Use Type. Each of the use types listed in Use Table are defined in Chapter 926.
Uses Permitted By-Right. Uses identified in a district column with a "P" are uses permitted By-Right and shall be allowed in the respective district, subject to compliance with all other applicable regulations of this Code.
Uses Requiring Review by the Zoning Administrator. Uses identified in a district column with an "A" are Administrator Exceptions and shall be allowed the respective district only if reviewed and approved in accordance with the Zoning Administrator Exception review procedures of Section 922.08.
Uses Requiring Review by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Uses identified in a district column with an "S" are Special Exceptions and shall be allowed in the respective district only if reviewed and approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment in accordance with the Special Exception review procedures of Section 922.07.
Conditional Uses Requiring Review by the City Council. Uses identified in a district column with a "C" are Conditional Uses and shall be allowed in the respective district only if reviewed and approved in accordance with the Conditional Use review procedures of Section 922.06.
Not Permitted. Uses that are not associated with a letter in a district column shall be considered prohibited uses and shall not be allowed in the respective district unless otherwise expressly permitted by other regulations of this Code.
Standards. The "Standards" column of the Use Table contains a reference to specific standards that apply to listed uses in one (1) or more of the districts in which such use is allowed. Complete text of the Use Standards can be found in Section 911.04, which immediately follows the Use Table.
[Ord. 19-1999, eff. 7-8-1999; Ord. 20-1999, eff. 7-8-1999; Ord. 24-2000, eff. 8-21-2000; Ord. 28-2000, eff. 11-17-2000; Ord. 29-2000, eff. 11-22-2000; Ord. 23-2001, § 1, eff. 11-30-2001; Ord. 25-2001, §§ 1P—1X, eff. 11-30-2001; Ord. 21-2002, §§ 4—6, eff. 6-18-2002; Ord. 33-2002, § 1, eff. 11-12-2002; Ord. 35-2002, § 1C, eff. 12-3-2002; Ord. 34-2003, § 1, eff. 11-25-2003; Ord. 37-2003, § 1, eff. 12-31-2003; Ord. 23-2004, §§ 1A, 1B, eff. 12-20-2004; Ord. No. 7-2005, § 1, eff. 3-22-2005; Ord. 32-2005, § 1A, eff. 11-23-2005; Ord. 39-2005, § 1, eff. 12-30-2005; Ord. 42-2005, §§ 14—18, eff. 12-30-2005; Ord. No. 2-2007, § 1(A), (B), eff. 2-20-2007; Ord. 13-2007, §§ 1A, 1B, eff. 8-3-2007; Ord. No. 11-2009, § 1, eff. 6-18-2009; Ord. No. 32-2009, § 1, eff. 12-11-2009; Ord. No. 1-2011, § 1, eff. 2-14-2011; Ord. No. 8-2013, §§ 1A, 1B, eff. 1-31-2013; Ord. No. 25-2015, § 1, eff. 7-9-2015; Ord. No. 33-2016, § 1, eff. 12-13-2016; Ord. No. 4-2018, § 1, eff. 3-6-2018; Ord. No. 31-2018, § 9, eff. 8-6-2018; Ord. No. 58-2021, § 1, eff. 12-27-2021; Ord. No. 17-2022, § 3, eff. 6-30-2022; Ord. No. 1-2023, § 11, 3-1-2023; Ord. No. 4-2024, § 1, eff. 2-27-2024; Ord. No. 8-2024, § 1, eff. 5-8-2024; Ord. No. 13-2024, § 8, eff. 5-14-2024]
Pittsburgh Urban Zoning Code Use Table
P = Permitted By Right
A = Administrator Exception
S = Special Exception
C = Conditional Use
Use Classification
Base Zoning Districts*
* As Base Zoning District Regulations, all uses may be subject to additional regulations imposed by applicable Overlay Zoning Districts.
Mixed Use
See § 911.04.x
Single-Unit Detached Residential means the use of a zoning lot for one detached housing unit.
Single-Unit Attached Residential means the use of a zoning lot for one dwelling unit that is attached to one or more dwelling units by a party wall or separate abutting wall and that is located on its own separate lot.
Two-Unit Residential means the use of a zoning lot for two dwelling units that are contained within a single building.)
Three-Unit Residential means the use of a zoning lot for three dwelling units that are contained within a single building.
Multi-Unit Residential means the use of a zoning lot for four or more dwelling units that are contained within a single building.
Assisted Living means a facility for the accommodation of convalescents or chronically ill persons, in which such nursing care and medical services are prescribed or are performed under the general direction of persons licensed to provide such care or services in accordance with Commonwealth laws.
Assisted Living Class A means an Assisted Living use with less than 9 patient beds.
Assisted Living Class B means an Assisted Living use with 9 to 17 patient beds.
Assisted Living Class C means an Assisted Living use with 18 or more patient beds.
Community Home is a group of more than eight unrelated disabled persons living together as a single housekeeping unit with shared common facilities. If required, staff persons may reside on the premises. A Community Home may not be a Multi-Suite Residential use or an Assisted Living use as defined in § 911.02. For the purposes of this definition, "disabled" means "handicapped" as defined according to the Fair Housing Act Amendments of 1988, 42 U.S.C.S. 3602(h), and any amendments thereto. This use does not include Custodial Care Facilities. This use includes halfway houses where persons are aided in readjusting to society following a period of hospitalization or institutionalized treatment for a medical, psychiatric, developmental, emotional, or other disability or handicap. This does not include halfway houses for people leaving a correctional facility.
Dormitory means the use of a zoning lot for occupancy by groups of people who are not defined as a family and who are registered students at a college, university or other institution of higher learning, on a weekly basis or longer, and is managed by the institution at which the students are registered.
Fraternity/Sorority means the use of a zoning lot for occupancy by groups of people who are not defined as a family and who are registered students at a college, university or other institution of higher learning, and who are members of a fraternal or other organization which take sits membership from the student population of the institution at which the students are registered, on a weekly basis or longer.
Housing for the Elderly (Limited) means a Housing for the Elderly use with less than 30 units.
Housing for the Elderly (General) means a Housing for the Elderly use with 30 or more units.
Multi-Suite Residential (Limited) means a Multi-Suite Residential use with less than 8 sleeping rooms.
Multi-Suite Residential (General) means a Multi-Suite Residential use with 8 or more sleeping rooms.
Personal Care Residence (Large) is a personal care residence that is limited to no more than nineteen (19) persons including clients, operator (any person responsible for the day-today operation and supervision of the home) and family of the operator. An operator may also be the householder. Clients shall be limited to no more than seventeen (17) Persons.
Personal Care Residence (Small) is a personal care residence that is limited to no more than ten (10) persons and no fewer than three (3) persons including clients, operator (any person responsible for the day-to-day operation and supervision of the home) and family of the operator. An operator may also be the householder. Clients shall be limited to no more than eight (8) persons.
Adult Entertainment means Adult Bookstore, Adult Cabaret, Adult Mini-Theater, Adult Theater, Massage Establishment, Model Studio, or Sexual Encounter or Meditation Center. See Chapter 926 for definitions.
Agriculture (General) means the growing of crops and raising of livestock and domestic small farm animals for domestic and commercial uses. The minimum lot size required is two (2) acres.
Agriculture (Limited) With Beekeeping means the growing of crops and raising honey bees for domestic and commercial uses.
Agriculture (Limited) means the growing of crops for commercial use. No minimum lot size is required.
Amusement Arcade means any establishment displaying seven or more amusement devices including but not limited to pool tables, foosball tables, air hockey, "pong" games, mechanical rides for children, electronic games, and shooting gallery types games. See Chapter 926 for additional definitions.
Animal Care (Limited) means a use providing small animal (household pets) boarding or veterinary services with no outside runs, not including lab animals.
Animal Care (General) means a use providing animal care, veterinary services or boarding.
Art or Music Studio means an art studio, music studio or photographer's studio.
Public Assembly (Limited) means a Public Assembly use with a capacity of less than 500 persons.
Public Assembly (General) means a Public Assembly use with a capacity of 500 or more persons.
Bank or Financial Institution (Limited) means a Bank or Financial Institution use with a gross floor area or less than 3,500 square feet.
Bank or Financial Institution (General) means a Bank or Financial Institution use with a gross floor area of 3,500 square feet or more.
Basic Industry means an establishment engaged in the basic processing and manufacturing of materials or products predominantly from extracted or raw materials.
Bed and Breakfast (Limited) means a Bed and Breakfast use containing one to three guest rooms.
Bed and Breakfast (General) means a Bed and Breakfast use containing four to ten guest rooms.
Car Wash means an establishment primarily engaged in cleaning or detailing motor vehicles, whether self-service, automatic or by hand.
Cemetery means land used or intended to be used for the burial of the dead and dedicated to cemetery purposes, including columbariums, crematories, mausoleums, and mortuaries, when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery.
Check Cashing means an establishment engaged in some or all of a variety of financial services including cashing of checks, warrants, drafts, money orders or other commercial paper securing the same purpose; deferred deposit of personal checks whereby the check casher refrains from depositing a personal check written by a customer until a specific date; money transfers, payday advances; issuance of money orders; distribution of governmental checks and food stamps; payment of utility bills; issuance of bus passes and tokens; sale of phone cards and similar uses. This use shall not include a state or federally chartered bank, savings association, credit union, industrial loan association, or rental-purchase company and shall not include a retail seller engaged primarily in the business of selling consumer goods, including consumables, to retail buyers that cashes checks or issues money orders for a minimum flat fee not exceeding two dollars ($2.00) as a service to its customers incidental to the main use of the establishment.
Child Care means an establishment that provides care, protection and supervision for children on a regular basis away from their primary residence for less than 24 hours per day. The term does not include the following: public or private elementary or secondary schools or facilities operated in conjunction with an employment use, shopping center or other principal activity, where children are cared for while parents or custodians are occupied on the premises or in the immediate vicinity.
Child Care (Limited) means a Child Care center that provides care, protection and supervision for 4 to 6 children at any one time, including those under the supervision or custody of the child care provider and those under the supervision or custody of employees.
Child Care (General) means a Child Care center that provides care, protection and supervision for 7 or more children at any one time, including those under the supervision or custody of the child care provider and those under the supervision or custody of employees.
Club: Social, Fraternal, Athletic, Business or Professional
Club (Limited) means a club that does not provide, sell or allow the consumption of intoxicating beverages on the premises and is not more than 2400 square feet in net floor area.
Club (General) other than the limited type described above.
College or University Campus means a college, community college, or other post secondary educational complex, or any elements thereof not in an EMI District, which shall include one (1) or more of the following uses: teaching and research facilities; educational classroom space; public assembly; child care facilities, student center; food service facilities; laundry services; library; administrative offices; parking lots and structures; and recreation facilities.
Communication Tower means a structure on which radio frequency transmitting and/or receiving antennae are located or which serves as such an antenna itself, including accessory buildings and equipment. Radio frequency is that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that contains AM, FM, two-way radio, cellular telephone, television and microwave transmissions.
Communication Tower, Class A means a Communication Tower that is not more than 80 feet in height.
Communication Tower, Class B means a Communication Tower which is between 81 and 180 feet in height.
Communication Tower, Class C means a Communication Tower which is more than 180 feet in height.
Community Center means a facility used for social or recreational programs generally open to the public and intended to accommodate and serve significant segments of the community.
Community Center (Limited) means a Community Center which primarily serves the community in which it exists, and with a gross floor area of less than 5,000 square feet and for which fewer than 10 off-street parking spaces are provided.
Community Center (General) means a Community Center with a gross floor area of 5,000 square feet or more, or one for which 10 or more off-street parking spaces are provided.
Construction Contractor means an establishment primarily engaged in construction, building maintenance and building repair activities, including heating and electrical businesses, building maintenance and building movers.
Construction Contractor (Limited) means a Construction Contractor with a gross floor area of less than 3,500 square feet.
Construction Contractor (General) means a Construction Contractor with a gross floor area of 3,500 square feet or more.
Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility means a public or private facility that sells, dispenses, distributes or otherwise provides any controlled substance, as defined in the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. § 802 et seq., as the same may be amended from time to time, including, but not limited to, methadone, to any person known or believed by such facility or to any employee, agent or individual otherwise connected to such facility, to be physically or psychologically dependent on the use of controlled substances, for the detoxification treatment or maintenance treatment of such dependency, unless said controlled substance is sold, dispensed, distributed or otherwise provided for the cure or treatment of an illness, malady or disease other than controlled substance dependency.
Correctional Facility is a publicly or privately operated facility housing persons awaiting trial or persons serving a sentence after being found guilty of a criminal offense.
Correctional Facility (Limited) means a Correctional Facility with less than 50 beds.
Correctional Facility (General) means a Correctional Facility with 50 or more beds.
Cultural Service means a museum or similar use engaged in the collection, display or preservation of objects of community or cultural interest in one or more of the arts or science.
Cultural Service (Limited) means a Cultural Service with a gross floor area of less than 5,000 square feet.
Cultural Service (General) means a Cultural Service with a gross floor area of 5,000 square feet or more.
Custodial Care Facility is facility providing custodial care and treatment in a protective environment for persons residing or attending by court placement, post-correctional facilities, juvenile detention facilities, temporary detention facilities, and halfway houses. This includes halfway houses and similar facilities for people on probation or parole and halfway houses for people leaving a correctional facility or placed there as a form of alternative sentencing.
Educational Classroom Space means classroom space associated with a college, community college, university, or other institution of higher learning.
Educational Classroom Space (Limited) means an Educational Classroom Space use with a gross floor area of less than 20,000 square feet.
Educational Classroom Space (General) means an Educational Classroom Space use with a gross floor area of 20,000 square feet or more.
Excavation/Grading/Fill, Major means any operation, other than in connection with the construction of a foundation for a structure, involving:
1: Strip of other mining of coal or other minerals, excavating of sand or rock and the crushing of rock, sanitary and other fills, recovery of metal or other natural resources and similar operations; or
2. A volume of earth movement exceeding 16,000 cubic yards; or
Firearms Business Establishment means any business establishment, duly licensed by the appropriate agencies of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that engages in the sale of firearms ("firearms" as defined by § 607.01 of the City Code), either by wholesale or retail, mail order or any other manner.
Forestry Activities: The management, cultivation, maintenance, and harvesting of timber from a site of one-quarter acre (10,890 square feet; approximately 104.35 feet by one hundred 104.35 feet) or more, or a linear extent in any direction exceeding 200 feet. Does not include the production or processing of lumber or similar activities whether grown on site or off site.
Freight Terminal means a facility designed for the moving and storage of goods, including railroad and trucking terminals and railroad repair shops.
Funeral Home means an establishment engaged in undertaking services such as preparing the human deceased for burial, and arranging and managing funerals, including mortuaries and crematoria.
Gaming Enterprise means an establishment where the playing of those games of chance or mixed chance and skill allowed under the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania law are conducted. A Gaming Enterprise use shall not include a facility where resort accommodations are offered to transient guests in conjunction with the operation of games of chance or a facility where live horse or dog race meetings are conducted with pari-mutual wagering
Golf Course means an are of land laid out for private or public golf recreation services and support facilities excluding driving ranges.
Grocery Store means a retail store, the primary function of which is the sale of staple good and other basic life necessities.
Grocery Store (Limited) means a Grocery Store use with a gross floor area of less than 3,000 square feet.
Grocery Store (General) means a Grocery Store use with a gross floor area of 3,000 square feet or more.
Hazardous Operations means activities principally involved in activities and processes that present hazards to human life and health. Typical uses include arsenals, atomic reactors, explosives and fireworks manufacture, hazardous waste disposal and storage, medical waste disposal and storage. And radioactive waste handling facilities.
Helicopter Landing Area means a dust controlled area of land, structural surface or water used or intended to be used for the landing, taking off or surface maneuvering of helicopter, autogyro or other vertical take off craft with engines operating.
Helipad means Helicopter Landing Area including one or more appurtenant aircraft parking spaces.
Heliport means a Helicopter Landing Area including any combination of the following:
1. Refueling facilities;
2. Maintenance or repair facilities;
3. Terminal building or enclosed waiting area;
4. Aircraft or aircraft parts sales area;
5. Emergency service facilities; and/or
6. Aircraft parking
Helistop means a Helicopter Landing Area limited to arrivals or departures only, with no parking or storage of aircraft. Aircraft with
Hospital means an institution that:
1. Offers services beyond those required for room, board, personal services and general nursing care; and
2. Offers facilities and beds for use beyond 24 hours by individuals requiring diagnosis, treatment, or care for illness, injury, deformity, infirmity, abnormality, disease, or pregnancy; and
3. Regularly makes available clinical laboratory services, diagnostic x-ray services, and treatment facilities for surgery or obstetrical treatment of similar extent.
Hospitals may include offices for medical and dental personnel, central facilities such as pharmacies, medical laboratories and other related uses.
Hotel/Motel means an establishment used, maintained or advertised as a place where sleeping accommodations are supplied for short-term rent to tenants, in which rooms are furnished for accommodation of such guests and which exclude individual kitchen facilities.
Hotel/Motel (Limited) means a Hotel/Motel use with less then 40 guest rooms.
Hotel/Motel (General) means a Hotel/Motel use with 40 or more guest rooms.)
Incinerator, Solid Waste means a facility, alone or in conjunction with a landfill or other facility, used or intended to be used for burning solid waste or trash.
Laboratory/Research Services means an establishment engaged in conducting basic, applied, industrial or scie when limited to the minimum scale necessary for full investigation of the merits of a product, but excluding pro production operations. The term also includes medical laboratories where prosthetic devices or medical testing or medical profession.
Laboratory/Research Services (Limited) means a Laboratory/Research Services use with a gross floor area of less than 10,000 square feet.
Laboratory/Research Services (General) means a Laboratory/Research Services use with a gross floor area of 10,000 square feet or more.
Laundry Services means an establishment that is primarily engaged in dry cleaning and laundry services, including pressing, repair, and dry cleaning, other than personal services directly to a consumer.
Library means a facility housing a collection of books, magazines or other material which is loaned to the general public without charge.
Library (Limited) means a Library with a gross floor area of less than 5,000 square feet.
Library (General) means a Library with a gross floor area of 5,000 square feet or more.
Manufacturing and Assembly means an establishment engaged in the manufacture or products or parts, predominantly using previously prepared material, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatments, and packaging of such products, and incidental storage, sales and distribution of such products.
Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited) means a Manufacturing and Assembly use with a gross floor area of less than 20,000 square feet.
Manufacturing and Assembly (General) means a Manufacturing and Assembly use with a gross floor area of 20,000 square feet or more.
Medical Marijuana Dispensary means an establishment that is issued a permit by the Department of Health to dispense medical marijuana.
Medical Marijuana Growing and Processing means an establishment that is issued a permit by the Department of Health to grow and process medical marijuana.
Medical Office/Clinic means an establishment providing therapeutic, preventative, corrective, healing and health-building treatment services on an out-patient basis by physicians, dentists and other practitioners. Typical uses include medical and dental offices and clinics and out-patient medical laboratories.
Medical Office/Clinic (Limited) means a Medical Office/Clinic use with a gross floor area of less than 5,000 square feet.
Medical Office/Clinic (General) means a Medical Office/Clinic use with a gross floor area of 5,000 square feet or more.
Nursery, Retail means the use of a zoning lot for the retail sale of plants and planting materials.
Nursery, Retail (Limited) means a Retail Nursery with less than 10 parking spaces and with a lot area of less than half an acre.
Nursery, Retail (General) means a Retail Nursery with 10 or more parking spaces or with a lot area of half an acre or more.
Office means an establishment providing executive, management, administrative or professional services, but not involving medical or dental services or the sale of merchandise, except as incidental to a permitted use. Typical uses include real estate, insurance, property management, investment, employment, travel, advertising, law, architecture, government, design, engineering, accounting and similar offices.
Office (Limited) means an Office with a gross floor area of less than 10,000 square feet.
Office (General) means an Office with a gross floor area of 10,000 square fee or more.
Outdoor Retail Sales and Service [NonAccessory Use] means the sale of goods and services, including food items, situated outdoors on property other than public rights-of-way, wherein the sale of goods and services is separate and distinct from the commercial activities being conducted in the existing establishment or property located on the zoning lot or is not consistent with the use specified on the certificate of occupancy for the zoning lot or is being conducted pursuant to a different business identification number from the existing establishment or property.
Parking, Commercial means an area used or intended to be used for the off?street parking of operable motor vehicles on a temporary basis, other than as accessory parking to a principal use, and excluding parking structures.
Parking, Commercial (Limited) means a Commercial Parking area with less than 25 spaces.
Parking, Commercial (General) means a Commercial Parking area with 25 or more spaces.
Parking Structure means a structure used or intended to be used for off-street parking of operable motor vehicles on a temporary basis, other than as accessory parking to a principal use.
Parking Structure (Limited) means a Parking Structure with less than 50 spaces.
Parking Structure (General) means a Parking Structure with 50 or more spaces.
[Ord. 32, 11-23-2005]
Parks and Recreation means park, playground or other facility or open space area providing active or passive recreational opportunities for the general public.
Parks and Recreation (Limited) means a Parks and recreation use that does not have spectator seating, concession, lighted playing courts or fields or more than 19 parking spaces.
Parks and Recreation (General) means a Parks and recreation use with spectator seating, concession, lighted playing courts or fields or 20 or more parking spaces.
Pawn Shop means an establishment engaged in retail sales of new or secondhand merchandise and offering loans secured by personal property.
Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor means an establishment offering recreation and entertainment to the general public within an enclosed building. Typical uses include movie theaters, bowling alleys, skating rinks, fitness centers, dance studios, court sports and swimming pools.
Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (Limited) means an Indoor Recreation and Entertainment use for which fewer than 20 parking spaces are provided.
Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (General) means an Indoor Recreation and Entertainment use for which 20 or more parking spaces are provided.
Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor means an establishment offering recreation, entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a fee or charge wherein any portion of the activity takes place in the open. Typical uses include archery range, golf driving ranges and miniature golf course and other types of recreation and entertainment not otherwise defined.
Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (Limited) means an Outdoor Recreation and Entertainment use for which fewer than 25 parking spaces are provided.
Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (General) means an Outdoor Recreation and Entertainment use for which 25 or more parking spaces are provided.
Recycling Collection Station means freestanding containers not occupying an area of greater than 800 square feet (exclusive of area designed for vehicular access), which are designed to receive and store pre-sorted recyclable materials not intended for disposal and which are made available to the general public.
Recycling Processing Center means a building or land in excess of 800 square feet devoted to the receipt, separation, storage, bailing, conversion and/or processing of recycle materials.
Religious Assembly means an establishment operated by a religious organization for religious worship, religious training and related religious services.
Religious Assembly (Limited) means a Religious Assembly use for which fewer than 20 parking spaces are required.
Religious Assembly (General) means a Religious Assembly use for which 20 or more parking spaces are required.
Restaurant, Fast-Food means an establishment where the principal business is the sale of food and beverage, and where the business includes a drive-through window.
Restaurant, Fast-Food
Restaurant means an establishment other than "Fast-Food Restaurant" where the principal business is the sale of food and beverage in a ready to consume state.
Restaurant (Limited) means a Restaurant with a gross floor area of less than 2,400 square feet and that does not have live entertainment or dancing.
Restaurant (General) means a Restaurant with a gross floor area of 2,400 square feet or more or one that has live entertainment or dancing
Retail Sales and Services means an establishment engaged in the sale or rental of goods and services, excluding those uses defined more specifically in the Use Table.
Retail Sales and Services (Limited) means a Retail Sales and Services use with a gross floor area of less than 10,000 square feet.
Retail Sales and Services (General) means a Retail Sales and Services use with a gross floor area of 10,000 square feet or more.
Retail Sales and Services, Residential Convenience means a Retail Sales and Services use contained wholly within the ground-floor of a multi-unit residential building
Safety Service means a facility designed or used for the conduct of public safety and emergency services, including fire and police protection services and emergency medical and ambulance services.
Salvage Yard means a lot, land or structure, or part thereof, used primarily for the collecting, storage and sale of waste paper, rags, scrap metal or discard material; or for the collecting, dismantling, storage and salvaging of machinery or vehicles that are not in operating condition; or for the sale of parts thereof. Typical uses include automobile salvage yards and junk yards.
School, Elementary or Secondary means the use of a site for instructional purposes on an elementary or secondary level, with a curriculum that complies with state regulations.
School, Elementary or Secondary (Limited) means an Elementary or Secondary School with a maximum enrollment of less than 75 students.
School, Elementary or Secondary (General) means an Elementary or Secondary School with a maximum enrollment of 75 students or more.
Service Station means an establishment primarily engaged in the retail sale of gasoline or other motor fuels, that may include accessory activities such as the sale of lubricants, automotive accessories or supplies; the lubrication or washing of motor vehicles; and the minor adjustment or repair of motor vehicles.
Transit Facility means a facility used or intended to be used as an area for loading, unloading, and interchange transit passengers. Typical uses include bus terminals, rail stations, and passenger related mass transit facilities.
Utility (Limited) means services and facilities of agencies that are under public franchise or ownership to provide services that are essential to support development and that involve only minor structures, such as but not limited to poles and lines.
Utility (General) means generating plants; electrical switching facilities and primary substations; water and wastewater treatment plants; water tanks; and similar facilities that are under public franchise or ownership to provide the general public with electricity, gas, heat, steam, communication, water, sewage collection, rail lines or other similar service.
The term "utility" shall not be construed to include corporate or general offices; gas or oil processing; manufacturing facilities; or other uses defined in this section.
Vehicle/Equipment Repair (Limited) means a use providing automobile and other equipment repair or maintenance services within completely enclosed buildings, but not including General Vehicle/Equipment Repair services. Typical uses include businesses engaged in the following activities:
Electronic tune-ups; Brake repairs (including drum turning);
Air conditioning repairs; Transmission and engine repairs;
Tire repairs;
Front end alignments;
Battery recharging;
Oil changes and lubrication; and State Inspection stations.
Vehicle/Equipment Repair (General) means:
1. Any vehicle/equipment service not conducted within a completely enclosed building;
2. Any establishment engaged in body work or painting of vehicles or equipment; or
3. Any establishment involved in the repair of heavy equipment, including any vehicle with more than two axles.
Typical uses include paint and body shops, truck repair facilities and heavy machinery repair shops.
Vehicle/Equipment Sales means an establishment engaged in the retail or wholesale sale or rental, from the premises, of motorized vehicles or equipment, along with incidental service or maintenance. Typical uses include new and used automobile and truck sales, automobile rentals, boat sales, motorcycle sales, construction equipment rental yards, moving trailer rental, farm equipment sale sand rental, and machinery sales, service and rental.
Vehicle/Equipment Sales (Limited) means a Vehicle/Equipment Sales use with a gross floor area of less than 10,000 square feet and a site of less than one acre.
Vehicle/Equipment Sales (General) means a Vehicle/Equipment Sales use with a gross floor area of 10,000 square feet or more or a site of one acre or more.
Vocational School means an establishment offering regularly scheduled instruction in professional, technical, commercial or trade skills, such as, but not limited to, business, real estate, building and construction, electronics, computer programming and technology, automotive and aircraft mechanics and technology, and similar types of instruction.
Vocational School (Limited) means a Vocational School for which fewer than 25 parking spaces are required.
Vocational School (General) means a Vocational School for which 25 or more parking spaces are required.
Warehouse means an establishment that is engaged in the storage of materials, equipment or products that will be distributed to wholesalers or retailers.
Warehouse (Limited) means a Warehouse use with fewer than five loading/unloading docks or bays.
Warehouse (General) means a Warehouse use with five or more loading/unloading docks or bays.
Warehouse, Residential Storage means an enclosed storage facility of a commercial nature containing independent, fully enclosed bays which are leased to persons exclusively for dead storage of their household goods or personal property.
Welding or Machine Shop means a workshop where machines, machine parts, or other metal products are fabricated. Typical uses include machine shops, welding shops and sheet metal shops.
New and Unlisted Uses. See § 911.03
See § 911.03
In the event that an application is submitted for a use that is not listed in the Use Table of Section 911.02, the Zoning Administrator shall be authorized to:
Determine the classification of the new or unlisted use type into an existing land use category that most closely fits the new or unlisted use based upon the definitions of this Code and upon the similarity of the new/unlisted use with an existing, defined land use category; or
In the event that the Zoning Administrator determines that the new or unlisted use type cannot be classified under Section 911.02A, the Administrator shall treat such use as a Special Exception in the GI District and require review and approval by the Zoning Board of Adjustment in accordance with the Special Exception review procedures of Section 922.07.
[Ord. 23-2001, § 2, eff. 11-30-2001; Ord. 25-2001, §§ 1Y—1NNN, eff. 11-30-2001; Ord. 21-2202, § 7, eff. 6-18-2002; Ord. 35-2002, § 1D, eff. 12-3-2002; Ord. 31-2003, §§ 1A, 1B, eff. 11-10-2003; Ord. 36-2003, § 1A, eff. 12-16-2003; Ord. 45-2003, § 10, eff. 12-31-2004; Ord. 23-2004, § 1C, eff. 12-20-2004; Ord. 32-2005, §§ 1B—1AA, eff. 11-23-2005; Ord. 38-2005, §§ 1A—1C, 1E—1G, eff. 12-30-2005; Ord. 39-2005, § 1, eff. 12-30-2005; Ord. 40-2005, § 1A, eff. 12-30-2005; Ord. 42-2005, §§ 19—24, eff. 12-30-2005; Ord. No. 2-2007, § 1(C), eff. 2-20-2007; Ord. 13-2007, §§ 1C, 1D, eff. 8-3-2007; Ord. No. 32-2009, § 2, eff. 12-11-2009; Ord. No. 1-2011, § 2, eff. 2-14-2011; Ord. No. 8-2013, §§ 1C, 1D, 1-31-2013; Ord. No. 25-2015, § 2, eff. 7-9-2015; Ord. No. 2-2018, § 27, eff. 2-15-2018; Ord. No. 4-2018, § 2, eff. 3-6-2018; Ord. No. 31-2018, § 10, eff. 8-6-2018; Ord. No. 34-2021, § 1, eff. 10-11-2021; Ord. No. 58-2021, § 2, eff. 12-27-2021; Ord. No. 17-2022, § 4, eff. 6-30-2022; Ord. No. 1-2023, § 11, eff. 3-1-2023; Ord. No. 4-2024, § 2, eff. 2-27-2024; Ord. No. 8-2024, § 2, eff. 5-8-2024; Ord. No. 13-2024, § 9, eff. 5-14-2024]
No permit shall be issued for any development or use of land unless the activity is in compliance with all applicable provisions of this Code, including the standards established in this section. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein unless otherwise specifically provided in this Chapter, or Chapter 926, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise or unless such meaning would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of Council.
Standards That Apply to Uses Listed in the Use Table.
The following standards apply to uses listed in the Use Table, to the extent stated.
Adult Entertainment.
Adult Entertainment uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Separation From Other Adult Entertainment Uses. The building housing an Adult Entertainment use shall not be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of any of the following uses: Adult Entertainment uses, Amusement Arcade, Hotel/Motel, bar or nightclub or Gaming Enterprise. This one thousand-foot area shall be defined by a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet from the center point of the subject building. This separation distance requirements may be waived upon a determination of the following:
That the proposed use shall not be contrary to the public interest or injurious to nearby properties, and that the spirit and intent of this Zoning Code shall be observed;
That the establishment of an additional regulated use in the area shall not be contrary to any program of neighborhood conservation nor shall it interfere with any program of urban renewal; and
That all applicable regulations of this Zoning Code shall be observed.
Separation From Other Uses. The building housing an Adult Entertainment use shall be located at least five hundred (500) feet from the following uses. The five hundred-foot area shall be defined by a radius of five hundred (500) feet from the property line of the subject building:
Religious Assembly;
Cultural Service;
Child Care Center;
Elementary or Secondary School;
Community Center;
Single-Unit Detached Residential;
Single-Unit Attached Residential;
Two-Unit Residential;
Three-Unit Residential; and
Public Assembly (General).
Prohibited Activities. An Adult Entertainment use shall not be conducted in any manner that provides the observation of any material depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas", from any public right-of-way. This provision shall apply to any display, decoration or show window.
Operational Standards.
Establish a minimum size space for adult cabaret performance.
Establish a minimum size space for showing movies or videos.
Stages are required for all live entertainment.
A floor layout of premises is required that ensures that the manager has visual control of the premises.
Operating days and hours shall be specified.
Access control measures shall be specified.
Posting and enforcement of a "no-loitering" policy is required.
All Adult Entertainment establishments shall be licensed with the Bureau of Building Inspections.
Agriculture (General).
Agriculture (General) shall be subject to the following standards:
The site shall be at least two (2) acres in size;
No structure, including beehives, chicken coops, or any similar accessory structures, except a dwelling unit shall be located within fifty (50) feet of any lot line;
The sale of non-mechanical agricultural and farm products that are grown, used, produced on site, or are part of an affiliated Community Supported Agriculture program shall be permitted and shall comply with the standards of Section 912.06, Outdoor Retail Sales and Service (Accessory Use);
Killing or dressing of animals raised on the premises shall be permitted if conducted entirely within an enclosed building;
The keeping of poultry birds, livestock, and domestic small farm animals shall be permitted within a securely fenced and enclosed area. Only chickens, ducks, bees, and goats may be permitted when there is not also a residential use of the property;
All animal structures and roaming areas shall be kept sanitary and free from accumulations of animal excrement and objectionable odor;
All seed, fertilizer, and animal feed shall be stored in a secured, rodent-proof container and housed within an enclosed structure; and
All applications shall be in compliance with Environmental Overlay District regulations of Chapter 906.
Agriculture (Limited) With Beekeeping.
Agriculture (Limited) with Beekeeping shall be subject to the following standards:
The sale of non-mechanical agricultural and farm products that are grown, used, produced on site, or are part of an affiliated Community Supported Agriculture program shall be permitted, and shall comply with the standards of Section 912.06, Outdoor Retail Sales and Service (Accessory Use);
The keeping of poultry, livestock, and domestic small farm animals is not permitted;
For property with a minimum of two thousand (2,000) square feet in size, the property owner is permitted to keep two (2) beehives. For every additional two thousand (2,000) square feet of property, the owner is permitted two (2) additional beehives;
All structures necessary for and related to the housing of honeybees shall be subject to any required setbacks of the underlying zoning district, but shall in all cases be a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line;
A "flyway barrier" of at least six (6) feet in height shall be provided at all places on the property line that are within twenty (20) feet of the hive(s). The "flyway barrier" shall consist of a solid fence or wall, dense vegetation, or combination thereof. No flyway is required for hives that are located on porches or balconies at least ten (10) feet above grade, except where such porch or balcony is located less than five (5) feet from a property line.
Roof-mounted beehives shall be located on primary and accessory structures no lower than ten (10) feet from grade and shall not be within the required setback;
All seed, fertilizer, or similar products shall be stored in a secured, rodent-proof container and housed within an enclosed structure; and
All applications shall be subject to the Environmental Overlay District regulations of Chapter 906.
Agriculture (Limited).
Agriculture (Limited) shall be subject to the following standards:
The sale of non-mechanical agricultural and farm products that are grown, used, produced on site, or are part of an affiliated Community Supported Agriculture program shall be permitted, and shall comply with the standards of Section 912.06, Outdoor Retail Sales and Service (Accessory Use);
The keeping of poultry, livestock, and domestic small farm animals is not permitted;
All seed, fertilizer, or similar products shall be stored in a secured, rodent-proof container and housed within an enclosed structure; and
All applications shall be subject to the Environmental Overlay District regulations of Chapter 906.
Amusement Arcade.
Amusement Arcades shall be subject to the following standards:
Location in Historic District Prohibited. The building shall not be located within a City Council designated "Historic District" per Chapter 1007 of the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances.
Located in Building Containing Residential Dwelling Units. When the arcade is located in a building containing residential dwelling units, the space to be occupied for arcade shall not be located directly above or beneath the residential space.
Separation from Residential Zoning Districts and Historic Districts. The arcade shall not be located within three hundred (300) feet of a LNC District, residential zoning district or City Council designated "Historic District," as measured from each pedestrian entrance or exit of the arcade to the nearest boundary of the LNC District, residential zoning district or "Historic District."
Separation From Other Uses. A lot containing an arcade shall not be located within five hundred (500) feet of a lot containing any of the following:
Other Amusement Arcade;
Religious Assembly;
Elementary or Secondary School;
Cultural Service;
Community Center; or
Park or Recreation (Limited).
Impact on Surrounding Community. Before approving an arcade use, the Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts on the community, taking into consideration traffic generation, the relationship of the proposed use to surrounding structures; the availability of parking; and hours of operation; and the volume of people.
Animal Care (Limited).
In the GT, DR and EMI Districts. Animal Care (Limited) uses in the GT, DR and EMI Districts shall be subject to the following standards:
Animal care activities shall be completely screened from view from any off-site location; and
The design of the structure shall include features that acoustically shield any animal noises from being heard outside the property line.
In the RIV, UC-E, UC-MU, and R-MU Districts. Animal Care (Limited) use in the RIV Districts shall be subject to the following standards:
The design of the structure shall include features that acoustically shield any animal noises from being heard outside the property line.
Assembly, Public (Limited).
In NDI, UNC, UI, RIV-MU, RIV-IMU, UC-E, UC-MU, and HC districts Assembly, Public (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
A traffic analysis shall be submitted demonstrating that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion in the district;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking required by the facility, and all traffic created by the facility, to be located outside of residential districts; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, noise generation, and the hours of operation.
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review Procedures of Section 922.04.
In P District. Assembly, Public (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
A traffic analysis shall be submitted demonstrating that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion in the district;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking required by the facility, and all traffic created by the facility, to be located outside of residential districts;
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, noise generation, and the hours of operation; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
In EMI districts Assembly, Public (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The design shall include devices which prevent noise associated with the use of the facility from being heard on other properties in the vicinity;
A traffic analysis shall be submitted demonstrating that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion in the district;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Assembly, Public (General).
In HC and UI Districts. Assembly, Public (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the HC and UI Districts:
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The transportation study shall illustrate that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion on the surrounding streets, and that residential streets in the vicinity shall not be used for parking for the proposed development;
The design shall include devices which prevent noise associated with the use of the facility from being heard on other properties in the vicinity;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
A traffic analysis shall be submitted demonstrating that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion in the district;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking to be located outside of residential districts; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation.
In P District. Assembly, Public (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
A traffic analysis shall be submitted demonstrating that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion in the district;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking required by the facility, and all traffic created by the facility, to be located outside of residential districts;
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, noise generation, and the hours of operation; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
In EMI Districts.
The design shall include devices which prevent noise associated with the use of the facility from being heard on other properties in the vicinity;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
A traffic analysis shall be submitted demonstrating that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion in the district;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking to be located outside of residential districts;
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation; and
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In RIV Districts.
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The transportation study shall illustrate that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion on the surrounding streets, and that residential streets in the vicinity shall not be used for parking for the proposed development;
The design shall include devices which prevent noise associated with the use of the facility from being heard on other properties in the vicinity;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking to be located outside of residential districts; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation.
Bed and Breakfast.
Bed and Breakfast uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The Bed and Breakfast use shall have a manager available on the premises on a twenty-four-hour-day basis while guests are on the premises;
Food and beverage service shall be limited to breakfast for registered, paying overnight guests except in the case of limited social and business functions held on premises;
Guests shall be limited to a maximum length of stay of fifteen (15) consecutive days in any thirty-day period;
Wherein limited retail sales limited to incidental, occupant convenience items, and marketing and promotional items of our city are allowed to be sold to guests and visitors on the premises provided that there is no indication of items for sale by way of exterior signs or window displays;
Wherein limited social and business functions may occur provided that:
The hours are limited to no later than 6:00 p.m. daily for bed and breakfasts (Limited); and no later than 11:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday for bed and breakfasts (General). No bed and breakfast shall host more than two (2) scheduled social or business functions per week.
Valet parking shall be provided having a minimum of one (1) parking stall for every four (4) occupants permitted under the occupancy placard issued by the Bureau of Building Inspection.
Strict compliance with the local noise ordinance is maintained.
Occupancy shall not exceed the number of persons listed on the occupancy placard by the Bureau of Building Inspection.
Any structure in which a Bed and Breakfast use is to be located shall not be enlarged to provide for more guest rooms or guest room accommodations if such an enlargement would intrude on any front, side or rear setback requirements of the zoning district in which it is located;
A license shall be obtained as provided by Chapter 701 of the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy;
A daily register of guests shall be maintained and made available for inspection by any City of Pittsburgh Code Enforcement Officer; and
No more than one (1) Bed and Breakfast use shall be permitted in a building and only in a single-unit residential structure.
The Bureau of Building Inspection shall designate at least on enforcement officer to be available during evening hours on weekdays and weekends to enforce the restrictions contained in this chapter.
A Bed and Breakfast Problem Solving Task Force is hereby created comprising Public Safety, Bureau of Building Inspection, City residents living adjacent to Bed and Breakfast, and representatives of Bed and Breakfast Association to (1) receive complaints and mediate disputes and (2) initiate a report to City Council at the end of twelve (12) months with recommendations for legislative amendments if needed. This shall take effect upon the date of the Mayor's signature (March 26, 1999), and will expire one (1) year later.
Bed and Breakfast (Limited).
In Residential and Grandview Public Realm, RIV-RM, and EMI Districts, Bed and Breakfast (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Bed and Breakfast (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in all residential and Grandview Public Realm zoning districts:
The Bed and Breakfast use shall be limited to no more than three (3) guest rooms, to be occupied by a total of no more than five (5) guests;
An identification sign, non-illuminated and no larger than four (4) square feet in size, shall be permitted only on the wall of the structure;
Automobile parking space shall be provided on the basis of one (1) parking stall for the resident operator and one (1) parking stall for each guest room within the boundaries of the same zoning lot in which the Bed and Breakfast use is approved. The zoning lot shall not include any building that is intended to be razed for parking purposes or has been razed at any time during a three-year period prior to an application for occupancy as a Bed and Breakfast; and
In R1D-VL and R1D-L Districts, a bed and breakfast use may only be located in a historically designated structure.
In the UC-E, UC-MU, and R-MU, parking shall be provided in accordance with the Parking Demand Analysis provisions of Section 914.02.B.
Bed and Breakfast (General).
In R2, RM, Grandview Public Realm, RIV-RM and EMI Zoning Districts, Bed and Breakfast (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The Bed and Breakfast use shall be limited to no more than ten (10) guest rooms and each guest room may provide lodging for up to two (2) individuals, unless children under the age of sixteen (16) years are accompanying the guests, and in no instance shall the total number of guests in a Bed and Breakfast use exceed thirty (30);
An identification sign, non-illuminated and no larger than four (4) square feet in size shall be permitted only on the wall of the structure; and
Automobile parking shall be provided on the basis of and shall not exceed two (2) parking stalls for the resident operator and one (1) parking stall for each guest room within the boundaries of the same zoning lot in which the Bed and Breakfast use is approved. The zoning lot shall not include any building that is intended to be razed for parking purposes or has been razed at any time during a three-year period prior to an application for occupancy for a Bed and Breakfast use.
In the UC-E, UC-MU, and R-MU, parking shall be provided in accordance with the Parking Demand Analysis provisions of Section 914.02.B.
Car Wash.
In all Districts. Car Wash uses shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection; and
The proposed use shall require Site Plan Review.
In the UNC District. Car Wash uses in the UNC District shall be subject to the following standards:
All primary uses shall be completely enclosed within a structure; and
Accessory uses, including, but not limited to, vacuum stations and window washing stations, shall be screened from the street and adjacent residential properties in accordance with the Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918.
In the UI District. Car Wash uses shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
In the NDI, and RIV-IMU, and UC-MU Districts, car wash uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection;
Curb cuts shall be minimized to the maximum extent feasible in order to achieve access to the site; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking, pedestrian safety, noise, and hours of operation.
Sufficient on-site roadways and parking areas shall be provided within Cemeteries to accommodate peak traffic demands.
Child Care (Limited and General).
Child Care (Limited and General) shall be subject to the health and safety, site, and transportation standards outlined in Title 55 of the Pennsylvania Code. In addition, the following standards shall apply:
In the GI District. Child Care uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI District:
Child Care uses shall be located and designed so as to protect children from any external impacts of industrial operations in the vicinity;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04;
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect users from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed location of such use will not create detrimental impacts for children attending such facility, taking into consideration surrounding industries, hazardous conditions, traffic generation and hours of operation.
In the UI, RIV-MU and RIV-IMU Districts. Child Care uses shall be subject to the following standards in the UI, RIV-MU and RIV-IMU Districts:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04;
Child Care uses shall be located and designed so as to protect children from any external impacts of industrial operations in the vicinity; and
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect users from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity.
In EMI Districts. Child Care uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Outdoor play areas shall be sufficiently enclosed and screened from the street such that children are protected from vehicular traffic, and that neighboring properties are screened in order to maximize external impacts of the play areas;
Parking shall be provided in location and manner that allows for all parking to be located outside of residential districts; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the site plan review procedures of Section 922.04.
Communication Towers and Antennas.
The following standards shall apply to all Communication Tower and Antenna Primary Uses:
The following standards shall apply to all Communication Tower and Antenna uses in all zoning districts in addition to the standards required for each Class of Tower (Class A, B, and C) listed hereafter:
In all zoning districts:
All Tower and Antenna applications on parcels of land shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator for the Administrator's review and comment.
All applications that are within a Public Right-of-Way shall be subject to all applicable guidelines and standards as adopted by the Art Commission, and all applicable standards and processes within the City Code regarding obstructions or otherwise dealing with structures within Rights-of-Way. Administration of approvals and permits within Rights-of-Way shall be as prescribed by the Director of Mobility and Infrastructure.
Applications shall be deemed complete only upon receipt of all requisite documents necessary for review including, but not limited to those listed in Section 911.04.A.13(a)(8), and certification that the submitted documents are adequately complete and accurate for review.
Applications where the subject is a Primary Use will be reviewed in accordance with the process and standards herein.
Applications where the subject is an Accessory Use or Structure will be reviewed by the Administrator as an Administrator's Exception and approved or rejected in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 922.08 and in accordance with the standards within Section 912.04.G. of the Code.
Applications where the subject is a Primary Use, and where the proposal meets the criteria below, will be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator as an Administrator's Exception and approved or rejected in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 922.08:
New Antenna locating and co-locating on an existing Tower or Alternative Antenna Support Structures.
New concealed, stealth or camouflaged Towers, Antenna, DAS or Alternative Antenna Support Structures which are designed to blend in with the surroundings, including but not limited to, Antennas located in a structure such as a church steeple, or bell tower but which are not noticeable to the reasonable observer, and Antennas disguised as things such as trees, flagpoles, chimneys, grain silos or anything consistent with the surroundings.
New Antenna installed on a structure other than a Tower; provided the Antenna and supporting electrical and mechanical equipment must be of a neutral color that is closely compatible with the color of the supporting structure so as to make the Antenna and related equipment as visually unobtrusive as possible. Specifically, the application will be reviewed to determine whether it is compatible with the neighborhood, the surrounding uses, and the skyline.
Amateur Radio Antennas up to eighty (80) feet, that are owned and operated, exclusively, by a federally licensed amateur radio station operator. Approval of said Amateur Radio Antennas is conditioned upon the lack of interference with immediate neighbors' quiet enjoyment of their property.
Temporary Towers and Antennas, where temporary means six (6) months or less, and said Towers and Antennas shall not exceed eighty (80) feet.
The owner shall maintain the Tower, Antenna, Communications Facility, Station and Transmission Equipment in compliance with standards contained in applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations.
All Towers, except concealed, stealth or camouflaged Towers and Antenna which are designed to blend in with the surroundings, and Alternative Antenna Support Structures shall be designed for collocation, which shall mean the ability of the structure to allow for the placement of antennae for three (3) or more tenants. As a condition of issuing a permit to construct or operate a Tower in the City, the owner/operator of the Tower is required to allow collocation until said Tower has reached maximum structural and frequency capacity. Any expansion of a Tower requires the entire site and/or Communications Facility to comply with the standards and conditions set forth in this Pittsburgh Zoning Code.
Communications Facility shall mean any accessory building, structure, equipment cabinet, Base Station, Transmission Equipment or any other equipment installed in connection with Towers and/or Antennas for the direct or indirect purpose of providing low power radio communications service and shall be:
Constructed so as to conform with all aspects of the Pittsburgh Code, including but not limited to, requirements regarding height, setback, lighting, landscaping, screening, construction materials, etc., and
Fully automated and unattended on a daily basis and shall be visited only for periodic maintenance, and
Accessed by means of a public street or easement to a public street. The easement shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width and shall be improved to a width of at least twelve (12) feet with a dust-free, all-weather surface for the entire length. The access shall be landscaped to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator.
A soil report complying with the standards of Appendix I: Geotechnical Investigations, ANSI/EIA-222-E, as amended, shall be submitted to the City, sealed by a Professional Engineer, to document and verify the design specifications of the foundation for the Communications Tower and/or Antenna, and anchors for the guy wires if used.
The Towers and Antennas erected thereon as well as free-standing Communication Antennas shall be designed to withstand wind gusts in accordance with in accordance with the current Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures, published by the Electrical Industrial Association/Telecommunications Industry Association and applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code and other applicable regulations, current BOCA Code standards and/or other applicable generally accepted industry standards, laws, ordinances and regulations.
All new Applications for Communications Towers shall be accompanied with a statement from an engineer qualified in the field of radio frequency engineering, certifying that the Communications Tower and Communications Facility are within the applicable standards adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, as the same shall exist at the time of application.
All applications shall include:
A map illustrating the location of the site for the proposed Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility. The site shall be physically and visually marked in the field, for immediate identification, with any combination of survey irons or flags.
Explanation from the Applicant as to why the site was selected. No new Tower or Antenna shall be permitted unless the Applicant submits evidence that demonstrates that no existing Tower, Antenna, Station, Communications Facility or structure can accommodate the Applicant's proposed antenna.
A written commitment to the Zoning Administrator from the owner/operator of the Tower that the owner/operator shall allow collocation on the Tower where structurally and economically feasible.
A visual analysis, which may include photo simulation or other techniques, which identifies the potential visual impacts of the proposed Tower, Antenna, Station or Communications Facility. Visual analysis of the Tower, Antenna, Station or Communications Facility shall be from at least two (2) directions.
Radio Frequency Propagation Maps.
A NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) Environmental Compliance Checklist prepared in accordance with Section 106 of NEPA; which shall be provided by the Applicant prior to the issuance of a permit.
A report by a certified engineer documenting the following:
Tower or Antenna height and design, including technical, engineering, collocation, economic and other pertinent factors governing selection of the proposed design. Height shall be measured to the highest point of the structure and/or the highest point of its accessory equipment or antenna, whichever is higher. A cross section of the Tower or Antenna shall be included.
Total anticipated capacity of the site, including number and types of Antennas which can be accommodated.
Evidence of structural integrity of the Tower and/or the Antenna structure.
Failure characteristics of the Tower and/or Antenna and demonstration that the site and setbacks are of adequate size to accommodate debris.
Ice hazards and mitigation measures which have been employed, including increased setbacks and/or deicing equipment.
Specific design and construction plans for the Tower, Antenna, Station or Communications Facility which include the means by which shared use requirements will be met.
Site plans.
A plot plan shall be submitted with the application showing the location and dimensions of the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and all improvements in the project area, including information concerning (if required) rights-of-way and easements, topography, setbacks, ingress/egress, parking, fencing, landscaping, screening, concealment, and adjacent zoning and uses. Concept plan approval by the Approving Body is required for applications requiring ZBA or City Council approval. Final Site Plan approval is required by the Zoning Administrator prior to the issuance of an Occupancy Permit. Final Site Plan approval by the Zoning Administrator is also required for administratively approved applications.
As part of the plot plan review, screening, fencing, or anti-climbing security features will be required, at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, around the base of the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and any shelters as listed in the Use Standards for the specific Class of Tower.
Abandoned Towers and Antennas.
The Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility shall be utilized continuously for communication services. In the event the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility ceases to be used for communication services for a period of six (6) consecutive months, the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility shall be removed. The Applicant may be granted an extension up to six (6) months at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator.
All abandoned Towers, Antennas, Stations and/or facilities improvements above ground and to three (3) feet below grade shall be removed within ninety (90) days of abandonment.
All unused building-mounted Antennas shall be removed within sixty (60) days of abandonment.
The Department of Permits, Licensing and Inspections, as well as the Department of Public Works and Department of Mobility and Infrastructure will monitor the Towers, Antennas, Stations and/or facilities for signs of abandonment.
Damaged/Destroyed Towers and Antennas. Any Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility damaged/destroyed by vandalism, terrorism, faulty construction or design, wind, ice, snow, earthquake, fire, or other act of nature or God, that was completely operational/functional at the time of the damage/destruction, must be repaired/replaced within six (6) months of damage/destruction. If the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility is not repaired/replaced within six (6) months the requirements under "Abandoned Towers and Antennas" will apply.
Replacement Towers and Antennas.
Any Tower or Antenna can be replaced with a similar Tower or Antenna for reasons of structural integrity, or advances that have been made in technology since the installation of the existing Tower, or for the installation of a less intrusive technology or stealth technology.
Replacement Towers must meet the requirements of this Section.
Replacement Towers must receive administrative approval and are subject to the fee schedule in this Section.
Communication Tower, Class A (zero (0) feet to eighty (80) feet). Communication Towers, Class A shall be subject to the following standards:
In NDI, UI and GI Districts. Communication Towers, Class A shall be subject to the following standards in the NDI, UI and GI Districts:
The structure shall comply with the setback requirements of the district. In addition, the Tower shall be set back a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from the lot line of any adjacent R-zoned lot that is occupied by one (1) or more dwelling units. Peripheral supports and guy anchors for radio or television transmission or receiving Towers may be located within required yards, provided that they shall be located entirely within the boundaries of the property on which the Tower is located and shall be located no closer than five (5) feet from any property line, and no closer than ten (10) feet from the lot line of an R-zoned lot that is occupied by one (1) or more dwelling units;
The Tower may exceed the height limit of the zoning district in which it is located to a height of no more than eighty (80) feet provided it is demonstrated to the Administrator that such height is necessary and essential for the proper functioning of the concerned Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and said Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility employs concealment, stealth technology, or is otherwise camouflaged with a design to blend in with the surroundings or otherwise be disguised consistent with the surroundings;
The applicant shall demonstrate to satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator that such use is reasonably necessary at the proposed location for the convenience of the people at large or for the general welfare and that the proposed Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility cannot be co-located on an existing structure. The information submitted by the applicant shall include a map of the area to be served by the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and the relationship of the proposed site to other telecommunications Towers, Antennas, Stations and/or facilities;
A fence or wall not less than six and one-half (6½) feet in height from finished grade shall be constructed around each Tower and around each guy anchor and peripheral support. The fence or wall shall comply with all provisions of this Zoning Code, including but not limited to the relevant provisions of Chapters 918 and 925 of this Zoning Code, as well as with the following standards:
Access to the Tower shall be through a locked gate in the required fence or wall;
The required fencing shall consist of a masonry wall or solid fence with trees planted along the exterior of the wall or fence, or an open fence with an evergreen screen that consists of a continuous hedge with a minimum height of five (5) feet with trees planted along the exterior of the screen. Tree plantings shall consist of three-inch minimum caliper deciduous or evergreen trees planted twenty (20) feet on center maximum. Existing vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible; and
If high voltage is necessary for the operation of the Tower and it is present in a ground grid or in the Tower, signs located every twenty (20) feet and attached to the fence or wall shall display in large bold letters the following: "HIGH VOLTAGE - DANGER";
The Tower shall not encroach into or through any established public or private airports approach path as established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA);
All obsolete or unused Towers shall be removed within six (6) months of cessation of use;
The Tower shall comply with current Federal Communications Commission standards for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER);
The Tower may be located on lots occupied by another primary use and may occupy a leased parcel on a lot meeting the minimum lot size requirement of the district in which it is located; and
No Antenna or Tower structure shall be illuminated, except as may be required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or the Federal Communication Commission (FCC).
In all other Districts. Communication Towers, Class A shall be subject to the following standards in all districts except NDI, UI and GI:
Communication Towers shall be located on a zoning lot complying with the yard requirements of the zoning district in which such use is located, except that the widths of certain yards shall be as follows:
The minimum setback between Communication Towers and property lines of non-residentially zoned lots shall be at a distance equal to twenty (20) percent of the height of the Tower;
Communication Towers shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any existing or planned right-of-way; and
Communication Towers shall be set back a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from the lot line of any adjacent R-zoned lot that is occupied by one (1) or more dwelling units.
Peripheral and guy anchors for Communication Towers may be located within required yards, provided that they shall be located entirely within the boundaries of the property on which the Tower is located and shall be located no closer than five (5) feet from any property line, and no closer than ten (10) feet from the lot line of an R-zoned lot that is occupied by one (1) or more dwelling units.
The Tower may exceed the height limit of the zoning district in which it is located provided it is demonstrated to Council that such height is necessary and essential for the proper functioning of the concerned Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and said Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility employs concealment, stealth technology, or is otherwise camouflaged with a design to blend in with the surroundings or otherwise be disguised consistent with the surroundings.
When a Communication Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility is proposed to be located in any district, the applicant shall demonstrate to satisfaction of Council that such use is reasonably necessary at the proposed location for the convenience of the people at large or for the general welfare and that the proposed Communication Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility cannot be co-located on an existing structure and that a diligent effort was made to locate on an existing structure. The information submitted by the Applicant shall include a map of the area to be served by the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and the relationship of the proposed site to other telecommunications Towers.
When the proposed site is in any residential district, the Applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of Council that the proposed Communication Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility cannot be co-located on an existing Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility within a nonresidential district and that a diligent effort was made to locate on an existing structure. The information submitted by the Applicant shall include a map of the area to be served by the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and the relationship of the proposed site to other telecommunications Towers.
A fence or wall not less than six and one-half (6½) feet in height from finished grade shall be constructed around each Communication Tower and around each guy anchor and peripheral support. The fence or wall shall comply with all provisions of this Zoning Code, including but not limited to the relevant provisions of Chapters 918 and 925 of this Zoning Code, as well as with the following standards:
Access to the Tower shall be through a locked gate in the required fence or wall;
In accordance with Chapter 918, the required fencing shall consist of a masonry wall or solid fence with trees planted along the exterior of the wall or fence, or an open fence with an evergreen screen that consists of a continuous hedge with a minimum height of five (5) feet with trees planted along the exterior of the screen. Tree plantings shall consist of three-inch minimum caliper deciduous or evergreen trees planted twenty (20) feet on center maximum. Existing vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible; and
If high voltage is necessary for the operation of the radio or television transmission or receiving Tower and it is present in a ground grid or in the Tower, signs located every twenty (20) feet and attached to the fence or wall shall display in large bold letters the following: "HIGH VOLTAGE - DANGER".
Communication Towers shall not encroach into or through any established public or private airport approach path as established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
All obsolete or unused Communication Towers shall be removed within six (6) months of cessation of use.
Communication Towers shall comply with current Federal Communication Commission standards for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER).
Communication Towers may be located on lots occupied by another primary use and may occupy a leased parcel on a lot meeting the minimum lot size requirement of the district in which it is located.
No antenna or Tower structure shall be illuminated, except as may be required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or the Federal Communication Commission (FCC).
Communication Tower, Class B (eighty-one (81) feet to one hundred eighty (180) feet can be allowed as Special Exceptions in accordance with the Review Procedures of Section 922.07; and Class C (one hundred eighty-one (181) feet and above) can be allowed as Conditional Uses in accordance with the Review Procedures of Section 922.06: Communication Towers, Class B and Communication Towers, Class C shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:
Communication Towers shall be located on a zoning lot complying with the yard requirements of the zoning district in which such use is located, except that the widths of certain yards shall be as follows:
The minimum setback between Communication Towers and property lines of non-residentially zoned lots shall be at a distance equal to twenty (20) percent of the height of the Tower;
Communication Towers shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any existing or planned right-of-way; and
Communication Towers shall be set back a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from the lot line of any adjacent R-zoned lot that is occupied by one (1) or more dwelling unit.
Peripheral and guy anchors for Communication Towers may be located within required yards, provided that they shall be located entirely within the boundaries of the property on which the Tower is located and shall be located no closer than five (5) feet from any property line, and no closer than ten (10) feet from the lot line of an R-zoned lot that is occupied by one (1) or more dwelling units.
Class B and C Communication Towers' height must be demonstrated to the appropriate approving body, such as the ZBA, Planning Commission or City Council that such height is necessary and essential for the proper functioning of the concerned Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and said Tower, Antenna, Station and/or facility employs concealment, stealth technology, or is otherwise camouflaged with a design to blend in with the surroundings or otherwise be disguised consistent with the surroundings.
When a Class B or C Communication Tower is proposed to be located in any district, the Applicant shall demonstrate to satisfaction of the appropriate approving body, such as the ZBA, Planning Commission or City Council that such use is reasonably necessary at the proposed location for the convenience of the people at large or for the general welfare and that the proposed Communication Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility cannot be co-located on an existing Tower, Antenna, Station and/or facility and that a diligent effort was made to locate on an existing structure. The information submitted by the Applicant shall include a map of the area to be served by the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and the relationship of the proposed site to other telecommunications Towers.
When the proposed site is in any residential district, the Applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the appropriate approving body, such as the ZBA, Planning Commission or City Council that the proposed Communication Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility cannot be co-located on an existing Tower, Antenna, Station and/or facility within a nonresidential district and that a diligent effort was made to locate on an existing structure. The information submitted by the Applicant shall include a map of the area to be served by the Tower, Antenna, Station and/or Communications Facility and the relationship of the proposed site to other telecommunications Towers.
A fence or wall not less than six and one-half (6½) feet in height from finished grade shall be constructed around each Communication Tower and around each guy anchor and peripheral support. The fence or wall shall comply with all provisions of this Zoning Code, including but not limited to the relevant provisions of Chapters 918 and 925 of this Zoning Code, as well as with the following standards:
Access to the Tower shall be through a locked gate in the required fence or wall;
The required fencing shall consist of a masonry wall or solid fence with trees planted along the exterior of the wall or fence, or an open fence with an evergreen screen that consists of a continuous hedge with a minimum height of five (5) feet with trees planted along the exterior of the screen. Tree plantings shall consist of three-inch minimum caliper deciduous or evergreen trees planted twenty (20) feet on center maximum. Existing vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible; and
If high voltage is necessary for the operation of the Communication Tower and it is present in a ground grid or in the Tower, signs located every twenty (20) feet and attached to the fence or wall shall display in large bold letters the following: "HIGH VOLTAGE - DANGER".
Communication Towers shall not encroach into or through any established public or private airport approach path as established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
All obsolete or unused Communication Towers shall be removed within six (6) months of cessation of use.
Communication Towers shall comply with current Federal Communication Commission standards for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER).
Communication Towers may be located on lots occupied by another primary use and may occupy a leased parcel on a lot meeting the minimum lot size requirement of the district in which it is located.
No Antenna or Tower structure shall be illuminated, except as may be required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or the Federal Communication Commission (FCC).
Community Center (Limited and General).
Community Center (Limited).
In all Residential, Grandview Public Realm, and RIV-RM Districts, R-MU Community Center (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Potential detrimental impacts of traffic and parking shall be addressed, taking into consideration the needs of events which may occur on site;
All activities conducted on the premises of the Community Center shall be noncommercial and nonprofit;
The Approving Body shall determine that the Community Center use will not be detrimental impacts to the neighborhood, taking into consideration the physical relationship of the proposed use to the surrounding structures, the probable hours of operation, social activities to be conducted and the number of people using the premises at any one (1) time; and
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply.
In NDO District. Community Center (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Potential detrimental impacts of traffic and parking shall be addressed, taking into consideration the needs of events which may occur on site;
All activities conducted on the premises of the Community Center shall be noncommercial and nonprofit; and
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply.
In all UI and EMI Districts. Community Center (Limited and General uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review Procedures of Section 922.04; and
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect users from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity.
Community Center (General).
In NDO Districts. Community Center (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Potential detrimental impacts of traffic and parking shall be addressed, taking into consideration the needs of events which may occur on site;
All activities conducted on the premises of the Community Center shall be noncommercial and nonprofit;
The Approving Body shall determine that the Community Center use will not be detrimental impacts to the neighborhood, taking into consideration the physical relationship of the proposed use to the surrounding structures, the probable hours of operation, social activities to be conducted and the number of people using the premises at any one (1) time; and
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply.
In P and Grandview Public Realm Districts. Community Center (General) uses in the P and Grandview Public Realm Districts shall be subject to the following standards:
Potential detrimental impacts of traffic and parking shall be addressed, taking into account the needs of events which may occur on site;
All activities conducted on the premises of the Community Center shall be noncommercial and nonprofit;
The Approving Body shall determine that the Community Center use will not create detrimental impacts to the neighborhood, taking into consideration the physical relationship of the proposed use to the surrounding structures, the probable hours of operation, social activities to be conducted, and the number of people using the premises at any one (1) time; and
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply.
In EMI Districts. Community Center (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking to be located outside of residential areas.
In RIV Districts and R-MU. Community Center (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Potential detrimental impacts of traffic and parking shall be addressed, taking into consideration the needs of events which may occur on site; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the Community Center use will not create detrimental impacts to the neighborhood, taking into consideration the physical relationship of the proposed use to the surrounding structures, the probable hours of operation, social activities to be conducted and the number of people using the premises at any one (1) time.
Construction Contractor (Limited).
In LNC, NDI, UNC, and RIV Districts. Construction Contractor (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC, NDI, UNC, and RIV Districts:
All storage of materials and vehicles shall be within a completely enclosed structure; and
Sufficient space shall be provided to park and store all construction vehicles off the public rights-of-way.
Correctional Facility (Limited).
Correctional Facility (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The facility shall be designed to address the safety of those within and outside of the facility;
Walls, fences, and other physical barriers shall be designed to be compatible with the architecture of the facility, and shall not include barbed wire, razor wire or other similar devices;
The facility shall be located within convenient walking distance of public transportation service;
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation and the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures; and
The Approving Body shall request a report and recommendation from the Planning Director on the planning aspects of the proposed use and structures.
Correctional Facility (General).
Correctional Facilities (General) shall be subject to the following standards:
The facility shall be designed to address the safety of those within and outside of the facility;
Walls, fences, and other physical barriers shall be designed to be compatible with the architecture of the facility, and shall not include barbed wire, razor wire or other similar devices;
The facility shall be located within convenient walking distance of public transportation service;
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation and the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures; and
The Approving Body shall request a report and recommendation from the Planning Director on the planning aspects of the proposed use and structures.
Cultural Service (Limited).
In Residential and RIV-RM Districts. Cultural Service (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in residential districts:
Parking demand shall be addressed in a manner which does not interfere with parking spaces required for surrounding residential uses;
All activities conducted on the premises of the Cultural Service shall be noncommercial and nonprofit;
The Approving Body shall determine that the such use will not create detrimental impacts on the neighborhood, taking into consideration the physical relationship of the proposed use to the surrounding structures, the probable hours of operation, social activities to be conducted and the number of people using the premises at any one (1) time; and
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply.
In the P District. Cultural Service (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
Potential detrimental impacts of traffic and parking shall be addressed, taking into consideration the needs of events which may occur on site;
All activities conducted on the premises of the Cultural Service shall be noncommercial and nonprofit; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
In NDO Districts. Cultural Service (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Parking demand shall be addressed in a manner which does not interfere with parking spaces required for surrounding residential uses; and
All activities conducted on the premises of the cultural service shall be noncommercial and nonprofit; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
In EMI Districts.
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Cultural Service (General).
In NDI and LNC Districts. Cultural Service (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the NDI and LNC Districts:
Cultural Service (General) uses shall be controlled in such a manner as to offer reasonable protection to the neighborhood against possible detrimental impacts, taking into consideration the physical relationship to surrounding properties, the hours of operation and access to the site;
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the LNC and NDI Districts; and
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets.
In the P District. Cultural Service (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
Potential detrimental impacts of traffic and parking shall be addressed, taking into consideration the needs of events which may occur on site;
All activities conducted on the premises of the Cultural Service shall be noncommercial and nonprofit; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
In the GI District. Cultural Service (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI District:
Parking facilities shall be designed and located to avoid disruption of industrial facilities in the area;
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby streets;
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The transportation study shall illustrate that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion on the surrounding streets;
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect users from any external impacts of industry in the vicinity; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding district, taking into consideration potential traffic generation, pedestrian access, and hours of operation.
In EMI Districts. Cultural Service (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the emission of noise or glaring light, and proposed accessory uses, such as meeting facilities;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Educational Classroom Space (Limited).
In non-EMI Districts. Educational Classroom Space (Limited) shall be subject to the following standards:
The design of the structure shall follow the district's development standards for commercial uses;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designated as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
Access to the facility shall be addressed in a manner which emphasizes the use of public transit to the facility, and clearly meets the peak demands of the facility in a manner which does not require the use of parking spaces on residential streets; and
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the impacts of parking in surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
In EMI districts. Educational Classroom Space (Limited) shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Educational Classroom Space (General).
In UNC Districts. Educational Classroom Space (General) shall be subject to the following standards:
The design of the structure shall follow the district's development standards for commercial uses;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
Access to the facility shall be addressed in a manner which emphasizes the use of public transit to the facility, and clearly meets the peak demands of the facility in a manner which does not require the use of parking spaces on residential streets; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the impacts of parking in surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;
In EMI Districts. Educational Classroom Space (Limited) shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In RIV Districts. Educational Classroom Space (General) shall be subject to the following standards:
Access to the facility shall be addressed in a manner which emphasizes the use of public transit to the facility, and clearly meets the peak demands of the facility in a manner which does not require the use of parking spaces on residential streets; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the impacts of parking in surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building.
In the UC-E and UC-MU, Educational Classroom Space (Limited and General) shall be subject to the following standards:
Access to the facility shall be addressed in a manner which emphasizes the use of public transit to the facility, and clearly meets the peak demands of the facility in a manner which does not require the use of parking spaces on residential streets; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the impacts of parking in surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building.
Educational Classroom Space shall be permitted only in mixed use structures where there is at least one (1) additional primary use. The two (2) or more primary uses may be under common ownership or control, but it is not required. The Educational Classroom Space shall be less than fifty (50) percent of the Gross Floor Area in the mixed-use structure in the UC-MU. The Educational Classroom Space shall be less than eighty (80) percent of the Gross Floor Area in the mixed-use structure in the UC-E. For purposes of this calculation, shared spaces between the primary uses shall be excluded from the calculation of Gross Floor Area.
Excavation/Grading/Fill, Major.
Excavation, Grading or Fill, Major operations and any temporary or permanent construction or facilities associated with such operation shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed operation shall meet all requirements of the Land Operations Ordinance and Title 13: Stormwater Management, as applicable;
The operation shall be controlled in such a manner as to offer reasonable protection to the neighborhood against possible detrimental impacts, taking into consideration the physical relationship to surrounding properties and access to the site;
Residential streets shall not be used for routing of vehicles serving the excavation or fill, unless there is no other physical option; and
A plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Director addressing the number of vehicles that will access the site and the routes the vehicles will travel. The plan and proposed use of any street for incidental trucking operations shall have the approval of the Department of Public Works and the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure.
Forestry Uses Shall be Subject to the Following Standards:
Site Plan (Logging Plan) Review will be required as per Section 922.04.
Such a plan must be drawn to scale and in addition to information required in Section 922.09 of the Zoning Code depict: the location of trees to be cut and residual stands; the location of all skid roads, skid trails and log landings; the location of any streams or wetlands; the location of curb cuts; the location of public or private easements; the location of any residential structure within fifty (50) feet of the property line.
Forestry activities shall be at least fifty (50) feet from property lines.
Forestry activities shall be at least one hundred (100) feet from a residential structure.
Debris shall not be stored within the previously specified setbacks.
Log Landings, skid roads and skid trails as specific forestry activities shall observe previously specified setbacks.
Access to haul roads shall be via an approved curb cut.
Forestry activities shall not occur between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. and may have further restrictions placed on hours of operation as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
Prior to approval, the Zoning Administrator will require the approval of all haul roads by the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure.
Timber harvesting shall not occur on slopes greater than forty (40) percent.
No more than fifty (50) percent of the trees shall be removed on slopes greater than twenty-five (25) percent.
No more than fifty (50) percent of the trees shall be removed within fifty (50) feet of any stream or wetland.
Compliance with Environmental Overlay Districts (906) requirements must be assured.
An approved revegetation plan depicting the planting of specific species by area is required; no invasive species may be employed in that planting plan.
Proof of liability insurance naming the property owner and the City of Pittsburgh as insured or additional insureds with combined coverage of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00).
Compliance with all applicable City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Federal laws.
Fraternity/Sorority and Dormitory.
Fraternity/Sorority. Fraternity/Sorority uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The building shall be used solely for undergraduate or graduate students of an educational institution;
The building shall be located with the EMI District of the institution at which the students are enrolled;
An Operation and Management Plan for the proposed Fraternity/Sorority use shall be submitted as part of the occupancy permit application and shall describe programs of operation and management including but not limited to:
Uses and activities that will occur in conjunction with the Fraternity/Sorority use;
Hours of operation of non-residential services;
Noise control; and
Traffic generation.
The Approving Body shall determine that the such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the Operation and Management Plan, probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the impacts of parking in surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Dormitory. Dormitory uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The building shall be used solely for undergraduate or graduate students of an educational institution;
The building shall be located within the same district of the institution at which the students are enrolled;
An Operation and Management Plan for the proposed Dormitory use shall be submitted as part of the occupancy permit application and shall describe programs of operation and management including but not limited to:
Use and activity that will occur in conjunction with the Dormitory use;
Hours of operation of non-residential services;
Noise control; and
Traffic generation.
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the Operation and Management Plan, probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the impacts of parking in surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Freight Terminal.
In HC and RIV Districts. Freight Terminals shall be subject to the following standards in the HC District:
Every portion of the property used for Freight Terminal purposes shall be located not closer than two hundred (200) feet to any property in a R or H District, and one hundred (100) feet from any property in a NDI, UNC or LNC District;
Access for motor-freight vehicles shall be by way of streets of adequate width as determined by the Approving Body;
The site shall be fully enclosed with a barrier adequate to insure that no portion of a vehicle shall extend beyond the lot line;
In addition to adequate area within the site for docking, manipulation and maneuver of motor-freight vehicles, a reservoir of parking area for motor-freight vehicles waiting to be loaded or unloaded, shall be provided at the rate of one (1) parking space sufficient to park a motor freight vehicle for every four (4) loading or unloading docks;
The site shall be designed in such a manner as to permit forward movement of all vehicles both upon entering and upon leaving the site; and
The number, location and width of entrances to and exits from the site shall be determined by the Approving Body after recommendations thereon by the Department of Public Works and Bureau of Traffic Engineering and/or Department of Mobility and Infrastructure.
Funeral Home.
Funeral Home uses shall be subject to the following standards:
There shall be no crematory or receiving vault on the premises, and no preparation room or display of merchandise visible from outside the main or accessory building;
No loading or unloading shall be permitted on public right-of-way; and
No parking or standing of motor vehicles accessory to the Funeral Home shall occur on adjoining streets other than passenger automobiles when funeral processions are being organized.
Golf Course.
Golf Course uses shall be subject to the following standards:
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the design and location of the parking facility is screened from surrounding residential properties and has created the minimum possible disruption to the landscape.
Hazardous Operations.
Hazardous Operations shall be subject to the following standards:
Hazardous Operations shall not be permitted within three hundred (300) feet of any districts other than GI or RIV-GI;
Hazardous Operations shall not be permitted within a distance determined by the Fire Department, as necessary to secure special protection to such public facilities as bridges, tunnels, highway interchanges, power stations, communication centers and the like; and
Suitable measures shall be taken for the disposal of waste without adversely affecting adjacent areas.
Helicopter Landing Facilities.
The following regulations shall govern and control the erection, installation and enlargement of all helicopter facilities, including Heliports, Helipads and Helistops.
A helicopter landing area shall not be approved if its associated approach/departure flight path extends over an Elementary or Secondary School which has a minimum of fifty (50) students attending on a regular basis, school stadium, school playground, or school sports field. The Zoning Board of Adjustment or City Council may allow the approach/departure flight path associated with a medical use helicopter landing area to fly over a school if that portion of the flight path is at least nine hundred (900) feet from the landing area and it can be demonstrated there is no feasible alternative flight path.
A helicopter landing area shall be located at least one hundred eighty (180) feet from a school stadium, playground, school athletic field or public right-of-way adjacent to and within one-quarter (¼) mile of such school facilities. The Zoning Board of Adjustment may allow a medical landing area to be closer if it can be demonstrated that sufficient barriers exist, between the landing area and the pertinent above features, which would assure there would be no fire danger, associated with three hundred fifty (350) gallons of jet fuel burning on the landing area, to any person located on the pertinent above features.
A helicopter landing area shall be located at least four hundred (400) feet from an Elementary or Secondary School building which has a minimum regular attendance of fifty (50) or more students.
A helicopter landing area with more than three (3) flights per month occurring between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall be located at least four hundred (400) feet from residential uses in residential, RP, AP, SP, and LNC Districts.
A helicopter landing area with three (3) or fewer flights per month occurring between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall be located at least three hundred (300) feet from residential uses in residential, RP, AP, SP, and LNC Districts.
A helicopter landing area shall not be permitted on rooftops in the GT and RIV-NS Districts.
A helicopter landing area shall be spaced at least two thousand (2,000) feet from any other helicopter landing area. This spacing requirement may be reduced to one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet if it is demonstrated that all associated approach/departure flight paths are at least one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet from one (1) another and there is a compelling need for that landing area that cannot otherwise be met.
A helicopter landing area shall be setback at least fifty (50) feet from property lines.
A helicopter landing area shall be licensed by State or Federal licensing agencies such as the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Bureau of Aviation (PennDOT-BOA) and/or Federal Aviation Administration prior to becoming operational, and shall continue to be in compliance with such licensing regulations.
A helicopter landing area shall have primary and secondary approach/departure paths approved by the Federal Aviation Administration or PennDOT BOA when required. Such flight paths shall reflect cognizance of zoning district height limitations, air rights and topographic features.
Any significant change, subsequent to zoning approval, in aircraft related technology employed at the facility or related to the craft using the facility shall be approved by the pertinent State, Federal and local zoning and public safety approval authorities. Such changes include but are not limited to the provision of instrument flight capabilities, change in type of fuel used, use of vertical takeoff/landing craft other than helicopters, use of helicopters larger than for which the pad was designed applying PennDOT and FAA design criteria, or use of helicopters which produce an increase of three (3) db in noise levels, measured at a four hundred-foot distance, over the craft previously used at the site.
A helicopter landing area shall maintain a log of all arrivals and departures indicating time of arrival, time of departure, operator and owner. A helicopter medical private use landing area shall maintain a log of all arrivals and departures indicating time of arrival, time of departure, operator, owner and purpose of trip. This log shall be submitted quarterly in April, June, October and January to the Zoning Administrator.
A helicopter landing area shall meet any other conditions required by the pertinent approval authorities such as the Zoning Board of Adjustment, City Planning Commission and City Council, and compliance with the City Building Code, relating to hours of operation; number of helicopters based, type of operations, surface transportation, parking, site circulation, screening or other aspects of the site development or use.
Applicants for a helicopter landing area shall submit a site plan as depicted by and with the seal of a registered engineer or architect or surveyor depicting pertinent setback and spacing requirements and all associated approach/departure flight paths. The applicant shall also submit evidence that the Allegheny County Aviation Department (ACAD) has been notified of the landing area proposal and has been invited to comment directly to the Zoning Administrator within a thirty-day period commencing on ACAD's receipt of notification.
Helipads shall comply with the following requirements:
Helipads shall comply with the Helicopter Landing Facility requirements of Section 911.04.A.28;
An environmental report addressing the pertinent sixteen (16) specific environmental categories (out of twenty (20) categories) outlined by the Federal Aviation Administration in Order 5050.4A. Airport Environmental Handbook (as may be amended), shall be submitted by the applicant to the City Planning Commission so that the environmental effects of the proposed heliport along with the proposed use, purpose and need of the heliport can serve as the basis for the Planning Commission's recommendation to City Council concerning approval of the proposed heliport. In evaluating the impact of the environmental categories, the reviewing authority shall adopt and use for helicopter landing areas the regulations and descriptions of the specific impact categories contained in the Federal Aviation Administration Order 5050.4A. Airport Environmental Handbook as may be amended. The sixteen (16) categories are:
Noise in terms of Ldn via analysis utilizing the FAA helicopter noise model;
Compatible land use within four hundred (400) feet of the heliport and under approach/departure paths and associated transition zones;
Social impacts;
Induced socioeconomic impacts;
Air quality;
Water quality;
Department of Transportation Section 4(f) lands involving public parks and recreation areas;
Historical, architectural, archaeological and cultural resources;
Biotic communities, wildlife refuges or Greenways;
Flora and fauna;
Energy supply and natural resources;
Light emissions;
Solid waste impacts; and
Construction impacts.
Heliports shall be subject to the following standards in the GI, RIV-GI, and MP Districts:
Heliports shall comply with the Helicopter Landing Facility requirements of Section 911.04.A.28;
An environmental report addressing the pertinent sixteen (16) specific environmental categories (out of twenty (20) categories) outlined by the Federal Aviation Administration in Order 5050.4A. Airport Environmental Handbook (as may be amended), shall be submitted by the applicant to the City Planning Commission so that the environmental effects of the proposed heliport along with the proposed use, purpose and need of the heliport can serve as the basis for the Planning Commission's recommendation to City Council concerning approval of the proposed heliport. In evaluating the impact of the environmental categories, the reviewing authority shall adopt and use for helicopter landing areas the regulations and descriptions of the specific impact categories contained in the Federal Aviation Administration Order 5050.4A. Airport Environmental Handbook as may be amended. The sixteen (16) categories are:
Noise in terms of Ldn via analysis utilizing the FAA helicopter noise model;
Compatible land use within four hundred (400) feet of the heliport and under approach/departure paths and associated transition zones;
Social impacts;
Induced socioeconomic impacts;
Air quality;
Water quality;
Department of Transportation Section 4(f) lands involving public parks and recreation areas;
Historical, architectural, archaeological and cultural resources;
Biotic communities, wildlife refuges or Greenways;
Flora and fauna;
Energy supply and natural resources;
Light emissions;
Solid waste impacts; and
Construction impacts.
The report shall also address the heliport's effect on ground transportation, parking, steep slopes, stormwater management, utilities and zoning compliance. In addition to identifying project effects the report shall identify potential mitigation measures for any significant effect and shall address project alternatives (no project, another site or another scale). The environmental report submission is in addition to site plan requirements and other pertinent information requested by the Zoning Administrator.
Helistops shall be subject to the following standards:
Helistops shall comply with the Helicopter Landing Facility requirements of Section 911.04.A.28;
Applicants shall submit a noise analysis demonstrating the noise impact in terms of Ldn. If this analysis demonstrates a +3 dBLdn increase due to the helistop and this increase results in noise levels exceeding seventy-five (75) dBLdn at residential uses in residential zoning districts, the application shall be denied.
An environmental report addressing the pertinent sixteen (16) specific environmental categories (out of twenty (20) categories) outlined by the Federal Aviation Administration in Order 5050.4A. Airport Environmental Handbook (as may be amended), shall be submitted by the applicant to the City Planning Commission so that the environmental effects of the proposed heliport along with the proposed use, purpose and need of the heliport can serve as the basis for the Planning Commission's recommendation to City Council concerning approval of the proposed heliport. In evaluating the impact of the environmental categories, the reviewing authority shall adopt and use for helicopter landing areas the regulations and descriptions of the specific impact categories contained in the Federal Aviation Administration Order 5050.4A. Airport Environmental Handbook as may be amended. The sixteen (16) categories are:
Noise in terms of Ldn via analysis utilizing the FAA helicopter noise model;
Compatible land use within four hundred (400) feet of the heliport and under approach/departure paths and associated transition zones;
Social impacts;
Induced socioeconomic impacts;
Air quality;
Water quality;
Department of Transportation Section 4(f) lands involving public parks and recreation areas;
Historical, architectural, archaeological and cultural resources;
Biotic communities, wildlife refuges or Greenways;
Flora and fauna;
Energy supply and natural resources;
Light emissions;
Solid waste impacts; and
Construction impacts.
Helistops in GT, CP, SP, UI, GI, RIV-IMU, RIV-NS, and EMI Districts.
The following standards shall apply to all Helistops in GT, CP, SP, UI, GI, RIV-IMU, RIV-NS, and EMI Districts:
The applicant shall submit a noise analysis demonstrating the noise impact in terms of Ldn. If this analysis demonstrates a +3 dBLdn increase due to the helistop and this increase results in noise levels exceeding seventy-five (75) dBLdn at residential uses in R, RP, AP, SP, UNC or LNC Districts, the application shall be denied.
The applicant shall submit an environmental report addressing environmental categories listed in subsection 911.04.A.30, entitled Heliports in GI and RIV-GI Districts.
Hotel/Motel (Limited).
In LNC, UNC and NDI Districts. Hotel/Motel (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC, UNC and NDI Districts:
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the UNC and NDI Districts; and
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets.
In EMI Districts. Hotel/Motel (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In RIV Districts and UC-E, UC-MU, and R-MU, Hotel/Motel (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation; and
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets.
Hotel/Motel (General).
In UNC, LNC and NDI Districts. Hotel/Motel (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the UNC Districts;
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets;
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the emission of noise or glaring light, and proposed accessory uses such as restaurants and meeting facilities; and
The Approving Body shall request a recommendation from the Planning Director on the Planning aspects of the proposed use and structures.
In EMI Districts. Hotel/Motel (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In the RIV-MU District, UC-E, UC-MU, and R-MU. Hotel/Motel (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the emission of noise or glaring light, and proposed accessory uses such as restaurants and meeting facilities.
Housing for the Elderly.
In all Districts except RIV and UC-E, UC-MU, and R-MU. Housing for the Elderly (Limited and General) shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:
Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with group living needs for comfort, health, safety and welfare of elderly persons such as dispensaries, medical facilities, common dining facilities, group recreation facilities and similar or related facilities;
The development should be located in an area of determined need for such housing, but should not be of such a scale as to create a demographic imbalance with the neighborhood;
The site should be in an area of relatively flat terrain;
The site should be reasonably accessible to food markets, drug stores, medical facilities and social services;
The site shall have reasonable access to public transit;
The development shall provide common dining and social rooms;
The site shall not be immediately adjacent to noise and pollution producing activities;
Not less than forty (40) percent of the required lot shall be in usable open space at ground level, not less than eight (8) feet in width, located, arranged and oriented to provide optimal exposure to fresh air and sunlight, and developed and maintained to suit the needs of elderly people. Equivalent open space, not on the same zoning lot but easily accessible for elderly people located on public land in public control or under contractual agreement with the applicant, may be considered as meeting this requirement; and
The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular programs or residents of the facility will require such additional parking;
In Residential Districts and RIV-RM. Housing for the Elderly shall be subject to the following standards in all residential zoning districts:
The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the residential character of the surrounding area;
The Approving Body may permit additional density beyond that permitted in the district, but not to exceed four hundred fifty (450) square feet per unit, if it finds that the additional density will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, and the design and location of parking facilities relative to surrounding properties;
In the UI District. Housing for the Elderly uses in the UI District shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
In RIV-MU, RIV-NS, and RIV-IMU, and UC-E, UC-MU, and R-MU. Housing for the Elderly (Limited and General) shall be subject to the following standards:
Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with group living needs for comfort, health, safety and welfare of elderly persons such as dispensaries, medical facilities, common dining facilities, group recreation facilities and similar or related facilities;
The site should be reasonably accessible to food markets, drug stores, medical facilities and social services;
The site shall have reasonable access to public transit; and
The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular programs or residents of the facility will require such additional parking;
Incinerator, Solid Waste.
Incinerator, Solid Waste uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Technical analysis shall be submitted attesting to the level of emissions of the facility; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable hours of operation, traffic generation, and the emission of odors, fumes, dust, noise, vibration and glaring light.
Laboratory, Research Services (Limited and General).
In NDI and UNC Districts. Laboratory, Research Services (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the NDI and UNC Districts:
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the UNC Districts.
In EMI Districts. Laboratory, Research Services (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation; and
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Library (Limited and General).
In R1D, R1A, R2, R3, RM, and RIV-RM Subdistricts. Library (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the R1D, R1A, R2, R3, RM, and RIV-RM Subdistricts:
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, and hours of operation; and
The residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply.
In NDO District. Library (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the NDO District:
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply; and
The Site Plan Review Procedures of the Section 922.04 shall apply.
In EMI Districts. Library (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the emission of noise or glaring light, and proposed accessory uses, such as meeting facilities;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited and General).
In GT and DR Districts. Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GT and DR Districts:
Manufacturing and Assembly uses shall be limited to the following:
Laboratories: experimental, photo or motion picture, film or testing;
Manufacture of musical and small precision instruments, watches and clocks, jewelry, toys, novelties, rubber and metal hand stamps, candy and bakery products;
Manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only by electricity or gas; and
Printing, lithographing, type composition, ruling and binding establishment.
Manufacturing and Assembly uses shall only be permitted when conducted within a completely enclosed building, and when located above the ground floor.
In NDI and UNC Districts. Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the NDI and UNC Districts:
All uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building and shall create no external visible sign of the operation, such as noise, smoke, vibration or other factor;
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the UNC District; and
In UNC Districts, the Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, hours of operation, and the emission of odors, fumes, dust, noise, vibration, and glaring light.
In the RIV-MU UC-E, UC-MU Districts. Manufacturing and Assembly (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
All uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building and shall create no external visible sign of the operation, such as noise, smoke, vibration or other factor; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, hours of operation, and the emission of odors, fumes, dust, noise, vibration, and glaring light.
Manufacturing and Assembly (General).
In NDI, UI, RIV and HC Districts. Manufacturing and Assembly (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the NDI, UI, RIV and HC Districts:
All uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building and shall create no external visible sign of the operation, such as noise, smoke, vibration or other factor; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, hours of operation, and the emission of odors, fumes, dust, noise, vibration, and glaring light.
Multi-Suite Residential.
Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Multi-Suite Residential (Limited).
In the RM and Grandview Public Realm Districts.
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;
The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the residential character of the surrounding area;
Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities;
Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms;
The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking.
In the LNC District. Multi-Suite Residential (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04;
The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area;
Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities; and
Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms.
In EMI Districts. Multi-Suite Residential (Limited) shall be subject to the following standards:
The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area;
Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities;
The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking;
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;
Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Multi-Suite Residential (General).
In the LNC District.
The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area;
Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities;
Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms;
The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking;
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building.
In the UI District.
The proposed use shall be subject to Site Plan Review;
The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area;
Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities; and
Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms.
In Grandview Public Realm Districts.
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;
The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the residential character of the surrounding area;
Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities;
Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms;
The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking.
In EMI Districts. Multi-Suite Residential uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The building shall be designed to be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area;
Certain special features shall be permitted, usually associated with shared living arrangements, such as common dining facilities, shared laundry facilities, lounge areas and similar or related facilities;
The Approving Body may require additional parking beyond that required in Chapter 914, if it determines that the particular use of the facility will require such additional parking;
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building;
Parking will be provided at a minimum of one (1) space per two (2) sleeping rooms; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In the UC-E, UC-MU and R-MU.
Parking shall be provided in accordance with the Parking Demand Analysis provisions of Section 914.02.B; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the hours of operation, the impacts of parking on surrounding residential uses, and the size and bulk of the building.
In the UC-E District. Multi-Suite Residential uses shall meet one (1) of the following standards in the UC-E District:
All residential shall units meet the requirements of Section 907.04.A.6 and shall otherwise follow the processes and procedures of Section 907.04.A, excluding Section 907.04.A.5 Applicability and Section 907.04.A.7 Off-Site Inclusionary Standards. One hundred (100) percent of the units shall be affordable and shall be located on site; or
Residential housing shall be less than fifty (50) percent of the Gross Floor Area in a mixed-use structure. For purposes of this calculation, shared spaces between residential uses and commercial shall be excluded from the calculation of Gross Floor Area.
Office (Limited) in the NDO and EMI Districts:
In NDO District. Office (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918;
The design of any structure in an NDO District used for non-residential purposes that does not occupy a structure originally designed as a residence shall be of a scale and character that is consistent with the scale and character of adjacent residential neighborhoods;
The gross floor area of any non-residential development, or any portion of any development which is non-residential in use shall not exceed eight thousand (8,000) square feet;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking required by the facility, and all traffic created by the facility, to be located outside of residential districts; and
For Office (General) uses, the Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, noise generation, and the hours of operation.
In EMI Districts. Office (limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Office (General) in LNC, NDI, GI, NDO, RIV and EMI Districts.
In the LNC, RIV and NDI Districts Office (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The approving body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties and district, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, hours of operation, noise and light.
In the GI District Office (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The use shall be allowed only in buildings that were in existence prior to the effective date specified by the provisions of Section 901.05 and only when located above the ground floor.
In the NDO District Office (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918;
The design of any structure in an NDO District used for non-residential purposes that does not occupy a structure originally designed as a residence shall be of a scale and character that is consistent with the scale and character of adjacent residential neighborhoods;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking requirements by the facility, and all traffic created by the facility, to be located outside of residential districts; and
For office (General) uses, the approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, noise generation, and the hours of operation.
In EMI Districts. Office (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Parking, Commercial (Limited).
In NDI, UNC, and GI Districts:
Parking, Commercial (limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in NDI, UNC, and GI districts:
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements; and
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts.
In LNC and RIV Districts:
Parking, Commercial (limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC and RIV Districts:
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts; and
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, hours of operation, noise, and light.
In EMI districts. Parking, Commercial (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Parking, Commercial (General).
In all non-EMI Districts. Parking, Commercial (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, hours of operation, noise, and light.
The lot containing the Parking, Commercial (General) use shall not be located within one thousand (1,000) feet from a Gaming Enterprise as measured from the lot lines of the subject properties.
In EMI districts. Parking, Commercial (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In RIV-NS District. Parking, Commercial (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Commercial parking lots shall be permitted only when they also serve as accessory or shared parking for on-site or adjacent uses at different peak parking demands.
Parks and Recreation (Limited and General).
In Residential, Grandview Public Realm and EMI Districts. Parks and Recreation (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in residential and Grandview Public Realm districts:
Parking shall be screened from view from adjacent residential properties;
Buildings shall be designed to be compatible with surrounding residential structures and landscape; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts taking into consideration potential noise generation, traffic generation, and the physical relationship of the proposed use to surrounding structures.
In H Districts. Parks and Recreation (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in H districts:
No more than twenty-five (25) percent of the lot shall be graded.
Site Plan Review shall be required in accordance with Section 922.04.
In GI Districts. Parks and Recreation (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI District:
The proposed use shall be part of an approved plan adopted by the City of Pittsburgh.
Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (General).
In UNC Districts. Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the UNC District:
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the UNC Districts; and
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets.
In P Districts. Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
In LNC and NDI Districts.
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the LNC and NDI Districts; and
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets.
In GI Districts. Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI District:
Parking facilities shall be designed and located to avoid disruption of industrial facilities in the area;
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby streets;
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The transportation study shall illustrate that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion on the surrounding streets;
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding district, taking into consideration potential traffic generation, pedestrian access, and hours of operation.
In EMI Districts. Recreational and Entertainment, Indoor (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation;
A traffic study, in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator, shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the development;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In UC-E and UC-MU Districts. Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding district, taking into consideration potential traffic generation, pedestrian access, and hours of operation.
Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (Limited).
In the P District. Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
In EMI Districts. Recreational and Entertainment, Indoor (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (Limited).
In LNC, NDI and UNC Districts. Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC, NDI and UNC Districts:
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required;
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets; and
Any enclosure, such as fences and walls, shall be designed to be compatible with surrounding structures and shall not include the use of barbed or razor wire.
In P Districts. Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the UNC District;
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets;
Any enclosure, such as fences and walls, shall be designed to be compatible with surrounding structures and shall not include the use of barbed or razor wire; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
In EMI Districts. Recreational and Entertainment, Outdoor (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (General).
In GI District. Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI District:
Parking facilities shall be designed and located to avoid disruption of industrial facilities in the area; and
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby streets;
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The transportation study shall illustrate that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion on the surrounding streets; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding district, taking into consideration potential traffic generation, pedestrian access, and hours of operation.
In P District. Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the UNC District;
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets;
Any enclosure, such as fences and walls, shall be designed to be compatible with surrounding structures and shall not include the use of barbed or razor wire; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
In EMI Districts. Recreational and Entertainment, Outdoor (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation;
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets;
Any enclosure, such as fences and walls, shall be designed to be compatible with surrounding structures and shall not include the use of barbed or razor wire;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Recycling Collection Station.
Recycling Collection Stations shall be subject to the following standards:
Recycling storage containers shall be completely enclosed; and
Vehicular drop-off areas shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from any intersection or driveway and shall not conflict with residential parking.
Recycling Processing Center.
In NDI, RIV, and HC Districts. Recycling Processing Centers shall be subject to the following standards in the NDI and HC Districts:
The use shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building;
Vehicular access shall not be from the primary commercial frontage if access from the rear or side is possible; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, truck routes, hours of operation, and noise generation.
Religious Assembly (Limited and General).
Religious Assembly (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs for both normal and event use, and to discourage parking on nearby residential streets;
In residential zoning districts, the Approving Body shall request a report and recommendation from the Planning Director on the planning aspects of the application; and
Where recommended by the Planning Director, the Approving Body may modify the height, yard, open space, area, and parking requirements;
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, and hours of operation.
Restaurant, Fast Food.
In HC and GI Districts. Restaurant, Fast Food uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI District:
The applicant shall provide a transportation impact study, based on an approved transportation scoping form, prepared by a qualified transportation engineer, for review and approval by the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure. The applicant shall implement any required mitigation from the detrimental impacts of the drive through use, as determined in the approved transportation impact study.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impact on surrounding properties, taking into consideration transportation-related impacts, and the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to the surrounding businesses and uses.
Restaurant (Limited).
In GI District. Restaurant (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI District:
Parking shall be located in such a way as to avoid conflicts with industrial operations; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs and hours of operation.
In P District. Restaurant (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
The use shall be located in a building existing on February 26, 1999;
Parking for the use shall not be provided;
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable generation of traffic and the location of the use; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
In EMI Districts. Restaurant (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following:
Parking facilities and access shall be designed and located to clearly meet the demand of the facility in a way which does not interfere with parking spaces required for surrounding residential uses; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
Restaurant (General).
In LNC, NDI, UNC, RIV, UC-MU and EMI Districts. Restaurant (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC, NDI and UNC Districts:
Parking facilities and access shall be designed and located to clearly meet the demand of the facility in a way which does not interfere with parking spaces required for surrounding residential uses;
Off-site impacts of the use, which are directly attributed to activities occurring on-site, shall be controlled to avoid conflicts with surrounding residential use; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
In GI District. Restaurant (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI District:
Parking shall be located in such a way as to avoid conflicts with industrial operations; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs and hours of operation.
In P District. Restaurant (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the P District:
The use shall be located in a building existing on February 26, 1999;
Parking for the use shall not be provided;
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable generation of traffic and the location of the use; and
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
Retail Sales and Service (Limited).
In GI Districts. Retail Sales and Service (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in GI District:
Off-street parking, loading and hours of operation shall be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with any industrial operations in the vicinity.
Retail Sales and Services (General).
In GI Districts. Retail Sales and Service (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in GI District:
Off-street parking, loading and hours of operation shall be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with any industrial operations in the vicinity.
In UNC District. Retail Sales and Service (General) shall be subject to the following standards in the UNC District:
Parking facilities and access shall be designed and located to clearly meet the demand of the facility in a way which does not interfere with parking spaces required for surrounding residential uses.
In LNC and NDI Districts. Retail Sales and Services (General) shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC and NDI Districts:
Parking and access facilities shall be designed and located to clearly meet the demand of the facility in a away that does not interfere with parking spaces required for the surrounding residential uses.
In EMI Districts. Retail Sales and Services (General) shall be subject to the following standards:
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation;
A traffic study, in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator, shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the development;
Off-street parking, loading and hours of operation shall be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with institutional operations in the vicinity;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
Retail Sales and Service, Residential Convenience except in RIV Districts.
Retail Sales and Service, Residential Convenience uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The use shall be located on the ground-floor a building containing at least fifty (50) dwelling units;
No direct, exterior entrance to the street or sidewalk shall be permitted;
The gross floor area of all such uses within a single building shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the first level of the building; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
Safety Service.
Safety Service uses shall be subject to the following standards:
In all Districts. Curb cuts, driveways, and other vehicular areas shall be designed and located to minimize detrimental impacts on the surrounding residential properties.
In Residential Districts. Safety Service uses shall be subject to the following standards in all residential zoning districts:
Height, yard, and area requirements shall be those of the residential district in which the facility is located; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, truck routes, on-site storage, and noise generation.
In LNC, NDI and UNC Districts. Safety Service uses shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC, NDI and UNC Districts:
Curb cuts and vehicular drives shall be designed according to the Parking Area Location and Design Standards of Section 914.09; and
The design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the UNC District.
In NDO and P Districts.
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, truck routes, on-site storage, and noise generation.
A maximum of fifty (50) percent of the lot shall contain impervious surfaces.
Parking and driveway area shall be screened from view from adjacent streets and residential uses.
In EMI Districts. Safety Service uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, generation of noise and the hours of operation;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
Salvage Yard.
In GI and RIV Districts. Salvage Yard uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI and RIV Districts:
The proposed use shall be fully enclosed;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Screening Standards of Section 918.03; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
School, Elementary or Secondary (Limited).
School, Elementary or Secondary (Limited) uses shall be subject the following standards:
In Residential and Grandview Public Realm Districts.
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply;
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development;
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect children from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking in to consideration probable traffic generation, parking needs, the size and bulk of the building, and the impacts of uses other than normal hours.
In NDO, LNC, NDI, UI, RIV, UC-E, UC-MU, R-MU and EMI Districts.
The Approving Body shall determine that such use shall not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, parking needs, the size and bulk of the building, and the impacts of uses outside of normal hours of operation;
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development; and
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect children from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity.
In UNC and HC Districts.
Site Plan Review shall be required; and
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect children from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity.
School, Elementary or Secondary (General).
School, Elementary or Secondary (General) uses shall be subject the following standards:
In Residential and Grandview Public Realm Districts.
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply;
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development;
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect children from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking in to consideration probable traffic generation, parking needs, the size and bulk of the building, and the impacts of uses other than normal hours.
In NDO, LNC, RIV UC-E, UC-MU, R-MU and EMI Districts.
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, parking needs, the size and bulk of the building, and the impacts of uses outside of normal hours of operation;
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development;
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect children from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity.
In NDI and UI Districts.
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, parking needs, the size and bulk of the building, and the impacts of uses outside of normal hours of operation;
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development; and
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect students from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity.
In the UNC and HC Districts.
Site Plan Review shall be required;
Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect children from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity.
Service Station.
Service Station uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Gasoline pumps shall be setback at least twenty (20) feet from any right-of-way. All stands, racks and other features shall be setback at least thirty-five (35) feet from any right-of-way;
Curb cuts shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the tangent points of the curb radius at any street intersection;
Service stations may have a sign on each pump identifying the pumps in addition to business signs located as permitted under Chapter 919;
Activities such as car washing, oil changing and greasing must be conducted within a completely enclosed building;
In the NDI, UNC, RIV, UC-MU, and LNC Districts, the Approving Body shall determine that such use will be controlled against detrimental impact to surrounding properties, taking into consideration among other things, the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use to the surrounding structures, the probable hours of operation, the distance from places of public assembly and the emission of fumes, odors, dust, noise, vibration or glaring light; and
Any lot containing a Service Station use shall be located at least one hundred fifty (150) feet from any residential zoning district;
In the LNC, UC-MU, and RIV-MU Districts, a maximum of two (2) curb cuts shall be provided, and shall be a minimum of sixty (60) feet apart;
In the LNC, UC-MU, NDI and UNC districts, the building shall be placed along the same frontage, with the same setbacks, as the abutting buildings, and the parking and driveway areas shall be placed at the back of the building, unless the Approving Body determines that such an arrangement will create security problems or congestion or other operational problems on the site;
In the LNC, UC-MU, NDI and UNC districts, the Approving Body shall require that the site and any structures form a compatible relationship with the surrounding sites and structures, taking into consideration the building materials, shape of the structures, size of buildings and signs, locations of the structures on the site, and the amount and location of landscaping. The Approving Body shall impose additional conditions as may be necessary for the site and structures to form a compatible relationship with the adjacent and surrounding sites and structures.
Assisted Living Facility.
Class A.
In all Districts. Assisted Living Facility (Class A) uses shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:
Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus five hundred (500) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. This provision may be reduced by the Board when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;
Any Assisted Living Facility use shall be limited to no more than one (1) per building, shall not be located in a building that is occupied by any other residential type of use; and shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Assisted Living Facility, group residence facility or group care facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Assisted Living Facility that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection of the application;
Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a 24 hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises;
Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;
New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet; and
On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle.
In Residential and Grandview Public Realm Districts. Assisted Living Facility (Class A) uses shall be subject to the following standards in Residential and Grandview Public Realm Districts:
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds.
In NDO, LNC and NDI Districts. Assisted Living Facility (Class A) uses shall be subject to the following standards in NDO, LNC and NDI Districts:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures in accordance with the provisions of Section 922.04.
Class B. Assisted Living (Class B) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three hundred (300) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. This provision may be reduced by the Board when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;
Any Assisted Living Facility use shall be limited to no more than one (1) per building, shall not be located in a building that is occupied by any other residential type of use; and shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Assisted Living Facility, group residence facility or group care facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Assisted Living Facility that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection the application;
Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a 24 hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises;
Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;
New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet;
On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds.
Class C.
In all Districts. Assisted Living Facility (Class C) uses shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:
Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three hundred (300) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. This provision may be reduced by the Board when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;
Any Assisted Living Facility use shall be limited to no more than one (1) per building, shall not be located in a building that is occupied by any other residential type of use; and shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Assisted Living Facility, group residence facility or group care facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Assisted Living Facility that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection of this application;
Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a 24 hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises;
Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;
New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet; and
On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle.
In RM and Grandview Public Realm Districts. In addition to the standards listed above, Assisted Living Facility (Class C) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the RM and Grandview Public Realm Districts:
The facility shall be designed to appear as a residential structure, and parking shall be located and screened so as to not be visible from adjacent properties or right-of-way;
The required lot area shall be determined using the lot area requirements for residential dwelling units, allowing two (2) beds for each dwelling unit; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds.
In NDO, LNC, NDI, and UNC Districts. Assisted Living Facility (Class C) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the NDO, LNC, NDI, and UNC District:
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds.
Laundry Services.
Laundry Service uses shall be subject to the following standards:
All uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building and shall be designed to minimize external signs of the operation, such as noise, odor, smoke, vibration or other factors; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, loading and unloading, hours of operation, and the emission of odors, fumes, dust, noise, vibration, and glaring light;
Single-Unit Detached and Attached Residential.
In H Districts. Single-Unit Detached and Attached Residential uses shall be subject to the following conditions in the H District.
Topography. Primary structure must be located on buildable land defined as a contiguous area of the lot less than thirty (30) percent in existing slope.
Soils. Any site proposed for development in the H District shall be investigated to determine the soil characteristics. A soils engineering report may be required at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator. Factors to be considered by the Zoning Administrator when determining whether an engineering report will be required include the following (any one (1) factor may warrant an engineer's report):
Nature, distribution, and strength of existing soils as described in the County Soils Survey;
Any development proposed on natural slopes greater than twenty (20) percent;
Areas that are landslide-prone;
Areas with soils that have a high shrink-swell potential;
Vegetation. The proposed development shall be designed to minimize the incidence of erosion. The Zoning Administrator will be reviewing the application to determine how the applicant uses the vegetation to reduce erosion. The application must show the Administrator how:
Any deep-rooted woody vegetation reduces storm runoff volume over the slope;
Existing and proposed foliage reduces the velocity of raindrops by reducing their energy when they strike the ground;
Existing and proposed vegetation increases the roughness of the ground surface which slows the velocity of surface water flow; and
Existing root networks will be protected to bind the soil.
Access. For any new construction of a dwelling, or dwellings, on a lot fronting on a substandard hillside street, the Zoning Administrator will be reviewing the application to determine how the applicant accesses the street and will be making recommendations to improve any substandard conditions that will be conditions of any approval for a building and occupancy permit. The Zoning Administrator will consider the following existing conditions in the review: road width and slope, road surface condition, drainage, sight distance, availability of on-street and off-street parking, and presence of retaining walls.
Infrastructure. Public water and sewer must be available for connection at the lot line. If the lot in which the owner/applicant is requesting to build upon is determined to meet these five (5) conditions, the Zoning Administrator will then review the plot plan for compliance with the Development Standards in Sections 905.02.C, 905.02.D, and 905.02.E.
Existing vegetation shall be cleared only to the extent needed for the structure, driveway, and outdoor activities that are associated with the residential use. In no case shall more than ten (10) percent, or two thousand four hundred (2,400) square feet, whichever is larger, be cleared.
Single Unit Attached dwellings are permitted by Special Exception in the H District provided that no more than four (4) units are constructed in any cluster.
Single-Unit Attached Residential.
In Residential Single-Unit Detached Districts, Single-Unit Attached Uses shall be permitted subject to the following standards:
For lots with Lot Widths of 35 feet or smaller, Single-Unit Attached Uses shall be permitted by right.
For lots with Lot Widths larger than 35 feet, Single-Unit Attached Uses shall be permitted by the Special Exception Provisions of Section 922.07.
Transit Facility.
Transit Facility uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Parking and vehicular storage areas shall be screened according to the Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918;
Pedestrian walkways and loading areas shall be designed to be an integral part of the surrounding street system, and to minimize conflicts with vehicles; and
Site development standards, off-street parking and loading requirements and landscaping and screening standards shall be established by the Planning Commission, based on an evaluation of the specific Transit Facility proposal.
Utility (Limited).
In all Districts. Utility (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Overhead lines shall be organized, designed and located to avoid conflict with existing trees and other existing landscape features;
Where wiring or cables are intended to serve new structures of more than ten (10) new residential units, or new structures of two (2) or more nonresidential buildings within a single development, lines and cables shall be located underground;
Accessory structures shall not be located in the street side yard; and
When located in an interior side yard, accessory equipment shall be completely screened from view except as needed for access, according to the Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918.
Utility (General).
Utility (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
In all districts, all facilities which can physically and technically be within an enclosed building shall be within a completely enclosed building;
In all districts other than GI or the RIV, the design of the structure shall follow the development standards for commercial uses in the UNC District;
The Approving Body shall require additional landscaping and screening of the facility if required to sufficiently screen the facility from surrounding properties; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to the surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the design and location of areas for parking and maneuvering of vehicles, and the emission of odors, fumes, dust, noise, vibration, or glaring light.
Vehicle/Equipment Repair (Limited).
In the LNC, NDI and UNC Districts. Vehicle/Equipment Repair (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC, NDI and UNC Districts:
The use shall be located within a completely enclosed structure;
The facility shall be designed according to the development standards for commercial uses in the district;
The building housing such use shall be located at least thirty (30) feet from any right-of-way line and at least sixty (60) feet from any lot in a residential zoning district; and
Access to such use shall not be provided from a primary commercial frontage where access from the rear is possible.
In the NDI and UNC Districts, the Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking, pedestrian safety, noise and hours of operation.
In the GT, DR and EMI Districts. Vehicle/Equipment Repair (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GT and DR Districts:
The uses shall be only permitted as accessory uses within a larger structure;
Vehicular access shall not be provided from the primary commercial frontage where rear vehicular access is possible; and
All repair and service work to vehicles shall be conducted within an entirely enclosed structure, and no such work shall be conducted in a location which is visible from adjacent properties or a right-of-way.
In RIV Districts. Vehicle/Equipment Repair (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The uses shall be only permitted as accessory uses within a larger structure;
All repair and service work to vehicles shall be conducted within an entirely enclosed structure, and no such work shall be conducted in a location which is visible from adjacent properties or a right-of-way.
Vehicle/Equipment Repair (General).
Vehicle/Equipment Repair (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The building housing such use shall be located at least thirty (30) feet from any right-of-way line and at least sixty (60) feet from any lot in a residential zoning district;
Access to such facility shall not be provided from a primary commercial frontage where access from the rear is possible; and
In the NDI and UNC Districts, the Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking, pedestrian safety, noise and hours of operation.
Vehicle/Equipment Sales (Limited).
In LNC, UNC, UI, RIV and NDI Districts. Vehicle/Equipment Sales (Limited) shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC, UNC, UI, RIV and NDI Districts:
The facility shall be designed according to the development standards for commercial uses in the district; and
Curb cuts and vehicular drives shall be designed according to the Parking Area Location and Design Standards of Section 914.09; and
The public right-of-way shall not be used for the storage of vehicles; and
Except as provided for in other regulations, no unregistered or uninspected motor vehicle shall be parked, kept or stored on any premises, and no vehicle shall at any time be in a state of major disassembly, disrepaired, or in the process of being stripped or dismantled; and
The Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918 shall apply regardless of the number of parking stalls provided.
The definition of vehicle/equipment sales, Section 911.02, includes the retail, wholesale, or rental of motorized vehicle, etc.
Vehicle/Equipment Sales (General).
Vehicle/Equipment Sales (General) shall be subject to the following standards:
In the UNC, RIV and NDI Districts.
The facility shall be designed according to the development standards for commercial uses in the district;
Curb cuts and vehicular drives shall be designed according to the Parking Area Location and Design Standards of Section 914.09;
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable parking needs, traffic generation, and the design and location of areas for parking and maneuvering of vehicles.
In the HC District.
The facility shall be designed according to the development standards for commercial uses in the district;
Curb cuts and vehicular drives shall be designed in accordance to the Parking Area Location and Design Standards of Section 914.09;
The Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918 shall apply; and
Site Plan Review shall be required.
In the UI District.
The facility shall be designed according to the development standards for commercial uses in the district;
Curb cuts and vehicular drives shall be designed in accordance to the Parking Area Location and Design Standards of Section 914.09;
The Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918 shall apply; and
Site Plan Review shall be required.
Vocational School (Limited and General).
Vocational School (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
In EMI Districts.
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan Procedures of Section 922.10.
Vocational School (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
In all Districts. The facility shall be designed according to the development standards for commercial uses in the district.
In NDI, RIV Districts, UC-E, and UC-MU.
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation, parking needs, the size and bulk of the building, and the impacts of uses outside of normal hours of operation; and
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development.
In EMI Districts. Vocational School (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Warehouse (Limited and General).
In EMI Districts. Warehouse (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Every portion of the property used for Warehouse (Limited) uses shall be located not closer than two hundred (200) feet from any property in a R or H district and one hundred (100) feet from any property in a NDI, UNC or LNC district;
Any vehicular maneuvering shall be located on-site;
Curb cuts shall be minimized to the maximum extent feasible in order to achieve access to the site;
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the emission of noise or glaring light, and proposed accessory uses, such as meeting facilities;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review Procedures of Section 922.04.
In the HC District. Warehouse (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Every portion of the property used for Warehouse (General) uses shall be located not closer than two hundred (200) feet from any property in a R or H District, and one hundred (100) feet from any property in a NDI, UNC or LNC District;
All maneuvering of vehicle shall be on-site;
Curb cuts shall be minimized to the maximum extent feasible in order to achieve access to the site; and
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable truck maneuvering, traffic generation, paved surfaces, glaring lights and hours of operation.
In the UI District. Warehouse (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Every portion of the property used for Warehouse (General) uses shall be located not closer than two hundred (200) feet from any property in an R or H District, and one hundred (100) feet from any property in an NDI, UNC, or LNC District;
All maneuvering of vehicles shall be on-site;
Curb cuts shall be minimized to the maximum extent feasible in order to achieve access to the site; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
In RIV Districts. Warehouse (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Any vehicular maneuvering shall be located on-site; and
Curb cuts shall be minimized to the maximum extent feasible in order to achieve access to the site.
Welding or Machine Shop.
Welding or Machine Shop uses shall be subject to the following standards:
In the NDI and HC Districts.
The use shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building and shall create no external visible sign of the operation, such as noise, smoke, vibration or other factor; and
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, hours of operation, and the emission of odors, fumes, dust, noise, vibration, and glaring light.
In the UI District.
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
Nursery, Retail (Limited and General).
Nursery, Retail (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Nursery, Retail (Limited) in P districts.
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking required by the facility, and all traffic created by the facility, to be located outside of residential districts;
All facilities shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding landscape, such that the minimum possible grading will be required and the minimum disturbance and removal of existing vegetation will be required.
Nursery, Retail (Limited) in NDO and LNC districts. The proposed use shall be subject to the Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918.
Nursery, Retail (General) in NDI District.
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918; and
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs and to discourage parking on nearby streets.
Nursery, Retail (General) in GI Districts.
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04; and
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs and to discourage parking on nearby streets.
Nursery, Retail (General) in RIV Districts.
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs and to discourage parking on nearby streets.
Medical Office (Limited and General).
In the NDO District. Medical Office (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the NDO District:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918.
The design of any structure in an NDO District used for non-residential purposes that does not occupy a structure originally designed as a residence shall be of a scale and character that is consistent with the scale and character of adjacent residential neighborhoods;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking required by the facility, and all traffic created by the facility, to be located outside of residential districts;
For Medical Office (General) uses, the Approving Body shall determine that the site is sufficiently separated from property zoned Residential and that the additional size of the use will not create a detrimental impact on such properties through consideration of the additional traffic impacts caused by additional height and density, the impacts on views from such residential properties, and the impacts of the bulk of the buildings on such residential properties and noise generation and the hours of operation; and
A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development. The transportation study shall illustrate that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion on the surrounding streets, and that residential streets in the vicinity shall not be used for parking for the proposed development.
In the LNC and NDI Districts. Medical Office (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC and NDI Districts:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
In GI Districts. Medical Office (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in the GI District:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04; and
The proposed use shall be located within an existing structure.
In EMI Districts. Medical Office (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
Grocery Store (Limited).
Grocery Store (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
In LNC, NDI, UNC and EMI Districts.
Site Plan review shall be required;
Parking facilities and access shall be designed and located to minimize impacts on the surrounding properties and the district as a whole.
In GI Districts. Grocery (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards in GI District:
Off street parking, loading and hours of operation shall be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with any industrial operations in the vicinity.
Grocery Store (General).
In GI Districts. Grocery Store (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards in GI District:
Off street parking, loading and hours of operation shall be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with any industrial operations in the vicinity.
In UNC, UI and EMI Districts. Grocery Store (General) shall be subject to the following standards in the UNC and UI Districts:
Parking facilities and access shall be designed and located to clearly meet the demand of the facility in a way that does not interfere with parking spaces required for surrounding residential uses; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review Procedures of Section 922.04.
In LNC and NDI Districts. Grocery Store (General) shall be subject to the following standards in the LNC and NDI Districts:
Parking and access facilities shall be designed and located to clearly meet the demand of the facility in a away that does not interfere with parking spaces required for the surrounding residential uses;
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding residential properties, considering, among others, the following factors: the adequacy of parking and loading facilities, trash storage, traffic generation, pedestrian access, exhaust odors, vibration, dust, noise, outdoor lighting, signage, and landscape features.
The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties considering the compatibility of the proposed uses with the surrounding and adjacent uses.
Community Home.
Community Home uses shall be subject to following standards in all districts:
The dwelling unit shall have one (1) primary means of ingress/egress, a single outside mail box, single utility connections (except for telephone, computer and cable service), and common eating/cooking areas;
The use shall not require alteration to the exterior structure except where otherwise permitted for single family residential dwellings or where required under health/safety codes;
The number of unrelated disabled persons shall not exceed an average of one (1) per bedroom. The following persons shall not be included in determining the average number of persons per bedroom in the Community Home: persons with a permanent personal relationship choosing to share a bedroom with a disabled resident of the Community Home, parents or legal guardians of a resident of the Community Home who choose to live in said home. Further, the use shall not require substantial alterations to the interior of the structure for the purpose of creating additional bedrooms;
On-site parking spaces shall be provided at the ratio of one (1) stall for every three (3) persons on duty;
Any office located in the dwelling unit shall be limited to on-site program use only; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the establishment of the Community Home will not detrimentally impact the neighborhood by contributing to the saturation of Community Homes or social service institutions.
Multi-Unit Residential.
In the UI District. Multi-Unit Residential uses in the UI District shall be subject to the following standards:
All residential units may be limited to floors above the ground floor of the building when residential uses are not desirable on the ground floor.
In the EMI District. Multi-Unit Residential uses shall be subject to the following standards in the EMI District:
The proposed use shall be subject to the Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916; and
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding residential properties, taking into consideration the compatibility of the proposed use with the surrounding and adjacent properties; the generation of light and noise from the proposed use; parking, loading and access.
In the UC-E District. Multi-Unit Residential uses shall meet one (1) of the following standards in the UC-E District:
All the residential shall units meet the requirements of Section 907.04.A.6 and shall otherwise follow the processes and procedures of Section 907.04.A, excluding Section 907.04.A.5 Applicability and Section 907.04.A.7 and Off-Site Inclusionary Standards. One hundred (100) percent of the units shall be affordable and shall be located on site. Or
Residential housing shall be less than fifty (50) percent of the Gross Floor Area in a mixed-use structure. For purposes of this calculation, shared spaces between residential uses and commercial shall be excluded from the calculation of Gross Floor Area.
Warehouse, Residential Storage.
In the NDI District. Warehouse, Residential Storage uses shall be subject to the following standards in the NDI District:
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to the surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, and the design and location of parking and loading areas;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Landscaping and Screening Standards of Chapter 918; and
Curb-cuts shall be minimized to the maximum extent feasible in order to achieve access to the site.
Parking Structure (Limited and General).
Parking Structure (Limited).
In NDO, LNC, and NDI Districts. Parking Structure (Limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
A needs assessment study shall be applied to the approving body by the applicant in order to demonstrate the necessity of the proposed use in the district;
The approving body shall determine that such use shall not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into account the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the impacts of traffic generation on surrounding residential and commercial uses, hours of operation, noise and light;
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts;
The vehicular entrance and approach to the parking structure shall be clearly delineated by markings, striping and/or signage as determined by the approving body;
The design shall include devices which are intended to minimize noise associated with the mechanical systems of the facility from being heard on other properties in the vicinity;
The proposed use shall be subject to the site plan review procedures of Section 922.04;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designated to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties; and
A traffic analysis shall be submitted demonstrating that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion in the district.
In EMI Districts. Parking Structure (limited) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts;
The vehicular entrance and approach to the Parking Structure shall be clearly delineated by markings, striping and/or signage as determined by the Zoning Administrator;
The design shall include devices which are intended to minimize noise associated with the mechanical systems of the facility from being heard on other properties in the vicinity;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In GT, UC-E, UC-MU, R-MU, and RIV Districts. Parking Structure (Limited) shall be subject to the following standards:
The approving body shall determine that such use shall not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into account the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the impacts of traffic generation on surrounding residential and commercial uses, hours of operation, noise and light;
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts; and
The vehicular entrance and approach to the parking structure shall be clearly delineated by markings, striping and/or signage as determined by the approving body.
Parking Structure (General).
In LNC Districts. Parking Structure (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
A needs assessment study shall be supplied to approving body by the applicant in order to demonstrate the necessity of the proposed use in the district;
The approving body shall determine that such use shall not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into account the probable traffic generation, the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the impacts of traffic generation on surrounding residential and commercial uses, hours of operation, noise and light;
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts;
The vehicular entrance and approach to the parking structure shall be clearly delineated by markings, striping and/or signage as determined by the approving body;
The design shall include devices which are intended to minimize noise associated with the mechanical systems from being heard on other properties in the vicinity;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties; and
A traffic analysis shall be submitted demonstrating that the proposed development will not create traffic congestion in the district.
In EMI Districts. Parking Structure (general) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts;
The vehicular entrance and approach to the Parking Structure shall be clearly delineated by markings, striping and/or signage as determined by the Zoning Administrator;
The design shall include devices which are intended to minimize noise associated with the mechanical systems of the facility from being heard on other properties in the vicinity;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In the HC, GT, UC-E, UC-MU, and RIV Districts:
Parking Structure (General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The use shall be located to minimize disruption to pedestrian movements;
Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from an intersection and sixty (60) feet from other curb cuts;
The vehicular entrance and approach to the parking structure shall be clearly delineated by markings, striping and/or signage as determined by the approving body.
The design shall include devices which are designed to minimize noise associated with the mechanical systems of the facility from being heard on other properties in the vicinity; and
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties.
Club: Social, Fraternal, Athletic, Business or Professional.
Amount of required parking stalls shall be determined by the approving body based on the nature of the operation and the availability of off-site parking facilities.
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration the probable traffic generation, parking needs, hours and days of operation.
In EMI Districts. Hospital uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The design shall include devices which prevent noise and emissions associated with the use of the facility from being impacted on other properties in the vicinity;
The height and bulk of the proposed structure shall be designed as to minimize blocking of views from adjacent residential properties;
Parking shall be provided in a location and manner that allows for all parking to be located outside of residential districts;
The proposed use shall be in compliance with an approved Institutional Master Plan; and
The proposed use shall be subject to the Project Development Plan procedures of Section 922.10.
In RM, LNC, UNC, HC, and UI Districts. Hospital uses shall be subject to the following standards:
The buildable area of the lot shall not be nearer than thirty (30) feet to any lot line which is not a street line;
The permissible height regulations of the district wherein such use is located shall apply, and may be exceeded provided any portion of a structure above the permissible height shall not exceed the height of inward-sloping planes; beginning at the rear lot line other than street line at the average grade level of the ground along such rear lot line opposite the structure concerned, and having a rise of one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of horizontal dimensions; and, beginning at the respective side lot lines other than street lines at the average grade level of the ground along such lot lines opposite the structure concerned, and having a rise of one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of horizontal dimension;
The total bulk of buildings upon the zoning lot shall not exceed the cubical contents of a prism having a base equal to the buildable area of the lot and height of eighty-five (85) feet;
Automobile parking area may encroach on yards not abutting a street, but not closer to a lot line than fifteen (15) feet, provided it shall be visually screened from adjoining property in accordance with the screening provisions of Section 918.03.
An Institutional Master Plan must be approved by Planning Commission prior to the review of the Conditional Use Application.
College or University Campus.
In LNC, UNC, HC, UI and RM Districts: College or University Campus uses shall be subject to the following standards in LNC, UNC, HC, UI and RM Districts:
The buildable area of the lot shall not be nearer than thirty (30) feet to any lot line which is not a street line;
The permissible height regulations of the district wherein such use is located shall apply, and may be exceeded provided any portion of a structure above the permissible height shall not exceed the height of inward-sloping planes; beginning at the rear lot line other than street line at the average grade level of the ground along such rear lot line opposite the structure concerned, and having a rise of one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of horizontal dimensions; and, beginning at the respective side lot lines other than street lines at the average grade level of the ground along such lot lines opposite the structure concerned, and having a rise of one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of horizontal dimension;
The total bulk of buildings upon the zoning lot shall not exceed the cubical contents of a prism having a base equal to the buildable area of the lot and a height of eighty-five (85) feet;
Automobile parking area may encroach on yards not abutting a street, but not closer to a lot line than fifteen (15) feet, provided it shall be visually screened from adjoining property in accordance with the screening provisions of Section 918.03.
An Institutional Master Plan must be approved by Planning Commission prior to the review of the Conditional Use Application.
Outdoor Retail Sales and Service (Non-Accessory Use).
Outdoor Retail Sales and Service (Non-Accessory Use) shall be subject to the following standards:
A lot containing outdoor retail sales and service shall not be located within one hundred (100) feet of a lot with a certificate of occupancy for the sale of similar goods and service or an approved vending location selling similar goods and service; and
When applicable to the proposed type of goods and service being sold the applicant must present a letter of compliance from Fire Prevention, Allegheny County Health Department and any other appropriate agency or department; and
Must provide and have available sufficient on-site area to accommodate a standing area for customers purchasing or attempting to purchase goods and service without encroaching on the public right-of-way or adjacent property; and
Must provide sufficient trash receptacles for wrappers, containers and other disposable products associated with the sale of goods and service.
Firearms Business Establishment.
Firearms Business Establishment shall be subject to the following standards in the NDI, UNC, HC, GI, UI, GT, and RIV Districts:
Firearms Business Establishments shall not be located in a designated area that contains any of the following uses. The building shall not be located within a distance of five hundred (500) feet, measured along a straight line projected from each pedestrian entrance or exit of the subject occupancy to the nearest building wall or boundary line for a park or playground of any of the following:
Elementary or secondary school;
Public playground;
Public or non-profit operated recreation center;
Drug or alcohol rehabilitation center;
Church, synagogue, or temple;
Gaming enterprise.
An adequate security system shall be provided as determined by the Board to be appropriate.
Check Cashing.
The following standards shall apply to all Check Cashing uses:
Check Cashing facilities shall not be open for business to customers for more than nine (9) hours within any twenty-four-hour period and shall not be open for business on Sundays;
The building housing a Check Cashing facility shall not be located within five hundred (500) feet from any residential use as measured from the center point of the subject building;
The building housing a Check Cashing facility shall not be located within one thousand (1,000) feet from another Check Cashing facility, a Pawn Shop, Gaming Enterprise or a facility containing mechanical or electronic devices, machines, tables or apparatus of any kind used for playing games of skill or amusement, as a primary or accessory use, as measured from the center point of the subject building;
A Check Cashing use shall not be conducted as a unit of another business and shall be financed and conducted as a separate business unit, however, this shall not prevent a check cashing facility from leasing part of the premises of another business for the conduct of check cashing activities on the same premises;
A Check Cashing facility may not accept money or currency for deposit or act as agent for persons, firms, partnerships, associations or corporations to hold money or currency in escrow for others for any purpose, however, a check cashing facility may act as agent for the issuer of money orders or travelers checks;
The applicant is required to be licensed as a Check Casher with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Banking;
Not more than one (1) place of business may be operated under the same Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Banking license;
A licensee may not contract with another individual or business entity to manage the Check Cashing facility, not including persons employed to operate the facility;
Check cashing facilities shall not issue tokens to be used in lieu of money for the purchase of goods or services from any enterprise;
The use of bars, chains, or similar security devices that are visible from a public street or sidewalk shall be prohibited.
Custodial Care Facility.
Custodial Care Facilities shall be subject to following standards in all districts:
An Operation Management Plan for the proposed use shall be submitted as part of the application for the Occupancy Permit. The Plan shall describe programs of operation and management including: Uses and activities that will occur in conjunction with the use, hours of operation of non-residential services, noise control, traffic generation, and methods to minimize loitering in the vicinity of the facility. In addition, a Communications Plan that describes how the provider will communicate with local community, neighborhood, and business organizations, and with adjacent neighbors on a regular basis, and how any community issues or concerns will be addressed;
The dwelling unit shall have one (1) primary means of ingress/egress, a single outside mail box, single utility connections (except for telephone, computer and cable service), and common eating/cooking areas;
The use shall not require alteration to the exterior structure except where otherwise permitted for single-family residential dwellings or where required under health/safety codes;
Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus five hundred (500) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3) beds. Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction hereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. The Board may reduce this provision when the use has been in existence since May 10, 1958;
Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a twenty-four-hour a day basis while any of the clients are on premises;
Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes; and
On-site parking facilities shall be provided at the ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff members who are eligible and permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle.
Personal Care Residence (Large).
Personal Care Residence (Large) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three hundred (300) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. This provision may be reduced by the Board when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;
Any Personal Care Residence shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Personal Care Residence or health care related facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Personal Care Residence that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection the application;
Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) and by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a twenty-four-hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises. Failure to abide by the certifying body's supervision regulations may result in revokation of an Occupancy Permit;
Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;
New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet;
On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle;
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds; and
Eighty (80) percent of the clients shall be sixty-two (62) or more years of age or disabled as defined by the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.
Personal Care Residence (Small).
Personal Care Residence (Small) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
In all Districts:
Personal Care Residences (Small) shall be subject to the following standards in all districts:
Lot area shall be provided at the rate of five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three hundred (300) square feet for each sleeping room in excess of three (3). Every unit of two (2) beds, or fraction thereof, in a sleeping room shall be counted as a separate sleeping room. The Board may reduce this provision when the facility is to be located in a building that has been constructed prior to May 10, 1958;
Any Personal Care Residence shall be spaced no closer than eight hundred (800) feet from any other authorized Personal Care Residence or health care related facility. This distance shall be measured imposing a circular area on an accurate plan by locating a point on the center of the subject building and by extending a radius of eight hundred (800) feet. Any other building occupied as an authorized Personal Care Residence that is located totally within this circular space shall be cause for rejection of this application;
Supervision shall be provided in accord with the regulations of the certifying agency(ies) and by at least one (1) responsible non-client adult available on the premises on a twenty-four-hour-a-day basis while any of the clients are on the premises. Failure to abide by the certifying body's supervision regulations may result in revokation of an Occupancy Permit;
Sleeping rooms shall not be located in any basement or cellar and shall comply with all applicable life-safety codes;
New buildings shall be situated within the buildable area of the lots as determined by the zoning district regulations; however, the minimum interior side yard setback in residential districts shall be not less than ten (10) feet;
On-site parking facilities shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) stall for every two (2) full-time staff members and an additional stall for every three (3) non-staff residents who are eligible and are permitted by the operator to operate a motor vehicle; and
Eighty (80) percent of the clients shall be sixty-two (62) or more years of age or disabled as defined by the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.
In RM and Grandview Public Realm Districts. In addition to the standards listed above, Personal Care Residences (Small) shall be subject to the following standards in the RM and Grandview Public Realm Districts:
The facility shall be designed to appear as a residential structure, and parking shall be located and screened so as to not be visible from adjacent properties or right-of-way;
The required lot area shall be determined using the lot area requirements for residential dwelling units, allowing two (2) beds for each dwelling unit;
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds; and
Eighty (80) percent of the clients shall be sixty-two (62) or more years of age or disabled as defined by the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.
In NDO, LNC, NDI, and UNC Districts. Personal Care Residences (Small) shall be subject to the following standards in the NDO, LNC, NDI, and UNC District:
The Approving Body shall determine that the proposed use shall not create detrimental impacts to the community taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed use with the surrounding structures, the arrangement, illumination and enclosure of parking facilities, the location and enclosure of trash facilities, the type of signage and that adequate provisions are made for continuing maintenance of the buildings and grounds, and
Eighty (80) percent of the clients shall be sixty-two (62) or more years of age or disabled as defined by the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988.
Bank or Financial Institutional (Limited and General).
In EMI Districts. Bank or Financial Institution (Limited and General) uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Parking demand shall be addressed so as to meet parking needs and to discourage parking in residential districts;
The proposed use shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedures of Section 922.04.
Pawn Shop.
The following standards shall apply to all Pawn Shop uses:
Pawn Shop facilities shall not be open for business to customers for more than nine (9) hours within any twenty-four-hour period and shall not be open for business on Sundays;
The building housing a Pawn Shop facility shall not be located within five hundred (500) feet from any residential use as measured from the center point of the subject building;
The building housing a Pawn Shop facility shall not be located within one thousand (1,000) feet from another Pawn Shop, a Check Cashing facility, Gaming Enterprise or a facility containing mechanical or electronic devices, machines, tables or apparatus of any kind used for playing games of skill or amusement, as a primary or accessory use, as measured from the center point of the subject building;
The use of bars, chains, or similar security devices that are visible from a public street or sidewalk shall be prohibited.
Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility.
Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility uses shall be subject to the following standards in all Zoning Districts:
The building or structure housing or enclosing a Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility shall not be established or operated within five hundred (500) feet from any of the following structures or use types, except when such facilities are within and interior to Hospitals in the EMI District, where Controlled Substance Dispensation Facility is a permitted use:
Residential uses;
School, Elementary or Secondary;
Parks and Recreation;
Child Care;
Religious Assembly;
Public Destination Facility;
College or University campus;
Educational Classroom Space;
Vocational School; and
The approving body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on the surrounding properties, taking into consideration probable traffic generation and the physical relationship of the proposed use and structure to surrounding uses and structures, the probable hours of operation, the impacts of parking and the number of people using the premises at any one (1) time.
The facility shall include interior public lobbies or waiting areas sized to accommodate any and all individuals seeking treatment at any one (1) time.
Medical Marijuana Dispensary.
Medical Marijuana Dispensary uses shall be subject to the following standards:
Off-street parking, loading, and hours of operation shall be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with other uses in the vicinity.
Medical Marijuana Growing and Processing.
Medical Marijuana Growing and Processing uses shall be subject to the following standards:
All uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building and shall create no external visible sign of the operation, such as noise, smoke, vibration, or any other factor; and
Off-street parking, loading, and hours of operation shall be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with any industrial operations in the vicinity.