For the purpose of protecting the general health, safety and
welfare by maintaining and protecting the natural terrain and vegetation
features; providing safe building sites by preventing surface erosion,
creep and sudden slope failure; protecting important scenic views
and vistas; preserving waterways, open bodies of water and wetlands;
preventing flooding; and preserving areas of wildlife habitat, it
is the intent of this chapter to regulate disturbance on steep slopes,
prominent higher elevations, plateaus and hilltops that is visible
from a public property, roads open to the public or other area open
to or accessible to the public. Toward this end, wherever possible,
new construction shall avoid disturbing such areas and the existing
vegetation thereon. Consequently, modifications to a site shall use
sensitive and sustainable methodologies and solutions that preserve
the existing environment, to the maximum extent practicable, and harmoniously
integrate both the natural and built environments.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
The area delineated on a site or subdivision plan within
which all disturbance, clearing or building activity is to occur.
Land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling,
or the building of structures, including driveways.
The areas 100 feet back from prominent hilltops, ridgelines,
plateaus with a slope of at least 25%, and other such topographic
features that are visible from a public property, roads open to the
public or other areas open to or accessible to the public, the development
of which may impact scenic views, surface water drainage systems,
open space, wildlife corridors, and existing vegetation, as identified
on the Ridgeline Preservation Map as adopted by the Town Board and
amended from time to time.
Ground areas with a minimum slope of 25% or greater, with
a minimum area of 100 square feet and a minimum horizontal distance
of 10 feet.
Any construction or operations existing within areas defined
as steep slopes, or within a Ridgeline Protection Area, prior to the
effective date of this chapter shall be exempt from this chapter,
provided that no new construction or operation will be permitted after
the effective date of this chapter except by permit as provided.
The fee for a steep slope permit and the fee for a ridgeline
permit shall be as established from time to time by the Town Board.
Should any paragraph, section or portion thereof of this chapter
be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or
unlawful, the same shall not affect the remainder of this chapter
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to
be invalid.
This chapter shall take effect immediately.