This chapter establishes water management requirements necessary to accomplish the following:
Conserve water;
Enable effective water supply planning;
Assure reasonable and beneficial use of water;
Prevent waste of water;
Prevent unreasonable use of water;
Prevent unreasonable method of use of water within the CMWD in order to assure adequate supplies of water to meet the needs of the public; and
Further the public health, safety, and welfare, recognizing that water is a scarce natural resource that requires careful management not only in times of drought, but at all times.
This chapter establishes regulations to be implemented during times of declared water shortages, or declared water shortage emergencies. It establishes 6 levels of drought response actions to be implemented in times of shortage, with increasing restrictions on water use in response to worsening drought conditions and decreasing available supplies.
Level 1 condition drought response measures are voluntary and will be reinforced through local and regional public education and awareness measures that may be funded in part by, CMWD.
During drought response condition Levels 2 through 6, all conservation measures and water-use restrictions are mandatory and become increasingly restrictive to attain escalating conservation goals.
During a drought response condition Level 2 or higher, the water conservation measures and water use restrictions established by this chapter are mandatory and violations are subject to criminal, civil, and administrative penalties and remedies specified in this chapter and as provided in this code.
(Ord. 44 § 1, 2009; Ord. 48 § 1; 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The following words and phrases whenever used in this chapter shall have the meaning defined in this section:
"District" or "CMWD"
means the Carlsbad Municipal Water District.
refers to those engaged in the growing or raising, in conformity with recognized practices of husbandry, for the purpose of commerce, trade, or industry, or for use by public educational or correctional institutions, of agricultural, horticultural, or floricultural products, and produced: (1) for human consumption or for the market; or (2) for the feeding of fowl or livestock produced for human consumption or for the market; or (3) for the feeding of fowl or livestock for the purpose of obtaining their products for human consumption or for the market. "Grower" does not refer to customers who purchase water subject to the Metropolitan Interim Agricultural Water Program or the Water Authority Special Agricultural Rate programs.
"Metropolitan" or "MWD"
means the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
means any natural person, corporation, public or private entity, public or private association, public or private agency, government agency or institution, school district, college, university, or any other user of water provided by the CMWD.
"Water Authority" or "CWA"
means the San Diego County Water Authority.
means the Water Authority's Water Shortage Contingency Plan or CMWD's Water Shortage Contingency Plan, as specified, in existence on the effective date of this ordinance and as readopted or amended from time to time, or an equivalent plan of the Water Authority to manage or allocate supplies during shortages.
(Ord. 44 § 2, 2009; Ord. 48 § 2, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The following water conservation measures will be in effect at all times:
Stop washing down paved surfaces, including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, tennis courts, or patios except when it is necessary to alleviate safety or sanitation hazards.
Stop water waste resulting from inefficient landscape irrigation, such as runoff, low head drainage, or overspray, etc. Similarly, stop water flows onto non-targeted areas, such as adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, hardscapes, roadways, or structures.
Use a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle or bucket to water landscaped areas, including trees and shrubs located on residential and commercial properties that are not irrigated by a landscape irrigation system.
Use re-circulated water to operate ornamental fountains.
Wash vehicles using a bucket and a hand-held hose with positive shut-off nozzle, mobile high pressure/low volume wash system, or at a commercial site that re-circulates (reclaims) water on site. Avoid washing during hot conditions when additional water is required to due to evaporation.
Serve and refill water in restaurants, bars, and other food service establishments only upon request.
Offer guests in hotels, motels, and other commercial lodging establishments the option of not laundering towels and linens daily.
Use recycled or non-potable water for construction purposes when available and economically feasible.
(Ord. 44 § 3, 2009; Ord. 48 § 3; 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The provisions of this chapter apply to any person in the use of any water provided by the CMWD.
This chapter is intended solely to further the conservation of water. It is not intended to implement any provision of Federal, State, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations relating to protection of water quality or control of drainage or runoff. Please refer to the City of Carlsbad or the Regional Water Quality Control Board for information on any stormwater ordinances and stormwater management plans.
Nothing in this chapter is intended to affect or limit the ability of the CMWD to declare and respond to an emergency, including an emergency that affects the ability of the CMWD to supply water.
The provisions of this chapter do not apply to use of water from private wells or to recycled water.
Nothing in this chapter shall apply to use of water that is subject to a special supply program, such as the Water Authority's Special Agricultural Water Rate Program. Violations of the conditions of special supply programs are subject to the penalties established under the applicable program. A person using water subject to a special supply program and other water provided by the CMWD is subject to this chapter in the use of the other water.
(Ord. 44 § 4, 2009; Ord. 48 § 4, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The CMWD General Manager, or a designated representative, is hereby authorized and directed to implement the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 44 § 5, 2009; Ord. 48 § 5, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
A Drought Response Level 1 condition applies when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies, or the Executive Manager, upon recommendation of the General Manager, otherwise declares, that, due to drought or other supply reductions, there is a reasonable probability there will be supply shortages and that a consumer demand reduction of up to ten percent is required in order to have sufficient supplies available to meet anticipated demands. The Executive Manager, upon recommendation of the General Manager, shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 1 and take action to implement the Level 1 conservation practices identified in this chapter.
During a Drought Response Level 1 condition, CMWD will increase its public education and outreach efforts to emphasize increased public awareness of the need to implement the following water conservation practices. The same water conservation practices become mandatory if CMWD declares a Level 2 Drought Condition:
Irrigate residential and commercial landscape before ten a.m. and after six p.m. only. Watering is permitted at any time when a drip/micro-irrigation system/equipment is used.
Irrigate nursery and commercial grower's products before ten a.m. and after six p.m. only. Watering is permitted at any time with a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle, a bucket, or when a drip/micro-irrigation system/equipment is used. Irrigation of nursery propagation beds is permitted at any time. Watering of livestock is permitted at any time.
Repair all water leaks within five days of notification by the CMWD unless other written arrangements are made with the General Manager or designee.
During a Drought Response Level 2 condition or higher, all persons shall be required to implement the conservation practices established in Drought Response Level 1 condition.
(Ord. 44 § 6, 2009; Ord. 48 § 6, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
A Drought Response Level 2 condition applies when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies, or the CMWD Board of Directors otherwise declares that due to cutbacks caused by drought or other reduction in supplies, a consumer demand reduction of up to twenty percent is required in order to have sufficient supplies available to meet anticipated demands. The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 2 condition and implement the mandatory Level 2 conservation measures identified in this chapter.
All persons using CMWD water shall comply with Level 1 water conservation practices during a Drought Response Level 2 condition, and shall also comply with the following additional conservation measures:
Limit residential and commercial landscape irrigation to no more than three assigned days per week on a schedule established by the General Manager and posted by the CMWD. This subsection shall not apply to commercial growers and nurseries.
Limit lawn watering and landscape irrigation using sprinklers to no more than ten minutes per watering station per assigned day. This provision does not apply to landscape irrigation systems using water efficient devices, including, but not limited to: weather-based controllers, drip/micro-irrigation systems, and stream rotor sprinklers.
Water landscaped areas, including trees and shrubs located on residential and commercial properties, and not irrigated by a landscape irrigation system governed by Section 3.12.060(B)(1), on the same schedule set forth in Section 3.12.060(B)(1) by using a bucket, hand-held hose with positive shut-off nozzle, or low-volume non-spray irrigation.
Repair all leaks within seventy-two hours of notification by the CMWD unless other written arrangements are made with the General Manager or designee.
Stop operating ornamental fountains or similar decorative water features unless recirculated water is used.
(Ord. 44 § 7, 2009; Ord. 46 § 2, 2009; Ord. 48 § 7, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
A Drought Response Level 3 condition applies when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies, or the CMWD Board of Directors otherwise declares, that due to increasing cutbacks caused by drought or other reduction of supplies, a consumer demand reduction of up to thirty percent is required in order to have sufficient supplies available to meet anticipated demands. The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 3 condition and implement the Level 3 conservation measures identified in this chapter.
All persons using CMWD water shall comply with Level 1 and Level 2 water conservation practices during a Drought Response Level 3 condition and shall also comply with the following additional mandatory conservation measures:
Limit residential and commercial landscape irrigation to no more than two assigned days per week on a schedule established by the General Manager and posted by the CMWD. This subsection shall not apply to commercial growers or nurseries.
Water-landscaped areas, including trees and shrubs located on residential and commercial properties, and not irrigated by a landscape irrigation system governed by Section 3.12.070(B)(2), on the same schedule set forth in Section 3.12.070(B)(1) by using a bucket, hand-held hose with a positive shut-off nozzle, or low-volume non-spray irrigation.
Stop washing vehicles except at commercial carwashes that re-circulate water, or by high pressure/low volume wash systems.
Repair all leaks within forty-eight hours of notification by the CMWD unless other written arrangements are made with the General Manager or designee.
Upon the declaration of a Drought Response Level 3 condition, the CMWD will suspend consideration of annexations to its service area.
The CMWD Board of Directors may establish a water allocation for property served by the CMWD using a method that does not penalize persons for the implementation of conservation methods or the installation of water saving devices. If the CMWD Board of Directors establishes a water allocation it shall provide notice of the allocation by including it in the regular billing statement for the fee or charge or by any other mailing to the address to which the CMWD customarily mails the billing statement for fees or charges for on-going water service. Following the effective date of the water allocation as established by the CMWD Board of Directors, any person that uses water in excess of the allocation shall be subject to a penalty in the amount equal to the penalty rate established by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for each billing unit of water in excess of the allocation. The penalty for excess water usage shall be cumulative to any other remedy or penalty that may be imposed for violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 44 § 8, 2009; Ord. 46 § 2, 2009; Ord. 48 § 8, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
A Drought Response Level 4 condition applies when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies or the CMWD Board of Directors otherwise declares, that due to increasing cutbacks caused by drought or other reduction of supplies, a consumer demand reduction of up to forty percent is required in order to have sufficient supplies available to meet anticipated demands. The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 4 condition and implement the Level 4 conservation measures identified in this chapter.
All persons using CMWD water shall comply with Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 water conservation practices during a Drought Response Level 4 condition and shall also comply with the following additional mandatory conservation measures:
Stop filling or re-filling lakes or ponds, except to the extent needed to sustain aquatic life, provided that such animals are of significant value and have been actively managed within the water feature prior to the declaration of a drought response level under this ordinance.
(Ord. 44 § 9, 2009; Ord. 48 § 9, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
A Drought Response Level 5 condition applies when the Water Authority notifies its member agencies, or the CMWD Board of Directors otherwise declares, that due to increasing cutbacks caused by drought or other reduction of supplies, a consumer demand reduction of up to fifty percent is required in order to have sufficient supplies available to meet anticipated demands. The CMWD Board of Directors shall declare the existence of a Drought Response Level 5 condition and implement the Level 5 conservation measures identified in this ordinance.
All persons using CMWD water shall comply with conservation measures required during Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 conditions and shall also comply with the following additional mandatory conservation measures:
Stop all landscape irrigation, except crops and landscape products of commercial growers and nurseries. This restriction shall not apply to the following categories of use unless the CMWD has determined that recycled water is available and may be lawfully applied to the use.
Maintenance of trees and shrubs that are watered on the same schedule set forth in Section 3.12.080(B)(1) by using a bucket, hand-held hose with a positive shut-off nozzle, or low-volume non-spray irrigation;
Maintenance of existing landscaping necessary for fire protection as specified by the Fire Marshal of the local fire protection agency having jurisdiction over the property to be irrigated;
Maintenance of existing landscaping for erosion control;
Maintenance of plant materials identified to be rare or essential to the wellbeing of rare animals;
Maintenance of landscaping within active public parks and playing fields, day care centers, schools' grounds, cemeteries, and golf course greens, provided that such irrigation does not exceed two days per week according to the schedule established under Section 3.12.080(B)(1).
Watering of livestock; and
Public works projects and actively irrigated environmental mitigation projects.
Repair all water leaks within twenty-four hours of notification by the CMWD unless other arrangements are made with the General Manager or designee.
The CMWD Board of Directors may establish a water allocation for property served by the CMWD. If the CMWD Board of Directors establishes a water allocation it shall provide notice of the allocation by including it in the regular billing statement for the fee or charge or by any other mailing to the address to which the CMWD customarily mails the billing statement for fees or charges for on-going water service. Following the effective date of the water allocation as established by the CMWD Board of Directors, any person that uses water in excess of the allocation shall be subject to a penalty in the amount equal to the penalty rate established by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for each billing unit of water in excess of the allocation. The penalty for excess water usage shall be cumulative to any other remedy or penalty that may be imposed for violation of this Code.
Upon the declaration of a Drought Response Level 5 condition, no new potable water service shall be provided, no new temporary meters or permanent meters shall be provided, and no statements of immediate ability to service or provide potable water service (such as, will serve letters, certificates, or letters of availability) shall be issued, except under the following circumstances:
A valid, unexpired building permit has been issued for the project;
The project is necessary to protect the public's health, safety, and welfare; or
The applicant provides substantial evidence of an enforceable commitment that water demands for the project will be offset prior to the provision of a new water meter(s) to the satisfaction of CMWD.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude the resetting or turn-on of meters to provide continuation of water service or to restore service that has been interrupted for a period of one year or less.
(Ord. 48 § 10, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
A Drought Response Level 6 condition applies when the Water Authority, or the CMWD Board of Directors, declares a water shortage emergency pursuant to California Water Code Section 350 and that Level 6 requires a demand reduction of more than fifty percent in order for the CMWD to have maximum supplies available to meet anticipated demands. The CMWD shall declare the existence of a Drought Emergency in the manner and on the grounds provided in California Water Code Section 350.
All persons using CMWD water shall comply with conservation measures required during Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 conditions and shall also comply with the following additional mandatory conservation measures:
Stop all landscape irrigation, except crops and landscape products of commercial growers and nurseries. This restriction shall not apply to the following categories of use unless the CMWD has determined that recycled water is available and may be lawfully applied to the use.
Maintenance of existing landscaping necessary for fire protection as specified by the Fire Marshal of the local fire protection agency having jurisdiction over the property to be irrigated;
Maintenance of existing landscaping for erosion control;
Maintenance of plant materials identified to be rare or essential to the well-being of rare animals;
Watering of livestock; and
Public works projects and actively irrigated environmental mitigation projects.
(Ord. 48 § 11, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The correlation between the Water Authority's WSCP shortage levels and the CMWD's drought response levels identified in this chapter is described in this section. Under WSCP Shortage Level 1, the CMWD would implement Drought Response Level 1 actions. Under WSCP Shortage Level 2, the CMWD would implement Drought Response Level 1 and Level 2 actions. Under WSCP Shortage Level 3, the CMWD would implement Drought Response Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 actions. Under WSCP Shortage Level 4, the CMWD would implement Drought Response Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 actions. Under WSCP Shortage Level 5, the CMWD would implement Drought Response Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 actions. Under WSCP Shortage Level 6, the CMWD would implement Drought Response Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6 actions.
The drought response levels identified in this chapter correspond with the Water Authority WSCP as identified in the following table:
Drought Response/WSCP Shortage Levels
Use Restrictions
Conservation Target
Up to 10%
Up to 20%
Up to 30%
Up to 40%
Up to 50%
Above 50%
(Ord. 44 § 10, 2009; Ord. 48 § 12, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
The existence of a Drought Response Level 1 may be declared by the Executive Manager upon a written determination of the existence of the facts and circumstances supporting the determination. A copy of the written determination shall be filed with the Secretary of the CMWD and provided to the CMWD Board of Directors. The CMWD may publish a notice of the determination of existence of Drought Response Level 1 condition in one or more newspapers, including a newspaper of general circulation within the CMWD. The CMWD may also post notice of the condition on their website.
The existence of Drought Response Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 or Level 5 conditions may be declared by resolution of the CMWD Board of Directors adopted at a regular or special public meeting held in accordance with State law. The mandatory conservation measures applicable to Drought Response Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 or Level 5 conditions shall take effect on the tenth day after the date the response level is declared. Within five days following the declaration of the response level, the CMWD shall publish a copy of the resolution in a newspaper of general circulation used for publication of official notices. If the CMWD establishes a water allocation, it shall provide notice of the allocation by including it in the regular billing statement for the fee or charge or by any other mailing to the address to which the CMWD customarily mails the billing statement for fees or charges for on-going water service. Water allocation shall be effective of the fifth day following the date of mailing or at such later date as specified in the notice.
The existence of a Drought Response Level 6 condition may be declared in accordance with the procedures specified in California Water Code Sections 351 and 352. The mandatory conservation measures applicable to Drought Response Level 6 conditions shall take effect on the tenth day after the date the response level is declared. Within five days following the declaration of the response level, the CMWD shall publish a copy of the resolution in a newspaper of general circulation used for publication of official notices.
The CMWD Board of Directors may declare an end to a drought response level by the adoption of a resolution at any regular or special meeting held in accordance with State law.
(Ord. 44 § 11, 2009; Ord. 48 § 13, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
If, due to unique circumstances, a specific requirement of this chapter would result in undue hardship to a person using agency water or to property upon which agency water is used, that is disproportionate to the impacts to CMWD water users generally or to similar property or classes of water uses, then the person may apply for a variance to the requirements as provided in this section.
The variance may be granted or conditionally granted, only upon a written finding of the existence of facts demonstrating an undue hardship to a person using agency water or to property upon which agency water is used, that is disproportionate to the impacts to CMWD water users generally or to similar property or classes of water use due to specific and unique circumstances of the user or the user's property. Hardship variances shall also be subject to the following requirements:
Application. Application for a variance shall be on a form prescribed by the CMWD General Manager and shall be accompanied by a non-refundable processing fee in an amount set by resolution of the CMWD Board of Directors.
Supporting Documentation. The application shall be accompanied by photographs, maps, drawings, and other information, including a written statement of the applicant.
Required Findings for Variance. An application for a variance shall be denied unless the General Manager finds, based on the information provided in the application, supporting documents, or such additional information as may be requested, and on water use information for the property as shown by the records of the CMWD, all of the following:
That the variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other CMWD customers.
That because of special circumstances applicable to the person, property or its use, the strict application of this chapter would have a disproportionate impact on the person, property or use that exceeds the impacts to customers generally.
That the authorizing of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent properties, and will not materially affect the ability of the CMWD to effectuate the purpose of this chapter and will not be detrimental to the public interest.
That the condition or situation of the subject person, property or the intended use of the property for which the variance is sought is not common, recurrent or general in nature.
Approval Authority. The General Manager or designee shall exercise approval authority and act upon any completed application no later than ten calendar days after submittal. The General Manager or designee may approve, conditionally approve, or deny the variance. The applicant requesting the variance shall be promptly notified in writing of the action taken in response to the application. Unless otherwise specified at the time a variance is approved, the variance applies to the subject property during the term of the mandatory drought response level.
Appeals to CMWD Executive Manager or designee(s). An applicant may appeal a decision or condition of the General Manager on a variance application to the CMWD Executive Manager or designee(s). An appeal requesting a hearing may only be filed within ten calendar days of the date of the General Manager's written decision. The request shall state the grounds for the appeal. At the appeal hearing, the CMWD Executive Manager or designee(s) shall act as the approval authority and review the appeal de novo by applying the regular variance requirements described in Section 3.12.140(A) and (B)(1)-(4). The decision of the CMWD Executive Manager or designee(s) is final.
(Ord. 44 § 12, 2009; Ord. 48 § 14, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)
Any person, who uses, causes to be used, or permits the use of water in violation of this chapter is guilty of an offense punishable as provided in this section.
Each day that a violation of this chapter occurs is a separate offense.
Administrative fines may be levied for each violation of a provision of this chapter as follows:
For the first violation by any customer of any of the provisions of the ordinances codified herein, the CMWD shall verbally notice the fact of such violation to the customer.
For a second violation by any customer of any of the provisions of the ordinances codified herein, the CMWD shall issue a written notice of the fact of such violation to the customer.
For a third violation by a customer of any provision of this chapter the CMWD may install a flow-restricting device of one gallon per minute (1 GPM) capacity for services of up to one and one-half inch size. CMWD may also install a restricting device of comparatively sized restrictors for larger services upon a prior determination that the customer has repeatedly violated the provisions of this chapter regarding the conservation of water and that such action is reasonably necessary to assure compliance with this chapter regarding the conservation of water. In addition, the CMWD may levy an administrative fine of one hundred dollars for a third violation of this chapter.
Two hundred dollars for a fourth violation of any provision of this chapter within one year.
Five hundred dollars for each additional violation of this chapter within one year.
If determined by the CMWD's General Counsel to be necessary and appropriate, in lieu of administrative remedies above, each violation of this chapter may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than thirty days or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by both as provided in Water Code Section 377.
Willful violations of the mandatory conservation measures and water use restrictions as set forth in Section 3.12.110 and applicable during a Drought Response Level 6 condition may be enforced by discontinuing service to the property at which the violation occurs as provided by Water Code Section 356.
All remedies provided for in this section shall be cumulative and not exclusive.
Any customer against whom a penalty is levied pursuant to this section shall have the right to appeal as follows:
The request must be in writing and received by the General Manager within ten calendar days of the postmark mailing of the notice of the action to the customer. Any determination not timely appealed shall be final. The written request shall include:
A description of the issue,
Evidence supporting the claim, and
A request for resolution of the dispute.
The General Manager will review the material submitted and make an independent determination of the issue, which shall be mailed out within fifteen calendar days of receipt of the appeal.
The General Manager's determination may be appealed in writing within ten calendar days of the postmark mailing of the notice of determination to the Board of Directors of the CMWD by filing with the Secretary of the CMWD a written notice of such appeal. The Secretary shall set the matter for a hearing before the Board of Directors at an upcoming Board meeting. Notice of the hearing shall be mailed out to the person appealing the decision at least ten calendar days before the date of the appeal hearing. The Board may, in its discretion, affirm, reverse or modify the determination.
Fees for filing an appeal under this section shall be established by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the CMWD.
(Ord. 44 § 130, 2009; Ord. 48 § 15, 2022; Ord. 49, 7/16/2024)