[Added 9-17-2024 by Ord. No. 2024.147]
(a) This division shall be known as the "Opioid Use Settlement Fund Tracking
and Reporting Ordinance."
(b) The purpose of this division is to establish a transparent and accountable
system for the management, tracking, and reporting of all revenues
and expenses associated with the Opioid Use Settlement Fund in the
City of Biddeford.
[Added 9-17-2024 by Ord. No. 2024.147]
(a) The City Manager or appropriate fiscal officer is hereby directed
to establish a dedicated account, to be known as the "Opioid Use Settlement
(b) All revenues received from opioid settlements or related activities
shall be deposited directly into this separate account.
(c) Expenses related to the opioid crisis or pursuant to the approved strategic plan as outlined in Section
2-380 will be drawn from this account.
[Added 9-17-2024 by Ord. No. 2024.147]
(a) All Opioid Use Settlement Funds shall be utilized solely to supplement
and strengthen resources for the approved uses described herein. These
uses include opioid use disorder prevention, harm reduction, treatment,
and recovery.
(b) The expenditure of Opioid Use Settlement Funds is strictly prohibited
from being used to offset or supplant any existing or already budgeted
expenditures. This includes any attempt to use opioid use settlement
funds to replace or reduce funding for programs or services that are
currently funded through other sources.
[Added 9-17-2024 by Ord. No. 2024.147]
(a) The Finance Director or appropriate fiscal officer shall provide
a detailed annual report to the City Council on the Opioid Use Settlement
Fund by the first City Council meeting of September.
(b) Each report shall include, at a minimum:
Total revenues received since the previous report.
A categorized list of all expenses made from the Fund since
the previous report.
A summary of the current balance of the Fund.
Any other relevant information deemed necessary by the City
[Added 9-17-2024 by Ord. No. 2024.147]
(a) The City Council adopt a strategic plan detailing the operational
use of the Opioid Use Settlement Fund revenues on a biennial basis,
with said adoption to be completed no later than November 30 of the
even-numbered years. The City Council may direct City staff and/or
a designated City committee to develop the strategic plan, which shall
then be reviewed and approved by the City Council.
(b) The strategic plan shall include:
Specific goals and objectives related to the use of the funds.
Detailed budget projections.
Expected outcomes and performance metrics.
Strategies for community engagement and input.
(c) Any substantial changes or amendments to the strategic plan will
require City Council approval.
(d) Expenditures from the Opioid Use Settlement Fund exceeding $10,000
or not explicitly permitted in the strategic plan or outside its scope
must be approved by the City Council prior to disbursement.
[Added 9-17-2024 by Ord. No. 2024.147]
(a) This division shall take effect 30 days after its passage.
(b) The City Council shall review the effectiveness of this division
and make necessary amendments as deemed appropriate, but at a minimum,
every two years coinciding with the strategic planning process.