The engineering service fees shall be established by resolution of the Board of Directors of the CMWD and are for the purpose of defraying the cost of processing review, approval, and inspection of potable water and recycled water facilities, including pipeline and service line installation, replacement and relocation, easements and quitclaims in connection with the development review process of the City of Carlsbad:
Policy. The City of Carlsbad's Engineering Department shall provide plan checking services for potable and recycled water facilities to be constructed and added to the systems of the CMWD at a charge of estimated cost of providing such services.
Fees. The fees to review improvement plans related to CMWD facilities shall be charged based upon the estimated construction costs of the potable water and recycled water improvements, and all appurtenances only plus fifteen percent contingency based on current City of San Diego Bond Unit Prices, as determined by the Public Works Director or designee upon review of the plans submitted in connection with any type of development within the CMWD. The fees shall be fixed and established by resolution of the Board of Directors of the CMWD.
Private on-site irrigation system. The private on-site irrigation system for a proposed development shall be plan checked by the City's Planning Department and Engineering Department. A plan check fee shall be paid to cover the City's cost to review and approve the plans of the private on-site irrigation system. The County of San Diego Environmental Health Department also will review all private on-site irrigation plans where recycled water is proposed to be used for irrigation. A separate plan check fee shall be submitted to the County of San Diego, together with the landscape construction drawings and City's application form.
(Ord. 45 § VII.1, 2009; Ord. 47 § VII.1, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The City of Carlsbad's Finance Department, on behalf of CMWD, shall periodically review the fees charged for engineering services to ensure that the fixed fees do not exceed the estimated costs of providing the services, and are fair and appropriate. Adjustments to the fixed fees may be made at any time by resolution, but shall be adjusted annually by a ratio using the Engineering News Record construction cost index for Los Angeles.
(Ord. 45 § VII.2, 2009; Ord. 47 § VII.2, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
All fees to review improvement plans, easements or quitclaims are paid upon initial submittal to the City of Carlsbad. For improvement plans, the applicant is responsible to pay an initial plan check fee that is based on the cost estimate submitted (valuation) with the initial submittal. By the end of the plan check process of improvement plans, this valuation may increase or decrease from the initial valuation, thereby changing the plan check fee that would be due. Near the end of the plan check process and prior to the plan approval, the applicant is responsible to pay the balance of plan check fees or receive a refund for excess fee paid, depending on the valuation change.
Prior to issuance of a right-of-way permit to construct the improvements, the applicant shall pay inspection fees that cover the inspection of CMWD improvements.
(Ord. 45 § VII.3, 2009; Ord. 47 § VII.3, 2019; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)