The purposes of the floodplain district are to:
Ensure public safety through reducing the threats to life and personal injury;
Eliminate new hazards to emergency response officials;
Prevent the occurrence of public emergencies resulting from water quality, contamination, and pollution due to flooding;
Avoid the loss of utility services if which damaged by flooding would disrupt or shut down the utility network and impact regions of the community beyond the site of flooding;
Eliminate costs associated with the response and cleanup of flooding conditions;
Reduce damage to public and private property resulting from flooding waters.
(C.O. 00-574 § 1, 2000)
The floodplain district is herein established as an overlay district. The district includes all special flood hazard areas within the city of Revere designated as Zone A, AE, AH, AO, A99, V, or VE on the Suffolk County Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the administration of the National Flood Insurance Program. The map panels of the Suffolk County FIRM that are wholly or partially within the city of Revere are panels numbers 9G, 17G, 19G, 28G, 29G, 36G, 37G, and 38G dated September 25, 2009. The exact boundaries of the district may be defined by the 100-year base flood elevations shown on the FIRM and further defined by the Suffolk County Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report dated September 25, 2009. The FIRM and FIS Report are incorporated herein by reference.
(C.O. 85-656 § 20; C.O. 02-353 § 1 (part); C.O. 09-416, § 1, 8/24/2009)
Located within the flood plain district are areas designated as coastal high hazard areas (Zone V). Since these areas are extremely hazardous due to the high velocity waters from tidal surges and hurricane wave wash, the following provisions shall apply:
All new construction shall be located landward of the reach of mean high tide.
The alteration of sand dunes which would increase potential flood damage is prohibited.
(C.O. 84-507 § 1 (part); C.O. 09-416, § 2, 8/24/2009)
Editor's note: Former § 17.46.030, which pertained to development in Zones A1—A30 and derived from C.O. 84-507 § 1 (part); C.O. 85-656 § 16, was repealed 8/24/2009 by C.O. 09-416.
Within Zones AH and AO on the FIRM, adequate drainage paths must be provided around structures on slopes, to guide floodwaters around and away from proposed structures.
(C.O. 84-507 § 1 (part); C.O. 00-574 §§ 5, 6, 2000; C.O. 09-416, § 4, 8/24/2009)
Located within the flood plain district are areas designated as one-hundred-year flood areas (Zone A) where base flood elevations and flood hazard factors have not been determined. Within these areas the following provision shall apply: Within Zone A, where the base flood elevation is not provided on the city's Flood Insurance Rate Map, the applicant shall obtain any existing base flood elevation data and it shall be reviewed by the city engineer for its reasonable utilization toward meeting the elevation or floodproofing requirements, as appropriate, of the state building code. Further, the Wetlands Protection Act may require engineering studies to be performed in order to determine base flood elevations in unnumbered A zones
(C.O. 84-507 § 1 (part); C.O. 00-574 § 7, 2000)
In the floodway, designated on the city's Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, the following provisions shall apply:
All encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements to existing structures, and other developments are prohibited unless certification by a registered professional engineer is provided by the applicant demonstrating that such encroachment shall not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the one-hundred-year flood.
Any encroachment meeting the above standard shall comply with the flood plain requirements of the state building code.
(C.O. 84-507 § 1 (part))
Floodway data. In Zone A, A1-30 and AE, along water courses that have not had a regulatory floodway designated, the best available federal, state, local or other floodway data shall be used to prohibit encroachments in floodways which would result in any increase in flood levels within the community during the occurrence of the base flood discharge.
Base flood elevation data. Base flood elevation data is required for subdivision proposals or other developments greater than fifty lots or five acres, whichever is the lesser, within unnumbered A zones.
(C.O. 00-574 § 2, 2000)
In a riverine situation, the city of Revere Floodplain Administrator shall notify the following of any alteration or relocation of watercourse:
Adjacent Communities
NFIP State Coordinator
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
251 Causeway Street, Suite 600-700
Boston, MA 02114-2104
NFIP Program Specialist
Federal Management Emergency Agency, Region I
99 High Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
(C.O. 00-574 § 3, 2000; C.O. 09-416, § 5, 8/24/2009)
The floodplain district is established as an overlay district to all other districts. All development in the district, including structural and non-structural activities, whether permitted by right or by special permit must be in compliance with Chapter 131, Section 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws and with the following:
Section of the Massachusetts State Building Code which addresses floodplain and coastal high hazard areas (currently 780 CMR 120.G, "Flood Resistant Construction and Construction in Coastal Dunes");
Wetlands Protection Regulations, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) (currently 310 CMR 10.00);
Inland Wetlands Restrictions, DEP (currently 310 CMR 13.00);
Coastal Wetlands Restrictions, DEP (currently 310 CMR 12.00);
Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage, DEP (currently 310 CMR 15, Title 5).
Any variances from the provisions and requirements of the above referenced state regulations may only be granted in accordance with the required variance procedures of these state regulations.
(C.O. 00-574 § 4, 2000; C.O. 09-416, § 5, 8/24/2009)