[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Somerville 5-20-2024 by Ord. No. 2734. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The HAC is authorized to continue in its advisory role to the Mayor, Council, and the Planning Board as a standing committee of the Somerville Borough government. Up to 10, two-year staggered Committee appointments will be made by the Mayor with Council approval with no limits on re-appointment. A member of HAC shall serve as Somerville's municipal representative to the county's Cultural and Heritage Commission's Municipal Advisory Committee. HAC is not a historic commission and will has no independent fiscal or regulatory authority
Members shall be Somerville residents, Borough employees, or Somerville business owners with interest in the preservation, and/or, document, artifact conservation, heritage education, architecture, heritage tourism, or who have enthusiasm for Somerville history. Formal training or experience in library science, museum services, education, archaeology, communication media, or preservation, or architecture are welcome, but not necessary for membership.
HAC shall continue "to promote, protect, and preserve the historic heritage, character, artifacts, and architecture of the Borough of Somerville, and to encourage remembrance of historic events by the Borough, to educate the public, and to advise the Mayor, Council, Administration and the Planning Board on historic matters."
The scope of HAC activities shall include but not be limited to:
Advice and comment on all proposed interior and exterior work and structural alterations to Somerville Borough Hall, the National Register site known as "The Daniel Robert House," to ensure that the US Secretary of Interior's standards are adhered to in managing the building as required by the National Register.
Maintaining and periodically updating the list of state and nationally recognized properties in the Borough accessible on the website.
Maintaining and periodically updating an inventory of plaques, monuments, and public art in the Borough for insurance and replacement purposes on behalf of the Borough Administration.
Maintaining a list of all Borough Mayors with biographical sketches and Councilpersons since 1909 for use by the Administrator, our public school system, or the public on request.
Review and make recommendations regarding the acceptance and retention of any historic documents, photographs, artwork, or artifacts by the Borough in the Somerville branch Library's New Jersey Room Archive, owned by the Borough but managed in cooperation with the Somerset County Library System.
Advise the Mayor and Council when it is appropriate and desirable for the Borough to apply for County, state, and federal funds to support preservation projects in the Borough.
The current administrative policy requiring the HAC to review any plans to dispose of any Borough property more than 50 years old shall be continued by the Borough Administrator.