Minimum Standards
Community Commercial
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Lot size*
10,000 square feet
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Lot width
80 feet
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Lot depth
150 feet
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Front yard
30 feet
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Side yard**
10 feet
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Rear yard
30 feet
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Building height (maximum)
35 feet
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Buffer yard (as required by § 360-93 of this chapter)
When on-lot sewer facilities are to be utilized,
the minimum lot size may be increased by the Township Sewage Enforcement
Officer or Department of Environmental Protection for factors relating
to health and sanitation.
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When mutual agreement is provided in writing
by the adjoining property owners, no side yard shall be required where
two or more commercial uses adjoin side to side. In the case of a
series of adjoining structures abutting and paralleling a public right-of-way,
an open and unobstructed passage of at least 20 feet in width shall
be provided at grade level at intervals of not more than 400 feet