[Added 11-14-2005 by Ord. No. 55-2005]
Whereas, the governing body of the City of Millville adopted Resolution No. A-4260 on March 18, 2003, designating an area of the City as an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (LRHL), which area is known as the Center City Redevelopment Area; and
Whereas, the governing body of the City of Millville adopted Ordinance No. 27-2003 on October 7, 2003, which adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Center City Redevelopment Area; and
Whereas, the governing body of the City of Millville has determined that nine additional properties, which are located adjacent to the Routes 47/55 interchange area and are adjacent to or within the general boundaries of the Center City Redevelopment Area are necessary for inclusion in the Center City Redevelopment Area in order to effectively carry out a comprehensive redevelopment of the area pursuant to the Center City Redevelopment Plan. These properties are as follows:
Block 228, Lot 11
Block 228, Lot 12
Block 228, Lot 13
Block 228, Lot 15
Block 228, Lot 16
Block 228, Lot 17
Block 228, Lot 18
Block 228, Lot 19
Block 228, Lot 20
Whereas, the professional staff of the City of Millville has recommended the inclusion of these properties in the Center City Redevelopment Area to carry out the intent and purposes of the Center City Redevelopment Plan, and to facilitate the construction of a regional shopping center to be located at the Routes 47/55 interchange area which requires these nine properties along with other properties to complete the assemblage of land required for the construction of the regional shopping center; and
Whereas, the redeveloper for the regional shopping center proposes to construct approximately 500,000 square feet of retail space to be located on approximately 60 acres of land adjacent to the two state highways, it is estimated that the total cost of the project would be approximately $70,000,000 with employment of approximately 1,000 jobs together with the generation of significant real estate taxes and UEZ revenues for the City of Millville; and
Whereas, the governing body of the City of Millville adopted Resolution No. A-5255 on October 4, 2005, which authorized the municipal Planning Board to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine if these properties meet the criteria for inclusion into the Center City Redevelopment Area and to consider an amendment to the Center City Redevelopment Plan to include said properties in the plan; and
Whereas, the municipal Planning Board undertook that required investigation and public hearing on October 31, 2005, and approved a written report which set forth its findings that the Center City Redevelopment Area should be amended to include the subject properties, and the Center City Redevelopment Plan also should be amended to include the subject properties.
The Center City Redevelopment Area is hereby amended to include the subject properties listed above.
The Center City Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended to include the subject properties listed above, and condemnation is authorized to acquire the subject properties for construction of the Regional Shopping Center.
The Director of Economic Development is hereby authorized to amend the list of the blocks and lots of properties attached to the Center City Redevelopment Plan to include the subject properties listed above.
The aerial map for the Revenue Allocation District dated October 2005 is hereby approved.
The block number map for the Revenue Allocation District dated October 2005 is hereby approved.