge, fence, wall, sign, accessory building or other solid object (other than a single post or tree) which is higher than three feet above curb level, nor any other obstruction to vision, shall be permitted in the triangular area formed by the intersecting street lines and a line adjoining each intersection line twenty feet distant from the intersection along the street line.
In residential districts where a lot line is also the boundary between two driveways, no fence, wall or similar barrier shall be more than three feet high for the first fifteen feet of the fence, measured from the front lot line of the property with the driveway in question.
This section shall apply only to streets under the jurisdiction of the city, and not to streets under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan District Commission or the Massachusetts Department of Public Works.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-9(D); C.O. 85-656 § 11)
Where a building lot has frontage on a street upon which a public works building line for right-of-way widening has been designated, the required setback shall be measured from such building line.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-9(E))
Swimming pools, as defined in Section 17.08.850 of this title, shall be enclosed on all sides at the property lot line or within fifteen feet of the immediate area of the swimming pool or at the principal structure line wherein the swimming pool is located by an enclosure or barrier of six feet in height, excluding therefrom the height of the principal structure if the principal structure serves as one of the walls of the swimming pool enclosure. The enclosure shall be firmly secured at ground level and all entrances shall be of a height and self-locking to make the swimming pool area inaccessible from the outside. All horizontal members of a fence that can act as a ladder must face the side enclosing the pool. If a pool exists in the abutting yard, then no horizontal members shall be uncovered on either side of the fence. This requirement shall supplement but not supersede any enclosure requirements of the Mass. State Building Code 780 CMR.
(C.O. 88-362 § 1; C.O. 98-293A § 11)