The Suffolk Downs Overlay District ("SDOD") is herein established as an overlay district. The purpose of the SDOD is to encourage the orderly and comprehensive redevelopment of land that includes the former Suffolk Downs thoroughbred racetrack facility, through the creation of a high-quality mixed use neighborhood that will include an appropriate mix of uses, including office, lab space, retail, hotel, residential, and other uses, that will be attractive to large-scale employers of growing industries, and that will advance the goals of promoting the common good, improving the quality of life of all residents of Revere, enhancing and expanding job creation, open space, housing development, and transportation, securing public safety from fire, flood, and other natural catastrophes, providing sufficient light and air, making adequate provision for transportation, water, water supply, drainage, sewerage, parks, open space, and preservation of natural resources, preserving or increasing public amenities, and providing adequate net tax revenue to offset any effects posed by large-scale development.
(C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
The boundaries of the SDOD are set forth on the attached Exhibit A (as it may be amended from time to time).[1]
(C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
Editor's note: Exhibit A is available at the city clerk's office.
Any person or entity who proposes to develop land within the SDOD may elect to comply with the provisions of this section in place of the provisions governing the underlying zoning district. However, once such an election has been made and any portion of the land within the SDOD has been developed in accordance with the provisions of this section, the provisions of the underlying zoning district shall cease to have any application to, the undeveloped land remaining in the SDOD and such land may only be developed in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
Any person or entity who proposes a development within the SDOD shall not use, construct, erect, place, alter, or convert, in whole or in part, any building, structure, or land for any use listed below.
Adult bookstore.
Adult club.
Adult motion picture theater.
Automotive maintenance, except as accessory to another permitted use.
Batching plant.
Body art establishment
Funeral home.
Manufactured home (i.e., mobile home).
Manufacturing and repair which results in offensive odors, noise or vibration outside the perimeter of the lot.
Motor vehicle repair shop.
Self storage, except as accessory to another permitted use.
Store principally for the sale of automotive parts.
Medical marijuana treatment center or other location for the sale of marijuana for medical or non-medical use.
Warehouse, unless associated with the direct distribution of goods to retail customers.
Wholesale and distribution unless associated with the direct distribution of goods to retail customers.
Lodging or rooming house.
Standing sign (billboards) and digital signs other than digital signs used for civic, community or transportation purposes or events.
Commercial parking lot/structure for "park and ride" service to Logan International Airport.
Commercial parking lot/structure principally for use by commuters who are not residents, employees or visitors in the SDOD unless a special permit is obtained for such use.
Commercial auto storage/parking for vehicle car-sharing service unless principally for car-sharing service for residents, employees and visitors in the SDOD.
Automotive/truck rental office and storage that is not principally for residents, employees and visitors in the SDOD.
Special garage (i.e., garage for auto body or paint shop).
Automobile sales Class I, II or III.
Car wash unless located within and accessory to a permitted parking garage or structure.
Flea market, except as part of a community open market event.
Fast food/take out restaurant that has drive-thru service.
Building construction and contracting storage yard.
Towing operations and storage.
Recycling center/operations/drop off unless accessory to a permitted use.
Substance abuse treatment center.
Research and development facilities including life sciences manufacturing and biomedical facilities defined by the National Institute of Health as biolevel-3 (BL-3) or biolevel-4 (BL-4) facilities.
(C.O. 22-158, § 2, 8/22/2022; C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
Any person or entity who proposes a development within the SDOD shall not use, construct, erect, place, alter, or convert, in whole or in part, any building, structure, or land for any purpose or in any manner other than for one or more of the uses listed below, which are to be permitted by right in place of any limitations in the underlying zoning district. Any use not specifically listed below as an allowed use, either as of right or by special permit, shall be prohibited. As used herein, retail sales and similar uses such as grocery store uses shall include e-commerce pick-up.
Sports and athletic facilities; health club, and other active or passive recreational uses, including Recreation, gainful business.
General office use or building.
Medical or dental office, clinic, or other facility for emergency or out-patient medical or dental care.
Professional office.
Research and development facilities including life sciences manufacturing and biomedical facilities defined by the National Institute of Health as biolevel-1 (BL-1) or biolevel-2 (BL-2) facilities. Animal testing on the following species shall not be permitted in the Suffolk Downs overlay district: cats, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, chimpanzees, and other related primates.
Manufacturing and repair which does not result in offensive odors, noise or vibration outside the perimeter of the lot.
Restaurants, cafeteria, café, bar, tavern or other place for the service or sale of food or drink for on-site or off-site consumption, including fast food and take out service that does not have drive-thru service.
Theater, meeting hall, concert venue, dance hall or other place for entertainment.
Grocery store or supermarket of any size.
General retail sales and service up to twenty-five thousand gsf.
General retail sales and service more than twenty-five thousand gsf and up to fifty thousand gsf if approved by a special permit.
Neighborhood retail sales and service.
Health club.
Warehouse and distribution facilities associated with the direct distribution of goods to retail customers including technology warehousing and distribution activities.
Bank and financial institution.
Dwelling, condominium/apartment.
Dwelling, townhouse.
Use of condominium/apartment or townhouse dwellings for corporate apartments or for short-term or extended-stay use, provided that each such dwelling shall contain a kitchen area and bathroom.
Religious facility; public or private lodge or club; day nursery or elderly care center; family day care home; nursing or convalescent home; public, private or nonprofit school; community or adult education center; and other similar uses and facilities.
Independent elderly housing; congregate care elderly housing.
Training school for profit or other educational uses.
Kennel, provided the same does not provide for outdoor overnight boarding of animals.
Telephone exchange, transformer station, substation, gas regulator station; microwave and telephone communications facilities: central plant facilities serving more than one building for heating and cooling or other building services; small wind energy facilities, standing accessory sign, standing accessory multi-use sign, in each case for uses, businesses or establishments located within or adjacent to the SDOD (including signs for uses, businesses or establishments that share access from a roadway that also provides access to land within the SDOD).
Parking lot; parking structure; private parking lot structure; commercial parking/lot structure, including rental car agency principally for residents, employees and visitors in the SDOD; ride sharing services principally for residents, employees and visitors in the SDOD, vehicle cleaning services, and, with a special permit, commercial parking lot/structure principally for use by commuters who are not residents, employees or visitors in the SDOD; provided that no bus, shuttle or other transportation services (other than public transportation and hotel and employee shuttles) shall be provided for transit to Logan International Airport from any parking lot or structure within the SDOD.
All accessory uses customary and incidental to any of the above.
Brewery/distillery or winery including on-site consumption.
Farmers' market or community open market events.
Mixed use.[1]
Note: "Mixed use" as used in this Chapter 17.26 shall mean uses within a single building or parcel that consist of two or more allowed uses.
(C.O. 22-158, §§ 3, 6, 8/22/2022; C.O. 21-247/CZ-21-03, § 2, 9/23/2021; C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
Where a person or entity has elected or is required to comply with the provisions of this section, the dimensional regulations set forth below apply to any project within the SDOD and the dimensional regulations applicable in the underlying district as set forth in Chapter 17.24 of this title shall not apply in the SDOD. For purposes of determining whether the proposal satisfies these requirements, the entire area of the SDOD shall be considered one lot, irrespective of the individual lots or parcels comprising that area. Where a proposed building is located partially within the city of Revere and partially within the city of Boston, the following dimensional requirements shall only apply to that portion of a proposed building located in the city of Revere and the municipal boundary shall not be considered a lot line for purposes hereof. No portion of land within another municipality may be used to satisfy dimensional requirements applicable to Revere, except as expressly provided in this section. Contiguous land located outside of the SDOD, but owned or controlled by an entity (or related entity) owning land within the SDOD, may be used to satisfy the dimensional requirements of this Section 17.26.050.
Maximum height: Building heights for each portion of the SDOD shall not exceed the maximum height applicable to such area as set forth in the height zone map attached hereto as Exhibit B (as amended from time to time, the "SDOD Height Zone Map").[1] Parapets less than five feet high, chimneys, flag poles, ventilators, water tanks, antennas, penthouses, solar panels, wind generators and associated towers, and other projections used for or intended to be used exclusively for utility or telecommunications services or access to the roof may exceed the height limitations of this chapter by not more than thirty feet. Maximum height for buildings shall be (i) fifty feet within seventy-five feet, and one hundred feet within one hundred twenty feet, of the portion of the SDOD boundary line that abuts Washburn Ave. as shown on the SDOD Height Zone Map, and (ii) seventy feet within fifty feet of the portion of the SDOD boundary line that abuts Winthrop Ave. as shown on the SDOD Height Zone Map.
Editor's note: Exhibit B is available at the office of the city clerk.
Minimum building setback from SDOD boundary lines: Twenty feet, provided that a minimum setback of thirty feet is required from the portion of the SDOD boundary line that abuts Washburn Ave. as shown on the SDOD Height Zone Map, and no setback is required at the portion of the SDOD boundary line that is also the municipal boundary with the city of Boston.
Minimum open space: The minimum open space (as defined below) within the SDOD shall be twenty-five percent of the total land area of the SDOD, or, as applicable, during periods when the redevelopment of the SDOD has not been completed, twenty-five percent of the portion of the SDOD that has been redeveloped as of the time of such calculation. As used herein, "open space" shall mean and include parks, playgrounds, active sports and recreation areas, passive recreation areas, plazas, benches and sitting areas, greens and lawns, wooded, natural, and wetland areas, pedestrian and bicycle paths, sidewalks and walkways, exercise areas and rooms, handball, paddleball, and/or squash courts, tennis courts, basketball courts, swimming pools, and building patios, courtyards, and terraces, provided however that such areas shall be considered open space only if open to the public. For the avoidance of doubt, for purposes of calculating Open Space, all of the land within the SDOD, including land within any and all private ways, shall be considered one lot. Compliance with the foregoing shall be subject to review and approval under Section 17.26.060.
Density: Except by special permit from the city council, the floor area ratio, as defined in Section 17.08.300 of this title, shall not exceed 2.5. For the avoidance of doubt, for purposes of calculating the floor area ratio, all of the land within the SDOD shall be considered one lot. Parking facilities and any public service pumping station, public service sub-station, transformer station, telecommunications exchange or distribution center, or central plant facility serving more than one building for heating and cooling or other building services shall be excluded from the gross square feet included in the calculation of floor area ratio.
Minimum commercial development: As provided in the final master plan PUD (as defined below), at least fifty percent of the total permitted gross square feet that may be developed within all buildings within the SDOD (based on the total land area within the SDOD, the permitted floor area ratio and the full redevelopment of the SDOD), shall be used for uses permitted under Section 17.26.040 other than dwelling uses and elderly housing uses. Parking facilities and any public service pumping station, public service sub-station, transformer station, telecommunications exchange or distribution center, or central plant facility serving more than one building for heating and cooling or other building services shall be excluded from the calculation of completed and permitted floor areas for purposes of this section.
(C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
The mayor shall establish a project advisory group ("PAG") to work with the applicant and the city throughout the master plan PUD public planning process. The purpose of the PAG shall be to provide input and feedback on various development scenarios that will constitute the master plan PUD. The PAG would meet as often as required, but no less than monthly until a master plan PUD special permit is issued and the membership of the PAG shall be established by the mayor, in consultation with the developer. A new PAG may be established by the mayor for any major amendment of the master plan PUD special permit or for consultation with the project review board under Section 17.26.070.B.
(C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
Authority to grant master plan PUD special permit. The city council may grant a special permit for a master plan PUD pursuant to the provisions of this Section 17.26.060. The special permit shall conform to this Section 17.26.070 and to Chapter 40A, Section 9, General Laws, and to regulation which the council shall adopt for carrying out the requirements under this Section 17.26.070. The master plan PUD special permit shall provide a specific scheme for development phasing, including limitations on the maximum amount of residential development permitted within each phase. The master plan PUD special permit shall include an initial proposed street layout plan and building layout plan with proposed uses including building heights, parking facilities and open space areas. Within the parameters established by the master plan PUD special permit, the reallocation of uses and/or the modification of the street layout plan, building layout plan, proposed uses, building heights, parking facilities open space areas, and other modifications permitted under the master plan PUD special permit can be made with the input, feedback and approval of the project review board in accordance with Section 17.26.070.B below, and without the need for amendment to the master plan PUD special permit or grant of any additional special permit. However, the project review board shall not have the authority to increase the maximum amount of residential development permitted for any phase of development under the master plan PUD, and any such increase shall be made only by a major amendment to the master plan PUD special permit.
Project review board. With the adoption of the Section 17.26.070, the city council hereby designates a project review board to review each application for a proposed master plan PUD and to review and approve, within the parameters established by the master plan PUD special permit, the reallocation of uses and/or the modification of the street layout plan, building layout plan, proposed uses, building heights, parking facilities, open space areas and other modifications permitted under the master plan PUD special permit. The project review board shall consist of the city engineer, the building inspector, city planner, health agent and superintendent of public works. The project review board may convene the PAG for consultation and advice when major changes are proposed to the street layout plan, building layout plan, proposed uses, building heights, parking facilities or open space areas allowed or required under a master plan PUD.
Preapplication conference. Prior to the submission of an application for a special permit for a master plan PUD, the applicant must confer with the project review board to obtain information and guidance.
Preliminary plan—Submittal. The applicant shall file a preliminary plan to the project review board. A copy of the preliminary plan shall also be filed in the city clerk's office. A certified check, in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars made out to the city, shall accompany the submission of the preliminary plan. The project review board, within twenty-one days from receipt of the preliminary plan, shall review and determine whether the proposed master plan PUD is consistent with this chapter. The project review board may suggest modifications and changes to the preliminary plan in anticipation of the filing of the final plan. If the board fails to act within twenty-one days, the applicant may proceed to file a final plan.
Preliminary plan—Contents. The contents of a preliminary plan for a master plan PUD shall be as follows, in each case at a level of detail determined by the project review board to be appropriate:
A boundary plan of the SDOD which includes a north arrow, date, scale, legend and title, the name or names of applicants and engineer or designer;
Names of known abutters, existing land uses, and approximate location and width of adjacent streets;
A preliminary proposed master plan showing proposed streets, buildings, parking facilities and open space, including anticipated lines of proposed streets, ways, and open space within the SDOD, it being understood that the master plan may include plans for more than one alternative development program;
Proposed maximum heights of buildings by height district;
A preliminary report on existing traffic volume, composition, peak hour levels, and existing street capacities, estimated average daily traffic generation, composition peak hour levels, and directional flows resulting from proposed development, proposed methods to mitigate the estimated traffic impact, and the methodology and sources used to derive existing data and estimations,
Preliminary conceptual plans for the systems of drainage, including adjacent, existing natural waterways and the topography of the land;
A preliminary analysis of the natural features of the site, including wetlands, floodplains, sloes over ten percent, soul conditions and other features requested by the project review board or required by the regulations of the board;
A preliminary description of the neighborhood in which the tract lies, including utilities and other public facilities and the general impact of the proposed development upon them;
A preliminary description of the master plan for development of the portion of the site located in Boston; and
A preliminary summary of anticipated environmental concerns relating to the SDOD.
Final plan submittal, project review board recommendations and city council consideration and approval. The applicant shall submit an application for a master plan PUD special permit accompanied by the original final plans, plus six copies, to the city clerk. The city clerk shall transmit the original and four copies of the final plans to the project review board. Within thirty-five days of the receipt of the final plan from the city clerk, the project review board shall submit it to the council, accompanied by the written recommendations. The council, upon receipt of the report of the project review board, but in any case within sixty-five days of the filing of the final plan, shall hold a public hearing, notice of which shall be published in a local newspaper once in each of two successive weeks, with the first publication to be not less than fourteen days before the date of the hearing, and shall be mailed to "parties of interest" as defined in Chapter 40A, Section 11, General Laws, and to any other property owners deemed by the project review board to be affected thereby. Notice shall be given by certified mail by the city clerk. The petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the certified mail notification. The council shall, within ninety days following the public hearing, certify in writing that the application is approved as submitted, approved subject to modifications, or denied. If the council fails to issue its findings within ninety days, the special permit shall be deemed approved. Approval of a master plan PUD special permit shall require a two-thirds vote of the council.
Term of special permit. Master plan PUD special permits granted under this chapter shall lapse within three years, excluding the time required to pursue or await the determination of an appeal from the grant thereof, if a substantial use of one or more phases of development has not commenced sooner or if construction on one or more phases has not started. The council may grant an extension, after a due process hearing, for good cause, and shall grant an extension if delay has been caused by the need to seek other permits.
Final plan contents. The application for a master plan PUD special permit shall be accompanied by six copies of the final plan, which shall contain the following, in each case at a level of detail determined by the project review board to be appropriate:
A boundary plan of the SDOD which includes a north arrow, date, scale, legend and title, the name or names of applicants and engineer or designer;
Names of known abutters, existing land uses, and approximate location and width of adjacent streets;
A master plan showing proposed streets, buildings, parking facilities and open space, including anticipated lines of proposed streets, ways, and open space within the SDOD, it being understood that the master plan may include plans for more than one alternative development program;
Maximum heights of buildings by height district;
A report on existing traffic volume, composition, peak hour levels, and existing street capacities, estimated average daily traffic generation, composition peak hour levels, and directional flows resulting from proposed development, proposed methods to mitigate the estimated traffic impact, and the methodology and sources used to derive existing data and estimations,
Conceptual plans for the systems of drainage, including adjacent, existing natural waterways and the topography of the land;
An analysis of the natural features of the site, including wetlands, floodplains, sloes over ten percent, soul conditions and other features requested by the project review board or required by the regulations of the board;
A description of the neighborhood in which the tract lies, including utilities and other public facilities and the general impact of the proposed development upon them;
A description of the master plan for development of the portion of the site located in Boston; and
A summary of anticipated environmental concerns relating to the SDOD.
Changes from final plan. The final plan approved as part of any special permit for a master plan PUD shall be subject to modification, including with respect to the locations, dimensions, design, use and other aspects of the proposed streets, buildings, parking facilities, open space, and site improvements at the request of the owner of the affected land subject to the master plan PUD, provided that any such modifications shall be subject to review and approval by the site plan review committee ("SPRC"), established pursuant to the provisions set forth in Chapter 17.17 of this title, and provided further that any such modifications shall be in compliance with the requirements of this chapter respecting FAR, maximum height, permitted uses, required open space, and shall also be in compliance with the mitigation requirements set forth in the special permit respecting the PUD master plan.
(C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
Any proposed project within the SDOD, must undergo site plan review by the SPRC, in accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter 17.17 of this title. If in the judgment of the SPRC the imposition of reasonable conditions would not ensure that the proposed development would conform to the standards and criteria set forth herein and in Chapter 17.17 of this title, the SPRC may deny site plan approval entirely. In addition to the site plan review criteria set forth in Chapter 17.17, any proposed project within the SDOD shall be subject to the following additional review criteria:
Building design to ensure that the proposed project is architecturally compatible with neighboring structures within the SDOD, including building massing, proportions, setbacks, materials, fenestration, ground level treatment and other related architectural characteristics.
Except for deviations requested, substantiated, and approved through the site plan review process, (i) within surface parking areas serving retail and restaurant uses there shall be a minimum of one tree per every twenty cars, located within a landscaped island within the parking lot, (ii) within surface parking lots there shall be no uninterrupted run of parking spaces for over twenty cars without a break for landscaping., and (iii) additional landscaping shall be provided along the edge of all parking areas.
Trees shall be installed in sidewalks running in front of retail stores spaced at thirty feet on center, unless deviations are requested, substantiated, and approved through the site plan review process.
Roadway widths and turning radii shall meet the requirements of service and fire protection vehicles, as determined and approved through the site plan review process. Service areas shall be screened from pedestrian view by either architectural or landscape screening elements. All trash areas shall be screened with architectural enclosures.
(C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
In place of the parking, loading and driveway requirements set forth elsewhere in the ordinance from which this chapter derives, any project within the SDOD may comply with the following requirements. Where a proposed building is located partially within the city of Revere and partially within the city of Boston, the following dimensional parking requirements shall only apply to that portion of a proposed building located in the city of Revere.
Minimum parking shall be as follows:
One parking space per one thousand square feet of any category of office uses.
One parking space per one thousand square feet of any category of lab or research uses.
1.00 parking space per studio or one bedroom dwelling unit; 1.50 parking spaces per two bedroom dwelling unit; and 2.00 parking spaces per three or more bedroom dwelling units.
0.5 parking spaces per hotel room for any hotel use.
One parking space per five hundred square feet of any retail sales or retail service use.
One parking space per every eight seats for any restaurant use.
For all other uses, the parking and loading requirements shall be as set forth in the Table of Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations set forth in Chapter 17.28 of this title.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the parking and loading requirements for any project within the SDOD (i) may be satisfied using shared parking spaces that serve different uses having parking demand at different times upon a finding by the SPRC that any such parking or loading adequately serves the needs of the proposed development in the SDOD, (ii) may be satisfied in-part by reserving designated land areas for construction of future parking spaces on an as-needed basis upon a finding by the SPRC that the actual demand for parking may not require construction of all spaces required by Section 17.26.090.A above, and (iii) may be satisfied by parking or loading spaces located on any lot in the SDOD or in Boston upon a finding by the SPRC that any such parking or loading adequately serves the needs of the proposed development in the SDOD.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, off-street parking, loading and loading facilities, and driveways shall comply with the dimensions for parking spaces, loading facilities and spaces and driveways, including minimum widths for parking aisles and access and egress driveways, as required pursuant to Chapter 17.28 of this title, provided that the following deviations from these requirements may be requested, substantiated, and approved through the site plan review process: (i) up to fifteen percent of spaces may be compact spaces the dimensions of which shall be seven and one-half feet by sixteen feet; (ii) in lieu of any otherwise applicable limitations on intrusions or encroachments, the limit within the SDOD shall be twelve inches; (iii) widths of driveways may be reduced to a minimum of nine feet for one-way and twenty feet for two-way; (iv) the radius for curb cuts for driveways may be reduced to a minimum of five feet; (v) the number of loading bays may be reduced to a minimum of one per building, loading spaces may be contained within buildings, and loading bays and spaces may be shared by different users within a building; (vi) minimum dimensions for loading bays may be reduced to a minimum of ten feet by fifty feet by fourteen feet; (vii) for buildings that front on more than one street or way, the location of any loading bays may be approved by the SPRC. In addition, off-street parking and loading facilities shall provide adequate lighting and screening as required by the SPRC pursuant to site plan review.
(C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, within the SDOD, multiple buildings on a single lot are allowed, provided that the building separation requirements of service and fire protection vehicles, as determined and approved through the site plan review process are met.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, within the SDOD, retaining walls shall be allowed subject to site plan review by the SPRC.
Within the SDOD, accessory signs (standing and attached) shall be allowed by right, subject to approval by the SPRC.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, after the issuance of site plan review letter and any building permits based thereon, the owner of the property on which the development is proposed may divide or subdivide the property and convey the property or portions thereof to related or unrelated entities, as necessary to complete the development plans, and this subdivision or conveyance shall be deemed to be in compliance with this section and shall not render the resulting properties in violation of this chapter.
(C.O. 18-054/CZ-18-02, 3/19/2018)