All elected officials of the City shall, on or before January 15, of every year during their term of office, file a disclosure, as of January 1 of that year, with the controller, which shall be available for public inspection and shall contain the following information:
the names of all business or non-profit corporations, associations, partnership, joint ventures, estates, proprietorships, trusts business activities and organizations, other than religious organizations and religious corporations:
with which the official has any connection as an owner, officer, employee, consultant, contractor, creditor, shareholder, member, partner, joint venture, trustee, beneficiary or participant; or
in which the official has any financial or property interest in any form, whether a legal interest or equitable interest or otherwise: stating as to each name, the nature of the connection or interest:
a brief description of all legal and equitable interests of any degree in real property held by the official;
a statement of the remaining amounts of any funds and contributions related to the officials most recent nomination and election, and by whom and how held; and
the names of all creditors of the official and debts as to which the official is co-signer, surety or guarantor in excess of $1,000.
In connection with every election city office, each candidate for nomination or election, and every treasurer of a political committee or person acting as treasurer, shall file a public preliminary account or receipts and expenses five days prior to the election. The preliminary account shall be in the same form and contain the same information as required by law to be filed following an election except that the information shall be provided as of a time seven days prior to election.
The office of any elected official shall become vacant upon death, resignation or upon removal from office in any manner authorized by law or this charter or upon forfeiture or failure for any reason to assume office within forty-five days after commencement of the term.
Elected officials of the City shall forfeit their office if they:
at any time during their term lack any qualification for the office prescribed by this charter or by law, or
are convicted of first degree murder or felony of the first or second degree as set forth in the penal code of this Commonwealth and all appellate remedies exhausted, or
falsify or fail to make an annual disclosure of interests as required by section 801 of this charter, or
falsify or fail to make a preliminary account of campaign contributions and expenses as required by section 802 of this charter.
Council shall by ordinance, determine the penalty for any violation of any provision of this charter except where the charter expressly provides a penalty.
Every elected official or officer pursuant to impeachment proceedings may be impeached, suspended or removed from office in the event of mental incapacity, incompetency, neglect of duty malfeasance, mismanagement or for any corrupt act or practice.
Impeachment proceedings may be initiated by presentation of a written petition to the Court of Common Pleas signed by at least twenty qualified electors who reside in the City. If in the opinion of the court, reasonable grounds are set forth in the petition, the court shall appoint a citizen investigating committee to make a written report to the court. If the committee reports the charges well founded, council shall sit as a court and the president judge of the Court of Common Pleas shall preside. Except in cases where the city solicitor or the mayor is accused, the city solicitor shall act as prosecuting attorney. If the City solicitor or the mayor is accused, or the city solicitor is unable to serve as prosecuting attorney, the solicitor for the controller shall act as prosecuting attorney. The decision shall be filed in the Court of Common Pleas. If the accused is found guilty of any charge specified, the court shall enter an appropriate judgment and declare the accused's office vacant.
In any case where an elected official, officer, or unit of government has the power to conduct public hearings the elected official, officer or unit of government shall the authority to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witness and to compel testimony and the production of documents and other evidence. The subpoena shall issue in the name of the City and shall be signed by the elected official, officer or presiding officer of the unit of government. Any witness who refuses to obey a subpoena, or who refuses to testify under oath or affirmation, may be cited for contempt in any Court of Common Pleas having jurisdiction.
The executive branch shall conduct and maintain an annual inventory of all city property which shall be readily accessible to all units of government.
City records, the disclosure of which would invade a person's right to privacy, hinder law enforcement, endanger the public safety, or breach a legally recognized duty or confidence or the nondisclosure of which is legally privileged, or which have been prepared for or by the city solicitor for use in actions or proceedings to which the City is or may be a party, shall not be available for public inspection. All other city records shall be open for public inspection, but the officer, unit head, board or commission or other governmental agency of the City having the care and custody of such records may make reasonable regulations governing the time, place and manner of their inspection. For the purposes of preservation, copies of city records may be substituted for inspection in lieu of original records.
In the event this charter cannot take effect in its entirety because of the judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction holding invalid any provision, the remaining provisions of the charter shall be given full force and effect as completely as if the provision held invalid were not included.
Subject to pertinent enabling legislation authorizing a home rule charter, this charter shall supersede any existing charter and all acts or parts of acts, local special or general and all ordinances and resolutions of the City to the extent that they are inconsistent or in conflict with this charter. All existing acts of parts of acts and ordinances affecting the organization, government and powers of the City, not inconsistent or in conflict with this charter shall remain in full force and shall be construed as if enacted under this charter, but as of the date of their original enactment. No contract existing on the effective date of this charter shall be affected by it. Council by ordinance or resolution may supersede any act of the general assembly insofar as permitted by pertinent enabling legislation and this charter.
This charter shall become effective on the first Monday of January 1976, except in the following particulars:
Members of council shall be elected in 1975 under the provisions of this charter, and for that purpose all sections of this charter relating to election of members of council shall become effective immediately upon the adoption of this charter by the electors.
Council seats filled in the 1973 municipal election which become vacant for any reason after the adoption of this charter shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of this charter except for the first vacancy which shall remain unfilled.
Appropriations shall be made for the year 1976 so as to implement fully the provisions of this charter. Council shall as promptly as possible adopt any legislation necessary to implement all provisions of this charter.