[Adopted 1-1-1981 by Ord. No. 80-23-780 as Ch. 132, Art. VII, of the 1981 Code]
No map, plat or plot plan shall be approved or accepted by the Mayor and Council unless it complies with the provisions of this article, other provisions of this Code and any other ordinances of the Borough pertaining thereto.
The approval of a map, plat or plot plan shall in no way be construed as an acceptance by the Borough of any street shown thereon.
Every street or road shown on a map, plat or plot plan approved by the Mayor and Council shall be deemed an unaccepted street or road until such time as it has been formally dedicated for public use and accepted by ordinance as provided in this article.
The offering of a map by the applicant and its acceptance by the Borough shall constitute a valid and binding agreement by the applicant that he will carry out, construct and perform all of the provisions and details thereof and of the plans, specifications and data in connection therewith, as well as the provisions of this article. Upon his failure to do so, the Borough may resort to injunctive relief or apply for specific performance in the appropriate courts, in addition to any other remedy which it may have for breach of contract or for a violation of this article.