For CMWD. There shall be an angle meter stop valve installed on the immediate upstream side of the meter which angle meter stop valve shall be paid for by the customer but shall be the property of the CMWD, and shall be for exclusive use and under its exclusive control.
For customer. The water customer is hereby required, for their own protection, to provide, at their own expense, a shut off valve consisting of a ball valve to be connected to the meter immediately downstream of the meter and accessible to the employees of the CMWD or City of Carlsbad.
(Ord. 45 §§ V.1, 2, 2009; Ord. 47 §§ V.1, 2, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
No sewer pipe, gas pipe or any other service pipe shall be installed or maintained nearer than ten feet parallel to any service connection, water pipeline or meter of the CMWD without obtaining prior approval from CMWD. Under no circumstance shall a sewer pipe or gas pipe or any other service pipe be installed closer than two feet clear from the service connection, water pipeline or meter.
(Ord. 45 § V.3, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.3, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The CMWD shall, at its own expense, make all repairs necessary to water pipelines, meters, and service connections. The CMWD shall make no repair or do any work whatsoever on the service connection beyond the meter. Any repair, including parts and labor, made necessary by any acts of negligence or carelessness of the customer, or other persons, shall be charged to and collected from the customer, or the person responsible therefore.
(Ord. 45 § V.4, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.4, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The CMWD reserves the right to shut off the water or recycled water supply from any premises at any time without notice, for the purpose of making repairs, extensions or other necessary purposes, or for any infraction of this title.
(Ord. 45 § V.5, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.5, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
It is unlawful for any person to draw any water from any water pipeline or service connection of the CMWD, directly into any stationary steam boiler, hydraulic elevator, power pump, or similar apparatus. If a customer desires water from the CMWD to be used in any stationary steam boiler, hydraulic elevator, power pump, or similar apparatus, the customer must first apply therefor in writing to the CMWD, and if granted by the Board, such customer must provide a tank or reservoir of such capacity as is required by standard practice. No such tank or reservoir shall be installed or used unless and until the plans and specifications have been examined and approved in writing by the Public Works Director or designee.
(Ord. 45 § V.6, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.6, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
Before any water will be supplied by the CMWD to any person which requires a connection from the CMWD water pipeline on any real property, the owner or occupant of the property shall make a written application for such service and service connection, upon submittal of a right-of-way permit application provided by the CMWD at the City of Carlsbad's Engineering Department.
(Ord. 45 § V.7, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.7, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
Upon the applicant for water service having complied with all the requirements relating to written application for service, the CMWD will cause the property described to be connected with the water pipeline, subject to the provisions of this title and the rules and regulations of the Board.
(Ord. 45 § V.8, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.8, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
No water shall be served to two or more parcels of property separately owned through a common service connection and meter.
When more than one building is placed on the same parcel of property, then each building shall have at least one service connection and meter.
When a multi-ownership residential, commercial, or industrial unit building is placed on the same parcel of property and each is conducting a separately established residence or business, a separate service connection and meter shall be required and installed for each ownership unit in the building. The cost of such service connection and meter installation shall be paid by the owner or party receiving water service. For good cause shown, the Public Works Director may allow one service connection and meter to a multi-ownership building to provide service to more than one residential, or commercial/office condominium on a case-by-case basis; provided, however, that the size of the service connection and meter shall be determined based on the combined fixture units of all residential or commercial/office condominiums served by the meter, within the building. In cases where the Public Works Director allows one service connection and meter to a multi-ownership building, there shall be recorded a deed restriction or other such document as approved by the Public Works Director and General Counsel placing future unit owner's on notice that each and every residential or commercial/office unit in the building on the property is served by a single service connection and meter, and in the event that the water bill is not paid by the party or entity responsible for paying the monthly water service charges to the CMWD for the respective building occupied by the multi-ownership, the CMWD may at its discretion shut off the water service to such multi-ownership building in accordance with CMWD adopted rules and regulations. In addition, a multi-ownership building with a single service line and meter is required to install a private sub-meter for each separately established residence or business.
(Ord. 45 § V.9, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.9, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
Service will be discontinued and water service shut off by the CMWD within forty-eight hours of receiving written notice to discontinue water service.
(Ord. 45 § V.10, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.10, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
It is unlawful for any person to turn on the water or recycled water after the same has been turned off by CMWD or City of Carlsbad.
(Ord. 45 § V.11, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.11, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
Contractors or any person, desiring to use water in construction work where connections must be made other than through a meter, shall in each and every case make written application for, and obtain a written permit for, the same from the City of Carlsbad's Engineering Department before connecting to any water pipeline, fire hydrant or using water therefrom, and shall make the deposit required by the CMWD sufficient in its opinion to cover the estimated cost of the water to be used. Such water meter permit shall be exhibited upon the work for which it has been issued during the full-time the water is being used pursuant to such permit.
(Ord. 45 § V.12, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.12, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
It is unlawful for any person to supply water to any other person other than the occupants of the premises of such customer without written approval of the Public Works Director.
(Ord. 45 § V.13, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.13, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
All applicants for service connections or water service shall be required to accept such conditions of pressure and service as are provided by the distributing system at the location of the proposed service connection, and to hold the CMWD or City of Carlsbad harmless from all damage arising from low pressure or high pressure conditions or interruptions of service.
(Ord. 45 § V.14, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.14, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
It is unlawful for any person to violate any provision or fail to comply with any of the requirements of this chapter. Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by both.
(Ord. 45 § V.15, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.15, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter or any part thereof, is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or any part thereof. The Board declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase, thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivision, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid.
(Ord. 45 § V.16, 2009; Ord. 47 § V.16, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)