The meetings of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District shall be held within the boundary of the territory over which said District exercises jurisdiction. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held without notice on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the hour of two p.m. at 5780 EI Camino Real, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California.
The special meetings of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District may be ordered and called at any time by the President of the Board of Directors of the District or by a majority of the members of said Board of Directors, by delivering personally or by mailing a written notice ordering and calling said meeting, to each member of the Board of Directors of this District and to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio station, or television station, requesting notice of special meetings, at least twenty-four hours before the time set forth for the holding of such meeting.
Said order and call shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted at said meeting, and no other business shall be considered at such meeting by the Board of Directors.
If at any time, any regular meeting or any special meeting or any adjourned meeting shall fall on a holiday, such meeting shall be held on the next business day. If, by reason of fire, flood, earthquake, or other emergency, it shall be unsafe to meet at the place designated for regular meetings, or at the place specified in the notice of any special meeting, or at the place to which any meeting was adjourned, then such meeting or the adjourned meeting, may be held for the duration of the emergency at such place as is designated by the President of the Board of Directors of the District.
The Board of Directors of the District may adjourn any regular, special or adjourned meeting to a time and place specified in the order of adjournment. When any regular meeting or adjourned regular meeting is so adjourned, the adjourned meeting shall be deemed a regular meeting for all purposes. If the order of adjournment fails to state the hour at which the adjourned meeting is to be held, it shall be held at the hour specified in this section for the holding of regular meetings.
At the first meeting of the Board of Directors in the month of January of each odd-numbered year, the Board of Directors shall choose one of its members President of the Board.
All meetings of the Board of Directors of the District shall be open and public and all persons shall be permitted to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors and all acts and deliberations of the Board of Directors shall be taken and conducted openly; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be deemed to prevent the Board of Directors from holding executive sessions to consider the employment or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee of the District by another public officer, person, or employee, unless such officer or employee requests a public hearing, or prevent the Board of Directors from excluding from any such public or private hearing during the examination of a witness, any or all other witnesses in the matter being investigated by the Board of Directors of the District.
A majority of the members of the Board of Directors of the District shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The Board of Directors of the District shall act only by ordinance, resolution or motion.
On all ordinances, the roll shall be called and the ayes and noes recorded in the minutes (journal) of the proceedings of the Board of Directors, and the enacting clause of the ordinance shall be: "BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District as follows:"
Resolutions, motions and orders may be adopted by a voice vote, but on demand of any member, the roll shall be called the vote recorded.
No ordinance, motion or resolution shall be passed or become effective without the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board.
Except as otherwise provided by law or ordinance adopted by this Board, "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised" are hereby adopted as the rules of practice and procedure governing the conduct of the business and procedure before this Board. The President shall preside at all meetings and shall have a vote on all matters before the Board. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside, and in the absence of both, the presiding officer shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Board.
The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be recorded and kept by the Executive Secretary in a book maintained for that purpose, entitled "Book of Minutes of the Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District." Unless otherwise expressly directed by the Board at the time of their adoption, all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Board may be referred to in the minutes of the meetings of the Board by number and title, but the same shall be recorded in full in books kept for that purpose and entitled "Book of Ordinances" and "Book of Resolutions," respectively.
The President or other person who may preside at the meeting, or the Secretary, shall authenticate the minutes, ordinances and resolutions after these have been transcribed into the appropriate books, and when so authenticated shall constitute the official minutes, ordinances and resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District.
The minute book, the book of ordinances, and the book of resolutions shall be kept at the office of the Executive Secretary at the principal place of business of the District.
The order of business at all regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:
Reading and correction of the minutes of the preceding regular meeting and all intervening special meetings.
Reading and consideration of all correspondence addressed to the Board and received since the last regular meeting.
Reading and consideration of all reports of officers, board members, special and standing committees, the general manager, comptroller, or other officer, submitted to the Board of Directors prior to or at said meeting.
Unfinished business.
New business.
(Ord. 1 §§ 1—9, 11, 1954; Ord. 2 § 1, 1954; Ord. 3 § 1, 1954; Ord. 5 § 1, 1955; Ord. 6 § 1, 1956; Ord. 11 § 1, 1958; Ord. 13 § 1, 1958; Ord. 15 § 1, 1959; Ord. 17 § 1, 1959; Ord. 18 § 1, 1960; Ord. 20 § 1, 1963; Ord. 25 § 1, 1967; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The seal bearing the words "Carlsbad Municipal Water District, organized March 22, 1954," is adopted as the official seal of this District.
(Ord. 1 § 10, 1954; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The President and Secretary, in addition to the respective duties imposed on them by law, shall perform such duties as may be imposed on them by the Board of Directors and the President may from time to time appoint one or more committees.
The Treasurer, and such other person or persons as may be authorized by the Board of Directors, shall, draw checks or warrants to pay demands on the District when such demands have been audited and approved by the Board of Directors.
The attorney shall be the legal advisor of the District and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall designate a depository or depositories to have the custody of the funds of the District, who shall give security sufficient to secure the District against possible loss and who shall be authorized to and shall pay warrants or checks drawn by the District for demands against the District when approved by the Board of Directors.
The Secretary, the Treasurer, and all other officers employed who may be required to furnish bond by the Board of Directors, shall give bonds conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties; and the premiums of such bonds shall be paid by the District.
No Director shall in any manner be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract awarded or to be awarded by the Board of Directors, and no officer or employee of the District shall in any manner be interested directly or indirectly in any contract made by such officer or employee, pursuant to discretionary authority vested in him or her, or be interested in the benefits to be derived therefrom; provided, however, that no Director, officer or employee shall be deemed to be interested, directly or indirectly, in any such contract if such Director, employee, or officer owns or controls directly or indirectly five percent or less of the outstanding stock or securities of any corporation contracting with the District, or if such contract or instrument shall be entered into by said officer, Director, or employee pursuant to the provisions of any ordinance or regulation of the District of uniform application, and which ordinance or regulation shall have become effective prior to the making or execution of such contract or instrument.
(Ord. 1 § 12, 1954; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The holidays of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District are:
Every Saturday.
Every Sunday.
January 1st.
February 12th, known as "Lincoln Day."
February 22nd.
May 30th.
July 4th.
First Monday in September.
September 9th, known as "Admission Day."
October 12th.
November 11th, known as "Veterans Day."
December 25th.
Good Friday from twelve noon until three p.m.
Every day on which an election is held throughout the State.
Every day appointed by the President or Governor for a public fast, thanksgiving, or holiday.
If January 1st, February 12th, February 22nd, May 30th, July 4th, September 9th, October 12th, November 11th, or December 25th falls upon a Sunday, the Monday following is a holiday.
The office of the district for transaction of business shall be closed on each holiday above set forth.
(Ord. 19 § 1, 1963; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
These rules and regulations may be amended by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District at any regular meeting, by the adoption of an ordinance amending the ordinance codified in this code or any section thereof.
(Ord. 1 § 13, 1954; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)