[Adopted 6-28-1995 as L.L. No. 3-1995[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law was approved by mandatory referendum at the general election held 11-7-1995.
This Article is adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Home Law of the State of New York.
The term of office of the elected Town Supervisor and Town Superintendent of Highways shall be four years. Such four-year term shall commence as of the first day of January 1996 and shall apply to the person elected to such office at the biennial town election to be held on November 7, 1995, and to those elected thereafter, provided that a proposition submitted pursuant to § 25-10 below is approved.
This Article is adopted subject to a mandatory referendum and shall be submitted for approval of the qualified voters of the Town of Red Hook at the biennial town election to be held on November 7, 1995. A proposition in the following form shall be included on the ballot at such biennial town election, and the increased term of office shall not take effect unless such proposition is approved by a majority vote of the qualified voters voting thereon:
"Shall Local Law No. 3 1995, entitled 'A Local Law Increasing the Term of Office of Town Supervisor and Town Highway Superintendent from Two to Four Years' be approved?"
This Article shall supersede Town Law § 24, relating to the term of office for Town Supervisor and Town Highway Superintendent of the Town of Red Hook.