Any person, office or board of the city may petition for an amendment to this title. The petition shall be in writing, shall, as required by the General Laws, be accompanied by a fee to be established by city ordinance, if the petitioner is not an officer or board of the city, plus the cost of notices, and shall be submitted to the city council. The council shall submit the proposed amendment to the planning board for review within fourteen days of receipt.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-3(D)(part))
No zoning ordinance amendment shall be adopted until after the planning board and the city council or a committee designated or appointed for the purpose by the city council has each held a public hearing within sixty-five days of the receipt of the proposed amendment, together or separately, at which interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-3(D)(1); C.O. 01-76 § 48, 2001)
The city council shall notify the board of appeal of any public hearing to amend this zoning title. Such notice shall be in written form and shall include the text of the proposed changes and date of the public hearing. The board of appeal may formulate recommendations concerning the proposed zoning change and forward a recommendation in writing to the joint city council-planning board hearing. The recommendation shall be read aloud at this public hearing and become part of the recorded minutes of that public hearing.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-3(D)(2))
Adoption of any amendments by the city council shall be by a two-thirds vote of all members; provided, that in case a written protest is filed against such change, pursuant to Chapter 40A, Section 5, General Laws, the vote for adoption shall be by a three-fourths vote of all the members.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-3(D)(3))
No city council vote to adopt or reject the amendment shall take place until after the planning board has submitted final report with recommendations, or after twenty-one days have elapsed after such hearing without the submission of such report or recommendations.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-3(D)(4))
If the city council fails to act within ninety days after the public hearing, it shall not act thereon until after a new, duly advertised public hearing is held.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-3(D)(5))
No proposed amendment to this title which has been unfavorably acted upon by the city council shall be considered on its merits by the city council within two years after the date of such proposed ordinance, unless the adoption of the amendment is recommended in the final report of the planning board.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-3(D)(6))
The effective date of the adoption of an amending ordinance shall be the date of the city council vote (Chapter 40A, Section 5, General Laws).
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-3(D)(7))