The Open Space Review Board shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
To identify, review, evaluate and rate the relative desirability of interest in real property; establish the price the Township will pay for particular parcels; and submit recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for its consideration to acquire such interest in the real property.
To recommend to the Board of Supervisors procedures for:
Reviewing open space property interests.
Rating the relative desirability of interest in particular parcels of real estate.
Establishing the price the Township will pay for acquisition of real property interests.
The Open Space Review Board shall submit the following information and reports to the Board of Supervisors as indicated:
An annual report to the Board of Supervisors not later than February 28 following the year for which the report applies, and said report to include a summary of the activities of the Open Space Review Board with particular reference to the extent and adequacy of the program and its effectiveness in view of the public expenditure involved and the public objectives to be met.
Prepare and submit recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding the following:
Type of real property (open space) interest to be acquired (fee simple, conservation easement, other).
Type of use of real property (open space) to be considered (passive, active, public access, public view, other).
Management, covenants and restrictions to be considered.
Establishment of a program to purchase open space property interests on an installment or other deferred basis.
Review proposed ordinance provisions that relate to the protection, preservation and management of open space in the Township.
Coordinate with the Parks and Recreation Board and the Planning Commission by evaluating any property being considered for active recreation or passive open space to effect program implementation.