The Revere riverfront overlay district ("RROD") is herein established as an overlay district. The purpose of the RROD is to reposition the waterfront as a public use asset for city of Revere residents and to encourage residential and economic development by promoting a mix of public and private uses through a balanced strategy on this waterfront as outlined in the Revere riverfront master plan. All proposed development within the RROD requesting to apply the provisions of this chapter shall be in conformance with the guidelines and objectives set forth in the Revere riverfront master plan, which include:
New and/or improved recreational facilities for public use;
New and/or improved public access to the riverfront;
Preservation and restoration of natural features along the riverfront;
Preservation of open spaces;
Creation and enhancement of pedestrian and bicycle connections to the riverfront;
New multi-family housing and certain commercial uses conducive to the purpose of the RROD.
(C.O. 21-039, § 1, 3/22/2021)
The RROD is within the GB and LI zoning districts. The boundary of the RROD includes the following parcels: 14-192S-1, 14-192S-2, 14-192S-3, 14-192P1-1A, and 14-192P1-UNK.
(C.O. 21-039, § 1, 3/22/2021)
"Developer" shall mean any person or entity that proposes to develop or re-develop land within the RROD and requests that the provisions of this chapter apply to its proposed project.
Where the provisions of this chapter do not differ from those governing the underlying zoning districts, the provisions governing the underlying zoning district shall apply to land within the RROD. To the extent there is any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this chapter and those governing the underlying zoning districts, the provisions of this chapter shall govern.
The provisions of this chapter shall be effective immediately after:
The Developer submits the site plan review application required by Section 17.17.060 of the revised Revere zoning ordinance to the site plan review committee requesting that the provisions of this chapter apply to its proposed project, which application shall be supplemented with information sufficient to demonstrate that the proposed development is consistent with the standards and criteria set forth herein and in Chapter 17.17; and
The site plan review committee approves the site plan submitted by the developer under the standards established by Section 17.17.070 of the revised Revere zoning ordinance.
(C.O. 21-039, § 1, 3/22/2021)
Any person or entity who proposes a development within the RROD shall not use, construct, erect, place, alter, or convert, in whole or in part, any building, structure, or land for any use listed below:
Adult bookstore.
Adult club.
Adult motion picture theater.
Automotive maintenance, except as accessory to another permitted use.
Batching plant.
Body art establishment.
Funeral home.
Mobile home.
Manufacturing and repair.
Motor vehicle repair shop.
Self storage, except as accessory to another permitted use.
Store principally for the sale of automotive parts.
Medical marijuana treatment center or other location for the sale of marijuana for medical or non-medical use unless associated with the direct distribution of goods to retail customers.
Wholesale and distribution.
Lodging or rooming house.
Standing sign (billboards) and digital signs other than digital signs used for civic, community or transportation purposes or events.
Commercial parking lot/structure.
Commercial auto storage/parking.
Automotive/truck rental office and storage that is not principally for residents, employees and visitors in the RROD.
Special garage (i.e., garage for auto body or paint shop).
Automobile sales class I, II or III.
Car wash.
Flea market, except as part of a community open market event.
Fast food/take out restaurant that has drive-thru service.
Building construction and contracting storage yard.
Towing operations and storage.
Recycling center/operations/drop off unless accessory to a permitted use.
Substance abuse treatment center.
Commercial garage.
(C.O. 21-039, § 1, 3/22/2021)
Any person or entity who proposes a development within the RROD shall not use, construct, erect, place, alter, or convert, in whole or in part, any building, structure, or land for any purpose or in any manner other than for one or more of the uses listed below, which, except where a special permit from the city council is required, are to be permitted by right in place of any limitations in the underlying zoning district. Any use not specifically listed below as an allowed use, either as of right or by special permit, shall be prohibited. As used herein, retail sales and similar uses such as grocery store uses shall include e-commerce pick-up.
Sports and athletic facilities; health club, and other active or passive recreational uses, including recreation, gainful business.
General office use or building.
Medical or dental office, clinic, or other facility for emergency or out-patient medical or dental care.
Professional office.
Restaurants, cafeteria, café, bar, tavern or other place for the service or sale of food or drink for on-site or off-site consumption, including fast food and take out service that does not have drive-thru service.
Theater, meeting hall, concert venue, dance hall or other place for entertainment.
Grocery store or supermarket of any size.
General retail sales and service up to twenty-five thousand gsf.
General retail sales and service more than twenty-five thousand gsf and up to fifty thousand gsf if approved by a special permit.
Neighborhood retail sales and service.
Health club.
Bank and financial institution.
Dwelling, condominium/apartment.
Dwelling, townhouse.
Religious facility; public or private lodge or club; day nursery or elderly care center; family day care home; nursing or convalescent home; public, private or nonprofit school; community or adult education center; and other similar uses and facilities.
Independent elderly housing; congregate care elderly housing.
Training school for profit or other educational uses.
Kennel, provided the same does not provide for outdoor overnight boarding of animals.
Telephone exchange, transformer station, substation, gas regulator station; microwave and telephone communications facilities; central plant facilities serving more than one building for heating and cooling or other building services; small wind energy facilities, standing accessory sign, standing accessory multi-use sign, in each case for uses, businesses or establishments located within the RROD.
Parking lot; parking structure; private parking lot structure; including rental car agency principally for residents, employees and visitors in the RROD; ride sharing services principally for residents, employees and visitors in the RROD, and vehicle cleaning services.
All accessory uses customary and incidental to any of the above.
Brewery/distillery or winery including on-site consumption.
Farmers' market or community open market events.
Community garden.
Mixed use.[1]
Note: "Mixed use" as used in this Chapter 17.26 shall mean uses within a single building or parcel that consist of two or more allowed uses.
Research and development facilities including life science manufacturing.
(C.O. 21-039, § 1, 3/22/2021)
Specific dimensional regulations applicable in the RROD. The dimensional regulations set forth below shall apply to any proposed project within the RROD and the other dimensional regulations applicable in the underlying zoning districts as set forth in Chapter 17.24 of this title shall not apply in the RROD.
Maximum height: seventy-five feet;
Maximum stories: six;
Minimum lot area: fifteen thousand square feet;
Minimum lot frontage: one hundred feet;
Minimum front yard setback: thirty feet;
Minimum side yard setback: twenty feet;
Minimum rear yard setback: thirty feet;
Maximum floor area ratio: 1.75;
Minimum usable open space: ten percent. Usable open space shall refer to the part or parts of land or structure within the RROD which are reserved for permanent active or passive recreation use. This space shall exclude parking areas but include required setbacks, waterways, walkways, and be open and unobstructed to the sky. Trees, plantings, arbors, flagpoles, sculpture, fountains, swimming pools, atriums, open-air recreational facilities and similar objects shall not be considered "obstruction";
Lots and internal lot lines: For the purposes of the RROD, contiguous lots under common ownership or control shall be considered a single lot for the purpose applying dimensional requirements and internal lot lines shall be disregarded;
Setbacks: Setbacks shall not apply with respect to setbacks from boundary lines with any adjacent lot through which the property holds easement rights.
(C.O. 21-039, § 1, 3/22/2021)
Within the RROD, (I) not less than one off-street parking space shall be required per residential dwelling unit; and (ii) not less than one parking space per one thousand two hundred gross square feet of general or neighborhood retail sales and service or general and professional office use shall be required. All other uses allowed within the RROD shall be governed by the parking requirements of Section 17.28.020.
Tandem parking is allowed with no more than two vehicles to be parked back to back in tandem. Mechanical parking systems are allowed subject to Section 17.08.502 and Section 17.28.035. Automated parking systems are allowed, subject to review and approval through site plan review. All parking spaces available through such tandem parking and other systems shall be considered available off-street parking spaces for the purpose of determining compliance within the RROD.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the parking and loading requirements for any project within the RROD may be satisfied (i) using shared parking spaces that serve different uses having parking demand at different times upon a finding by the SPRC that any such parking or loading adequately serves the needs of the proposed development in the RROD, and (ii) by parking spaces located on any lot within two hundred feet of the lot on which the building will be located.
No resident of any development within the RiverFront zoning overlay District will be entitled to on-street parking rights or privileges on any of Revere street, including but not limited to those within the adjacent Riverside and/or Point of Pines neighborhoods; and no developer and/or manager of any such development will be entitled to seek any zoning relief from this requirement now or in the future.
(C.O. 21-039, § 1, 3/22/2021)
Multiple buildings on a lot shall be allowed in the RROD, provided that the building separation requirements of service and fire protection vehicles, as determined and approved through the site plan review process are met.
Within the RROD, retaining walls shall be allowed subject to site plan review by the site plan review committee.
Within the RROD, accessory signs (standing and attached) shall be allowed in accordance with Section 17.16.25 and Section 17.36.060 of this title and subject to approval by the site plan review committee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, after the issuance of site plan review letter and any building permits based thereon, the owner of the property on which the development is proposed may divide or subdivide the property and convey the property or portions thereof to related or unrelated entities, as necessary to complete the development plans, and this subdivision or conveyance shall be deemed to be in compliance with this section and shall not render the resulting properties in violation of this ordinance.
The design of any residential development proposed for the G/J site must be presented and discussed at a public meeting of the development advisory group for the RiverFront master plan before it is submitted for consideration by the site plan review committee. That presentation and discussion will include issues of proposed project siting, massing and density; its orientation to both its water-side and park-side perimeters; structural and landscape architecture; unit count and unit mix; resident and visitor parking ratios and locations; on-site resiliency measures and their implications for flooding in the surrounding neighborhoods, civic and community amenities within and around the building; public accessibility to the waterfront; and other issues and opportunities related to the adjacent Riverside and Point neighborhoods. This meeting will be publicly noticed; and shall provide ample opportunity for public comment before, during for some reason period after the meeting; and those public comments will be organized and made available to the site plan review committee before they commence consideration of the proposed project.
The developer is required to give preference in the leasing of any commercial space in any planned residential development of the G/J site to Revere residents and businesses; and to that end, the developer must provide to the mayor on or before the date on which the building permit is issued with a local outreach plan that describes a proposed tenant selection process and the favorable lease terms that will optimize the likelihood of a Revere resident/business tenancy. The developer must report to the mayor and the city council on the outcome of that process no less than ninety days before the occupancy of such commercial space.
(C.O. 21-039, § 1, 3/22/2021)
All proposed projects within the RROD shall make a contribution to the community improvement trust fund in an amount equal to one percent of the total hard construction costs of such proposed project. Notwithstanding Section 17.47.030 or other provisions of the revised Revere zoning ordinance to the contrary, all moneys contributed to the community improvement trust fund by proposed projects within the RROD shall be expended only for purposes related to the development and implementation of the revere Riverfront master plan, as determined by the site plan review committee. The first installment shall be made at the time of the granting of a building permit, and shall be a prerequisite condition to the issuance of a building permit; the second installment shall be made upon receipt of a temporary or permanent occupancy permit for any or all portions of the project and shall be a prerequisite. The applicant at any time may make a lump sum payment of the entire required contribution, if he or she so desires. The hard construction costs shall be determined by the site plan review committee. In determining the hard construction costs, the site plan review committee shall use the median square foot hard construction costs of an appropriate building category as noted in the most current Means Construction Cost Guide published by the Means Company of Kingston, Massachusetts.
(C.O. 21-039, § 1, 3/22/2021)